Yeah Blazer, from a town perspective it seems like it would help, but unless someone is super-accurate in their predictions, I can't see it helping us much. Just keep your speculations to yourself, and play the game normally, keeping track of whether you were right or not. Throwing your ideas out there may subliminally influence the way people think, and not for the better. For instance:
Cloud = town
Sephiroth = mafia
isn't necessarily true. It seems like it should be true, but it's not necessarily the case. What if Sephiroth is independent? What if Cloud is? What if Vincent sucks because he's a gay vampire (That's right, right? It's been a while since I've consumed any FF7 media)(Also lol, get it? Sucks? Gay vampire?? Haha!) ? And either way, we don't want to give the mafia any ideas on town powers.