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FinalRound XII: "The HYPE Continues!" - Atlanta, Ga - Mar 13-15, 09


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
Yay meleee.
When did you move chad? Ok I think I might throw Melee on friday and brawl on sat. Melee without items and Brawl with updated rules set. I do believe that the counter system on items is kinda lame. If the item is not thought to be game breaking then it should be allowed imo. This is only for brawl. I need good opinions on why I should or shouldn't have items on brawl. Not just the random "ITEMS SUCK" comments! I don't want to change the fundementals of smash tournaments with final round. I just want to see if we can add some flavor into the brawl tournaments.

The only reason why i'm leaning towards items turned "on" in brawl is because i'm not getting a lot of feedback from this community on this thread. If you feel like items are too random, and shouldn't be used in tournament. Please explain it to a non hardcore smash player like me. I don't understand why items are such a bad thing in smash. I also never really played smash 1 on 1 until brawl was released. I've grown over the years and now I like 1 on 1 smash, but my history with smash has been always 4 player free for all or 2 on 2 team battles! Chad can prolly tell everyone how all of the older EMS crew use to play the original SUPER SMASH BROTHERS all the time. I feel like I had a hand in chad loving smash soo much, but he took it to another level when he started to play smash 1 on 1 in tournaments.

I want to respect the tradition of the smash community in running traditional style tournaments, but I need the feedback from you guy's. My only problem with brawl is how long the tournament last. I have to figure out a way to speed up the brawl tournament. If I have to make it no items I will, but if no one can give me good reason why I shouldn't allow items then I will allow them. If the smash community doesn't give my good feedback on why I shouldn't allow items then I will allow them due to no responds from THIS COMMUNITY! I'm giving everyone in the smash community that was thinking about attending FRXII to state your case for items on or off.

It's starting to seem like you guy's don't even care if I have brawl or melee at Final Round! This tournament is for you guys. Not for me. I run Final Round every year for the southeast gamers! If the southeast smash players can't come on this thread and debate items on or off then I might as well take smash off the tournament list. I don't want to waste my time OR MONEY renting space for people that don't want to attend Final Round. I know what chad and girbil thoughts are as they have been avid supporters and given good input towards rules for smash tournaments. I'm putting the ball in your court Smash community! If you want to play ANY smash at FRXII then you need to speak your mind. I'm starting to get a headache over this crap.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
P.S.- I wonder if people want to attend when this thread is always on the 2nd or 3rd page in this section. I guess Final Round. I know if I don't get any feedback from this thread I will cancel smash from this years event. If that happens it will be VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY hard to get me to throw another smash tournament at Final Round ever again. As a "MAJOR TOURNAMENT ORGANIZER" I have to think about how can I make my tournament the best for everyone. I know some people aren't going to be happy, but I have to do what is right for the majority of players.

NO FEEDBACK= I don't care about smash at Final Round. Well that's how i'm going to look at it people. So I suggest you get to posting people or have you already made your statement by not posting in this tread. I really don't care if people think it's to far away to talk about this right now. It's better to get stuff out of the way early imo then to wait for the last minute to make up your minds. I'm really asking for you guys to show that you care how smash is run at FRXII. If not just tell me so I can take smash off the list right now. I'm leaving this up to you guys. Your input will show me if you want smash at Final Round.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Do you realize how far away this is? That's why this thread isnt active. We have given feedback. Basically, keep to the traditional rule sets and it will keep us happy.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
Shin chill man, sometimes silence is a good thing as well. Just because people aren't posting doesn't mean people won't know about the tourny or won't take notice. If there's not a lot of feedback at least it's not negative or complaining about the rules.

I can pretty much say that everyone of my crew and more from my area will be going to this, they just haven't posted because it's not exactly close to now and we have other tournies to worry about planning for etc. etc.

=o We want Smash at Final Round!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
Just a post I got from srk and I wanted the people to read this.

Larry: I just want to know if the Smash Tourney is being held for the SWF community or the SRK community or the Smash Community in general. If it is being held for the Smash community in general, we don't have the right to make the rules on this one. We are NOT dedicated to Smash. That's the point that I'm trying to make. FRXI is many months away and this is something that would need to be taken care of. It's not like last year when Brawl was new. I seriously believe that we should let the SWF community have the most influence on this one because they are the ones completely dedicated to it, not us. I'm not hating on Keits and his decisions but I feel that Smash should be catered to them the same way the other games are catered to us. We don't change the Tekken ruleset or Soul Calibur ruleset so why are we changing their ruleset. This is so all communities can come together. Not so we can take over their community the way we see fit. Just my 2 cents.
I feel the sameway sir. I don't want to change the fundamentals rules of the smash community. This tournament is for the hardcore smash players in general. Yes I may not agree with their rule sets, but I do respect them as a real fighting game community and I don't have a right to change the way they play their favorite game. But they need to "STEP UP" and give me some good input on their website to help me shorten the time of the smash tournaments. They just take to dang long for a multiple game major tournament imo. I just want a faster way to run smash, but I don't want to change the fundamental rules for smash.

I finaly get why they don't want items on. It's the way they learn how to play the game and it's the way the majority learned how to play the game for serious tournament play. For all of those that want to change the rules for brawl look at it like this. What would happen if I told all of the mvc2 players they couldn't use helpers/assist during the tournament. I would get laughed at and no one would take FR as a serious tournament let alone a MAJOR tournament for mvc2.

A better example would be the console 3S. What if I said, the option "chain combo's" would be on for the 3S tournament. What do you think people would think about that?:confused: They would laugh at Final Round and call it a joke/sham of a tournament. I don't want that for the smash section of Final Round, but the people i'm trying to cater too have to act like they care.

Adding items is my best idea, but if they can come up with other idea's without changing the fundamentals of how things are suppose to be played then i'm open for suggestions. I get hardly "any" feedback from them other than "ITEMS ARE FOR SCRUBS" or "ITEMS ARE WACK"! I need more than that from them, but I get little to no input from the swf players! I hope things change or I will take smash off the tournament list. This stuff is starting to give me a headache!:confused::confused:


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
Well this tourny is 7 months away Shin, there's more than plenty of time for people to chime in here...

Even though I don't like brawl, I'd say that items create a random chance for one player or another to have an advantage over the other, and random chance should be minimized in a tournament setting.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
Well this tourny is 7 months away Shin, there's more than plenty of time for people to chime in here...

Even though I don't like brawl, I'd say that items create a random chance for one player or another to have an advantage over the other, and random chance should be minimized in a tournament setting.
I agree with trying to get rid of random crap, but i view it as apart of the game that I learned how to play. I accept that smash is random. Actually it's strange learning to play smash without items for me and the older ems crew. It doesn't feel like smash, but we aren't hardcore like you are chad. I do want Final Round to be thought of as a True Smash major every year, so if I have to go with no items I will, but I need some more feedback on how can we make the tournament faster. Can we goto 2 stock and keep the time at 7 minutes? I don't understand why every 3d game has to be on 3 stock.:confused: Would that be a good idea?:confused:


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Well, Melee is 4 stock.

It isnt the time limit of the match that makes smash tournaments take so long, it's some inexplainable thing that just happens.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
I really don't know what to do for brawl to lower how much time it takes...2 stock seems too less, because one silly mistake and HALF of your entire life is over in a game.

Melee 4 stocks is fine because the pace of the game is generally fast.

