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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
Lot of these 'gut reads' going around these days apparently, back in my day we just called them 'guesses'.

It was not inherently scummy to assume Laundry was voting based off his reasoning, it was just wrong and/or baseless. Jdietz's real issues became clear when he flat out refused to answer my questions on multiple occasions, and not only that but wouldn't even make an attempt to explain why he wouldn't do it. 'Pressure', he later claimed, but as I've iterated already a player like Gheb is not exactly going to piss his pants over a vote from a player who's already admitted he has no real reason to vote against them. Problem is, I can't tell if that's because Jdietz just likes to be stubborn for no reason or if he truly believed that Gheb was going to buckle under his tremendous pressure and admit he was scum.

Personally, I lean still lean scum on Jdietz. That's why my vote is still sitting on him. Unless he can come back and really blow me away with a good reason to not explain the questions I asked that still never got a decent answer. There's still no evidence that Laundry made his vote off of anything relating to what Jdietz is claiming he is, because Laundry never stated a reason between that his post where he voted and where Jdietz made that assumption. Much more importantly, there was no reason to even concern himself with Gheb over an argument that was COMPLETELY null and just because Gheb didn't agree with him. I already am on the record explaining why I think role mechanics are null across the spectrum.

I'm not going to get into an argument about how you should lynch anyone you ever even suspect of being scum. That's just wrong. I mean sure YOU can go ahead and try that strategy but I'm going to try and let the day play out and see what else develops. And last I checked, not having a read on someone is the same as a null read. Now what is a null, with a scum lean read? What's that? Its still a null read, just with a lean towards the scum side? Like exactly what it looks like? Oh neat I'm glad I understand that now.

This argument is bogging the game down in the most painful way imaginable, so lets push boldly forward into new territory. @ Dabuz Dabuz and @ Jdietz43 Jdietz43 , if I WERE to flip scum, where do you go after that? Is there any connections worth looking into, and what about them makes them valid?


Apr 3, 2008
You still never even explained what the point of the Laundry question was. I literally do not know what you expected to get as the answer if my opinion wasn't the objective.

I feel like the fact that it took this long for you to weigh in and even then can't keep a straight answer about Gheb made the aim of me refusing to speak until you gave us something to work with validated, as that was the concern that you wouldn't and you lived up to it.

I would consider Gheb, your interactions with him so far have been the weirdest, it's like you don't want to get near him.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
I've been trying to make sense of the recent stuff. The vote is left over from the RVS lol.

I'm not too sold on the want to push Town PR from MC but I'm fearing I have to dive back into that wall OS posted in order to find it.

Town PR

DtJ Glyphmoney|Ranmaru
Jan 20, 2014
I just wanted to know why you thought that! Its not part of some grand scheme, I just wanted you to say 'I did it because ______' and we could have moved on!

My answer has been the same. I've explained I was waiting for an answer from Gheb, which I got, and then weighed in. Your demands of reads from me before you answer my questions were completely unfounded, there's not a quota of mafia-ing you need to hit before you are allowed to get answers from people. Why am I explaining how to play mafia?

Man Jdietz I really wish mafia was as easy as you make it out to be.


Apr 3, 2008
Honestly we won't know if MC's intent is dubious or not until he either follows up on it or doesn't, and even then probably not until later. This is still a good avenue for now IMO as there's a lot to talk about


Apr 3, 2008
My answer has been the same. I've explained I was waiting for an answer from Gheb, which I got, and then weighed in. Your demands of reads from me before you answer my questions were completely unfounded, there's not a quota of mafia-ing you need to hit before you are allowed to get answers from people. Why am I explaining how to play mafia?

Man Jdietz I really wish mafia was as easy as you make it out to be.
Right: But why did you even need to wait so long for the answer. In the question you basically tell Gheb to say "yes I forgot" unless he wants to sound like the scummiest person alive, and no matter what I'd expect him to say so to save face as either alignment. You basically just handed it to him. You should have been able to weigh on it at least a little at that point. And saying "I have nothing" and "Null, could lean scum" is vastly different. One implies you have no clue whatsoever, and the other implies you have reason to suspect him if vague. The key is: you'd have to have seen something or felt some pressure to move that direction and you didn't simply say so before. It seems like fear.

We all wish it was easier lol.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@massively polarizing thread issues regarding Gheb
who cares
As Laundry put well, a bit of talking shop with this setup is unavoidable.

