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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Will be catching up as much as I can, working my way through the inane drivel that's been posted thus far.

Town has no direction
Take note of direction changes, they're going to important after Dabuz, and then Nabe, posts. There's prolly gonna be some claiming today whether we want it to occur or not, because any discussion of which is going to basically spell it out anyway since the roles are public.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
I got some stuff to say but wanna go over it with the other head first. Wanna hear from Dabuz too, as stated yesterday.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
pressure town pr
ditz pp focus>
....I think I can potentially clear several people toDay.

Really want to hear from Dabuz.

Nabe you keep your trap shut.

@Gheb, let's hear more from you on DSH. Dabuz is gonna stall and you won't overlap with him anyway.

Everyone @ Dabuz Dabuz so he gets a ton of this ish.

You THINK you can potentially clear people?


have you claimed>

give me reasonign, i'm 20 pages behind but i hate this

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
You seriously need to die. ALL of your suspicions revolve around people who hate you (and DSH and J, both of who are terrible ****ing plays) for ******** reasons.



The **** even is your read on me? Why did you like this post when it's the same tone as this post you're Caps Locking about, just not directed at you?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Take note of direction changes, they're going to important after Dabuz, and then Nabe, posts. There's prolly gonna be some claiming today whether we want it to occur or not, because any discussion of which is going to basically spell it out anyway since the roles are public.
Any important mechanics? I havent read OP roles


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
A bit scatterbrained ATM so gonna post all my thoughts regarding toDays direction tomorrow if not later today. (OMG SO SCUMMY I AM!) I Do have a few questions to ask though. Feel free to start the hardbody wagon.

See that little floppy disk above the reply box? It's on the right hand side near the arrows pointing away from each other. Click on it and the option to delete draft'll appear.
Why did you ask that question bro it's so scummy to ask a question with no purpose! @ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage don't you agree?

Ok, serious questions actually coming now.

It's the same as the old one. If it works the same, it should be public as "MOD" votes at the start.

But you know what this means? You were actually thinking and not plotting looking back at the roles! good for you, +1 point.
I'm trying to figure out what you see here but I don't. What about J's apparent confusion is a town tell? Only thing I can possibly see is that a scum player would have discussed the uses of an illusionist role and therefore be unlikely to have confusion over it, but then again couldn't scum players misread it as well?

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage What was your read of HBW at the time of 793 and what is it now?

@J in your 1039 you imply a paranoia of Gorf. Is this true and if so what makes you paranoid of him?

@Town PR What's your current read on me and is it based more on my play by itself or my play compared to my scum meta?

@Gheb I asked this in 850 and never got an appropriate response, why don't you like the Scary wagon?

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010



Lynch Nabe if he lives past N4.
saving the lynch makes sense, sure.

but I still don't get your perspective.

if you think he's mafia, what makes you think he doesn't have a great ability that he can use which would be detrimental to the town before he dies?

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Any important mechanics? I havent read OP roles
I designed the original game. If you haven't read it, this has some repeat players so you can do some compare/contrast if you want. Gheb was scum, which helps.

This game is designed to be played multiple times but only with unique hidden roles. If Mafia were able to choose their roles, they could alpha on D2 with no repercussions. You can break the game super, super easy if mafia can just straight up pick roles.

This means that mafia has unique roles and therefore unique abilities. In my previous game, many of those abilities mimicked existing roles. These included things like blinding, roleblocking, etc.

It's also important, but not as important, for town to have unique roles. They often have a dedicated lv. 1 or lv. 2 and then choose the other one. This is to prevent stuff like all of town picking dancers, thus never being able to lynch anyone because they can't be the first lynch and mafia winning by attrition. It also creates variability, as people are small-minded and in the last game spammed Thief and Dragoon as super obvious.... and it also prevents frustration from mafia as 4 priests blocking a bunch of players is super ridiculous. Even crazier with Summoners in the mix using Golem.

This means that town has unique roles and therefore unique abilities. In my previous game, those abilities were varied in nature and kind of forced the players to choose more unique choices.