Brawl 3 stocks is the standard because of the slower pace of the game.

SPC M. Angseth

Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I actually made a post on SRK about the debate regarding Smash's long tournament listing. Take a look:
Well, Larry, as someone who's pretty into Smash, I can offer the following solutions.
1. Shorten the allowed length of the Brawl matches by decreasing the number of stocks, or by simply making it a time match with a limit of however long you like.
2. If you want to have a short Smash tournament without changing the tournament standard rules, then here's the only solution I can offer: Melee.
Now, keep in mind, I love Brawl. I love Brawl to bits and pieces. However, the fact remains that Brawl takes a hella long time. Melee does not. On average, a standard Melee match will last five minutes, dead maximum. Also, if a Melee tournament is held, you will draw a great deal of attention from SWF's Melee faithful, and Final Round will have a great deal of Smash entrants, most of which will be eliminated quickly to make room for the finals.
This suggestion is in no way intended as antagonistic towards the Brawl community. However, Larry did say that he wants Smash to both have a short running time and cater to the Smash faithful. Melee falls under both of those qualifications.
What do you guys think?


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Two stock doesnt work, it's too short, time matches wont help either. It will just turn into a camp match. Only one kill is needed for the win.

And a Melee set lasts 5-7min max really, not one match.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
Two stock doesnt work, it's too short, time matches wont help either. It will just turn into a camp match. Only one kill is needed for the win.

And a Melee set lasts 5-7min max really, not one match.

Ok so it looks like people want to play melee more than brawl. Keep that good feedback coming people.:):)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
I'll keep asking all my friends about this, Larry. Stay cool, dude.
Yea I will. I think i'm going to have melee and brawl. Brawl will have a new rule set while melee will be the traditional tournament rules!:dizzy::dizzy::)i'll post the new rules soon. Oh yea I need a copy of the official melee rules so I can post them in the rules section also.:)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
Ok there has been a change of plans for smash!


mElee is now added to FRXII. It will be held on sat, march 14. I will adjust the dates on the 1st page of this thread. On friday I will run AllBrawl for those that like items. The normal brawl tournament will start when the melee tournament is in the semi-finals! Chadd will be running the Melee tournament. All standard rules apply. Let me update the front page rules now.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
im pretty confused at this thread...

so there IS gonna be a regular, non items brawl singles tourney? And it starts during the semis of the melee tourney?

how much is the normal brawl singles tourney going to be?

are you going to also have anormal brawl doubles tourney? If so, how much is that gonna be?

if you need a brawl ruleset, theres the official SBR ruleset if you wanna be lazy. Alot of those stages are gay, but its technically the standard they want to use.

and people may post more that theyd rather play melee than brawl ,but brawl will have more entrants in your tourney. Just look at impact clash II


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2005
San Antonio, TX
I have some friends who are interested in this for the other games

but about melee...I dont see any melee rules posted or any updated melee list. How big is melee expected to be?

edit: oh i see melee was JUST added. Maybe give melee a separate thread to get more hype from the melee scene???

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Ok there has been a change of plans for smash!


mElee is now added to FRXII. It will be held on sat, march 14. I will adjust the dates on the 1st page of this thread. On friday I will run AllBrawl for those that like items. The normal brawl tournament will start when the melee tournament is in the semi-finals! Chadd will be running the Melee tournament. All standard rules apply. Let me update the front page rules now.
Hell yeah.....


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
im pretty confused at this thread...

so there IS gonna be a regular, non items brawl singles tourney? And it starts during the semis of the melee tourney?

how much is the normal brawl singles tourney going to be?

are you going to also have anormal brawl doubles tourney? If so, how much is that gonna be?

if you need a brawl ruleset, theres the official SBR ruleset if you wanna be lazy. Alot of those stages are gay, but its technically the standard they want to use.

and people may post more that theyd rather play melee than brawl ,but brawl will have more entrants in your tourney. Just look at impact clash II
No offence but we had 78 people at last years Final Round regular brawl, so I know how many people can show up for regular brawl. I want to start Regular Brawl on sat and finish on sunday. Regular brawl with atleast 70+ takes tooooooooooooooooooooooo long to run on 1 day. Regular Brawl will be $20 and team tournaments will happen if there is time for them! Sorry melee will be $10. I will change that on the front page of this thread. I was rushing to goto sleep yesterday because I had to be out of the house at 5am in the morning. I quick edit the thread, but i'll fix everything now.

Semi's= losers finals! If melee runs fast then we can wait until the end of melee to start regular brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
Chadd, Please post or link me to the melee offical rule set sir so I can add it to the front page of this thread!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
Here's the list updated:

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Isaac Nicholson "raekw0n187" : Ham Samitch, AL
3. Neidel Crisan "Haunts" : NorCal/ATL
4. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
5. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
6. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
7. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
8. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
9. Chase LaCas "Zinac" : Lexington, KY
10. John Blount, "Sazae" : Pensacola, FL
11. Mike G : Atlanta GA
12. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
13. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
14. Brandon "Havoc" : Bowie MD/New York, NY
15. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
16. Allen "Epidemic" : Queens/ATL
17. Bryan Ford "!(•_•)!" : Charlotte, NC
18. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
19. Alex Roski "Cajunstrike" : Kernersville, NC
20. Johnathon Braxton "DevilJin01" : Germantown, MD USA
21. Thomas Chadwick "Knuckledust" : Fayetteville, NC
22. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
23. Rafael "DS" Arias : Bronx, New York
24. ken sk "Henaki" : Bloomfield NJ
25. Ray Riticher "Kajoq" : Lexington, KY
26. Colin Higgins "Shodokan123" : Rhode Island
26. Jamall Hughes "R.P.D. rookie" : Jacksonville, Florida
27. Robert Rivers "fatherbrain" : Hinesville Ga.
28. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
29. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
30. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
31. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, Ga.
32. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
33. John Shelby "Uncle Buck" : Anderson SC
34. Dustin Walker "KOH" : Michigan
35. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
36. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
37. Luis Padilla Jr "merdoc" : Bronx,NY
38. Damian "jinogre" : Douglasville, GA
39. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
40. James Lee "Divine Tenken" : Orlando FL
41. Kevin Ao "Strongy" : Atlanta, GA
42. Edric Chen "namikaze4minato" : Atlanta, GA
43. Victor Yang "Vyang" : Altanta, GA
45. Vincent Yang "phoojYwg" : Atlanta, GA
46. Jason Kim, "Subaru_WRX", Atlanta GA
47. jose santiago "lord jas" : memphis tn
48. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
49. Jesse.R : El Paso, Tx
50. Ryan Cadiente "RyRy" : Virginia Beach, Virginia
51. Josh McWhorter "Icege" : Charleston, SC
52. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
53. Andres Velasco y Coll "nothingxs" : Tha BOTTOM! Florida
54. Kevin Kourim "Smooth Criminal" : Clearwater, Florida
55. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
56. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
57. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
58. Aaron Green "Shadow Ace" : Lithonia, GA
59. Brandon Harrell "branh0913" : Atlanta, GA
60. Anthony Wright "Adam Warlock " : Orlando, FL
61. Teii "DJteiiBear" : AUGUSTA, Ga.
62. DeMorris Edberson "SilentSymphony" ; Greenville NC
63. George D. "GREEK" : Brooklyn, NY
64. Rashid Reddy "ShinkuuR" : Savannah, Ga
65. Josh Jodoin "NerdJosh" : NE
66. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
67. Quan " Daddyneptune" : Dayton,OH
68. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA
69. Andrew Melvin "Devil Reborn" Cocoa Beach, FL
70. Keith Kelly "GDX" Winter Haven, FL