@ Nameless Nameless
It's good to see that you came at this setup with at least half of my mindset. I'm looking for an un-hetero take on these points of interest:

- I'm apprehensive about J's approach to Gheb. Specifically I can't help but contrast to Vult who plays the third-of-the-thread social game but doesn't keep up pretense of good form.
- WRT Town PR, there's been some hydra discog, but I think that's to be expected from Glyph and especially Ran.
- Should DSH get a pass on their ass-backwards play thus far? This is referring to their play being stances without action.


Apr 3, 2008
I'm not Nameless, but I'll tell you on the last one the answer should be "No". If Town PR isn't the direction for today I'm looking there next.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Vult said:
@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage you said he would get salty and readable and you were wrong /: lame wagon.
Were you reading the same posts? I know Gheb's alignment when I know the alignment of the people he interacted with.

Vult said:
ah yes, a perfect example of a scumbag whining about extremely general things and not calling out specific people to look like he has the town's best interest while not making specific enemies nor providing anything constructive.

vote: nameless

Pretty much marshy in a nutshell. You ever play an FPS game and one guy kinda hangs back and waits for the rest of the team to die, then he runs in and gets two kills before dying? From a pure stat perspective he looks way better to everyone else's 0-1 or 1-1, but its because he didn't take the risks beforehand. Its Nameless' style.

I'm not interested in taking him out though, most mafia in this game would be scared of him and I'd love to see their NAs get soaked up on that guy.

Nameless will be easy enough to lynch with this playerslot anyway if he is scum, but his best work is always later in the game.

I'm with you in that I'd love to hear more from him, but its part of his charm. So I'll let it go.

Dabuz said:
Vote: Maximum Carnage (Before you or anyone asks, this vote is not me attempting to push you)
You could have been the first this game. No ambition!

Also if you're a mafia or indy role that requires your vote to have been on someone to use an ability you totally tipped your hand.

Dabuz said:
Also, I skimmed your walls right now since I didn't see the link to the previous FFT mafia game, and I still I don't see it. Mind linking it again?

Read until Gheb dies at least.

Dabuz said:
I'm sold under one request, I want @@Gorf to explain why he doesn't/ didn't like my slot.
If I recall it was "**** dabunz" but I could be mistaken. :D

Town PR said:
Null, maybe slight scum lean. I made that post because I was answering a question directed at me and am curious as to why J did that.

You can do better than that.

Town PR said:
Seriously where are the other players in this game I am really getting tired of these shenanigans of re-explaining things that should be pretty obvious from the get go. Am I using too many words? Do I need to simplify my writing style?
Try "declarative sentences"



See that? No wiggle room. I think you're grimy.

"Hey Town PR, what do you think of Gheb?"

"No comment. I dunno. Inbetween. Maybe scum lean? Is that what you want to hear? My answer might change next time I post."

Nabe said:
You being incessant is why I haven't been arsed to respond to you, at all. And when I'm not here, surprisingly enough, I'm not here.

The game is very recently underway. Stop using my name as a catchphrase and wagging your **** around, as if you've caught me twigging the thread every five minutes and feel the need to personally stamp it on my forehead with a squishy slap. Being aggressive for the sake of aggressive and annoying for the sake of annoying impairs anybody reading you, and that's the point if scum, while as town you'd be seeing it as a clever joke: meeting the expectations that other people have of an OS/Ryker hydra, and in doing so subverting the system because, in your eyes, your play is always a persona tailored to the game anyway. Well, yomi be damned, because there is no nuance to a slap in the face.

You and I both know who the double voters were on dabuz if any, and I know that you think it's terribly cute putting it as a question to me, and why you think as much, and if only knowing made you palatable by the pleasure. I'll take a pass on the mystery; frankly, I wish I'd known when it was going down so I could have been an additive influence.
lots of blah blah blah, not enough concrete info

Why you not want to help town brah

Hey Nameless, you know all the double voters off the top of your head? Who hasn't voted yet?

Sure would be nice if someone went along to bring us that information.

Vote: Town PR

Because he reminds of you except he opened his mouth more and wrong things came out

Town PR said:
@@dabuz and @@Jdietz43, if I WERE to flip scum, where do you go after that? Is there any connections worth looking into, and what about them makes them valid?
You didn't call on me teach but imma hermoine anyway and say I'd lynch Washed if you flipped scum.

Just sayin'.

