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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey

That wasn't what I was asking for. I am asking for the 'Why not'. Otherwise I don't see the point in you bringing up my post saying "It's like you oppose everything I'm supporting." without even talking more in depth about it.
Working on Scary atm,

:thumbsdown: on Hardbody and Acro pushes.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
With respect to the Acrostic part, I'll remain leery to how he approaches J thanks to what you pointed out.

As far as HBW, I'll make sure I keep my eyes open for what you've said. I believe you in all the things you've said in the last post and I'll try to see the things you mention in your case vs HBW on my reread. Honestly still working on reads.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
For legitimate reasons, cause he was playing scummy.
Yet that gave Marshy (as scum) the incentive to want to lynch him. He was painting JD as scum. As soon as he saw JD starting to look bad, he attacked him. (His first fos on jd) That was opportunistic to me.

No it clearly does.
How so? Quotes please.

Don't remember.
It's in the spoiler. You can jog your memory by reading it.

You say you are going 'huh?' on the Nabe stuff. Don't just let it settle. Talk to me more about that.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary : Still don't see where you got a disagreement though, can you demonstrate that for me? Also, are you still ok with being Acrostic's double voter now? Or do you retract that? I want to know.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Yet that gave Marshy (as scum) the incentive to want to lynch him. He was painting JD as scum. As soon as he saw JD starting to look bad, he attacked him. (His first fos on jd) That was opportunistic to me.
You mean, JD played scummy and Marshy for legitimate reasons voted him.

How so? Quotes please.
What quotes, read D1 it's clear he had a legitimate reason to his thought process on why JD was scum, I find people town reading JD to be baffling and don't see how people gave that to JD being town. Something J needs to elaborate on instead of telling people to hunt for it.

It's in the spoiler. You can jog your memory by reading it.

You say you are going 'huh?' on the Nabe stuff. Don't just let it settle. Talk to me more about that.
Not now.

Maybe later.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ Town PR Town PR
It was really just thinking aloud bro. Just popped into my head when I first saw it and just posted my thoughts.

I never really formally agreed to being his double voter. I still wanna see his pushes and play for the day because I feel like he has big things in store for the day. If I agree with stances of his, I'll keep them in mind. With any luck this game will help me not be a sheep and become the dog you wished for. Lol.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Remind me. Are you Soldier LV 1, or LV 2?
You know the answer to that :p

but then again only you wouuuuuuuuld

It's possible it was someone else, but given the information we have don't you think it is probable that Scary sent in the NKill?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
You know the answer to that :p

but then again only you wouuuuuuuuld

It's possible it was someone else, but given the information we have don't you think it is probable that Scary sent in the NKill?
No, I don't know the answer, at least not offhand, hence the question. I don't think the information you have is the same as the information I have.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
No, I don't know the answer, at least not offhand, hence the question. I don't think the information you have is the same as the information I have.
You targeted two people last Night and believe you stopped the NKill. We both know you could have only stopped the NKill from one player.

Ya with me?

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Oh right, good idea. You wouldn't be able to determine that.

Scary, we're gonna need you to claim your level 2.

@Swiss Did you target me or did WLaundry do it before he replaced out? I'm guessing the former. Who else did you target from the lynch?

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Why didn't you mention this D1? (Regarding Nabe being attacked for his inactivity so early in D1, when Nabe was within the 3 days prod range?)
I didn't notice it those details on my first read.

Why is acro trying to set up back up lynches?

Kind of concerned here.
no that behavior is town

Interested in where the Nabe/MC posts are going.
Reading into Gheb vs Ryu


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@ #HBC | Acrostic #HBC | Acrostic Could you summarize the second and third paragraphs in your 1470? I truthfully don't get the exact point you're getting at there and part of the confusion in getting your points is how you extrapolate to commenting on Gheb's play and how he viewed the DSH slot in those specific scenarios.

@ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound post 1466

@ Vult Redux Vult Redux post 1466

I'm looking at Scary's 1512, 1522, and 1526 and it's baffling me how people don't think he's scum >_>;;

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@ #HBC | Acrostic #HBC | Acrostic Could you summarize the second and third paragraphs in your 1470? I truthfully don't get the exact point you're getting at there and part of the confusion in getting your points is how you extrapolate to commenting on Gheb's play and how he viewed the DSH slot in those specific scenarios.
Blatant indications in numerous posts show they are operating as a two-man think tank than a two-man hydra within a bigger mafia group. In the beginning of the game you have each slot in the hydra referencing the thoughts of the other head. This is a direct example of play from the slot. Secondly, their approach to the game and posting examples give off the impression that they are working together to compose reads. Lastly, my meta data and personality profiling of Red Ryu makes me inclined to think that the slot should be one of the clearest town reads for the game and we should focus on the remaining twelve.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Bardull replaces Hardbody Warrior

1. Bardull (2) TPR, Gheb
2. Acrostic ()
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. Swiss (2) MOD, MOD
5. Detective Sherlock Hound (2) dabuz, dabuz
6. J ()
7. Gorf ()
8. Dabunz (3) HBW, HBW, DSH
9. LBScary59 ()
10. Town PR ()
12. Gheb_01 ()
13. Nabe (3) MOD, MOD, MOD
14. Vult Redux ()

Not voting - Acrostic, Swiss, J, Gorf, Scary, NAbe, Vult, MC

With 13 playing, it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is February 28th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6).

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
I'm doing a quick (and really broad) catch up. To go further into what Ryu said, I'm a part of a WGI (indoor drumline) group that rehearses every weekend in areas that have crappy service for my phone, so I'm completely out throughout most of the weekend. My "personal stuff" is completely different. It's not getting better in the slightest (quite the opposite, actually), but I'm going to attempt to jump back in so that Ryu isn't flying solo. Please forgive me for my absence, and if it gets to the point where I can no longer play at all, I will make sure Ryu is aware so that he can either sub our slot out or he can just take control of it altogether.

Gheb's 1000 sticks out to me. If I recall correctly, before this post, he never stated anything specific he disliked about our slot specifically. Pleeease correct me if I'm wrong on this, because I could very well be wrong on this. I'm gonna be that guy and state that I don't understand what Gheb is going for with his scum picks. It honestly seems like he's eliminating his choices down to four based off the jdietz wagon thing he posted in 1000 and is just prancing around those four until he gets what he wants. His reasoning is flimsy at best, and unless he stated something I missed hardcore, I'm not seeing what he's freaking out about now. You basically said we're not playing genuine and that we haven't really pushed anything. Ryu has tried to push Dabuz, and iIrc I stated what I didn't like about Jdietz (and apparently it was enough for J to say that I was the only one to explain why I was on the slot in the first place). Correct me if I'm wrong on that, please.

Also, off topic, but you state that you don't mind getting rid of us if we're town, and you tell us that we're not capable to defend ourselves from your logic. This comes across as implying that we're bad, and if Ryu generally gets this from you, then of course he's going to feel that you're offing him because you think he's bad. Get over yourself and your inflated ego, and realize that implications actually mean something. I'm not going to waste time defending our slot for you just because you're trying to argue something idiotic like this. You're not Ryu, so realize that people understand situations differently and move on from this.

Gheb, read your 1275 and then try to push the fact that you aren't calling Ryu bad. Go **** yourself.

I hit Gord's 1053 and I suddenly realize that I really like everything Gord has done so far. Like, the hardbody stuff isn't my favorite, but his explanations and the way he's trying to get people to legitimately understand what he's going for is marvelous, and I generally like his logical approach.

J's whole Washed Laundry spiel is confusing to me. The whole "I want to like them, but his reasoning for wanting me dead is horrid" thing. Where does this leave the slot as a whole for you currently? ._. Outside of that, still liking J play in general.

