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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
thank you. I was originally thinking Nabe wagon would be dumb but it actually seems reasonable now.

Even though he claims the motivation for voting Jd is because he sees the thread as Jd vs. himself I don't think there is a good reason to think this way as the Town still feels pretty scattered (although I am admittedly still somewhat out of touch with the game's culture, so correct me if I'm wrong). @ #HBC | Gorf #HBC | Gorf I think would he interested in weighing in.
What is it I should weigh in on? I'm confused by the nature of the post lol

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Realtalk: can someone tell me why we're letting Vult play this way. He's agreeing with a stance that's apparently dumb as bricks by Marshy definitions, but he claims to have 8 years of mafia experience. I don't feel like any of his pushes so far have reflected that whereas I could deffo see Nabe being Nabe and Scary being bad. Idk if we have time to even consider it, but I'm curious.
There are several good reasons and you know all of them.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Umm yea it's actually not gut, why I'm town reading dabuz. I mean I just think you're wrong when you interpret his posts as not leading him to anything cuz I mean truth be told the questions he just drops have been few and far between, whereas it's usually THE common theme for dabuz. If I wanted to I can pull original, personally driven substance for dabuz in this game. Most games I really can't.
Do you actually mind going into details on this. I want everyone on the Dweebu wagon to look over his post in #1017 before we go through with this lynch. We still have around twenty plus hours in order to fully determine where if this is the confirmed direction we're heading.

@ Dabuz Dabuz Please claim as soon as possible if you haven't already.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
@ Dabuz Dabuz please don't claim

@ #HBC | Acrostic #HBC | Acrostic how in detail do you want me to go? I'm not gonna go through the depths of the game to pull quotes on quotes showing where what I said is, and I won't have the time to do that tomorrow, but I'll tell you that it was certainly close to where that quote was pulled from.


Apr 3, 2008
@ #HBC | Acrostic #HBC | Acrostic how in detail do you want me to go? I'm not gonna go through the depths of the game to pull quotes on quotes showing where what I said is, and I won't have the time to do that tomorrow, but I'll tell you that it was certainly close to where that quote was pulled from.
Which one are you thinking of then, 1017? That's the last post from Dabuz before your post if I'm understanding this right.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I don't care how in depth you go. I just think that if you really are ******** about his lynch and feel strongly about him being town then at least lay down some reasoning so you don't look like a disgruntled old man on Day 2. Put as much effort as you want to put into protecting his lynch and guaranteeing yours. If you can't be arsed then that's fine as well. If all you wanted to say during lynch phase is that this is a bad lynch then that's understandable because this is going to be a solidified vote if something doesn't make it go off track within the next hour or hour and a half.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I dunno, it'd have to do with a vast majority of his content. It's not just arbitrary questions scattered throughout, there's a clear thought process that can be seen, and one that I feel reads genuine.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I don't care how in depth you go. I just think that if you really are *****ing about his lynch and feel strongly about him being town then at least lay down some reasoning so you don't look like a disgruntled old man on Day 2. Put as much effort as you want to put into protecting his lynch and guaranteeing yours. If you can't be arsed then that's fine as well. If all you wanted to say during lynch phase is that this is a bad lynch then that's understandable because this is going to be a solidified vote if something doesn't make it go off track within the next hour or hour and a half.
I'm not ******** too hard, truth be told I can only ***** so hard this game :/. You quoted my reasoning, it doesn't get much more detailed than that. The case on dabuz is the **** dabunz mentality of seeing dabuz playing like a robot and not really following through with what he does, and his post kinda just give off a total opposite vibe to me. I ain't TERRIBLY against Dabuz' lynch in the same nature as Nabe's cuz hey at least we can gain things from Dabuz' flip, whereas Nabe's wagon is kinda tainted.