JDietz said:
Honestly we won't know if MC's intent is dubious or not until he either follows up on it or doesn't, and even then probably not until later. This is still a good avenue for now IMO as there's a lot to talk about

Nabe said:
@massively polarizing thread issues regarding Gheb
who cares
As Laundry put well, a bit of talking shop with this setup is unavoidable.
*thumbs up*

JDietz said:
In the question you basically tell Gheb to say "yes I forgot" unless he wants to sound like the scummiest person alive, and no matter what I'd expect him to say so to save face as either alignment. You basically just handed it to him.
In his defense this is known as a "silver platter". You give an obvious "right" answer that is incorrect and only those interested in self-preservation over truth use that "right" answer.

Nabe can you do me a favor? HBC with Nameless to someone that Team Carnage is not. Thanks a bunch, hugs and kisses.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Lot of these 'gut reads' going around these days apparently, back in my day we just called them 'guesses'.

It was not inherently scummy to assume Laundry was voting based off his reasoning, it was just wrong and/or baseless. Jdietz's real issues became clear when he flat out refused to answer my questions on multiple occasions, and not only that but wouldn't even make an attempt to explain why he wouldn't do it. 'Pressure', he later claimed, but as I've iterated already a player like Gheb is not exactly going to piss his pants over a vote from a player who's already admitted he has no real reason to vote against them. Problem is, I can't tell if that's because Jdietz just likes to be stubborn for no reason or if he truly believed that Gheb was going to buckle under his tremendous pressure and admit he was scum.

Bolded is the one thing I agree looked odd that was a result of you pressing him.

Personally, I lean still lean scum on Jdietz. That's why my vote is still sitting on him. Unless he can come back and really blow me away with a good reason to not explain the questions I asked that still never got a decent answer. There's still no evidence that Laundry made his vote off of anything relating to what Jdietz is claiming he is, because Laundry never stated a reason between that his post where he voted and where Jdietz made that assumption. Much more importantly, there was no reason to even concern himself with Gheb over an argument that was COMPLETELY null and just because Gheb didn't agree with him. I already am on the record explaining why I think role mechanics are null across the spectrum.

I'm not going to get into an argument about how you should lynch anyone you ever even suspect of being scum. That's just wrong. I mean sure YOU can go ahead and try that strategy but I'm going to try and let the day play out and see what else develops. And last I checked, not having a read on someone is the same as a null read. Now what is a null, with a scum lean read? What's that? Its still a null read, just with a lean towards the scum side? Like exactly what it looks like? Oh neat I'm glad I understand that now.

This argument is bogging the game down in the most painful way imaginable, so lets push boldly forward into new territory. @ Dabuz Dabuz and @ Jdietz43 Jdietz43 , if I WERE to flip scum, where do you go after that? Is there any connections worth looking into, and what about them makes them valid?
I think the obvious first person to look at is Gheb since you seemed to be tiptoeing around your opinion on him and as scum I could see your approach to JD as a bad way to divert pressure from a scummate while looking to be disconnected.


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
I propose it is time for....

That's right that's right. We're making our OWN team!

Maximum Carnage as himself
Gorf as Venom
Dabuz as Spiderman

ScaryLB59 as the guy who just sheeps our vote without question

We want YOU

As a voting block of 4 we hold 5 votes, over half needed for any phase in the game. We CAN beat scum!

Join us.

Also @mod request fix of player list on first page, it has R's in everyone's name for no reason. Makes it difficult to look through player list when making reads.


why you tryna steal my swag dude? it wont work. you wanna be part of mine man? is this your way of coping with possible rejection?


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
I am town-reading Ditzy a bit thus far and that is where my Town PR distaste stems from is that I am not getting the Ditzy hate.

j i was hoping to be friends this game i am so disappoint

speaking of disappoint i just read that gorf is voteless


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
Okay, so by @ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage 's request, a real quick rundown of what I'd do if I was making flavor **** for this game. There's only a few characters who actually matter and everyone else is generic.

Marche: Yon protagonist. Very few defining features, as you can pretty much do whatever you want with him. Likely to be fairly similar to Ramza with one "mod-created" interesting ability.

Montblanc: Yon Moogle sidekick. Again, nothing all that special other than being involved in the plot.

Ritz: Yon "Borderline Romantic conflict" childhood friend of protagonist. Notable in having a Viera class set and pink hair, but that's about it. Is not in the main party for a large chunk of the game.

Shara: Essentially Ritz's Montblanc, generic sidekick.