Acrostic posts... Ahhhh. So many words when there don't need to be many words. I still like his play though. I don't see why a scummy would go so far out of his way to talk us through each and every single one of his thought processes and then not rely on them for the rest of the phase (Dabuz). He brings up Dabuz, but then he drops it for us. He's showing signs of his reads progressing, but he's not forcing a scum read down our throats just to get something out there, if that makes sense? Idk, I just like Acrostic lol.

I like Dabuz' defense to the Acrostic post. I agree with Gord on Dabuz' play in general, actually. I'll let Ryu continue with his push on Dabuz, but eh.

Dabuz, do you have any questions for my head? Asking you specifically because I feel this really awkward tension between you and Ryu and I'm just sitting here not really grasping either side of the boat regardless of Ryu trying to explain it to me via private communication. ._.

I'm stuck on Carnage. I just don't feel that I'm at the level to read him personally. I'll either leave the slot to Ryu or to trusted townies.

I can't pinpoint it exactly, but the shift in Nabe's play from before he got doomed to afterwards has made me like the slot more. I never had a problem with the slot itself yesterday, but I'm actually starting to town read him a bit now. Sweet!

I'm going to hold my tongue and talk to Ryu about Town PR. I don't like the slot, but I need to re-check things earlier in the day before I clarify (specifically what their read on our slot was early day 1 and how that changed between early day 1 and late day 1), and getting Ryu's thoughts would be really sweet as well.

If I missed any questions or if anyone has any questions regarding my head/our slot as a whole, feel free to ask! Sorry that the hydra is playing like this split thing instead of being one entity. My fault for not being here. I'll try to fix it up as I become more active.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
hello everyone. atm i'm only on page 25, but i will have fully caught up by tomorrow and will post some avenues i'd like to go in around then.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I'm a red fire truck.

I get the feeling your posts are fake, Scary. Like...your emotion towards others just reads as you trying to project yourself as a certain "lovable" character to the masses.

I even get the feeling more when you are talking about your reads in themselves. I mean you hardly explain your Hardbody read and to be honest I see no reason why you have them as town when their posts have been sparse and a majority of them joking/non-chalant. Plus your town read on MC feels really forced and then you talk about DSH/WL but don't go into why they are town but say they are really town so I need explanations on all three of these please.

Then you say dabuz is a slight scum-read, but you are just putting him there because you can't read him? Shouldn't he be null at best to you then? I mean you even say and back-out with "Not incriminating you buddy". Then you go on and say that you think Gheb is "bad" but that still makes him a slight scum-read? That makes no sense and is contradictory to what you seem to be trying to say.

I can really understand your line before the doctor's thing because I am in the same boat but the difference between us (from my PoV) is that I am explaining my thought process and trying to be clear while you contradict your own sentences and meanings. For now; Vote: Scary There needs to be a new push besides Town PR/Ditzy/Gheb and I feel this would be the best course of action to look at things.
If you had a sincere vibe that Scary's posts came across as feigned or fake, then I'm curious why you didn't touch upon each post as they came across as being particularly scummy when you reviewed them in the game. Why are you using such a weak attention grabber for someone who you want to apply pressure/pursue as mafia. "I get the feeling your posts are fake" is such an iffy statement that brings absolutely no sense of alarm or pressure. I don't understand why you'd even bother to include him as being "lovable" when that has no ties into necessitating that he's mafia. If anything, it seems like the first two lines that you wrote detract from any town intention to get a read on this slot and only demonstrates a type of "in media res" type of thought progression that is supposed to demonstrate your thinking is being "of the moment" and "in the middle" of a larger thought process.

After the first two lines, the format of the post changes into a case style analysis because J moves from intonation to "reads in themselves." In the following presentation of said points, J notes many discrepancies in Scary's play and how it doesn't add up, however it isn't mentioned how the posts are necessarily fake. Merely that many of the reads are not substantiated and there is a lack of logic to be given for the positions taken by the slot. This is a contradiction to J's early commentary on his approach to Gheb in a post like #418 where J grandstands Gheb on the idea that Gheb needs to demonstrate that bad play is not necessarily the equivalent of mafia play.