Apr 3, 2008
Acrostic, is the reason you're pointing out 1017 because Dabuz posts a giant wall of "what happened" from thread's point of view but never why or what he thinks at those ventures, making the whole exercise lame? If so I could see it. If not, you'll have to hold my hand harder.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@ #HBC | Acrostic #HBC | Acrostic In your 1108, your intent is obviously to rip apart my 765. However in describing what you don't like about that post, you come to 2 conclusions:
1. My notes are not good enough if I had to reread back when Scary asked about my opinion on Jdietz.
2. You have not seen a townie type like me, which is also furthered by saying you haven't seen a game like this.

Neither conclusion A nor conclusion B explains what would make that scummy and I find it skips over the majority of my play this game to express dislike for a post, but not to express scum intent in that post.

Your 1203 is obviously pushing for a claim (if you must know i'm a double voter) and you bring up my 1107 with the implication that it's bad, yet you do not go to the effort to explain why it's bad which I find to be a departure from earlier posts such as your 1192 and 1195 along with your 1108 where you go to great lengths to explain facets about the play of certain slots or specific posts. Right now it's obvious you want my lynch and think i'm scum but the reasons for that are just not there.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@ #HBC | Acrostic #HBC | Acrostic In your 1108, your intent is obviously to rip apart my 765. However in describing what you don't like about that post, you come to 2 conclusions:
1. My notes are not good enough if I had to reread back when Scary asked about my opinion on Jdietz.
2. You have not seen a townie type like me, which is also furthered by saying you haven't seen a game like this.

Neither conclusion A nor conclusion B explains what would make that scummy and I find it skips over the majority of my play this game to express dislike for a post, but not to express scum intent in that post.

Your 1203 is obviously pushing for a claim (if you must know i'm a double voter) and you bring up my 1107 with the implication that it's bad, yet you do not go to the effort to explain why it's bad which I find to be a departure from earlier posts such as your 1192 and 1195 along with your 1108 where you go to great lengths to explain facets about the play of certain slots or specific posts. Right now it's obvious you want my lynch and think i'm scum but the reasons for that are just not there.
I've mentioned the mafia models I was working with to describe why I found your behavior to be scummy. I expressed why I disliked your post while going over your post, but to simply say I'm expressing why your post is bad is missing out on 1/3 of the material. With respect to you categorizing my post in #1108: [1] It's not that your notes aren't good enough. It's that your play is irrational given the fact that you have notes and that your behavior comes across as emulated rather than genuine. [2] I haven't seen a lot of things that I've seen in this game and you are right in stating that I certainly haven't seen a game like this. I have played with you before, but I can tell you that I don't really remember you being distinctive at all in that game and there is really no point in considering it because I don't dilute my reads with meta since it tends to skew my reads to be more inaccurate rather than a better assessment of profiling someone as town or mafia.

Oh right, you are a double voter. My bad. I don't know if your #1107 is good or bad because I haven't gone through your note list to see if it is consistent with the way you approached today and whether that has any pull in adding or detracting from my read. There is no analysis because I haven't read it and wanted other people to prime the material for me to motivate me into reading it. The reasons are there, you probably think they aren't good in the absolutist sense and I agree with you. You do realize that I've only gone over the first seven pages and pages twenty to thirty, but I'm still fine with you dying. I'm rather ambivalent on your lynch though. Unlike past games where I have had an attachment to a slot and wanted it to live, I actually have no such attachment to any slot this game. Likewise I don't have a strong motivating factor towards aggressively seeking a lynch on any single slot because I haven't fully read the thread, but truth be told I would prefer you to die today.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Regarding HBW

You're asking for a lot here, but without going back and looking at his posts individually, we find him scummy because he's jumped around so much and he is (was) on a pointless vote that, I feel, he's on just to attain points for being an individual even though MC's slot has been contested numerous times and still is. WRT to his 1017, his reasons seem simply like he's trying not to justify unvoting MC, but justify why he was voting him in the first place, and it reeks of OMGUS. He's jumped on various wagons that are popular, and hasn't given decisive reasons for being on them besides explanations that are vague, poor, or completely nonexistent. In his 1017, he's given reasons to lynch both of the main wagons, but his logic for voting either of them doesn't seem like anything but "Nabe didn't do anything but he did more than Scary until Scary was pushed" which is the exact same thing that is happening with Nabe right now.
This post best summarizes why he thinks my slot is scummy.