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Neidel Crisan "Haunts" : NorCal/ATL
3. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
4. June Ro "dooboy" : Tha "A"
5. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
6. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
7. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
8. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
9. Allen "Epidemic" : Queens/ATL
10. Brandon Lee "Brandino" : Goldsboro, NC
11. Bryan Ford "!(•_•)!" : Charlotte, NC
12. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
13. Alex Roski "Cajunstrike" : Kernersville, NC
14. Trayveon Maxwell III "Coolbreeze" : ATL GAWGA
15. Johnathon Braxton "DevilJin01" : Germantown, MD USA
16. Thomas Chadwick "Knuckledust" : Fayetteville, NC
17. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
18. Colin Higgins "Shodokan123" : Rhode Island
19. ken sk "Henaki" : Bloomfield NJ
20. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
21. Jamall Hughes "R.P.D. rookie" : Jacksonville, Florida
22. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
23. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
24. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
25. Ernesto Garibay (Omnislash) : Conyers, GA
26. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, Ga.
27. John Shelby "Uncle Buck" : Anderson SC
28. Dustin Walker "KOH" : Michigan
29. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
30. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
31. Henry Funny, "TruTH101", Greensboro,NC
32. Marques Brooks "CoosCoos" : Augusta, Georgia
33. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
34. Kevin Ao "Strongy" : Atlanta, GA
35. Brandon Harrell "branh0913" : Atlanta, GA
36. Victor Yang "Vyang" : Altanta, GA
37. Vincent Yang "phoojYwg" : Atlanta, GA
38. Daniel Lower "Lastblade" : Houston, TX
39. Jason Kim, "Subaru_WRX", Atlanta GA
40. jose santiago "lord jas" : memphis tn
41. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
42. Ben : Houston, TX
43. Anibal Pulido "ngnt4" : Atlanta , GA
44. Jonathan Perez "Crackhead": Newnan, Ga
45. Ernesto Carrillo "The Fighting Mongoose": Newnan, GA
46. Rolando Carrillo "The Flaming Flamingo": Newnan, GA
47. Ronald Yip "Sexyeggfuuyung": Newnan, GA
48. Kevin Kourim "Smooth Criminal" : Clearwater, Florida
49. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
50. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
51. James Sov "Kasei" : Dacula, GA
52. Eugene johnson Jr : Nashville Tn
53. Teii "DJteiiBear" : AUGUSTA, Ga.
54. Jay Jay "J4YX2" : Los Angeles, CA
55. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
56. Narada Pollard "K yoji24" : Jackson,MS
57. Antonio "Sayco" : Md

1. Isaac Nicholson "raekw0n187" : Ham Samitch, AL
2. Trayveon Maxwell III "Coolbreeze" : ATL GAWGA
3. Colin Higgins "Shodokan123" : Rhode Island
4. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
5. Ricky Walker "Pokchop" : Atlanta, Ga.
6. J.E. Smith "torn" : Denver, CO
7. Justin Elkins "9thPixel" : Dalton, Ga.
8. Hoa "Anakin" : Atlanta,Georgia
9. Charlie "CodEZ" : Nashville, TN
10. Steve V. "UnDeRoAtH" : Augusta, GA
11. Spero Gineros "Spero Gin" : Long Island, New York
12. Fernando Febles "The Game" : Bronx, NY
13. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
14. Ian Davis "WoTmanX" : Nashville, TN
15. Will "Will's Julia" : Mobile, AL
16. Gary Santiago "liquid" : Queens, NY
17. ariel capellan "FightingGM" : Bronx, New York
18. Damian "jinogre" : Douglasville, GA
19. Jeffrey B. Wynn II "JuS J3F" : La Plata,MD
20. Ray Aviles "kPc" : Dover, DE
21. Ryan Cadiente "RyRy" : Virginia Beach, Virginia
22. D. August. Allen XI "The (B.A.D) Exalted" : Harlem, NYC
23. Richard Warren "wing_zero" : Ga.
24. Josh McWhorter "Icege" : Charleston, SC
25. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
26. Daniel Lower "Lastblade" : Houston, TX
27. Jason Harding "Rugal.B" : Baltimore Md.
28. Steve Palakas "Blood Hawk" : NYC, New York
29. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
30. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
31. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
32. Teii "DJteiiBear" : AUGUSTA, Ga.
33. DeMorris Edberson "SilentSymphony" ; Greenville NC
34. Rashid Reddy "ShinkuuR" : Savannah, Ga
35. Adam Coble "Hyper kid" : Cincinnati, Ohio
36. Antonio "Sayco" : Md
37. Andrew Melvin "Devil Reborn" Cocoa Beach, FL
38. Zen knight "knocturnal" : orlando, Fl

1. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
2. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
3. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
4. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
5. Alex Roski "Cajunstrike" : Kernersville, NC
6. Phil Haith "P-Soul" : Greensboro, NC
7. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
8. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
9. Ian Davis "WoTmanX" : Nashville, TN
10. Damian "jinogre" : Douglasville, GA
11. Ray Aviles "kPc" : Dover, DE
12. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
13. Kevin Ao "Strongy" : Atlanta, GA
14. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
15. Ryan Cadiente "RyRy" : Virginia Beach, Virginia
16. Richard Warren "wing_zero" : Ga.
17. Steve Palakas "Blood Hawk" : NYC, New York
18. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
19. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
20. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
21. Rashid Reddy "ShinkuuR" : Savannah, Ga
22. Jason Kim, Subaru_WRX, Atlanta
23. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
24. Andrew Melvin "Devil Reborn" Cocoa Beach, FL
25. Ken Williams "Berry" : Baton Rouge, LA
26. ryan defield "lobo" : phoenix, az
27. Amelick Njie "shadowG" : Dallas, Tx

1. Isaac Nicholson "raekw0n187" : Ham Samitch, AL
2. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
3. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
4. Chase LaCas "Zinac" : Lexington, KY
5. Kayin Wolf "Wolfstar" : New London, CT
6. Mike G : Atlanta GA
7. AJ Hodges "Alternate275" : Columbus, GA
8. Trayveon Maxwell III "Coolbreeze" : ATL GAWGA
9. Rafael "DS" Arias : Bronx, New York
10. ken sk "Henaki" : Bloomfield NJ
11. George D. "GREEK" : Brooklyn, NY
12. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
13. Alex T (Senkei) : o-town, FL
14. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
15. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
16. Philip Shin "krazykorean" : Murfreesboro TN
17. Eric Cox "R.D.K." : ATL!!!
18. Ben Robinson "Silent Shinobi" : B'ham, Al
19. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
20. Daniel Lower "Lastblade" : Houston, TX
21. Jason Kim, "Subaru_WRX", Atlanta GA
22. Vincent Yang, "PhoojYwg", Atlanta GA
23. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
24. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
25. Brandon Lee "Brandino" : Goldsboro, NC
26. Brandon Harrell "branh0913" : Atlanta, GA
27. Josh Jodoin "NerdJosh" : NE
28. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
29. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
30. Darren "FD" : Houston TX

1. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
2. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
3. Trayveon Maxwell III "Coolbreeze" : ATL GAWGA
4. Ricky Walker "Pokchop" : Atlanta, Ga.
5. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
6. Fernando Febles "The Game" Bronx, NY
7. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
8. Cheryl Ritchson "Qu33n Hon3y" : Miami, FL
9. Amir Arabi "SNAKESHOTPEOPLE" : Bronx, NY
10. Joshua Aponte "J360 " : Bronx NY
11. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
12. Max Moore "50moReceNts" : The "A"
13. Marques Brooks "CoosCoos" : Augusta, Georgia
14. Luis Padilla Jr "merdoc" : Bronx,NY
15. Damian "jinogre" : Douglasville, GA
16. Jeffrey B. Wynn II "JuS J3F" : La Plata,MD
17. James Lee "Divine Tenken" : Orlando FL
18. Kevin Hicks "LordHollow" : Detroit, MI
19. jose santiago "lord jas" : memphis tn
20. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
21. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
22. Maria Angseth "SPC M. Angseth": Atlanta, GA
23. Kevin Kourim "Smooth Criminal" : Clearwater, Florida
24. Mike G : Atlanta GA
25. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
26. Eddie Mu, "Bananas" : Atlanta, GA
27. Abishai Israel "Spaceman Spiff!" : Md.
28. Anthony Wright "Adam Warlock " : Orlando, FL
29. Eugene johnson Jr : Nashville Tn
30. Josh Jodoin "NerdJosh" : NE
31. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
32. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
33. Adam Coble "Hyper kid" : Cincinnati, Ohio
34. Quan " Daddyneptune" : Dayton,OH
35. Rod West : Durham, NC

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
3. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
4. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
5. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
6. Brandon "Havoc" : Bowie MD/New York, NY
7. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
8. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
9. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
10. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
11. Henry Funny, "TruTH101", Greensboro,NC
12. Max Moore "50moReceNts" : The "A"
13. Marques Brooks "CoosCoos" : Augusta, Georgia
14. James Lee "Divine Tenken" : Orlando FL
15. Corey Lanier : Harrisburg, IL
16. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
17. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
18. Jason Harding "Rugal.B" : Baltimore Md.
19. Andres Velasco y Coll "nothingxs" : Tha BOTTOM! Florida
20. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
21. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
22. Aaron Green "Shadow Ace" : Lithonia, GA
23. James Sov "Kasei" : Dacula, GA
24. Anthony Wright "Adam Warlock " : Orlando, FL
25. Teii "DJteiiBear" : AUGUSTA, Ga.
26. Ernesto Garibay (Omnislash) : Conyers, GA
27. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
28. Narada Pollard "K yoji24" : Jackson,MS
29. Adam Coble "Hyper kid" : Cincinnati, Ohio

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Chase LaCas "Zinac" : Lexington, KY
5. Kayin Wolf "Wolfstar" : New London, CT
6. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
7. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
8. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
9. Rafael "DS" Arias : Bronx, New York
10. Ray Riticher "Kajoq" : Lexington, KY
11. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
12. Robert Rivers "fatherbrain" : Hinesville Ga.
13. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
14. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
15. J.E. Smith "torn" : Denver, CO
16. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, GA
17. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
18. John Shelby "Uncle Buck" : Anderson SC
19. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
20. Max Moore "50moReceNts" : The "A"
21. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
22. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
23. Jason Harding "Rugal.B" : Baltimore Md.
24. Andres Velasco y Coll "nothingxs" : Tha BOTTOM! Florida
25. Kevin Kourim "Smooth Criminal" : Clearwater, Florida
26. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
27. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
28. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
29. jose santiago "lord jas" : memphis tn
30. Ernesto Garibay (Omnislash) : Conyers, GA
31. Maria Angseth "SPC M. Angseth": Atlanta, GA
32. Josh Jodoin "NerdJosh" : NE
33. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
34. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
3. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
4. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
5. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
6. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
7. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
8. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
9. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
10. Rafael Arias "DS" : Bronx, New York
11. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
12. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
13. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
14. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
15. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
3. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
4. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
5. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
6. John Blount, "Sazae" : Pensacola, FL
7. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
8. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
9. Rafael "DS" Arias : Bronx, New York
10. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
11. Henry Funny, "TruTH101", Greensboro,NC
12. Kevin Hicks "LordHollow" : Detroit, MI
13. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
14. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
15. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
16. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
17. Rashid Reddy "ShinkuuR" : Savannah, Ga
18. Adam Coble "Hyper kid" : Cincinnati, Ohio
19. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
3. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
4. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
5. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
6. AJ Hodges "Alternate275" : Columbus, GA
7. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
8. Matt Oconner "NinjaMatt" : Tha, "A"
9. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
10. Phil Haith "P-Soul" : Greensboro, NC
11. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
12. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, Ga.
13. Marques Brooks "CoosCoos" : Augusta, Georgia
14. Ben Robinson "Silent Shinobi" : B'ham, Al
15. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
16. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
17. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
18. ryan defield "lobo" : phoenix, az

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. John Blount, "Sazae" : Pensacola, FL
5. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
6. Matt Oconner "NinjaMatt" : Tha, "A"
7. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
8. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
9. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
10. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida

1. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
2. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
3. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
5. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
6. Matt Oconner "NinjaMatt" : Tha, "A"
7. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.

1. Brandon Harrell "branh0913" : Atlanta, GA
2. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Brandon Lee "Brandino" : Goldsboro, NC
5. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
6. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
7. Rafael "DS" Arias : Bronx, New York
8. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
9. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
10. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta

1. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
2. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
5. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
6. Matt Oconner "NinjaMatt" : Tha, "A"
7. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.

1. Alex Roski "Cajunstrike" : Kernersville, NC
2. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
3. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA

1. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
2. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
3. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
4. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
5. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
6. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
7. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, Ga.
8. Fernando Febles "The Game" : Bronx, NY
9. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
10. Luis Padilla Jr "merdoc" : Bronx,NY
11. Vincent Yang, "PhoojYwg" : Atlanta GA
12. Anibal Pulido "ngnt4" : Atlanta , GA
13. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
5. Chase LaCas "Zinac" : Lexington, KY
6. Ray Riticher "Kajoq" : Lexington, KY
7. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
8. J.E. Smith "torn" : Denver, CO
9. Dustin Walker "KOH" : Michigan
10. Jesse.R : El Paso, Tx
11. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
12. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC

AH2/or AHF
1. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
2. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
3. Rafael "DS" Arias : Bronx, New York
4. J.E. Smith "torn" : Denver, CO
5. Daniel Lower "Lastblade" : Houston, TX
6. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
7. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
8. Daniel Larkins "nekohime" : Rossville, GA
9. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
10. Darren "FD" : Houston TX

SSBB "RegularBrawl"
1. Isaac Nicholson "raekw0n187" : Ham Samitch, AL
2. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
5. Charlie "CodEZ" : Nashville, TN
6. Steve V. "UnDeRoAtH" : Augusta, GA
7. Ian Davis "WoTmanX" : Nashville, TN
8. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
9. Kevin Ao "Strongy" : Atlanta, GA
10. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
11. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
12. Aaron Green "Shadow Ace" : Lithonia, GA
13. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA
14. Keith Kelly "GDX" Winter Haven, FL
15. Michael Buchheit "FullMetal" Suwanee, GA

1. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
2. Maria Angseth "SPC M. Angseth": Atlanta, GA

1. Maria Angseth "SPC M. Angseth": Atlanta, GA
2. Michael Buchheit "FullMetal" Suwanee, GA

1. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
2. Kayin Wolf "Wolfstar" : New London, CT
3. Brandon Lee "Brandino" : Goldsboro, NC
4. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
5. Ben Robinson "Silent Shinobi" : B'ham, Al
6. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
7. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
8. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Melee, Brawl, GG:AC, AND Soul Cal 4? *starts looking for transportation*

Quick critique of the rules:
The random stages for brawl kinda suck. Lylat, Delfino and Castle Siege are definately not neutral stages, but they work well with the California Knockout System (because anyone who doesn't want to play on them can just strike them out for the first match); with random first match, not so much.