Really? I mean, really? How is this anything but an OMGUS vote on WL base on him harping on you and voting you to add pressure to you? Plus if you feel that way about WL, you should pretty much feel the complete exact way about me, yet there is no mention of myself in your post. If you have a scum-read on WL, then what is your read on me? You say that a big reason that you are voting him is because of him calling you out on the MC talk in your first paragraph about your vote. However, you do not say that what he does is indirectly scummy, what you do say, however, is that it is "bad". The bolded bit is the part I want to focus on here because you are not looking for scum in your case towards WL, moreover, you are just trying to point out where he is "wrong" in your PoV/logic and because of this, he deserves your vote. This is why I do not get your play this game because it is not coming from a Town PoV, but more of a self-preservation point of view.

I'm actually continuing to continue on that point more. The reason I feel you are more self-preservistic is going on what I said earlier where I do not get your town PoV by trying to clear MC and have a "town alliance" with them so that you may be able to further stay alive in the game to be able to do things. That doesn't smell of you wanting to help town but more just you trying to help yourself to living longer in the game. Then there is this vote you did on WL and your reasoning behind it. It is not you trying to convince others that WL is scum, but more that you are trying to make sure that he knows that you think he is wrong and that he should be condemned to death by it if you were able to choose the lynch right now. You need to explain what about WL's play actually makes him scummy and actually let the other people of town know why he should be the lynch candidate over yourself. In fact, I would even take you just telling us why you are town and why you would be able to help us out more if you just clearly explained your motives behind your actions because the present time, people are not seeing what you are seeing. People cannot read your mind and know your intent so you have to clearly explain it to them, including myself.

So since I know you/your playstyle/stuff, tl;dr for you: Why is Washed SCUM and not BAD and why are you town, example: explain CLEARLY your motives behind the mechanics talk and the MC clear. Wake up Gheb, wake the **** up, please.
The vibe that I'm getting from the conclusion of this post is that the Scary lynch is to expand the read in other directions rather than an explicit hard line FOS at the slot itself. The summarized reads similarly show that this is a FOS that wasn't well researched or even a confident mafia marker for J because the rhetoric should be different if this were a slot were a strong mafia read for his slot.

Scary, you didn't even mention you were scum-reading Ditzy or even leaning that way and now you are actually voting him? I am going to continue reading, but I haven't seen where your switch has gone from null to scum, so help you baby Jesus. It looks like a sheep/vote to hop on the other popular wagon to save your own hide and I'm going to not let this go until I figure it out.
Marshy/Sang, I'm getting to you two in a bit but @marshy, she's on a loan haha. I was jumping up and down at a read of yours but I am so holding onto that one.

I finally feel alive in this game. The mafia thrill is back and I'm antsy for control. Mainly because I finally have a scum-read and I also have a town-read I don't want to die.
This is J's follow-up post. I don't like how dabuz literally runs the yardage for J on this, but that needs to be weighed post-ISO on the slot since my view is incredibly narrow when viewing this from a J-angle.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe @ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~ @Swiss @ Town PR Town PR

You should be able to notice that there is a shift in gears from J's play here that similarly accompanies the shift in direction to push a fos in a new direction. We've moved away from a follow-up of written content to an aggressive push based on vote. Scary has already been noted to have shifting positions, so how does Scary shifting his position on JDietz make the slot necessarily scummier?

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

A town-read or town reads? I distinctly remember J had an escalator of town reads which was Jdietz and DSH/Town PR/dabuz as 'lesser' town picks. The town association behavior was getting pressured by WashedLaundry for not really taking a position to being wrong. This actually shortly prefaced J's push on @ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary and a change in read & play styles from one that was more conservative-analytical to a leadership role that was solely interested in obtaining a lynch on Scary.

vote: J I know this is **** I already read but gogdamn, I do not like this. I get that same grody feeling I was getting with Soup in Luigi's Mansion for this same sidelining behavior laced with comments such as these. This halfhearted "i agree with this direction but i don't want to vote here" or "i disagree with this" type of thing just reeks of that same type of "I don't want to get my hands dirty" type of behavior.
If you scroll down from this post, you will see at the end of the same page J's transition to pushing on Scary rather abruptly following his meta-defense. If I'm not mistaken @ Town PR Town PR was noted relatively early in game for town telling with respect to a statement they made regarding what town would gain if they flipped scum. Stagnancy didn't happen exclusively because only town reads were being meted out, but J was also getting flake for not putting a strong alignment tell on Gheb in early game.