Point A is that my vote is jumpy, my vote has been on 4 places. Vult which was used as an attention getter to ask his mafiascum experience, Town PR which was a little after post 414, Scary which was recent, and MC early on to show someone something (I forget exactly what it is), + MC again recently when he made that wall on which was flat out wrong and bad. So in reality through this whole Day phase my vote has been 3 places and I've been questioning almost every slot. You say my 1017 reeks of OMGUS without explaining why it's even scummy in this scenario, which tells me you only paid attention to a small part of 1017, also, you ignore the content of MC's wall which is what led to me voting him toDAy. However you then go on to say in the latter part of my 1017

"In his 1017, he's given reasons to lynch both of the main wagons, but his logic for voting either of them doesn't seem like anything but "Nabe didn't do anything but he did more than Scary until Scary was pushed" which is the exact same thing that is happening with Nabe right now."

The entire thing on comparing Nabe and Scary was pretty obviously an addition to my case where I wanted to show why the reasons Nabe is being voted for apply to Scary except to a greater degree regarding Scary. I did mention some things on JD but you don't show why it's scummy I did that. You think it's bad there are two different wagons I support yet you yourself are actually fine with 3 wagons: Nabe, Jdietz, myself.

I feel you cannot read my play period, in every single game we have played ever you have found me scummy. I believe you don't read deep into my posts and so you skim, find a few things you don't like because you skimmed, and then formulate your scum read on me for that game. In fact I think it was you who admitted to skimming my posts in games we play.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Unlike past games where I have had an attachment to a slot and wanted it to live, I actually have no such attachment to any slot this game.
Why is this the case here then? Since I'm still here (I should be sleeping), I'll humor you. I still want Scary dead, I still suspect him. Will go into why tomorrow evening (My reasoning still stands, but I'll talk to you about what you talked about in your recent post). I'm going to guess you don't care if his lynch pulled through as much as Dabuz's, correct, and so you would support it if possible? Ok, for real, night thread.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I feel like I'm arbitrarily lynching between three of the crappiest players today. Not necessarily three of the scummiest players. Just three players bad with meshing into the town and have really awful abilities to express themselves until it comes to the very last moment when they are at L-2 and then everything becomes so crystal clear.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
I've mentioned the mafia models I was working with to describe why I found your behavior to be scummy. I expressed why I disliked your post while going over your post, but to simply say I'm expressing why your post is bad is missing out on 1/3 of the material. With respect to you categorizing my post in #1108: [1] It's not that your notes aren't good enough. It's that your play is irrational given the fact that you have notes and that your behavior comes across as emulated rather than genuine. [2] I haven't seen a lot of things that I've seen in this game and you are right in stating that I certainly haven't seen a game like this. I have played with you before, but I can tell you that I don't really remember you being distinctive at all in that game and there is really no point in considering it because I don't dilute my reads with meta since it tends to skew my reads to be more inaccurate rather than a better assessment of profiling someone as town or mafia.
However your main point in [1] would come as a result of you thinking my notes aren't good enough. I also stated that JD was a problem because there wasn't much to note on him so in fact it's rational that I would want to reread considering I admitted that about the notes. From a scum perspective I want you to think about why I would admit such a weakness instead of trying to cover it up?

[2] I don't ask you look at my meta I ask you explain why my play there scummy when you have not explained adequately why that is. I also see you mention that -you- would not stop in the middle of a post to reread, which there is nothing wrong with but that doesn't say anything about if it's telling of alignment.