Ezel Berbier: If this guy isn't in this game, I'll eat my hat. His plot point is the bulk of the middle part of the game. When the judges start getting oppressive (at Mewt's orders), Ezel creates anti-laws that dispel the laws the judges put in place. Since we have actual laws in effect.... yeah.

Cid Randell: Mewt's Dad, and the head judgemaster. He's a good guy. Controls the laws. Ditches Mewt after learning Ivalice isn't actually real from Marche.

Now, if I was putting together the mafia:

Mewt Randell: Creates the entire world because he's emo, then rules it as a whiny, *****y Prince. Antogonist.

Babus Swain: Personal assistant to Mewt, fights against the protag for most of the game, until an understanding is reached towards the end.

Llednar Twem (Literally Mewt Randell backwards): He's created as a foil to Mewt, and he basically rocks the socks off you every time you have to fight him. Absurdly powerful, seething pure hatred. "Llednar Twem is the embodiment of Mewt Randell's darker side, created by the Li-Grim to stop Marche Radiujufrom reverting the world back to normal. The Li-Grim places a Fortune Law on Llednar, rendering him invincible. Despite his invincibility, he fails to kill Marche three times."

If Llednar isn't mafia, he's my #1 pick for an Indy role.

Queen Remedi: Manisfestation of Mewt's dead mother, later revealed to actually be the Li-Grim, a manifestation of the wishes of people to keep Ivalice alive. The true antagonist, as she's behind everything related to trying to stop marche from turning the world back to normal.

If there a 3 mafia, it's Mewt, Babus and then 1 of Llednar or Remedi. Whichever of those 2 isn't Mafia is the Indy, if it exists.
what the **** is this bull****? are you serious raz?


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
In your original post you seemed unsure of it:

I assured you so I want to know if that changed your opinion. ---

@Ninja: Okay then. I find it kind of hard to swallow that you have so much to talk about around Gheb's action and even give a stance on what you think happened with him, but won't give an estimate as to why.

Hell the second part of your 414 is blatantly and admittedly not answering to the purpose of one of your previous questions when Gheb asks. I feel like you're treating him oddly

Vote: Town PR

Would you be comfortable lynching Gheb today?
oh my GORF

WHY does anyone like this guy? WHY does jd always play like scum cuz hes scum and then ****tards run into the thread whiteknighting him for no reason?

vote jdietz


Apr 3, 2008
You should probably point out what's actually wrong with that post Marsh, in case it's not obvious or something.


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
carnage said:
Pretty much marshy in a nutshell. You ever play an FPS game and one guy kinda hangs back and waits for the rest of the team to die, then he runs in and gets two kills before dying? From a pure stat perspective he looks way better to everyone else's 0-1 or 1-1, but its because he didn't take the risks beforehand. Its Nameless' style.

I'm not interested in taking him out though, most mafia in this game would be scared of him and I'd love to see their NAs get soaked up on that guy.

Nameless will be easy enough to lynch with this playerslot anyway if he is scum, but his best work is always later in the game.

I'm with you in that I'd love to hear more from him, but its part of his charm. So I'll let it go.
hahahah this is awesome. i literally laughed at this


Apr 3, 2008
Also with that double vote I think I might be at L-2 now, now would probably be a good time to move that vote if you aren't okay with the idea of me being in hammer range Scary


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
@ Nameless Nameless
It's good to see that you came at this setup with at least half of my mindset. I'm looking for an un-hetero take on these points of interest:

- I'm apprehensive about J's approach to Gheb. Specifically I can't help but contrast to Vult who plays the third-of-the-thread social game but doesn't keep up pretense of good form.
- WRT Town PR, there's been some hydra discog, but I think that's to be expected from Glyph and especially Ran.
- Should DSH get a pass on their ***-backwards play thus far? This is referring to their play being stances without action.
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

what do you mean at me coming at this setup with your mindset? the only mindset i have is "**** claims and classes" is that what you mean? whats the other half? why are you coming at me in a way that implies youre townreading me when you liked vults ****ty vote on me?

i have NO problem with town pr or dsh so far. theyve also been some of the first people to point out jdietzs scumposts. i just really hope joey keeps posting and not ruy

what do you think of overswarms proposition that you/me form a voteblock? if yes who would you want in it? if no why not?