This is the last content post that J addresses the Scary slot. Sorry for it not being a direction quotation to the source, I'm only getting 3 hours of sleep tonight:

J said:
I am very annoyed at the fact that I am constantly havin to reevaluate his posts because he even said they were DRUNK MUSINGS. That's what annoys me at Scary is that I could be wrong all due to the sobriety of the person I am trying to read and who I am seeing as scummy. The contradictions could be drunk confusions, the randomness could be drunk blahblahblah, or even his explanations because I can't even tell anymore which bugs the hell out of me. This feeling even becomes more prominent after one my earlier strong town reads (DSH) posts a terrible reads posts baed on outdated info and drunk musings and puts into perspective that scary could may in fact be the exact same. So yeah that annoys me greatly especially when I feel I finally I have a scum read on a slot.
The Scary wagon was initially pursued on a very skeleton case that had bare bones and barely any legs to run on. For the level of consideration that J put into critiquing Gheb's early game play into the game, there was little to not effort made by this slot to flush out their read on Scary and their continues to be no effort taken by the slot to pursue new directions or to expand by asking Scary scumhunting questions in order to fully grasp the slot as it is. Contextually the Scary FOS came right after J was called out for playing conservatively and not taking a risk by developing a mafia position. J's play on paper is rational, concise, and fits into all our preconceptions of how a townie would respond to questions and answer them in turn. However, J's play isn't consistent and the trigger which would be WashedLaundry voicing concern and suspicion on the slot is a mark for J to drastically 180 his play and go on a senseless offensive against a slot that can't exactly potato. One more nail to add in this coffin is that J mentioned that he's a connection oriented player, however there is no indicator that the Jdietz flip have affected his initial push on Scary and J has stated a distrust in my slot although my reads took an absolutely null stance on the slot treating it was an exploitable mislynchable element by the mafia i.e. Jtard in order open a view towards looking at potential mafia around the slot.

Vote: J

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I have no idea why you tagged me and what you are actually asking for. As far as I can see the question you tagged me for is entirely rhetorical - and quite a loaded one at that. Why do you assume that Scary's change of read on Dietz made "the slot necessarily scummier" in J's eyes? That seems pretty baseless to me as in none of the quotes you posted J claims that Scary has become scummier to him. So what do you base that assumption on? And wouldn't it make a lot more sense to clarify the situation with J before assuming that you are right and ask other players about it right away?
Yes, J treated Scary and me differently. I wouldn't have expected anything else. Despite his attempts to discredit me on Day 1 -something he often does with players he feels can be a threat to him- it's quite clear that he holds me to a higher standard than Scary. That's not scummy, that's simply bad play imo. If J believes that he is a connection based player he must be unaware of the fact that nobody could tell by the way he posts. I don't care what Ryker said about it earlier, J simply isn't a rational player. Period. He will overload his posts with input, AtE and feels if he thinks that's the right way to go and you can probably find more than just one contradiction in what he says.

I'm not impressed by your case, Acro. You spend the majority of time telling us how J's behavior towards Scary is illogical and inconsistent compared to how he treated me. That's highly unconclusive. Before I want to even think about whether you *could* be right or not I'd need to see your analysis of Scary's play first. That's an important piece in your puzzle that you left in the dark completely. I wish Laundry wold've stayed in the game because I feel like he was onto something stronger about J than you are. If J is scum your case has done virtually nothing to convince me that he is.

I also await your input on HBW's slot still.


Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
How is my level 2 claim going to give you guys information? Does it have something to do with Nabe's night actions?
It won't give me nothin'. Nabe needs to know because he doesn't trust me. Personally don't care what your level 2 is because I already know what it isn't.