I find when you talk about my mention of 638 you feel it's important to take the exact meaning of "out there", as if "in there" and "out there" would change the intent of what I was trying to say, the intent showing that JD threw an opinion "in there" (better now? >_>) but with those opinions voiced, there isn't follow up on them. Also, I do type out a question for JD at the bottom of that 765 which is admittedly a basic question but once again, as scum why would I do that at all? You're right where I didn't have to type all that out for Scary's question so ask yourself the question of why do that at all? I feel like you disliked the post's content but yet again, didn't explain how it's scummy moreso than your personal dislike.

Oh right, you are a double voter. My bad. I don't know if your #1107 is good or bad because I haven't gone through your note list to see if it is consistent with the way you approached today and whether that has any pull in adding or detracting from my read. There is no analysis because I haven't read it and wanted other people to prime the material for me to motivate me into reading it. The reasons are there, you probably think they aren't good in the absolutist sense and I agree with you. You do realize that I've only gone over the first seven pages and pages twenty to thirty, but I'm still fine with you dying. I'm rather ambivalent on your lynch though. Unlike past games where I have had an attachment to a slot and wanted it to live, I actually have no such attachment to any slot this game. Likewise I don't have a strong motivating factor towards aggressively seeking a lynch on any single slot because I haven't fully read the thread, but truth be told I would prefer you to die today.

So while you support my lynch, you do it knowing you have very little to go on and only have a fraction of this whole game and in essence are basing my lynch off one post later into the game without context of my play this game behind it. This is in bad form to play the game and makes me think you just want to look for a lynch and are not concerned about who it is because it seems suspicious that I happened to be the current person on the lynch table when you found #765 (while when you replaced in the game was past post #1000) but you are claiming that you are deciding this while missing 13 pages within your reads. I also am shocked you haven't commented on JD or Nabe much (especially Nabe considering his recent presence) despite them being 2 other candidates for being lynched. I say this in consideration that you have acknowledged J with a large post and Town PR so obviously you've been reading through.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Quickly to show some meta:

ScumDabuz in Fire Emblem actively lurked, asking questions only to appear like he was scumhunting. He never really had a push or any solid conclusions, but here I see direction, and solid conclusions. The guy rarely even interacted much with his 'suspects' in Fire Emblem. He gets this heat regardless of alignment. I suspected him in Fire Emblem and yet I caught heat from it (especially from @ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound ).

@ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound : Please tell me you see this.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@ Dabuz Dabuz I'm going to bed. But I want to ask you something. What's the point. You're shocked I haven't commented on Jtard or Nooby because they are candidates to be lynched. Shocked. Surprised. Astounded. Really, are you really shocked that I don't care for the cases made on either of these two people? Do you think that there is really mafia on any of these wagons? Do you really believe that these votes came up because we had a collective intuit that we've bingo'd a mafia hiding within our town? You're drinking the Kool-Aid. For instance, why isn't J nearly as intuitive in her approach and appears to be more managerial and geriatric than active and contrarian. Why did Town PR waste ten pages on Scooby when it should have been apparent that the questions were only going to highlight him dumb telling and throwing out experimentation as a reason to why he couldn't play the game in a sensible manner that is congruent to logic. You're surprised I haven't read 13 pages because I don't have the time to go over 13 pages of role mechanic oriented foses which I do not like forward to reading at all. I also have had Carnage on ignore during catch up because I wanted to prioritize reading the game as a whole rather than a game with Carnage in it. Is Carnage mafia? Is this where you want to go? Did you giving up on Carnage because you don't believe you can do it led you to realizing that the Kool-Aid wagons we have stationed nearby suddenly look more refreshing than Carnage? Honestly what is your point.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Nabe mentioned me earlier as a scum read but I can't recall if it was anything more than glorified gut but I think he's in a situation where he wants someone that isn't him lynched.

IDK why Gheb is voting me (besides he thinks i'm scum i'm presuming) and he needs to out his thoughts.

I'm not sure if MC even scum reads me so much as dislikes my play as evidenced by his 829 and 935.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
I've played with the dude in the BBR and other places far more than most DGamers, his meta of lurking is semi legit but he is also a busy guy. So people tend to confuse that with lurking.