Allbrawl might be kinda fun, but I'd much prefer the Item Standard Play ruleset.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
I know what the Backroom Recommended Rules are.

Lylat has a crummy ledge that is a pain to sweetspot, and it randomly tilting can easily pull a person under the wing/pull up too far for you to catch it. The slant completely screws up auto-cancelling and many combos.

Delphino's ledge is a pain too, chars like fox/falco can go straight through the stage if they don't perfectly sweetspot. Being able to go through the bottom of the stage makes it so characters with an offensive upB (MK, g&w) can just run away and attack through the bottom with very little chance of being punished. Walls, so infinites aplenty. Water, so chars with spikes are at an advantage. Walk offs, so low % chain grabs/locks can be a quick and easy stock taken.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
So Regular brawl is $20 dollars, with the $30 entry fee? alrighty

Keith Kelly "GDX" Winter Haven, FL - Regular Brawl, SF4 if its out on consoles by then


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I know what the Backroom Recommended Rules are.

Lylat has a crummy ledge that is a pain to sweetspot, and it randomly tilting can easily pull a person under the wing/pull up too far for you to catch it. The slant completely screws up auto-cancelling and many combos.

Delphino's ledge is a pain too, chars like fox/falco can go straight through the stage if they don't perfectly sweetspot. Being able to go through the bottom of the stage makes it so characters with an offensive upB (MK, g&w) can just run away and attack through the bottom with very little chance of being punished. Walls, so infinites aplenty. Water, so chars with spikes are at an advantage. Walk offs, so low % chain grabs/locks can be a quick and easy stock taken.
Considering you autosweetspot from a mile away, it doesnt really matter much. I have never ever ever had a problem with it.

Delphino's ledges...hmm....doesnt that sound like some CP ledges in Melee? Anyways, recovery is made easy. But anyone can do stuff an offensive recovery w/ the floor (cept people like Olimar). It also allows for a lot of edge games. if Im olimar, I can can just sit on the ledge and do upairs all day through it, and then it auto sweet spots back (UbB is easy if it doesnt). Walls are temporary and usually near the edge of the stage, if you get caught in it, you deserve it. Walk offs, temporary, but still sucks.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Considering you autosweetspot from a mile away, it doesnt really matter much. I have never ever ever had a problem with it.
Unfortunately autosweetspotting doesn't take into account a moving ledge. There has been several times where I've used falco's overB to sweetspot, and the stage just tilts and I die.

Delphino's ledges...hmm....doesnt that sound like some CP ledges in Melee?
Hmm...doesn't that sound like what I'm arguing it should be? A CP? Not a neutral?

Anyways, recovery is made easy. But anyone can do stuff an offensive recovery w/ the floor (cept people like Olimar).
Everyone except the space animals. And D3. And snake. And pikachu, luigi, DK, peach, ganon, falcon, bowser, lucario, sheik/zelda. Etc.

Mk and G&W can upB/tornado through and still be in a fine position even if its blocked. Then all they have to do is run away and repeat. Shields can't hold up forever.

Walls are temporary and usually near the edge of the stage, if you get caught in it, you deserve it. Walk offs, temporary, but still sucks.
Out of the five spots the platform lands at, 5 of them have walls. If dedede grabs you and subsequently chains you against them for even half of the time that the stage stays at the spot, its a free 85%. Almost every character has some sort of grab infinite/jab/laser lock that they can keep you in for an indefinite amount of time, and some of the walls are past where the platform comes back up at, so if you get caught you're dead.
On the rooftops section, not only does it have walls, but the right side has no ledge, making it gimp city for tether recoveries.

Three out of the eight landings have walk offs. One is just a complete walkoff with no where to run to, and the other two the only place you can hide has walls to be infinited against. I've killed good people at 0% simply because they had the misfortune of getting grabbed on a walk off section.

Four out of the eight have water.

So, lets think about all this. Delfino:
A; Is a moving stage. Okay, not that big a deal.
B; Has many platforms in strange positions. Weird, but by itself not disruptive of a neutral stage.
C; Has a lame ledge, making recovery even more one dimensional.
D; Promotes camping with the platform physics and the walled sections.
E; Has several sections with water, disrupting recovery/edgeguarding and greatly benefiting chars with a spike.
F; Has several sections with walls, allowing characters with chain grabs/locks to infinite.
G; Has several sections with walk offs, allowing characters with chain grabs/locks to instantly take a stock.

Aside from possibly A/B, not a single one of those traits is befitting of a neutral stage.

I'm not saying it should be banned. If the rules used California Knockout or even a random stage strike, it wouldn't be too big a deal with it even being neutral. But being forced to use your stage ban just to get rid of the chances of Delfino coming up on random and having a D3 infinite/chain kill is far from fair.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
Here's the list updated:

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Isaac Nicholson "raekw0n187" : Ham Samitch, AL
3. Neidel Crisan "Haunts" : NorCal/ATL
4. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
5. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
6. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
7. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
8. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
9. Chase LaCas "Zinac" : Lexington, KY
10. John Blount, "Sazae" : Pensacola, FL
11. Mike G : Atlanta GA
12. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
13. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
14. Brandon "Havoc" : Bowie MD/New York, NY
15. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
16. Allen "Epidemic" : Queens/ATL
17. Bryan Ford "!(•_•)!" : Charlotte, NC
18. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
19. Alex Roski "Cajunstrike" : Kernersville, NC
20. Johnathon Braxton "DevilJin01" : Germantown, MD USA
21. Thomas Chadwick "Knuckledust" : Fayetteville, NC
22. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
23. Rafael Arias "DeathScythe" : Bronx, NY
24. ken sk "Henaki" : Bloomfield NJ
25. Ray Riticher "Kajoq" : Lexington, KY
26. Colin Higgins "Shodokan123" : Rhode Island
26. Jamall Hughes "R.P.D. rookie" : Jacksonville, Florida
27. Robert Rivers "fatherbrain" : Hinesville Ga.
28. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
29. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
30. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
31. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, Ga.
32. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
33. John Shelby "Uncle Buck" : Anderson SC
34. Dustin Walker "KOH" : Michigan
35. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
36. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
37. Luis Padilla Jr "merdoc" : Bronx,NY
38. Damian "jinogre" : Douglasville, GA
39. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
40. James Lee "Divine Tenken" : Orlando FL
41. Kevin Ao "Strongy" : Atlanta, GA
42. Edric Chen "namikaze4minato" : Atlanta, GA
43. Victor Yang "Vyang" : Altanta, GA
45. Vincent Yang "phoojYwg" : Atlanta, GA
46. Jason Kim, "Subaru_WRX", Atlanta GA
47. jose santiago "lord jas" : memphis tn
48. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
49. Jesse.R : El Paso, Tx
50. Ryan Cadiente "RyRy" : Virginia Beach, Virginia
51. Josh McWhorter "Icege" : Charleston, SC
52. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
53. Andres Velasco y Coll "nothingxs" : Tha BOTTOM! Florida
54. Kevin Kourim "Smooth Criminal" : Clearwater, Florida
55. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
56. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
57. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
58. Aaron Green "Shadow Ace" : Lithonia, GA
59. Brandon Harrell "branh0913" : Atlanta, GA
60. Anthony Wright "Adam Warlock" : Orlando, FL
61. Teii "DJteiiBear" : AUGUSTA, Ga.
62. DeMorris Edberson "SilentSymphony" ; Greenville NC
63. George D. "GREEK" : Brooklyn, NY
64. Rashid Reddy "ShinkuuR" : Savannah, Ga
65. Josh Jodoin "NerdJosh" : NE
66. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
67. Quan " Daddyneptune" : Dayton,OH
68. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA
69. Andrew Melvin "Devil Reborn" Cocoa Beach, FL
70. Keith Kelly "GDX" Winter Haven, FL
71. Shaun Mckettrick "Ironhead82" : Columbia, SC
72. dale campbell "nicaboy" : ATL
73. Jeff Sellars "coalthethird" : Hinesville Ga
74. Josh Ballard JoshThefunkdoc" : Elyria, OH
75. Eric Jeffries "D.A.H." : The "A"
76. Chris Hatala "Ghaleon" : Cleveland, OH
77. Samuel Ackerman "DrFunkenstein2k" : Anderson,SC
78. Steve Harrison : Bmore, MD

