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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
/USER] Go into more about why you voted me yesterday and how your votes played out. I'm curious why you seemed to take interest only when Gheb brought it up but I don't recall you saying this earlier. If you really think Joey's handling of flip flopping was scummy, what do you think of our overall play rather than just that moment? How do you feel about the JDietz wagon after all that happened?

Vote: Dabuz
I already explained my votes yesterDay except for yours. Anyway for your vote, there were a couple things.

-I can compromise with a DSH lynch toDay. His sudden disappearance irks me. The RR head's early pressure on me feels like it was something ridiculous to push on even when justifying that it was pressure based on a bad reaction. (If memory serves me anyway) The head's town read on PR (which IIRC is his most justified town read) reads weird to me because he's defending PR asking why people see the slot as scum (973 and at some point before post 700), yet DSH had admitted either in post 511 or a bit past that that he sees Town PR as townie mostly as a result of disliking Jdietz. However his 558 explicitly states when rereading PR's 414 that DSH doesn't like it anymore. This comes as a result of JD asking DSH why DSH even liked PR's 414 where DSH generalizes by saying he liked PR's openness. So I feel like DSH's strongest town read isn't fully fleshed and has some inconsistencies. It's a slot that's so far behind anyway which doesn't instill much confidence in his potential to contribute to relevant discussion.
This is something I found when rereading the first 16/ 17 pages of the game. I didn't bring it up because when I initially noticed it you were inactive AND there wasn't enough time in the day for it when considering you still needed to catch up. Then Town PR presented me basically an ultimatum in 1231/ 1232 where I could either die, or vote you. Let's be honest here, I was pretty damn close to being lynched and there was no reason not to join your forming wagon considering the circumstances. I already went into your play in a recent post.

For the JD wagon there was IIRC

HBW, You, Gorf, Scary, Nabe and I THINK Vult Redux supporting it
Acrostic ignoring it, WL not here, Gheb I explained in my big post
MC, J, PR NOT supporting it.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
I have town reads on Nabe (as of today), you (still), HBW (as of today) and null on everyone else (I am less impressed with MC today and can't say I couldn't see him flipping scum anymore).

I think I used to have a mild scumread on Scary and J but the Night was pretty long so I can't remember why.
So where are your scumreads now?


Vote: Detective Sherlock Hound


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Hardbody Warrior ()
2. Acrostic ()
3. Maximum Carnage ()
4. Swiss (2) MOD, MOD
5. Detective Sherlock Hound (3) Gheb, dabuz, dabuz
6. J ()
7. Gorf ()
8. Dabunz (4) HBW, HBW, DSH, MC
9. LBScary59 ()
10. Town PR ()
12. Gheb_01 ()
13. Nabe (3) MOD, MOD, MOD
14. Vult Redux ()

Not voting - Acrostic, Swiss, J, Gorf, Scary, TPR, NAbe, Vult

With 13 playing, it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is February 28th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6).

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
@ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound

Can you quote any of the questions I asked that you didn't like and explain why you didn't like them?
Not while I am on my phone.

Also read your collapsed part, I didn't use meta I used player experience.

I don't hold Scary to the same standards as OVerswarm or Swiss or Washedlaundry.

This is the same trap Rake fell into in that same game me and Zen pushed Scary in. I think Scary can elaborate or explain himself but holding him to the standard Town PR is saying.

I'm willing to listen to I don't see what he has done that is scummy.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Ruy, I explained in great detail yesterDay while I was defending him. Told ya so is a jab to marshy because he said ditzy was obv scum and deserved to die while I was incredibly wrong on the read. So it was needed, for me.
Can you quote this for me where you did this, if not I can look fir it when I get off work.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
So Nabe, based on what you've said I'm assuming that you're telling me that none of those slots are special in one way or another that makes them more clear or more damned?

Swiss, really wanna hear from you cuz this is important. I'm pretty sure I know a whole load of ish toDay.

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

Can I get a Ryker post?


Why did you specifically want Ryker to throw out a read on me D1? Ryker isn't exactly good at reading me so I had difficulty rationalizing how that would benefit anybody.

Can someone tell me why the **** Swiss has two modvotes and Nabe started off with two?

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
im catching up and seeing things I didn't catch before yay.

Some imp stuff.