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.

can you summarize your thoughts on laundry vs gheb?

im about to reread laundry vs gheb again cuz a lot of that went over my head the first time. gheb is scum trying to clear himself and carnage? what?

does anybody know a good hydra partner who isnt in this game that would be active? i kind of want to just ditch dancer cuz i get the feeling this hydra is gonna be 90% marshy 10% sworddancer


Apr 3, 2008
@Nameless:I hope this time you're at least going to pretend to have reasons to lynch me since you don't have a vig that can only be used on my slot and my slot alone this game. Otherwise you've got quite the scum balls putting me to L-2 in a setup with more than one way to become a doublevoter, one of which is a day action.


Apr 3, 2008
I know you're capable of attempting an actual case on me if you're Town and really think that, so do it.


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
@Nameless:I hope this time you're at least going to pretend to have reasons to lynch me since you don't have a vig that can only be used on my slot and my slot alone this game. Otherwise you've got quite the scum balls putting me to L-2 in a setup with more than one way to become a doublevoter, one of which is a day action.
it is indeed unfortunate i cant vig you

so wait im scum for wanting to lynch you here? i dont give a **** about -2


Apr 3, 2008
You're scum if you don't elaborate. You did this exact same **** in MMU when you knew you were going to kill me anyways. You're leaving a trail this time period, because I'm not some Indy who no one will pay any mind to if gone.


Apr 3, 2008
This "oh man so scummy arrgh why me" **** doesn't fly.

Make a case and stick to it.

Or get off my nuts.

I've been in enough games with you now I know how you operate.


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
i havent made a case in years and im not about to start now. youre also ignoring games where i (correctly) scumread you and put zero effort into elaborating. stop wasting my time trying to engage me in **** i dont care about. if dancer decides to start posting then you might get some protown posts from me cuz avoiding ******** like yours is part of the reason i hydrad with him

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Ryu and I are trying to get something together as an actual hydra through private communication. Our thoughts seem to be pretty different so far, so I am not too willing to go too in depth about anything unless you all are willing to deal with the fact that we'll have varying opinions until we actually talk this through.

vote: Jdietz

Game's been running for less than 24 hours. Commit to reasoning please. Or explain how town benefits from you not doing so.
I don't get why you said this when you voted Jdietz. Specifically the "commit to reasoning thing. Care to explain what you meant by this?

Washed directed me back to where Gheb deflected J and himself, and I started to see potential motivation for Gheb looking for a new center of attention other than himself when he played along with mechanics.

Well what am I even supposed to think. It's like asking why you voted J randomly halfway through the Day. I can't know for sure I can only guess, and as far as I could tell it was based off Gheb's response to a situation I started.
I don't even know what you're going for, either. Dude, you're getting mad at him for digging for more info when you've stated that you had reasoning to doubt Gheb, but not enough to vote him, then you decide to vote him. He asked what changed between the post that states "[...] but not enough to vote him yet." and your actual vote. Something had to click that made you want to vote Gheb. What was it?

For J, My head is personally on the Town PR side of this debate, but that's simply because I don't mind PR's play and I don't really like Jdietz. Like, he's just not really sticking to anything for whatever reason, from his PR hate to his "I got reads out of this debate!" mentality. He kinda slithered out of that one, actually, if I understood the scenario correctly. He kinda went in on me saying "Yeah I can totally get reads out of this stuff! Dude, this is exactly like KvK's food phase!", then he says that he didn't actually get any reads from it and that he was just arguing with me because I said that it was null? He basically admitted to fluffing up the thread for no reason.

Gheb is a slot I still have problems with. Last time I posted, I stated I needed to re-read the thread, but I don't think I need to. He stated that he was looking forward to an alliance with Ryker, but throughout the whole questioning phase, he never brings it up again and tries to BS "It was just personal taste!" reasoning instead of sticking to what he had. Not sure why he did this, but it's not really something I want to push into compared to stuff like this:

Vote @WashedLaundry

That's where I would push right now if a lynch were to be decided upon soon.

* You keep bringing up my attempt to clear MC. We know that you would have decided differently by now but you have yet to acknowledge my reasoning despite me having offered it a number of times. This is bad because you claim a.) that my reasoning is insufficient and b.) that I have ignored your requests to elaborate. The latter simply isn't true and the former is something you have yet to elabrate on. I on the other hand have told you literally everything there is about my reasoning so it is you who has some explaining to do right now. Either tell me what it is that you want me to explain or admit that your point is trash.
Mind you, the root of your entire argument is that I've tried to clear somebody. You've constructed your argument in a manner that makes such actions look anti-town. That's absurd. Even if I were scum and you had a decent argument, this point is nothing but a null tell. You've blown it way out of proportion.

