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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia - Game Over!

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Welp. Had class/work/something all day, came back to multiple pages. Please tell me MC Murals went light on the walls.


Apr 3, 2008
Trying to give someone the opportunity to end the day early by putting me to L-2 without actually commenting on my play other than generic :thumbsdown: Marshyplay. You'd be guilty of exactly the same, but you'd probably be easier for the rest of town to deal with since a lot of people already stated dislike for your playstyle.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@ #HBC | Nabe #HBC | Nabe

what do you mean at me coming at this setup with your mindset? the only mindset i have is "**** claims and classes" is that what you mean? whats the other half? why are you coming at me in a way that implies youre townreading me when you liked vults ****ty vote on me?

i have NO problem with town pr or dsh so far. theyve also been some of the first people to point out jdietzs scumposts. i just really hope joey keeps posting and not ruy

what do you think of overswarms proposition that you/me form a voteblock? if yes who would you want in it? if no why not?
The Liking was WRT his post @ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage
OS is only talking about a voting block because I told him to GTFO about doublevoters
I would take Laundry and Vult in a voting block

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Welp. Had class/work/something all day, came back to multiple pages. Please tell me MC Murals went light on the walls.
Trying to give someone the opportunity to end the day early by putting me to L-2 without actually commenting on my play other than generic :thumbsdown: Marshyplay. You'd be guilty of exactly the same, but you'd probably be easier for the rest of town to deal with since a lot of people already stated dislike for your playstyle.


Apr 3, 2008
Most importantly I know he could dig up something on me if he wanted to, my play has been bad enough I'm sure he could get specific about it: but he's choosing not to. Instead he quoted a single post and went "ugh y Dietz scum always" and refused to comment on it. If past experience has told me anything, it's that that's the first warning sign that he's leaning on his meta to get away with murder, if he really wanted me dead: he'd be in here going

"**** ****** LOOK AT THIS STUFF SPECIFICALLY OH GOD THIS IS DUMB AND THIS IS DUMB AND LOOK HOW DUMB THIS IS" with clear examples and things he's pointing to.

Instead he's laying down the blanket dislike card and calling it "good enough because I haven't made cases in years" which I know is blatantly untrue even if he'd like to think he's always HBC every day. He's not.

That rubs me the wrong way.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Vote @ #HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry

That's where I would push right now if a lynch were to be decided upon soon.

* You keep bringing up my attempt to clear MC. We know that you would have decided differently by now but you have yet to acknowledge my reasoning despite me having offered it a number of times. This is bad because you claim a.) that my reasoning is insufficient and b.) that I have ignored your requests to elaborate. The latter simply isn't true and the former is something you have yet to elabrate on. I on the other hand have told you literally everything there is about my reasoning so it is you who has some explaining to do right now. Either tell me what it is that you want me to explain or admit that your point is trash.
Mind you, the root of your entire argument is that I've tried to clear somebody. You've constructed your argument in a manner that makes such actions look anti-town. That's absurd. Even if I were scum and you had a decent argument, this point is nothing but a null tell. You've blown it way out of proportion.

* You were among the people who mentioned my involvement in the "mechanics" debate. I've mentioned in my previous post why that's nothing to read me as suspicious for. It's another null tell, though some people will maybe argue that it's pro-town of me to make it clear that claims and voteblocking are null in this game. I wouldn't say that but it's not a scum-tell in either case.

* I'm inclined to agree with @ Detective Sherlock Hound Detective Sherlock Hound @ Jdietz43 Jdietz43 and @Gorf with their conclusion of the dabuz issue - it's probably null but definitely not pro-town of him to forget about marshy being in this game. I find it extremely odd that you believed it to be a town-tell at first and your rasoning was not convincing.

what an overglorified omgus vote

You walked into this game and tried to clear a player. As MC Murals pointed out, you really only could pick one. J and I were wrong there; however, I don't like your mechanics discussion and I didn't like your initial reaction to our questions. I wanted to pressure you more because at the time, my vote was sitting on a ****ty dabunz wagon that clearly had no other merit besides "**** dabunz" and nothing else was happening.