YO @Swiss

Who else did you target? I want a name. This is important.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe @ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~ @Swiss @ Town PR Town PR

You should be able to notice that there is a shift in gears from J's play here that similarly accompanies the shift in direction to push a fos in a new direction. We've moved away from a follow-up of written content to an aggressive push based on vote. Scary has already been noted to have shifting positions, so how does Scary shifting his position on JDietz make the slot necessarily scummier?

Did Scary change his position on Dietz? I spent a lot of time not looking at Scary after my original work on that read with Gorf, and only eyed him again when his position changed on me towards the end of the Day. Our reads on J seem to be similar, although mine is not so well-informed or even well-formed.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

A town-read or town reads? I distinctly remember J had an escalator of town reads which was Jdietz and DSH/Town PR/dabuz as 'lesser' town picks. The town association behavior was getting pressured by WashedLaundry for not really taking a position to being wrong. This actually shortly prefaced J's push on @ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary and a change in read & play styles from one that was more conservative-analytical to a leadership role that was solely interested in obtaining a lynch on Scary.
Right on the nose.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
This works well enough for me.
So are we lynching Scary or not? If Scary flipped scum it'd clear both of us and that'd be a two damn strong clears, and the odds of it being Scary if we're on the same page is pretty high.

Are you at all curious about who @Swiss picked for his second?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Before I respond to Acro, I'm just gonna say one thing to Gheb.

I have told you this countless times. Stop acting like you know me, stop your little passive aggressive bull****, and get off that high horse when talking about me. You are making playing this game unenjoyable, for me, so I would ask if you just stop your petty bull. Thanks.

Might I add you are being hypocritical now, regarding your own viewpoints on the game.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
If you had a sincere vibe that Scary's posts came across as feigned or fake, then I'm curious why you didn't touch upon each post as they came across as being particularly scummy when you reviewed them in the game. Why are you using such a weak attention grabber for someone who you want to apply pressure/pursue as mafia. "I get the feeling your posts are fake" is such an iffy statement that brings absolutely no sense of alarm or pressure. I don't understand why you'd even bother to include him as being "lovable" when that has no ties into necessitating that he's mafia. If anything, it seems like the first two lines that you wrote detract from any town intention to get a read on this slot and only demonstrates a type of "in media res" type of thought progression that is supposed to demonstrate your thinking is being "of the moment" and "in the middle" of a larger thought process.

Okay let's begin: You stated that my case on Scary was coming across as insincere because of the fact that I did not ISO every single one of his posts and point out where they were directly scummy? The thing that pushed it over the edge was his reads post which I did expound upon and explain. Sorry, not sorry, if you felt it was weak but it was strong enough to garner a following of people who believed what I was saying. The rest of your paragraph just does not make sense since it is directly opinion based on holds no ground as to why you find me as scum.

Acro said:
After the first two lines, the format of the post changes into a case style analysis because J moves from intonation to "reads in themselves."
Acro said:
In the following presentation of said points, J notes many discrepancies in Scary's play and how it doesn't add up, however it isn't mentioned how the posts are necessarily fake. Merely that many of the reads are not substantiated and there is a lack of logic to be given for the positions taken by the slot. This is a contradiction to J's early commentary on his approach to Gheb in a post like #418 where J grandstands Gheb on the idea that Gheb needs to demonstrate that bad play is not necessarily the equivalent of mafia play.

I disagree with the white paragraph because I did show how they are fake...hence why people joined me in voting him. Plus I also wrote that quite a few reads were not strong of mine based on how I play, tough luck there but that's my answer and what I'll stick to, to my own death in this game.

Also w.r.t. my read on Gheb. I didn't "grandstand" anything, I merely said Gheb is a bad player and therefore I have to look at his play through a different angle which makes me believe he is more likely to be bad town rather than bad mafia. Just so I don't fall hypocritical to what I said to Gheb in terms of passive aggressiveness. I don't think Gheb is a good player at this game at all. I've expressed this multiple of times with nicer words but if people don't want to play nice I can't honestly care for them. So I am sticking to my guns there, Acro, that just because Gheb plays poorly, doesn't mean I should find him as scum.