* You were among the people who mentioned my involvement in the "mechanics" debate. I've mentioned in my previous post why that's nothing to read me as suspicious for. It's another null tell, though some people will maybe argue that it's pro-town of me to make it clear that claims and voteblocking are null in this game. I wouldn't say that but it's not a scum-tell in either case.

* I'm inclined to agree with @ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound @ Jdietz43 Jdietz43 and @Gorf with their conclusion of the dabuz issue - it's probably null but definitely not pro-town of him to forget about marshy being in this game. I find it extremely odd that you believed it to be a town-tell at first and your rasoning was not convincing.

Has Laundry responded to this? I don't like this at all. It's pretty awful, and I'd love to throw in my opinion as to why if Laundry has already responded.

After Town PR's 414, I do not see reason to hate this slot at all. Maybe this changes later on? Liking this slot a lot.

J responded to Gheb's vote for me. Sweet! I guess I'll just add on that voting WL for thinking that Dabuz could be townie based on the fact that the scum QT would probably talk about Marshy's hydra isn't completely unrealistic, and while I won't think of Dabuz that way at all, I don't see why you're adding this on here when he backed off so quickly after I told him it was null. Your vote is just very weak and it's pretty gross, too.

..... Us?

Which head is this.
Red Ryu made that post.

I'm still not minding Town PR. He said that he doesn't have a stance, but that phrase could also mean that he could simply have a null read (which he does). Just because he had a slight scum lean doesn't mean he suddenly went from not having a stance to having a stance, and he also stated that he already had beef with Gheb, but it wouldn't really matter until later. I'm not the biggest fan of PR holding his cards for what seems to be no reason, but I'm less of a fan of the fact that Dietz is just jumping on this like it's the biggest flaw in the world. It's similar to what he did with Gheb, except this time instead of mechanics it's the use of the phrase "no stance".

Not sure why Dabuz used Jdietz sudden realization to jump onto the wagon instead of the stuff he was saying earlier. What about that made you jump from not voting PR to actually voting PR? I don't get it.


To say the least, my hydra's vote is on Jdietz?

Yeah, I'm fine with it staying there.

Sorry if I missed anything. I saw some questions (Dabuz I think?), but those were specifically for posts made by Ryu, so I'll leave those for him.

Have a wonderful night, everyone! (:

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

what do you mean at me coming at this setup with your mindset? the only mindset i have is "**** claims and classes" is that what you mean? whats the other half? why are you coming at me in a way that implies youre townreading me when you liked vults ****ty vote on me?

i have NO problem with town pr or dsh so far. theyve also been some of the first people to point out jdietzs scumposts. i just really hope joey keeps posting and not ruy

what do you think of overswarms proposition that you/me form a voteblock? if yes who would you want in it? if no why not?
Mindset is @your Lv.2. It's D1, try to save "I hate that you Like posts" until D3 at leastttttttttttt, we do not always have to interact super-abrasively.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Also with that double vote I think I might be at L-2 now, now would probably be a good time to move that vote if you aren't okay with the idea of me being in hammer range Scary
Nabe can you do me a favor? HBC with Nameless to someone that Team Carnage is not. Thanks a bunch, hugs and kisses.
@ Jdietz43 Jdietz43
OS wants me to hammer you, how do you feel?


Apr 3, 2008
I don't even know what you're going for, either. Dude, you're getting mad at him for digging for more info when you've stated that you had reasoning to doubt Gheb, but not enough to vote him, then you decide to vote him. He asked what changed between the post that states "[...] but not enough to vote him yet." and your actual vote. Something had to click that made you want to vote Gheb. What was it?
... For real? You quoted it above that question:

Washed directed me back to where Gheb deflected J and himself, and I started to see potential motivation for Gheb looking for a new center of attention other than himself when he played along with mechanics.

And I don't see what you like about Town PR's 414


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
Mindset is @your Lv.2. It's D1, try to save "I hate that you Like posts" until D3 at leastttttttttttt, we do not always have to interact super-abrasively.
i suggest you stop making assumptions

nabe im seriously not trying to be abrasive with you. im just a blunt dude and this is me picking your brain. if i played ball with your questions of me i see no reason why you cant do the same back. this "im nabe and will pick and choose what to (non)answer you" approach is part of what made tranquility end much worse than it had to be. PLEASE play ball with me and answer my 500 for real
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