I feel like is kind of weird when it comes to her/his/their/its(? LMAO!) position on me. #222 they posted an ordered reads list, their best reads (as in least suspicious, not necessarily town) were 1. Bessie (themselves) 2. Kary 3. Me Embarrass
Kary asked this in response, here's some of what went down
But as someone who said that all content is useful in #280, Bess shouldn't be saying that this would be useless. I don't think it would be! Like maybe Kary was confused about one of my posts but Bess happened to quote that one and add what they thought about it. Like that would be super helpful right? It kind of feels to me that they didn't fully want to commit to having a more positive read on me compared to the other players for some reason (such as to mislynch, since I think the thread was still kind of mixed on me at the time? don't quote me though
Pokechu, 2020) the whole sequence I just found kind of off.
In her original read list
She has GLG and Pythag both lower than Maven, and Pythag is her worst read. But she really doesn't say much about him? Like most of her Pythag posts D1 are like asking for clarification. None of it is really dunking on him like how she did with Maven in #222 or GLG in #197.
This is what she says about Pythag in her #280, but breaking it down I really don't see how any of this contributes to a scum read.
#35 was just two jokes and I'm not sure how it could influence thoughts throughout the rest of the pages. I couldn't find what she said about #44 but unless I missed something this is all she said about #55.
Then #113, 119 and 120 are all question posts from Pythag.
But Bess never says how they're "active lurking". I'm not sure what she means to get at here. Like the last two question were in response to another player so what else is Pythag supposed to say besides his answer?? LOL Like I can definitely understand having a problem with his lack of substance. But to isolate these three posts is kind of weird imo.
She kind of dunks on him here for his #205
but really this doesn't mean anything. Like Pythag said nothing wrong. There definitely are assumed ways to play "wrong" (see: my refusal to vote and how people think it's scummy LOL ) and regardless it's easy to see what Pythag could have meant, that he just wants to have more success with his plays. He wants to play in a way that gets him more coordination overall with the town for example. Or in a way that makes his reads clearer, maybe how he goes about them. There's nothing wrong with that so I'm not sure why Bess would label it.
Like most of her commentary about Pythag really doesn't seem like Pythag deserves "worst read in the game"

like I'm suspicious of Pythag too and I feel really weird almost defending him here LMAO but the way Bessie is pushing on him is wacky. Like she's not using real content to say he's bad.
Also speaking about GLG's #197 I feel like Bess' response is kind of malevolent? Like it takes it out of context
I personally liked GLG's response, it answers my question perfectly so Bessie's comment here against GLG seems a bit manufactured. She also hasn't said much about GLG aside from this so it's hard to see why she has GLG and Pythag both as worse reads than Maven. She doesn't have either dead to rights and doesn't exactly paint the picture of how they're anti-town, she just more so aired grievances with some of their posts.
Back to me though Embarrass I think some of Bess' pings in #422 are a bit janky
I think she's still a bit confused about my #291 #295 #297 but I can understand that, my mindset in those three (in case anyone else is confused) was that #291 is me thinking GLG hasn't been active, so he'll get a replacement. #295 I'm surprised and caught offguard from Z not agreeing, because I know GLG hasn't been active
because I've read the thread LOL and #297 is confirming myself. I don't agree with her second point though. Z is my top scumread but that doesn't mean I have to go against everything the slot says, and Z did bring up a good point in that if GLG really was going to be replaced, he would have been prodded. Like regardless of the amount of time GLG was gone, that holds up. So I'm not sure why Bess found this strange?
you're right about my post #217! Like I just put that out to say I was going to look some more at Maven as a whole.
But if most players haven't provided an ordered town-scum list, why is it a ping that I have not as well? Or is this a typo? It's probably a typo LOL
Not sure what she means to get at about me not unvoting when GLG was the likely lynch. Is a ping necessarily bad? Or like just an eyebrow raise, like just simply interesting. That'd be nice to know! But either way I don't think it should be interesting that I stayed on Maven when I already said a couple of times D1 I was OK with GLG despite his inactivity, that I wanted to see more from him. Still think it'd be nice for Bess to have more conviction behind what she's saying, rather than just "this pinged me."
I addressed most of this but I'm not sure why she would single out my #291 either. I think one would find it weird regardless of alignment right? Like it doesn't seem alignment indicative. Like the whole fixation on me thinking GLG would replace out, seems a bit useless to point out, because of this. Like you can't gain anything from it and it's weak evidence to support a scumread imo. Not sure why she brings up my #295 without my #297 either. Like looking into it a bit closer a lot of Bess' pushes or observations are a bit confusing or a bit empty imo.