Look hard for restrictions because you know mafia is and make it really hard for mafia to pinpoint your role. Try to be on a lynch if you've already been on a lynch so they don't know if you're soldier lv. 2 or not, try to avoid hammering if you want them to question if you are a priest, don't be an opening lynch so you can worry about them targeting you due to illusionist. Helps mess up mafia's choices.

You should open up the roles list and just ctrl+f "restriction"

Mass claiming is a very important tool for town to use late in the game as if mafia goofed up with any of their actions they can easily be caught. Claiming is very important in this game as it forces mafia to stick to a story and many of the roles in this game can be tested.

That said, obv don't start the mass claim until the scum numbers shrink or we've got some good ish goin.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
no. his questions are reasonable.
HBW does'nt think so. He even liked my post.

why are you assuming it's mafia?
Because it wasn't me, and HBW is pretending it wasn't him if it was and making a show of it which would be scummy, JDietz is dead, and WL was replacing out and wasn't active enough to be like "Yo bro, I'm replacing out BUT BY THE WAY DOOM ON NABE gl all". Swiss coming in wouldn't have read the game and while I believe he'd doom someone randomly I don't believe it'd be Nabe.

Thus, the only players that could have used Doom on Nabe would be those that didn't push him or vote on him at all yesterday even when he was near a lynch. If a townie wanted him lynched, they could have lynched him, but their vote wasn't on there. Silently dooming Nabe? Nah. The only townie I could see doing that would be Sherlock if he was town, but even then I'd frown with disapproval.

By PoE, mafia.

I have a method to my madness, which I've explained to you each time. Do you think my train of thought when explaining to you has ever been unfounded?

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Dabuz, imma answer your ish

but I'd like to hear who you want to push today

Go ahead and throw down a vote

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
@ Vult Redux Vult Redux

I'm not going to curl up in a ball and cry over Nabe possibly having some ballerass role as scum that I have no means of knowing about. Also I thought scum have to pick their roles rendering your question meaningless anyway.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

I liked the post because I thought the yoloswag420blazeit comment was funny, especially coming from you.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I'm not going to curl up in a ball and cry over Nabe possibly having some ballerass role as scum that I have no means of knowing about.
there's also the advantage of lynching Nabemafia (I'm still speaking hypothetically here) now that we can work with connections which we cannot really do until we get a flip.

why not that

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
Because I've got a perfectly good dabdab ripe for a hardbodying. The idea of maximizing the amount of slots i hate dying appeals to me.

That said, I might go back to Nabe once I put more thought into what OS said and after I speak with Sang but for now I'm good.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
@ Vult Redux Vult Redux

I'm not going to curl up in a ball and cry over Nabe possibly having some ballerass role as scum that I have no means of knowing about. Also I thought scum have to pick their roles rendering your question meaningless anyway.

@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

I liked the post because I thought the yoloswag420blazeit comment was funny, especially coming from you.
Dislike. Since when does this slot explain themselves and WTF would you assume scum was picking their roles. There's been enough setup discussion to know that isn't the case.

Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
I thought the ENTIRE point of this ****ing game was to pick roles.

Speaking of calling out people for not reading, perhaps you should take note that I've repeatedly stated that I was going to play in a more traditional manner for the sake of my hydra partner not getting dragged into the, "marshys not explaining **** and being anti town as ****, **** him" dilemma.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@ Dabuz Dabuz

Holy balls my post was way longer than I intended especially considering I typed that one my iphone. Anyways I laughed hard at Gheb saying I haven't done stuff this game. Not gonna ad-hominem him, but know it's there.

I feel like I am HBW's mirror this game. I have pretty much contrasting views based on seeing the other side of the coin save for a few in the null/slight lean department.

I have talked a lot about Ditzy/Scary lately so I am trying to talk about others. I want to talk about the people I am paranoid about but eh not really use going into gut things or things I can't prove.
I didn't mention Gorf in this post but he isn't one I am really paranoid about.


You brought up a weird post of mine to type a wall about but I guess I can explain. I like WL as a person outside of this game, regardless of my opinion of him in game, I was excited to play with him again so of course it is going to be a bummer to see a friend go.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage 1330
Definitely owe you this response. Thanks for the reprieve on that day lol.