But that doesn't change the fact that your first action afterwards was to dive headfirst into ****ing roles, disregarding everything else that happened. As I've already said before, that ****'s a ****ing scum magnet. It doesn't help that in KvK (let's disregard the fact that that was barely a mafia game), all you did was talk about the mechanics of the game and avoid playing it to the point where you literally tried to call me scum for scumhunting. Color me skeptical.

Also it's not protown to listen to you claim everything in this game is a giant null. Everything you've done is to argue for the sake of something being null. You argued your initial attempt to clear a player is null, that claims are null, that voteblocking is null, etc. What isn't null? Me? Because this case is real ****in' bad. At no point do you point why I'm actually scum, you just say that everything I'm pushing you for is null. Isn't that a reason why we push people?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I was just kidding before because I wanted to see if Laundry would call me out. :p

I've been playing online for about 8 years and play with a small group irl occasionally. But these are my first games in several months because I was living abroad for a while and didn't want to be too distracted by Mafia.
what a long several months

i've missed you bby

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Most importantly I know he could dig up something on me if he wanted to, my play has been bad enough I'm sure he could get specific about it: but he's choosing not to. Instead he quoted a single post and went "ugh y Dietz scum always" and refused to comment on it. If past experience has told me anything, it's that that's the first warning sign that he's leaning on his meta to get away with murder, if he really wanted me dead: he'd be in here going

"**** *****S LOOK AT THIS STUFF SPECIFICALLY OH GOD THIS IS DUMB AND THIS IS DUMB AND LOOK HOW DUMB THIS IS" with clear examples and things he's pointing to.

Instead he's laying down the blanket dislike card and calling it "good enough because I haven't made cases in years" which I know is blatantly untrue even if he'd like to think he's always HBC every day. He's not.

That rubs me the wrong way.
Isssssssssssss that true though? Feels null to me.


Apr 3, 2008
Feels true to me.

He could be Town doing it anyways, but there's no reason not to be getting a read on the slot out of this.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
im (marshy) reading now. im kind of salty cuz i was hoping i could sit back and do nothing while dancer does all the work but hes probably gonna be inactive most of the time. quickhit tho

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

what is your definition of "step up" here?
bein' more marshy D3 and less marshy D1

Nameless said:


why you tryna steal my swag dude? it wont work. you wanna be part of mine man? is this your way of coping with possible rejection?
Are you mad that I didn't invite you

I assumed you'd make one of your own

Did anyone else realize that Gheb disappeared?

Oh, and take votes off JDietz, don't put him in hammer range atm. We got what we needed from him for now.

@ Gova Gova fix this please:
1. Rameress (marshy/Sworddancer.)
2. Raziek
3. Ryker
4. Raundry
5. Retective Rherlock Round (Joey/Red Ruy)
6. Ray (J)
7. Rorf
8. Rabi Rabunz
9. RB Rary59
10. Rown RR (Glyph/Ranmaru)
11. Riotz43
12. Rheb_01
13. Rabe
14. Rult Redux

Also @Mod request votecount

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
I'm sure your fine, but I have a few things I want to figure out first. We can move back to him later, plus I'm sure we'd rather have Nameless' vote on D4 if we make a mistake and D1 is ripe for 'em.