Acro said:
The vibe that I'm getting from the conclusion of this post is that the Scary lynch is to expand the read in other directions rather than an explicit hard line FOS at the slot itself. The summarized reads similarly show that this is a FOS that wasn't well researched or even a confident mafia marker for J because the rhetoric should be different if this were a slot were a strong mafia read for his slot.

"The rhetoric should be different." <---- That's your main reason in this paragraph and quite honestly it's weak since, that's your opinion that isn't substantiated by anything, not even meta which is the lowest form of convincing. You say my Scary suspicion is an FoS yet I clearly pointed it as a vote towards who I thought was scum. To you, you say that it is a weak suspicion like an FoS but you are not explaining it as to why. You say it's a summarization, but how. You say that it is a lighter suspicion, proof it. If you have proof or a harder reason to doubt why I am not thinking Scary is scum, then you need to start explaining.

A lot of your points are based on your opinions/how you think I should have gone about doing things based on frivolous reasons that don't add up in the long wrong.

Acro said:
The Scary wagon was initially pursued on a very skeleton case that had bare bones and barely any legs to run on. For the level of consideration that J put into critiquing Gheb's early game play into the game, there was little to not effort made by this slot to flush out their read on Scary and their continues to be no effort taken by the slot to pursue new directions or to expand by asking Scary scumhunting questions in order to fully grasp the slot as it is. Contextually the Scary FOS came right after J was called out for playing conservatively and not taking a risk by developing a mafia position. J's play on paper is rational, concise, and fits into all our preconceptions of how a townie would respond to questions and answer them in turn. However, J's play isn't consistent and the trigger which would be WashedLaundry voicing concern and suspicion on the slot is a mark for J to drastically 180 his play and go on a senseless offensive against a slot that can't exactly potato. One more nail to add in this coffin is that J mentioned that he's a connection oriented player, however there is no indicator that the Jdietz flip have affected his initial push on Scary and J has stated a distrust in my slot although my reads took an absolutely null stance on the slot treating it was an exploitable mislynchable element by the mafia i.e. Jtard in order open a view towards looking at potential mafia around the slot.

Vote: J
The bolded in this paragraph is a bold-faced lie. My Scary conviction came much later after those posts and I had also been posting about how I didn't care that people thought it was scummy that I didn't have a strong scum-read and that it was tough luck. Regarding your logic, you are trying to make it sound as if as soon as it started (it being the qualms towards me not having strong reads) I scrounged up a scum-read just to get people off my back. However, that isn't what occured so you need to correct your facts on this point.

Let's go into the fact that I'm a connection player based on Ditzy flip. I was the hardest pusher of Ditzy town yesterDay. Since I believed Ditzy to be town and he flipped the way I thought he would, how does that even come close to changing my reads? I am still on the same mindset and track that I was on since D1. Ditzy is scum while I don't like your slot at all, especially more at this poor attempt of a case to call me scum. However, I haven't had much time to be able to nail Scary in because of my hectic schedule (which is also why I have had a lack of content).

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
J proving literally everything I said right, one post after denying it.

Move on, Acrostic. J is not the play. He's just himself. Tell me who you'd prefer to lynch between HBW and Scary and we'll get enough people toDay to support it.


Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014

Really wondering why everyone else is reading "Oh, Nabe and Carnage found scum last Night. Let's argue about Gheb and Acrostic and shiz"

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

Don't you think if it was someone else, they would have pushed on that player by now with a vengeance?

I'm totally willing to claim to kill a scum, clear me AND you, and be able to do a whole lot of awesome Night shenanigans all game. We can call it the flypaper strategy.

Nabe are you in? If so, badger Swiss with me because we need to hear from him first on what his #2 is.