1) People I "think" you've pushed:
-Much Nabe push
-Gorf (during vote block discussion I believe)
-Town PR (At one point, you wanted to lynch him first)

Also going to refer to #561 where to speak of subtlety pressuring each of the inactive slots in your own way. In a sense, there's been a little bit of pressure for each slot I would think. Some a lot more than others, such as Nabe.

2) Nabe Scumreaeds
I am not to sure that these we based on scum leans, but referring to #1004, Nabe was wanting to lynch J/Dabuz. Also looking for #1153 he scum leans Max Carnage. I want to think that the Carnage read may have intensified during this day so far.

3) I feel like you mostly worked alone with your pressure on Nabe. People eventually joined in on your wagon (WL, JD, HBW all were on at one point). I'm not entirely too sure if your wagon's succeeded, and the diction of your posts leads me to believe that it succeed to a point, but I'm really not all too sure. I imagine JD became the fallback wagon merely because he became the "bad" wagon that most people could agree on; other options pretty much included myself based on my bad play and DSH because why?

4) I wouldn't necessarily say that Gorf saved him from pressure but at a point #1143-1144, he at least tries to detract from some of the pressure on Nabe. Towards the end of the day, HBW would also put a little pressure on Nabe but otherwise I don't think there was anyone else.

*Reading the happenings of toDay now. Already saw that Nabe believes he stopped a kill and I'm interested in seeing that. Might be the first game I've ever partaken in where there wasn't a night1 kill.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Hey Nabe, out of curiosity which of the following would you NOT lynch if you had to remove one from the pool of following players, knowing you needed to lynch one of the remaining:

DSH, Scary, Vult, HBW

I would truly value your input on this matter

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
So the Ruy head is here, Swiss is in.

Hope this doesn't end up as too many cooks in the kitchen.

@ Swiss Swiss I've been having mixed feelings on your slot from Day 1, but it was the inactive spurts that lead to him replacing out. If you think town has no direction, sell me on a clear direction.

@ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~ I have no clue why you keep putting my slot in the lynch area since you remain vague on this area. Elaborate, if you say, "I made it clear" then I'm gonna put your slot on ignore.

@J I don't care for I told you so, why were you town read Jdietz?

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage We did not Doom Nabe, why are we the first pick for something like that? Also can you go into the "Everyone wants this guy dead so he is most likely town" thing from D1? This happened to Circus in MMU but he still flipped scum. I'm also in agreement with Vult on how you have been handling Nabe is not something I like. He asked some legitimate questions and the constant dodging you did yesterday is not something I will let anyone do but Marshy because he will do it no matter what happens.

@ Dabuz Dabuz Go into more about why you voted me yesterday and how your votes played out. I'm curious why you seemed to take interest only when Gheb brought it up but I don't recall you saying this earlier. If you really think Joey's handling of flip flopping was scummy, what do you think of our overall play rather than just that moment? How do you feel about the JDietz wagon after all that happened?

Vote: Dabuz

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
We did not Doom Nabe, why are we the first pick for something like that?
Jumpy, are we? I said you were the only townie that could have possibly done so. Not that you couldn't have done it as scum, but that if a townie did it you'd be the only reasonable choice. Thanks for letting me know you didn't!

Also can you go into the "Everyone wants this guy dead so he is most likely town" thing from D1? This happened to Circus in MMU but he still flipped scum.
I modded that game, I know exactly what happened.

I was right.

Scum bussing their own on D1 rarely happens unless they're literally planning around it and the other guy is caught. Rake the Laundry cold called Circus because he played his scum meta to a T, Circus knew it, and scum played around it. JDietz had no such problem. Scum wouldn't have jumped on the JDietz for any reason if JDietz was scum. There was dabuz, scary, and nabe lynches they could jump on and they were all different types so they could have split however they wanted.

If you want to keep making gross generalizations feel free, but this was never anything like MMU mafia where Circus was lynched. Scum was forced to lynch circus because if they defended him they'd have been found out immediately.