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Neidel Crisan "Haunts" : NorCal/ATL
3. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
4. June Ro "dooboy" : Tha "A"
5. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
6. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
7. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
8. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
9. Allen "Epidemic" : Queens/ATL
10. Brandon Lee "Brandino" : Goldsboro, NC
11. Bryan Ford "!(•_•)!" : Charlotte, NC
12. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
13. Alex Roski "Cajunstrike" : Kernersville, NC
14. Trayveon Maxwell III "Coolbreeze" : ATL GAWGA
15. Johnathon Braxton "DevilJin01" : Germantown, MD USA
16. Thomas Chadwick "Knuckledust" : Fayetteville, NC
17. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
18. Colin Higgins "Shodokan123" : Rhode Island
19. ken sk "Henaki" : Bloomfield NJ
20. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
21. Jamall Hughes "R.P.D. rookie" : Jacksonville, Florida
22. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
23. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
24. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
25. Ernesto Garibay (Omnislash) : Conyers, GA
26. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, Ga.
27. John Shelby "Uncle Buck" : Anderson SC
28. Dustin Walker "KOH" : Michigan
29. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
30. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
31. Henry Funny, "TruTH101", Greensboro,NC
32. Marques Brooks "CoosCoos" : Augusta, Georgia
33. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
34. Kevin Ao "Strongy" : Atlanta, GA
35. Brandon Harrell "branh0913" : Atlanta, GA
36. Victor Yang "Vyang" : Altanta, GA
37. Vincent Yang "phoojYwg" : Atlanta, GA
38. Daniel Lower "Lastblade" : Houston, TX
39. Jason Kim, "Subaru_WRX", Atlanta GA
40. jose santiago "lord jas" : memphis tn
41. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
42. Ben : Houston, TX
43. Anibal Pulido "ngnt4" : Atlanta , GA
44. Jonathan Perez "Crackhead": Newnan, Ga
45. Ernesto Carrillo "The Fighting Mongoose": Newnan, GA
46. Rolando Carrillo "The Flaming Flamingo": Newnan, GA
47. Ronald Yip "Sexyeggfuuyung": Newnan, GA
48. Kevin Kourim "Smooth Criminal" : Clearwater, Florida
49. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
50. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
51. James Sov "Kasei" : Dacula, GA
52. Eugene johnson Jr : Nashville Tn
53. Teii "DJteiiBear" : AUGUSTA, Ga.
54. Jay Jay "J4YX2" : Los Angeles, CA
55. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
56. Narada Pollard "K yoji24" : Jackson,MS
57. Antonio "Sayco" : Md
58. Chris Hatala "Ghaleon" : Cleveland, OH
59. Samuel Ackerman "DrFunkenstein2k" : Anderson,SC
60. Richel Hernandez "ZEROG" : Miami, FL
61. Peter Susini "FlashMetroid" : Miami, FL
62. Tad Griggs - Alphakami - Columbia, TN
63. Steve Harrison : Bmore, MD

1. Clint Lamar "EWGF" : The "A"
2. Trayveon Maxwell III "Coolbreeze" : ATL GAWGA
3. Isaac Nicholson "raekw0n187" : Ham Samitch, AL
4. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
5. Ricky Walker "Pokchop" : Atlanta, Ga.
6. J.E. Smith "torn" : Denver, CO
7. Justin Elkins "9thPixel" : Dalton, Ga.
8. Hoa "Anakin" : Atlanta,Georgia
9. Charlie "CodEZ" : Nashville, TN
10. Steve V. "UnDeRoAtH" : Augusta, GA
11. Spero Gineros "Spero Gin" : Long Island, New York
12. Fernando Febles "The Game" : Bronx, NY
13. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
14. Ian Davis "WoTmanX" : Nashville, TN
15. Will "Will's Julia" : Mobile, AL
16. Gary Santiago "liquid" : Queens, NY
17. ariel capellan "FightingGM" : Bronx, New York
18. Damian "jinogre" : Douglasville, GA
19. Jeffrey B. Wynn II "JuS J3F" : La Plata,MD
20. Ray Aviles "kPc" : Dover, DE
21. Ryan Cadiente "RyRy" : Virginia Beach, Virginia
22. D. August. Allen XI "The (B.A.D) Exalted" : Harlem, NYC
23. Richard Warren "wing_zero" : Ga.
24. Josh McWhorter "Icege" : Charleston, SC
25. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
26. Daniel Lower "Lastblade" : Houston, TX
27. Jason Harding "Rugal.B" : Baltimore Md.
28. Steve Palakas "Blood Hawk" : NYC, New York
29. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
30. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
31. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
32. Teii "DJteiiBear" : AUGUSTA, Ga.
33. DeMorris Edberson "SilentSymphony" ; Greenville NC
34. Rashid Reddy "ShinkuuR" : Savannah, Ga
35. Adam Coble "Hyper kid" : Cincinnati, Ohio
36. Antonio "Sayco" : Md
37. Andrew Melvin "Devil Reborn" Cocoa Beach, FL
38. Zen knight "knocturnal" : orlando, Fl
39. Colin Higgins "Shodokan123" : Rhode Island

1. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
2. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
3. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
4. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
5. Alex Roski "Cajunstrike" : Kernersville, NC
6. Phil Haith "P-Soul" : Greensboro, NC
7. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
8. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
9. Ian Davis "WoTmanX" : Nashville, TN
10. Damian "jinogre" : Douglasville, GA
11. Ray Aviles "kPc" : Dover, DE
12. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
13. Kevin Ao "Strongy" : Atlanta, GA
14. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
15. Ryan Cadiente "RyRy" : Virginia Beach, Virginia
16. Richard Warren "wing_zero" : Ga.
17. Steve Palakas "Blood Hawk" : NYC, New York
18. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
19. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
20. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
21. Rashid Reddy "ShinkuuR" : Savannah, Ga
22. Jason Kim, Subaru_WRX, Atlanta
23. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
24. Andrew Melvin "Devil Reborn" Cocoa Beach, FL
25. Ken Williams "Berry" : Baton Rouge, LA
26. ryan defield "lobo" : phoenix, az
27. Amelick Njie "shadowG" : Dallas, Tx
28. Josh Ballard JoshThefunkdoc" : Elyria, OH
29. Jeremy Florence "BlackMambaMoan" : New Mexico
30. Michael Kitt "sWoRD LoRD" : Atl
31. Clint Lamar "EWGF" : The "A"

1. Isaac Nicholson "raekw0n187" : Ham Samitch, AL
2. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
3. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
4. Chase LaCas "Zinac" : Lexington, KY
5. Kayin Wolf "Wolfstar" : New London, CT
6. Mike G : Atlanta GA
7. AJ Hodges "Alternate275" : Columbus, GA
8. Trayveon Maxwell III "Coolbreeze" : ATL GAWGA
9. Rafael Arias "DeathScythe" : Bronx, NY
10. ken sk "Henaki" : Bloomfield NJ
11. George D. "GREEK" : Brooklyn, NY
12. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
13. Alex T (Senkei) : o-town, FL
14. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
15. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
16. Philip Shin "krazykorean" : Murfreesboro TN
17. Eric Cox "R.D.K." : ATL!!!
18. Ben Robinson "Silent Shinobi" : B'ham, Al
19. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
20. Daniel Lower "Lastblade" : Houston, TX
21. Jason Kim, "Subaru_WRX", Atlanta GA
22. Vincent Yang, "PhoojYwg", Atlanta GA
23. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
24. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
25. Brandon Lee "Brandino" : Goldsboro, NC
26. Brandon Harrell "branh0913" : Atlanta, GA
27. Josh Jodoin "NerdJosh" : NE
28. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
29. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
30. Darren "FD" : Houston TX
31. Josh Ballard JoshThefunkdoc" : Elyria, OH
32. Peter Susini "FlashMetroid" : Miami, FL
33. Tad Griggs - Alphakami - Columbia, TN
34. Warren Pruitt "Doren2k" : B'HAM
35. Alex Garvin "Mozanrath" : Florida
36. Steve Harrison : Bmore, MD
37. Jason Fraley - "Fraley" - Columbia, TN/Augusta, GA
38. Jeffrey Tessar "Heidern98" : Ft. Lauderdale Florida

1. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
2. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
3. Trayveon Maxwell III "Coolbreeze" : ATL GAWGA
4. Ricky Walker "Pokchop" : Atlanta, Ga.
5. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
6. Fernando Febles "The Game" Bronx, NY
7. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
8. Cheryl Ritchson "Qu33n Hon3y" : Miami, FL
9. Amir Arabi "SNAKESHOTPEOPLE" : Bronx, NY
10. Joshua Aponte "J360 " : Bronx NY
11. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
12. Max Moore "50moReceNts" : The "A"
13. Marques Brooks "CoosCoos" : Augusta, Georgia
14. Luis Padilla Jr "merdoc" : Bronx,NY
15. Damian "jinogre" : Douglasville, GA
16. Jeffrey B. Wynn II "JuS J3F" : La Plata,MD
17. James Lee "Divine Tenken" : Orlando FL
18. Kevin Hicks "LordHollow" : Detroit, MI
19. jose santiago "lord jas" : memphis tn
20. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
21. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
22. Maria Angseth "SPC M. Angseth": Atlanta, GA
23. Kevin Kourim "Smooth Criminal" : Clearwater, Florida
24. Mike G : Atlanta GA
25. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
26. Eddie Mu, "Bananas" : Atlanta, GA
27. Abishai Israel "Spaceman Spiff!" : Md.
28. Anthony Wright "Adam Warlock " : Orlando, FL
29. Eugene johnson Jr : Nashville Tn
30. Josh Jodoin "NerdJosh" : NE
31. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
32. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
33. Adam Coble "Hyper kid" : Cincinnati, Ohio
34. Quan " Daddyneptune" : Dayton,OH
35. Rod West : Durham, NC
36. Eric Jeffries "D.A.H." : The "A"
37. Clint Lamar "EWGF" : The "A"
38. Samuel Ackerman "DrFunkenstein2k" : Anderson,SC
39. Jay Moreno "ATLCpu" : The "A"
40. Peter Susini "FlashMetroid" : Miami, FL
41. Alex Garvin "Mozanrath" : Florida

1. Steve Harrison : Bmore, MD
2. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
3. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
4. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
5. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
6. Brandon "Havoc" : Bowie MD/New York, NY
7. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
8. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
9. Jermaine Jacob "S.M.P" : Charleston, SC
10. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
11. Henry Funny, "TruTH101", Greensboro,NC
12. Max Moore "50moReceNts" : The "A"
13. Marques Brooks "CoosCoos" : Augusta, Georgia
14. James Lee "Divine Tenken" : Orlando FL
15. Corey Lanier : Harrisburg, IL
16. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
17. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
18. Jason Harding "Rugal.B" : Baltimore Md.
19. Andres Velasco y Coll "nothingxs" : Tha BOTTOM! Florida
20. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
21. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
22. Aaron Green "Shadow Ace" : Lithonia, GA
23. James Sov "Kasei" : Dacula, GA
24. Anthony Wright "Adam Warlock " : Orlando, FL
25. Teii "DJteiiBear" : AUGUSTA, Ga.
26. Ernesto Garibay (Omnislash) : Conyers, GA
27. john stowe 'jonnyquest' anderson sc
28. Narada Pollard "K yoji24" : Jackson,MS
29. Adam Coble "Hyper kid" : Cincinnati, Ohio
30. Shaun Mckettrick "Ironhead82" : Columbia, SC
31. dale campbell "nicaboy" : ATL
32. Eric Jeffries "D.A.H." : The "A"
33. Taurus "T-Bear" : The "A"
34. Shin Lor "Shin3" aka "lil puppy" : ATL
35. Jay Moreno "ATLCpu" : The "A"
36. Richel Hernandez "ZEROG" : Miami, FL
37. Peter Susini "FlashMetroid" : Miami, FL

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Chase LaCas "Zinac" : Lexington, KY
5. Kayin Wolf "Wolfstar" : New London, CT
6. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
7. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
8. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
9. Rafael Arias "DeathScythe" : Bronx, NY
10. Ray Riticher "Kajoq" : Lexington, KY
11. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
12. Robert Rivers "fatherbrain" : Hinesville Ga.
13. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
14. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
15. J.E. Smith "torn" : Denver, CO
16. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, GA
17. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
18. John Shelby "Uncle Buck" : Anderson SC
19. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
20. Max Moore "50moReceNts" : The "A"
21. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
22. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
23. Jason Harding "Rugal.B" : Baltimore Md.
24. Andres Velasco y Coll "nothingxs" : Tha BOTTOM! Florida
25. Kevin Kourim "Smooth Criminal" : Clearwater, Florida
26. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
27. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
28. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
29. jose santiago "lord jas" : memphis tn
30. Ernesto Garibay (Omnislash) : Conyers, GA
31. Jeff Sellars "coalthethird" : Hinesville Ga
32. Josh Jodoin "NerdJosh" : NE
33. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
34. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA
35. Josh Ballard "JoshThefunkdoc" : Elyria, OH
36. Clint Lamar "EWGF" : The "A"
37. Chris Hatala "Ghaleon" : Cleveland, OH
38. Samuel Ackerman "DrFunkenstein2k" : Anderson,SC
39. Tad Griggs - Alphakami - Columbia, TN
40. Steve Harrison : Bmore, MD