- J never answered my question in my #740 do that plz.
- I (very weakly) lean scum on Scary but for different reasons now. Before it had to do with his awkwardness of getting his reads straight which I now chalk up now as more flailing but I'm now mildly concerned about his passiveness/agreeableness (e.g. pg 22) that doesn't sit well with me even though I can't pinpoint anything particularly scummy about it.
- Dabuz looks really good in Dabuz vs. MC (#s 830-853ish) and MC looks terrible.
- I'm starting to see that Nabe is completely justified in pointing out MC questionably pointing out his inactivity (ref: #1003; salient to me because I was also a victim of this to some extent)
- I'm reassured that Jd wagon is completely justified even though I felt a little guilty when he flipped town because he was playing really badly.
- still nothing notable about Town PR/Acro/DSH. Someone needs to bring to my attention what the deal is with them.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

Can I get a Ryker post?


Why did you specifically want Ryker to throw out a read on me D1? Ryker isn't exactly good at reading me so I had difficulty rationalizing how that would benefit anybody.

Can someone tell me why the **** Swiss has two modvotes and Nabe started off with two?
You have gotten Ryker posts, and we agree on most things

Ok now I think your full of ****, where did we ever vote Nabe.

I'm pretty damn sure Joey never Unvote from Dietz.
Ohhhhhhh, I see where you're looking now. You were voting for JDietz and wanted him dead. My bad.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
So, does Ryker want to lynch Nabe today?


Who is Town in this game?
Need to hear some more from Nabe and Swiss before moving on in this train of thought. We learned a lot.

I never voted Nabe so if we did Joey did, but from what I read he never moved our vote.

So why did you claim we were most likely as town to doom Nabe when we never voted him.
Because I had read you (and others) as voting Nabe instead of JDietz when looking back at the votecount and of the possible townies that would be willing to Doom him most not having a reliable reason as of toDay save for your slot which hadn't yet said "I didn't Doom nabe".

I'm guessing from all this you think Nabe is town?

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Need to hear some more from Nabe and Swiss before moving on in this train of thought. We learned a lot.

Because I had read you (and others) as voting Nabe instead of JDietz when looking back at the votecount and of the possible townies that would be willing to Doom him most not having a reliable reason as of toDay save for your slot which hadn't yet said "I didn't Doom nabe".

I'm guessing from all this you think Nabe is town?
Town lean. I don't think he has as evasive as you have made him out to be and I still think he is justified on how you have been treating his slot.

I don't agree mafia for sure doomed him, I don't see him as a priority target from a mafia POV.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
I'll give you this, read wise, he should expand more, but I don't think he has been avoiding reads all together.

3 out if the 4 slots you listed as null, when he disliked my slot earlier, should be worked on.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
I'll give you this, read wise, he should expand more, but I don't think he has been avoiding reads all together.

3 out if the 4 slots you listed as null, when he disliked my slot earlier, should be worked on.
Hmmm... I really want to dislike you but you are posting like town Red Ryu no matter what I post.

Sherlock, if you knew that either HBW or Vult were mafia, but only one of them was, which one would you think was mafia?

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Hmmm... I really want to dislike you but you are posting like town Red Ryu no matter what I post.

Sherlock, if you knew that either HBW or Vult were mafia, but only one of them was, which one would you think was mafia?
That's tough.

I don't dislike either slot, Marshy has done a few things that made me go "huh?" Like his Nabe votes which I'm sure where those cane from. But his push, directions, and reads. Outside of Nabe I like what he has done.

Vult has been less active but His posts have been very good content wise, though his reads seem less developed.

I'd pick Hardbody as town and Vult as mafia of I had to pick between those two. Marshy has a lot more trust.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014

Vult's mafia. What has been his plan? Who is his teammate? What does that imply from yesterday's lynch, given that Vult wasn't on it?

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
posting like town Red Ryu no matter wat...
Congratulations on reaching a conclusion I made about 5 pages into the game! Welcome. I'm glad you made it.

Once you're done with the questioning and voodoo posts, can you tell me if this affects your read on those hating on the DSH slot?

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey

Vult's mafia. What has been his plan? Who is his teammate? What does that imply from yesterday's lynch, given that Vult wasn't on it?
I don't think he is scum, but uh.