I'm also in agreement with Vult on how you have been handling Nabe is not something I like. He asked some legitimate questions and the constant dodging you did yesterday is not something I will let anyone do but Marshy because he will do it no matter what happens.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Jumpy, are we? I said you were the only townie that could have possibly done so. Not that you couldn't have done it as scum, but that if a townie did it you'd be the only reasonable choice. Thanks for letting me know you didn't!
You opened the door for this, I closed it.

You still dodged my question here, why are we the ones to be the only townie to do this?

I modded that game, I know exactly what happened.

I was right.

Scum bussing their own on D1 rarely happens unless they're literally planning around it and the other guy is caught. Rake the Laundry cold called Circus because he played his scum meta to a T, Circus knew it, and scum played around it. JDietz had no such problem. Scum wouldn't have jumped on the JDietz for any reason if JDietz was scum. There was dabuz, scary, and nabe lynches they could jump on and they were all different types so they could have split however they wanted.

If you want to keep making gross generalizations feel free, but this was never anything like MMU mafia where Circus was lynched. Scum was forced to lynch circus because if they defended him they'd have been found out immediately.
I asked you this yesterday and you ignored it. I didn't get the difference and find this even weirder since you told PJB post game he was making the right move to question the Circus lynch on D2.

As a difference yeah, but I don't get why you are throwing out the, his mates are busing him angle. Ryker can defiantly tell you what he did in Elements and Attributes on this note where he literally pushed his mate into the ground D1 when he wasn't a sure fire lynch and virtually everyone wanted PJB dead day 1 if I recall outside of Swiss/Adumb.

If you wanna play this game, w/e.

@anyone with a gun vig this slot.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Ruy, I explained in great detail yesterDay while I was defending him. Told ya so is a jab to marshy because he said ditzy was obv scum and deserved to die while I was incredibly wrong on the read. So it was needed, for me.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
You opened the door for this, I closed it.

You still dodged my question here, why are we the ones to be the only townie to do this?
ME said:
Because it wasn't me, and HBW is pretending it wasn't him if it was and making a show of it which would be scummy, JDietz is dead, and WL was replacing out and wasn't active enough to be like "Yo bro, I'm replacing out BUT BY THE WAY DOOM ON NABE gl all". Swiss coming in wouldn't have read the game and while I believe he'd doom someone randomly I don't believe it'd be Nabe.

Thus, the only players that could have used Doom on Nabe would be those that didn't push him or vote on him at all yesterday even when he was near a lynch. If a townie wanted him lynched, they could have lynched him, but their vote wasn't on there. Silently dooming Nabe? Nah. The only townie I could see doing that would be Sherlock if he was town, but even then I'd frown with disapproval.
PoE mang. You were voting Nabe and presumably wanted him dead right? If Nabe = scum and Town = Doom, the only townie left that could be using it at that point was you.

I asked you this yesterday and you ignored it. I didn't get the difference and find this even weirder since you told PJB post game he was making the right move to question the Circus lynch on D2.
It was the right choice to question it. Which is totally in line with what I just said. "If everyone wants a slot dead, they're probably town" is the correct mindset. The only reason scum was on the Circus lynch was because he got cold called and gave up which is abnormal and was Circus sacrificing himself to protect his scum.

As a difference yeah, but I don't get why you are throwing out the, his mates are busing him angle. Ryker can defiantly tell you what he did in Elements and Attributes on this note where he literally pushed his mate into the ground D1 when he wasn't a sure fire lynch and virtually everyone wanted PJB dead day 1 if I recall outside of Swiss/Adumb.
I don't know waht this means or why it is relevant to me.

If you wanna play this game, w/e.

@anyone with a gun vig this slot.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Ruy, I explained in great detail yesterDay while I was defending him. Told ya so is a jab to marshy because he said ditzy was obv scum and deserved to die while I was incredibly wrong on the read. So it was needed, for me.
I was right you mang

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Hey @ Swiss Swiss , out of curiosity which of the following would you NOT lynch if you had to remove one from the pool of following players, knowing you needed to lynch one of the remaining:

DSH, Scary, Vult, HBW

I would truly value your input on this matter


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Ok, so post time go go go.