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
3. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
4. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
5. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
6. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
7. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
8. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
9. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
10. Rafael Arias "DeathScythe" : Bronx, NY
11. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
12. Isaac Arellano "I$AAC" : Tampa, FL
13. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
14. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
15. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA
16. Steve Harrison : Bmore, MD

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
3. David-Paul Mattock "JiBbo" : Fayetteville NC
4. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
5. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
6. John Blount, "Sazae" : Pensacola, FL
7. Corey Lanier "Missing Person" : Harrisburg, IL
8. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
9. Rafael Arias "DeathScythe" : Bronx, NY
10. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
11. Henry Funny, "TruTH101", Greensboro,NC
12. Kevin Hicks "LordHollow" : Detroit, MI
13. Jonathan Wooden "Xero15" : Tha "A"
14. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
15. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
16. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
17. Rashid Reddy "ShinkuuR" : Savannah, Ga
18. Adam Coble "Hyper kid" : Cincinnati, Ohio
19. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA
20. dale campbell "nicaboy" : ATL
21. Samuel Ackerman "DrFunkenstein2k" : Anderson,SC
22. Peter Susini "FlashMetroid" : Miami, FL
23. Tad Griggs - Alphakami - Columbia, TN
24. Steve Harrison : Bmore, MD

1. Steve Harrison : Bmore, MD
2. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
3. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
4. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
5. Aaron Pena "DarkZero" : Lubbock TX
6. AJ Hodges "Alternate275" : Columbus, GA
7. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
8. Matt Oconner "NinjaMatt" : Tha, "A"
9. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
10. Phil Haith "P-Soul" : Greensboro, NC
11. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
12. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, Ga.
13. Marques Brooks "CoosCoos" : Augusta, Georgia
14. Ben Robinson "Silent Shinobi" : B'ham, Al
15. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
16. Lester Green "Professor" : Greenville SC
17. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
18. ryan defield "lobo" : phoenix, az
19. Taurus "T-Bear" : The "A"

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. John Blount, "Sazae" : Pensacola, FL
5. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
6. Matt Oconner "NinjaMatt" : Tha, "A"
7. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.
8. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
9. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
10. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida

1. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
2. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
3. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
4. Shaun Mckettrick "Ironhead82" : Columbia, SC

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
5. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
6. Matt Oconner "NinjaMatt" : Tha, "A"
7. Eric Williams "Earwig" : Ellijay, Ga.

1. Brandon Harrell "branh0913" : Atlanta, GA
2. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Brandon Lee "Brandino" : Goldsboro, NC
5. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
6. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
7. Rafael Arias "DeathScythe" : Bronx, NY
8. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
9. Brandon Simmons "Slayer X4" : Atlanta, GA
10. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
11. Josh Ballard JoshThefunkdoc" : Elyria, OH
12. Steve Harrison : Bmore, MD

1. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
2. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Ric Taylor "Mavrick" : Florida
5. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
6. Matt Oconner "NinjaMatt" : Tha, "A"
7. Michael Bacarella "metalmike31216" : Atlanta, Ga.
8. Josh Ballard JoshThefunkdoc" : Elyria, OH

1. Alex Roski "Cajunstrike" : Kernersville, NC
2. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
3. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA

1. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
2. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
3. Brandon Clements "ace_uno" : ATL
4. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
5. Anthony Stith "TornadoFlame" : Petersburg, VA
6. James Cardoni "Humbag" : Champaign, IL
7. Joel Siler "JDash247" : Atlanta, Ga.
8. Fernando Febles "The Game" : Bronx, NY
9. Rorick Haynes "DeadlyRave-Neo" : New Orleans/Atlanta
10. Luis Padilla Jr "merdoc" : Bronx,NY
11. Vincent Yang, "PhoojYwg" : Atlanta GA
12. Anibal Pulido "ngnt4" : Atlanta , GA
13. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC

1. Larry S. Dixon Jr. "ShinBlanka" : Tha "A"
2. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
5. Chase LaCas "Zinac" : Lexington, KY
6. Ray Riticher "Kajoq" : Lexington, KY
7. Michael Utt "Halfro" : Aurora, Colorado
8. J.E. Smith "torn" : Denver, CO
9. Dustin Walker "KOH" : Michigan
10. Jesse.R : El Paso, Tx
11. Brian James "Ali Vegaz" : Detroit, MI (Tha D *****)
12. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC

AH2/or AHF
1. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
2. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
3. Rafael Arias "DeathScythe" : Bronx, NY
4. J.E. Smith "torn" : Denver, CO
5. Daniel Lower "Lastblade" : Houston, TX
6. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
7. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
8. Daniel Larkins "nekohime" : Rossville, GA
9. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa
10. Darren "FD" : Houston TX
11. dale campbell "nicaboy" : ATL
12. Eric Jeffries "D.A.H." : The "A"
13. Taurus "T-Bear" : The "A"
14. Jason Fraley "Fraley" Columbia TN/Augusta
15. Tad Griggs - Alphakami - Columbia, TN
16. Warren Pruitt "Doren2k" : B'HAM

SSBB "RegularBrawl"
1. Isaac Nicholson "raekw0n187" : Ham Samitch, AL
2. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
3. Tahir Alaka "TarkanX" : Minneapolis, MN
4. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI
5. Charlie "CodEZ" : Nashville, TN
6. Steve V. "UnDeRoAtH" : Augusta, GA
7. Ian Davis "WoTmanX" : Nashville, TN
8. Austin LaMarche : Omaha, NE
9. Kevin Ao "Strongy" : Atlanta, GA
10. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
11. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
12. Aaron Green "Shadow Ace" : Lithonia, GA
13. jonathan metoyer "exodus27" : new orleans LA
14. Keith Kelly "GDX" Winter Haven, FL
15. Michael Buchheit "FullMetal" Suwanee, GA

1. Adam Heart "Keits" : Green Bay, WI

1. dale campbell "nicaboy" : ATL
2. Michael Buchheit "FullMetal" Suwanee, GA
3. Chad DuBay(chaddd, NeoBlanka) : ATL SHAWTY

1. Michael Apoyan "Master Chibi" : Hackensack, NJ
2. Kayin Wolf "Wolfstar" : New London, CT
3. Brandon Lee "Brandino" : Goldsboro, NC
4. Matt Amacker "Silentness" : Soul, Korea
5. Ben Robinson "Silent Shinobi" : B'ham, Al
6. Justin Wong "JustinW" : Empire, NYC
7. Benjamin Haining "The_Dragon" : Colorado Springs, CO
8. PJ Livingston "Nas" : philly, Pa


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
We have 3 smash events going down at the biggest fighting game tournament on the EC and it seems like no one cares!?!?!?!?! WTH!!!!!!!! I guess it takes longer for the hype to build in this community, but it's all good. Hope to see a huge turn out from the smash community!
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