Putting out content whiling limiting his paper trail. With his team, lurk distancing. He has a good way to sneak into Lylo. This is the deliberate town null I am for as scum and town. This could be his personal plan.

His teammate, i don't think I could answer this in any good faith believing what I said. I don't consider this til I see a scum flip. EE told me as advice to slow down and focus on the here and now and I've followed that. Any mafia team I made would be just my scum picks.

I thought Vult voted Dietz unless I'm wrong here.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
backtracking a bit because I'm catching up. which games did he do this as both alignments?
I cannot recall exact games off the top of my head, but it's enough to make a significant trigger in my mind of calling it null.

Okay I am making my opinion clear this time on the dabuz wagon: **** the dabuz wagon.

@ #HBC | Gorf #HBC | Gorf : where are you? I miss your pretty, yet wrong on ditzy, face.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
I don't think he is scum, but uh.

Putting out content whiling limiting his paper trail. With his team, lurk distancing. He has a good way to sneak into Lylo. This is the deliberate town null I am for as scum and town. This could be his personal plan.

His teammate, i don't think I could answer this in any good faith believing what I said. I don't consider this til I see a scum flip. EE told me as advice to slow down and focus on the here and now and I've followed that. Any mafia team I made would be just my scum picks.

I thought Vult voted Dietz unless I'm wrong here.
You just said that Vult was scum out of Vult and HBW if one of them were guaranteed scum, but you can't put him on a teammate?

What about HBW? If HBW was scum and Vult wasn't, who would HBW's teammates be?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J where should we go then?
I want Scary for the biggest scum-read. Acrostic could go based on his posts holding a lot of fluff and no weight since he began posting. Nabe could go but he is doomed to die. Town PR needs to be re-evaluated and looked into hella more in my opinion. So pick your target and start shooting. I, personally, am thinking of which of these directions I want to follow since I have a few on my plate.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
You just said that Vult was scum out of Vult and HBW if one of them were guaranteed scum, but you can't put him on a teammate?

What about HBW? If HBW was scum and Vult wasn't, who would HBW's teammates be?
I gotta close the store down

I can try a best guess when I get home but I usually rely on a scum flip before I try to make a scum team link together.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I cannot recall exact games off the top of my head, but it's enough to make a significant trigger in my mind of calling it null.
would it be too much to ask for you to find them?

Now that I remember why I asked this I can assure you that this is meaningful

Can someone tell me why the **** Swiss has two modvotes and Nabe started off with two?
If someone knew they probably would have said it already.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Lol I haven't read ANY of this and I'm not going to be able to for a while!

Swiss you're a g amongst g's. Know that, respect that, cuz if had a severe lack of Swiss and I want dat British humor. Feed me.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
You just said that Vult was scum out of Vult and HBW if one of them were guaranteed scum, but you can't put him on a teammate?

What about HBW? If HBW was scum and Vult wasn't, who would HBW's teammates be?
Vult, if I had to pick a partner it would be Dabuz, he towards the end of the day wasn't for it and I'm not sure it was really fleshed out, and coming into today with more of a, everyone is null but Nabe and HBW, but the issue is Dabuz asked the question which makes me wonder if he were scum, if that kind of interaction makes sense. Really it's thinking about why he didn't want to go Dabuz, which had to do with how he was questioning others like Scary. This is something I agree with, and I would be ok with this kind of disagreement, he''s not he only one town read Dabuz. The weird thing is the lack of a town read listed and back to null, if Vult flipped scum I wouldn't be comfortable with this town read then to null coming back into day 2. This is a guess but it is the only read that sticks out to me like this.

HBW, I think Nabe would be a likely candidate. I'm aware he pushed Nabe, and during D1 he spent a lot of time going for him even with large letters as, vote NABE D1 2014, but I still think how he has bounced back and forth with this wagon is more unsettling, now he auto voted Nabe going into D2, which is...not what I expected given Day 1, I was thinking he was going to vote Dabuz right away but instead he went for Nabe, now he didn't know about the DOOM but that raises a question about if he would check his mafia QT first then just for this. Or if he planned to bus but then 180'd because he wanted to keep him around and end the potential wagon.

These are both best guesses off what I remember, and slightly reread, and I don't think either slot is scum but again. I'm not sure about this and generally don't like doing this til a flip happens because it's not really helpful for town to do this kind of speculation til you have the confirmed flip.
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