I think he is genuinely interested in the game which is a good sign.

If he was posting a lot of fluff and less on following a questionare, then he is more likely scum off meta. He really isn't going into a scum mindset imo, or at least one that is obvious.
DABUZ META (Shows why he was scum in Fire Emblem, and how it was different from his town play in Walmart Mafia)

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Why did Town PR waste ten pages on Scooby when it should have been apparent that the questions were only going to highlight him dumb telling and throwing out experimentation as a reason to why he couldn't play the game in a sensible manner that is congruent to logic.
Because I questioned his motives and wanted to know more. The real question is why are you excusing his play as "Super ******** play that shouldn't even be thought of as suspicious because he is really ********." (That is how your post comes off to me)


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@ #HBC | Acrostic #HBC | Acrostic It's that you didn't have thoughts on them period as far as I could tell. I don't think until that 1220 you clearly expressed your opinions on JD and Nabe, which is a resounding you don't care about the cases on them. It's a difficult question to answer, why -don't- you care for them but with that context for your 1217 I now understand your thoughts. I'll be honest that it still surprises me when you had so many thoughts on the Scary wagon but none on two of the other big wagons.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Scary is still a newbie, with a few newb games on his belt. Now it seems he is budding, and this game (and MMU it seems) are showing the results. I suspect him, and can't back away from it while thinking "Oh, he is still new and obviously doesn't know what the **** he is doing." I remember him having slightly more of his own brain in Doctor Who Mafia. Still the same personality (which I find amiable), yet he came to the RIGHT conclusions awesomely. Here, like J has shown, he has been more of a sheep.


Vote: Zen

I just cannot ignore the fact that his case against Pawn and Orbo has essentially blown up with Pawn being town and Orbo CCing tracker.

The only thing I'm a little concerned with in this vote is that he keeps asking for death (seppuku lol) and that he evened claimed scum. Something rubs me the wrong away about it but I'm gonna stick with this vote for now.
@Ran, I'm not too sure on a Kary/J scum but I'm going to go ahead on my gut with Zen. It just seems like he's a dead man walking to me.
That's really all I needed to hear.

You are right that being wrong is a part of the game but the way you put it out there made it seem that it was destined to doom you if you were wrong. Everything seems rather genuine in this. It just stung because the entire case you made I thought was great until it showed up wrong so of course I would look against it glaringly.

To be honest, my post really wasn't to pressure you although I voted because it appears your wagon is dead lol.


Tell me this, why all the wanting to "committ seppuku" nonsense.
Welp, going back to my initial read then. I felt like I was right initially and now I'll stick to it.

Gonna be mad if wrong lol.

Vote: Zen
MORE SUBSTANCE THAN HE HAS HAD HERE. Ok, there was some confusion, but it was understandable and I guided him somewhat to the right path.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Just a little to be accurate with the Scary meta: (From earlier in that game)

I know J just entered the game, but really liking J.

I still have Zen pretty high on my "scum" list just because of how day one turned out but man the posts about soup and Ran were nuts.

Also, #ScaryKarylolz, #whyarehashtagseverywhere?
EBWOP, sorry about the double post.

I'm having a hard time figuring out who to believe, so since its so slow at work today I'm gonna review everything and hope to come up with some reads of my own. Hard to make reads on the Internet I'm learning lol.
Look at that. I think this was more proactive than it was here, which was reactive. Do consider that Doctor Who mafia was much slower though, as the mafia were literally lurking. J was in that game so I'm sure he would understand as well. Good night.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Unvote Vote Detective Sherlock Hound

I just feel more comfortable with this vote than the dabuz wagon and I don't want to let HBW cockblock this option. None of DSH's -very sparse- input toDay has felt genuine to me. What are his read and stances? Nothing he posted gives me the feeling that h's ultimately intersted in finding scum. Dabuz hasn't played super anti-town and if he flipped town I'd mind the mislynch more than that of DSH, whom I believe to be more likely scum anyway. No matter how I look at it, DSH is my only scum read that I have a chance to get lynched *and* wouldn't mind getting rid of in case he's town.