Glad you picked up on Scary's inadvertent reveal about his level 2. The only potential wrench in the plan is Swiss, maybe, so please badger him.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ryker, are you generally against a DSH / HBW push or do you just prefer the Scary lynch rught now? I'm willing to compromise because Scary is looking like a decent lynch and his flip can shed some light on Acro's thought process. I think that could be in J's interest as well.


Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Ryker, are you generally against a DSH / HBW push or do you just prefer the Scary lynch rught now? I'm willing to compromise because Scary is looking like a decent lynch and his flip can shed some light on Acro's thought process. I think that could be in J's interest as well.

I'm more interested in lynching confirmed scum if possible. I'll hit up the other stuff when I have time after I hear more from Swiss and Nabe. Swiss first, then Nabe in full. If the stars are aligned right then we should have confirmed scum via Night Actions or through Nabe or Swiss lying.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Really wondering why everyone else is reading "Oh, Nabe and Carnage found scum last Night. Let's argue about Gheb and Acrostic and shiz"
Your finding wasn't completely resolved. It's fine to continue talking while you guys sort your actions out to a solid conclusion. I'm for a Scary lynch if the results also point to him, or as compromise regardless, as I scumread him.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'm more interested in lynching confirmed scum if possible. I'll hit up the other stuff when I have time after I hear more from Swiss and Nabe. Swiss first, then Nabe in full. If the stars are aligned right then we should have confirmed scum via Night Actions or through Nabe or Swiss lying.
Oh, OK.


Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe @ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~ @Swiss @ Town PR Town PR

You should be able to notice that there is a shift in gears from J's play here that similarly accompanies the shift in direction to push a fos in a new direction. We've moved away from a follow-up of written content to an aggressive push based on vote. Scary has already been noted to have shifting positions, so how does Scary shifting his position on JDietz make the slot necessarily scummier?
I think J voting Scary was different in that he actually found something suspicious from Scary and voted him for it, while Scary didn't actually vote Jdietz for anything suspicious, but actually had Jdietz scum in mind before voting and tried to lead into it, as you did with J. Scary then also tried to add more reasoning to his original vote on JD, such as stating JD was being opportunistic, when he never addressed this before or even after voting JD at all. J was genuine with what he found and how he pushed it, Scary wasn't. (Scary wasn't trying to find scum, he was trying to survey opinions on JD before even voting him)

Why are you trying to excuse Scary? I'm also interested in your thoughts on HBW and my reasoning for HBWscum.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
A lot of your points are based on your opinions/how you think I should have gone about doing things based on frivolous reasons that don't add up in the long wrong.

Regarding your logic, you are trying to make it sound as if as soon as it started (it being the qualms towards me not having strong reads) I scrounged up a scum-read just to get people off my back.
This is what I take away from the whole thing. He's saying you are scum because you aren't playing your usual game, and that you should be doing the opposite to be town. This is where your purple underlined comes in, he is trying to force his opinion to paint you as scum. I also like your defense against Acrostic. I feel he is trying hard to paint you as scum while excusing Scary for being '********' so he can avoid him. (Since he compared you and Scary, and said "Why not J if he did the same thing, while Scary is just too newbie/dumb to do that?)

@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary : What do you think of Acrostic's recent push on J? Are you still willing to be his double voter? Yes or no? Why or why not?


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Thank you Acrostic. @ Town PR Town PR @J or anyone else who wants to comment, what do you think of Acrostic's town read on DSH for the reasons in 1471 (which are summarized in 1538)?

@ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound specifically Joey head. I don't have questions for you but am curious in seeing your thoughts on Town PR. Your hydra is awkward to address this game because both heads are so different in terms of reads and direction that it's like having two different players occupying one slot, with you specifically being in catchup mode and just trying to lay your thoughts down. Comparatively I completely forget at times that Town PR is actually a hydra and for the most part, both heads on the HBW hydra are/ were consistent with each other, and the only way I differentiate players on the MC hydra is when they name drop.

Really wondering why everyone else is reading "Oh, Nabe and Carnage found scum last Night. Let's argue about Gheb and Acrostic and shiz"
No reason to stop talking about other slots while you discuss with Nabe this stuff.
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