I did not like his entrance into the game.

-His 1108 is pretty obviously his attempt to find a reason to dislike me but he never came to the conclusion of a reason to scum read me.
--His followup posts don't do this either which is concerning when IIRC I was the person whom he was pushing towards a lynch, if someone wants to lynch me I want to see some conclusive reasoning.
---It's also concerning he only made his opinion of me at that point through a single post instead of my whole play, but I also have to consider he replaced into this game when it had about 30 pages so I have to give him some leeway there.

-1208 He threatens a Gorf lynch for Gorf defending me, but really, why would GORF be lynched for defending me unless I flip scum? (Which I won't just an FYI)
--Unless there's something I don't understand about that, this means Acrostic is presuming i'll flip scum which would most likely get Gorf lynched because of connections.

-It still urks me that he didn't have ANYTHING to say regarding JD's wagon or Nabe's wagon when they were big ones as well and he obviously read enough to have an opinion because i'm not the only slot he explained his thoughts on.
--Furthermore in his 1214 he states he thinks he's choosing between 3 wagons where the reasons for lynching are bad play, which implies he DOES have opinions on Nabe and JD (or one of the 3 could be scary which he explained why he thinks Scary's play is bad but not scummy).
---I get the feeling he didn't want to commit to a stance which is scummy considering his, what I would claim is an opportunistic jump at me when my wagon was gathering steam.

-I want to see his thoughts on 1017 because he implied it's bad in 1204 BUT in his 1215 he says he doesn't know if it's good or bad due to him not knowing yet if it's consistent with my play.
--To me this looks sort of like fence sitting since I think he's trying to get other slots to comment on it, and if he sees the thoughts of other people first, he will know where the -common- stance is.

Now that we had a night phase, I want acrostic to lay down his thoughts on what's going on and how he is reading players. IDC for his thoughts on the JD wagon because the flip is out now, but the Nabe wagon is still unexplored by his slot. Currently this slot is a scum lean of mine, and that could change depending on how he plays now that he had time to catch up.


I don't have more to add to this guy, still my #1 scum read and if I see his wagon becoming realistic this phase, unless something comes along to change my read you can expect me to push it.

Detective Sherlock Hound

-I'm going to start off by saying the intent of my question in 1241, something along the lines of "Am I still your #1 scumread after Jdietz?" was to see if DSH is caught up. In DSH's 973 it's apparent he is not caught up yet and still has his reads from old things, I still think this is the case by 1241.
--As far as I can tell he didn't offer any substantial and new content on his reads for me and JD.
---He doesn't like the way MC has been pushing Nabe, and i'm pretty sure he was around when MC was pushing Nabe early on.
----So my point is that DSH was not caught up, yet he's trying to push slots. I feel like this is anti-town because a player shouldn't be able to accurately maintain reads on slots and push them when he isn't even up to date on what's been happening with said slots. To me that actually shows a disinterest in real scum-hunting.

Directly from my notes:
-(1303) Telling people not to read slots on meta, then DEFENDS Scary based on meta. (meta I disagree with comapred to this scenario but W/E) Understands why we think Scary is scum but needs mroe convincing (um, so does he need a cop on him or something >_>?). Calls PR town (brownie points for him yay). Pushes me saying I asked questions he doesn't like, but HAS NOT brought up any of those and thne compares it to LM. Thinks reasoning to vote his slot is bad (goes into it later I think). Obviously this is meant to push my lynch over his while defending Scary and getting PR on his good side.
--The first part of this where I call out the contradiction about reading based on Meta is the most important because well, it's just a flat out contradiction to tell people NOT to read based on META, then to defend Scary based on META. Also then compares me this game to LM which is META. I mean, does anyone need me to explain what's scummy about this?
---Making a claim then not supporting it also reads bad to me.