Acrostics case on dabuz seems extremely reachy and I don't trust HBW's or Nabe's judgement at all this game. DSH lynch is better than dabuz lynch.


Hardbody Warrior

marshy|Sangfroid Warrior
Feb 12, 2014
i cannot believe ran just came in here with d2 meta of a newbie game compared to a d1 large

@Red Ryu @-Masquerain-

how close are you guys to being caught up? i dont feel like losing someone i was originally townreading cuz they pooped out for whatever reason

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Unvote Vote: Detective Sherlock Hound

Prefer him over Dabuz. Going to class now.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
I can compromise with a DSH lynch toDay. His sudden disappearance irks me. The RR head's early pressure on me feels like it was something ridiculous to push on even when justifying that it was pressure based on a bad reaction. (If memory serves me anyway) The head's town read on PR (which IIRC is his most justified town read) reads weird to me because he's defending PR asking why people see the slot as scum (973 and at some point before post 700), yet DSH had admitted either in post 511 or a bit past that that he sees Town PR as townie mostly as a result of disliking Jdietz. However his 558 explicitly states when rereading PR's 414 that DSH doesn't like it anymore. This comes as a result of JD asking DSH why DSH even liked PR's 414 where DSH generalizes by saying he liked PR's openness. So I feel like DSH's strongest town read isn't fully fleshed and has some inconsistencies. It's a slot that's so far behind anyway which doesn't instill much confidence in his potential to contribute to relevant discussion.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
If people want to know I have been inactive, it's because I got a bunch of tests in row + my weekend to work + other **** I had to take care of.

Joey has personal stuff and I won't elaborate on it out of respect for him.

First JDietz.

Why do I dislike him. His votes suck all game.

Why did he vote Gheb. Dietz says he started the discussion then he says, well I don't like how he mentioned vote blocker and then went into the role discussion. Really? This is a ****ty vote and I called him out on this.

Next vote is his Town PR vote, it's a weak vote that has ****ty justification on it's own. He voted Town PR off how they didn''t go into full detail on Gheb and why they didn't answer a response back, again it's a ****ty justification for him to vote.

This is a continuing pattern where Dietz is trying to reach for scummy behavior, and then as the day goes on he keep trying to focus on playing for only self survival.

He is my #1 scum pick and would want to see him off'd today.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Hey you guys voting me because it's Joey/Ruy find something better than this because votes like this,

Unvote Vote Detective Sherlock Hound

I just feel more comfortable with this vote than the dabuz wagon and I don't want to let HBW cockblock this option. None of DSH's -very sparse- input toDay has felt genuine to me. What are his read and stances? Nothing he posted gives me the feeling that h's ultimately intersted in finding scum. Dabuz hasn't played super anti-town and if he flipped town I'd mind the mislynch more than that of DSH, whom I believe to be more likely scum anyway. No matter how I look at it, DSH is my only scum read that I have a chance to get lynched *and* wouldn't mind getting rid of in case he's town.

Acrostics case on dabuz seems extremely reachy and I don't trust HBW's or Nabe's judgement at all this game. DSH lynch is better than dabuz lynch.

Is gross and scummy.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Quickly to show some meta:

ScumDabuz in Fire Emblem actively lurked, asking questions only to appear like he was scumhunting. He never really had a push or any solid conclusions, but here I see direction, and solid conclusions. The guy rarely even interacted much with his 'suspects' in Fire Emblem. He gets this heat regardless of alignment. I suspected him in Fire Emblem and yet I caught heat from it (especially from @ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound ).

@ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound : Please tell me you see this.
Ran why you basing your town read off meta and not the bolded?

Because off my reread I have not seen the bolded.

Meta if you use it is the cherry on top, not the basis of your case.
Top Bottom