I meant that generally. Like if a player is harping on someone that you think is town, even if it's just that one player harping, it might be nice to step in and give your own two cents. If Poy was immediately voting those who even glanced at Zest LOL then that'd be weird. But just putting out your thoughts helps.
Honestly? From what I've seen toDay? Z or Pythag.
Z because his arguments against me are just constructed very poorly. I'm mad in the first place cause it's against me LMAO, but I'm even MADDER that it's BAD. Like come on!!! If you're going to vote me, make it GOOD. STOMP me into the ground! Make me cry!! It feels like he just wanted to vote just to vote. See if he could get a real wagon going. Even his #192 terribly misrepresents one of my posts saying I was suggesting a wagon on Maven and that I approve of getting wagons on anyone for the heck of it. In his #174 he said he chose not to post because there's not much to say, but as town shouldn't you try to put more content out regardless? Even if it's asking players their stances on random things (like Poy asking me whether the ends justify the means). Staying silent just because "idk what to post" isn't good for town at all.
And Pythag is me kind of taking a shot in the dark but I feel like throughout the phase they've only been reacting. Like going with the flow. Just there. I think the slot hasn't been proactive enough, I don't get that vibe.
lays tarot cards and ouija board out I'm getting a negative aura. He's asked a few questions this phase but they seem to be moreso clarification and not really trying to further a read or a perspective on someone, and overall he hasn't attracted much attention. His vote on GLG seems a bit unprompted considering how he didn't say much about the slot before IIRC. But I think my suspicion is partially due to me not having played with him before.
I'm also OK with T-Rax for the same reason, that I haven't played with them before. I don't feel guilty voting out a stranger

I don't think the slot has done anything overtly scummy but it's D1 so it's too early to say someone's definitely scum and someone has to be the first to bite the bullet. So if Z's out, and Pythag's out, then I'd have to say him because those three players are the ones I'm least confident in. But now that Maven hasn't posted anything besides throwing shade at T-Rax, him too. I'm equally as unsure of Maven and T-Rax. My joke vote has unironically become a possible vote for me! I like when that happens
tl;dr Z, Pythag, T-Rax, or Maven. Z first, the rest in any order really.