Said this before in I think 1233 but I should bring it up
-I can compromise with a DSH lynch toDay. His sudden disappearance irks me. The RR head's early pressure on me feels like it was something ridiculous to push on even when justifying that it was pressure based on a bad reaction. (If memory serves me anyway) The head's town read on PR (which IIRC is his most justified town read) reads weird to me because he's defending PR asking why people see the slot as scum (973 and at some point before post 700), yet DSH had admitted either in post 511 or a bit past that that he sees Town PR as townie mostly as a result of disliking Jdietz. However his 558 explicitly states when rereading PR's 414 that DSH doesn't like it anymore. This comes as a result of JD asking DSH why DSH even liked PR's 414 where DSH generalizes by saying he liked PR's openness. So I feel like DSH's strongest town read isn't fully fleshed and has some inconsistencies. It's a slot that's so far behind anyway which doesn't instill much confidence in his potential to contribute to relevant discussion.
--The last two sentences of this summarizes the point i'm trying to get to here.

Right now I'm putting a scumread on DSH.
-The slot hows me he does not want to scum hunt.
--Holding onto old reads with the same reasoning
---Pushing slots despite these old reads.
----Didn't back up his claim on me asking questions he doesn't like.
-He contradicted himself when talking about meta.
-His strongest town read isn't fully fleshed AND had some inconsistencies.

He should be caught up now so I'd like to see his fleshed out reads as well


Play has been bad this game, still want Scary before him.

Vult Redux

These are my exact notes on the slot.

14. Vult Redux ()
-8 years of on and offline experience.
-Has a vote on nameless with no followup as J noted, want to see where he goes with that.
-(741) Jdietz, Nameless, and J as scum reads.
--Townreads me and Carnage
-(1030) Wants a Nabe cause because he doesn't have a read on him, so pretty much wants an excuse to jump onto the wagon or push agaisnt it.
-(1181) Defends me so much
-(1194) JD pulls up something which makes him fine with Nabe Wagon
-(1141) Defends me not based on my play but based on what MC dislikes about my questions.
-(1194) Fine with the Nabe wagon
-(1311) REally vague reason to like MC and HBW.
-This slot's inactivity and vagueness are both scaring me. I don't recall a single strong push from this slot.

Scum lean, want to see some more from this slot since I feel like the scum lean on him is just me defaulting to that not based on his content, but instead his lack of content. Want to know what his reads ATM are.


Don't like this slot because he's not explaining things at all.

-(1227) Votes DSH when he realizes he doesn't want me as much as DSH. Doesn't think DSH is scumhunting nor does DSH feel genuine to him. HOWEVER he asks "what are DSH's reads and stances?" when DSH gave his (very outdated) reads in a recent post, it was a big but simple post so i'm no sure if Gheb is reading. Thinks Acrostic's case is reachy and he doesn't trust HBW or Nabe's reads this game.
--Not sure if this slot is reading because of his approach to DSH
---Doesn't explain why he thinks Acrostic's case is reachy or why he doesn't trust HBW or Nabe's reads this game.

-(999) Thinks PR vs. JD is scum fueled. He thinks DSH, me, MC, and HBW would be good lynches toDay which is consistent with his approach to this whole game. The only slot he really explains though and doesn't leave as essentially null is HBW.

-(1246) Throwing very baseless suspicion at MC and HBW
--Presses this more in 1259 but I don't see the actual point he's getting at.

-(1252) Calls out DSH's lack of trying to push what he believe in. It's important to note DSH hasn't had time to play (or at least that's what he says)
--(1274) It's like he's ignoring the fact that DSH hasn't been here, he's also giving himself a lot of credit for making the JD wagon realistic but it's like he wants other people to do it and he wants to stay disconnected. He's gone out of his way to be neutral towards the actual player (O_O?)

-(no post number) I don't see what's Gheb trying to do but yell and mudsling at HBW/ MC in his recent posts.

