can you answer my questions from before. Additionally, why have you ignored soups responses?
I feel that my vote and initial question to him were perfectly fine by RVS standards. I don't see how they weren't. Maybe we have different ideologies about what is and what isn't good RVS. I don't understand why he needs to ask so many questions about my rvs play, so it just came off to me as weird. Also, regarding having dialogue with myself, I don't see a problem with voicing my opinion on something and incurring scrutiny from it. You tell me; should transparency be condemned this early on in the game?
Like, my first question to soup could've had any number of different responses. Anywhere from "IDK bb, which one do you want me to be" to "foe, screw you bro" and it would have been fine. Instead, my intent is called into question, and then he suggests that a town read early on in the game on my slot is bad.
Where is the scum intent in not responding to his response right away?
Just clarifying that this isn't rhetorical. Also is there anything in particular that you do not like about Bardull so far that is causing you to question why I like him?
~ Gheb ~
what do you think of soup's view of Ryu and his post? What do you think of his view against trying to get out of RVS quickly?
Same questions as above.
I don't feel like talking about soup, trying to read the slot makes me not enjoy the game. I'll let you deal with it. If you think that I'm somehow scum as a result, that's hilarious, but I don't care.
Let me rephrase. Actually I can't. I just really need you to answer the question I asked. I'll give you a pass and hope you just sort of accidentally/unintentionally dodged it. Tell me WHY you had no intention of pushing gheb and WHY ryker was a better choice (at the time, ofc)
my vote is serious
This post really bothers me but I'm not really sure why. It's like... Between this and your other post I addressed, you're trying really hard to discredit me early? But I might be miased lol. I think i need other people to weigh in
You'd be hard-pressed to make me believe your vote is serious. You've been jumping around incessantly, and when I finally bite and go for Ryker, you turn around and try to stab me in the back regarding content that isn't truly conducive to scummy behavior. What are you trying to achieve with this style of play?
If you analyze my posts, you'll see that I have reason to push for Ryker, and that I haven't strictly voiced a particular reason to feel off about Gheb for this particular game.
Sure, Gheb's voting for me, which under normal circumstances would be a red flag, but there isn't anything inherently wrong with that play early on in the game.
He might be scum, he might not be. I haven't seen anything yet that makes the slot bug me out. If I see a compelling case, one that isn't "hur dur lets go for gheb bro so i can stab you in the back after you give me your vote," I might vote for him.
Ok. What's off and what are you going to do about it?
I've already stated my opinion and voted, I'm not interested in convoluting the thread with anti-Ryker propaganda.