If you want to get better, I suggest you:
1, Get an ethernet adapter, less likely to lag and have input delays. before I got one, my wifi was killing me. now people from UK, NL, and DE have lag free games. and I'm from New York.
2, Find a controller that fits YOU, don't always go with what people suggest, find something that can fit your hand, and the flexibility on your fingers to the buttons. I personally grew up playing smash on the GameCube controller. so I prefer that. but I have seen people like JuneBug, (very high level lucario player), use the wii remote and do amazing things... just don't pick up the gamepad, since as far as I know, locals ban it.
3, Go on Anther's Ladder / SmashLadder, you get a perfect tournament-like feel at your own home, Striking stages, Counterpicking, Best of 3s/5s, and platform stages, with decent amount of people being skilled, or at least know what they are doing.
4, Learn not to stale your moves, If you keep doing a move over and over your opponent will live up to 170+ damage, and that's not good. mix up your attacks, be creative with them too.
5, Don't always rely on the training room, it's better to practice true combos on cpus on level 7 or so. Why 7? they react more human than level 9s, level 9s insta airdodge everything and react too fast.
6, Watch tutorial videos on your favorite character, and check out the character selection on these forums.
For Glory is fun in a sense that it's fast, convenient, and you get to experiment with different characters.
IMO If there's one thing for glory helps you on in terms of skill, is learning people's bad habits, learning how to read and punish them, and learn certain matchups, otherwise I wouldn't recommend it as a source to get overall better.