Now, the points I make bringing up these posts are:
-He hasn't been explaining why he thinks what he thinks and that's not good for obvious reasons.
-Not sure if he's even reading in depth, his approach to DSH being an example of this. This is something I dislike but is by far the weakest point I have on Gheb.
--However I also have to consider Gheb could be reading and just trying to push DSH, yet the pushing wasn't good.
-He tries to get credit for pushing the JD wagon, BUT he's completely neutral towards JD.
--Specifically this makes me read INDY Gheb. As scum he would want to commit to a read because he knows if JD would flip scum or not scum, but as scum he wouldn't want to have credit for pushing a wagon on a player who flipped town (unless he himself believed JD to be indy).
---I don't see any way to explain his actions as town though, not one of these points or plays can be justified as town and quite frankly, i'm surprised Gheb been pretty much ignored on D1 past the initial attempt to clear himself and MC as town. I'm especially surprised that MC wouldn't have been pushing Gheb harder (I will acknowledge some small pushes by MC on Gheb.)

So i'm leaning Indy on Gheb.

I'd still keep Scary as my #1 scum read BUT I don't think pushing him will actually provide much toDay. Rather I think DSH is the best direction for town ATM, Acrostic also being a great choice depending his thoughts now that he's had time to be fully caught up. Feel free to ask questions. MC also wanted my opinion of the NAs, so next post is going to be dedicated to that.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Hey Nabe, out of curiosity which of the following would you NOT lynch if you had to remove one from the pool of following players, knowing you needed to lynch one of the remaining:

DSH, Scary, Vult, HBW

I would truly value your input on this matter
Hard choice, a flip on any of these would be baller for reads, and they're all hovering on and around null for me.

Vult is the one of those I feel least scum on, but only a townlean because he hasn't had a ton of input. I think I'd keep him for what I was saying yesterDay; he's a slow burn but I see read potential improving as other people exit the game and he comes to his conclusions. If he were scum, I also feel like he'd be an easy read for me, as there's probably a partial intersection with how I play scum.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
So no NKs, that could mean many things. First things first, MC, can you vote toDay?

HBW STILL has his doublevote, meaning he is NOT a templar level 2 unless he has a way to avoid getting voteblocked by his restriction, Occam's Razor says he's not Templar level 2.

Nabe was doomed. Now Nabe was a lynch which a lot of people wanted, so normally i'd think town doomed him, BUT Nabe did state yesterday he has some sort of special role. I could see scum being scared enough by the role to want to kill him, but then that begs the question, why doom and not kill him? I don't think scum would do BOTH to the slot in anticipation that the slot would be protected since that wastes a doom (presuming NAR is doom goes before NK). Perhaps scum doesn't want him around later for some reason? This just leads into WIFOM though. Now another thing to consider is that the last FFT mafiascum game, doom was an ability one mafia member had which is probably the most credible clue as to what alignment used doom. However based on flavor, I can't think of a specific character with doom, class wise moogle gadgeteers, snipers, assassins, alchemists, and the generic monster Ahriman can have doom.

Nabe was given THREE modvotes, IDK why he would have that when considering Templar restriction is being vote blocked if on a townies lynch.

Swiss has two modvotes, IDK why that is either.

MC (or anyone who knows), in the previous FFT mafiascum games, were modvotes the result of an ability that makes a player take X amount of votes to lynch?


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@ Dabuz Dabuz

I didn't mention Gorf in this post but he isn't one I am really paranoid about.


You brought up a weird post of mine to type a wall about but I guess I can explain. I like WL as a person outside of this game, regardless of my opinion of him in game, I was excited to play with him again so of course it is going to be a bummer to see a friend go.
Can you say who you ARE paranoid about?


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
EBWOP to 1395: Nabe started the day with two modvotes and got one for trying to vote, question to MC (or anyone who knows) still stands just so I know for sure if it's the result of an ability.

Got nothing to say on the law of today.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Because I've got a perfectly good dabdab ripe for a hardbodying. The idea of maximizing the amount of slots i hate dying appeals to me.

Want to know what his reads ATM are.
I have town reads on Nabe (as of today), you (still), HBW (as of today) and null on everyone else (I am less impressed with MC today and can't say I couldn't see him flipping scum anymore).

I think I used to have a mild scumread on Scary and J but the Night was pretty long so I can't remember why.
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