Does anyone have any thoughts on J? He's a blank slate to me and last time he was a blank slate on D1 he was scum. I know some of you here know J better than me, what's up with his slot.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
The J/Joey synergy is strong and it's not like he hasn't done anything in his few posts here. Why is he blank to you?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
why do/did people dislike town pr over jd? between the two of them, i initially thought jd looked much worse between the two of them after i kept reading town pr's posts but i'm not entirely sure why, will reread his initial push once i'm done catching up


Jan 12, 2014
Welcome home.
I would take Laundry and Vult in a voting block
**** no. ill take scary and dsh. if carnage claims scary then replace him with town pr

nabe what are your thoughts regarding laundry vs gheb? im still trying to wrap my head around that exchange. also please feel free to share with jdietz how much effort i put into convincing you of ANY of my scumreads in the wall AS MY 100% CLEARED HYDRAMATE I WAS RELYING ON TO LYNCH SCUM FOR ME CUZ I WAS TOO LAZY TO EXPLAIN MYSELF

@ Maximum Carnage Maximum Carnage

give j some time. hes spending most of his efforts in another game we are hydraing together in which will soon be in night phase. im still trying to figure him out but he will contribute a valuable amount of information if given enough time. this game is going at a fast pace

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I was liking Sherlock's flurry of posts until Ditzy vote. Do not get, do not want. I get from his PoV but I am town-reading Ditzy a bit thus far and that is where my Town PR distaste stems from is that I am not getting the Ditzy hate. I'm also going back and forth on Town PR's 414 because I like it and I don't like it but I don't know which side is leaning the choice for me. I feel like a metronome.

For now, I am comfy with my vote not being anywhere because I see no one who really needs pressure from myself. Gheb wagon I disagree with and will only vote him out to stop a NL at this point and the dabuz wagon is laughable still. I want to see more Town PR vs. Ditzy because I feel that holds something so I may have questions regarding that in a bit.
nevermind i see it a bit mc murals

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Pointing this out because my wording is god awful, but, I support the investigation of Town PR for discussion but I am still not comfortable with my vote going on him quite yet. I feel I am mis-reading something in his debate with Ditzy.
oh yeh this too

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
The J/Joey synergy is strong and it's not like he hasn't done anything in his few posts here. Why is he blank to you?

J said:
Hmmm, that's actually who I was thinking for lately, especially with his flurry of posts towards Ditzy and that terrible vote on him. I still need to re-read on it a bit before I put something concrete down, but consider me aboard for the time being.
J said:
Pointing this out because my wording is god awful, but, I support the investigation of Town PR for discussion but I am still not comfortable with my vote going on him quite yet. I feel I am mis-reading something in his debate with Ditzy.

That? In response to me.

His other posts? In response to the push on Gheb early on and just being a mimcry fence-sitting. "I don't like his posts, but not scummy".

He defended JDietz after Sherlock's "flurry".... but followed it up with "I'd like to see more between JDietz and Town PR, I think we can get more info from that".

And that's coming from the person who said this:

J said:
Besides maybes and what ifs, do you have any concrete thoughts? I'll take any and all in terms of reads please.

Plus I asked him about Bravely Default and he didn't respond which means he's not reading carefully. He might be busy, but it leaves him a total blank slate to me.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
This game is buggin' me.

Okay, bear with me because we're about to take a left turn.

Gheb might be scum that got caught but... I doubt it. His play is standard Gheb but more importantly no one came to his rescue.

WashedLaundry? Actually re-reading. I put peg words and phrases in some of my posts and can tell on your guys' responses if you read 'em. Doubt he's scum since he hasn't made a play since Gheb and has ample opportunity. Washed has had a ton of opportunities. He's either being super laid back scum or not taking any chances.

JDietz? No rescue from anyone except J, who is a blank slate to me... and J isn't really pushing very hard on this rescue.

Nabe? Quiet all game and then gets a chance and puts down some hard posts and immediately connects with other players.

Marshy? Is Marshy.

Raziek? Invisible.
Sherlock? Sideline invisible.
Gorf? Invisible.
LBScary? Sheep to pasture.
Dabunz? Less transparent sheep.
Vult? Few posts, mostly invisible.
J? Total blank slate

What does this mean?

It means scum doesn't have game control yet which is good.

It also means it is incredibly unlikely that JDietz, Gheb, or Washed Laundry are statistically sound plays for today... or the people that pushed them.

How about we hear some from the invisible people. This game has a lot of... personality. Very fast-paced, really easy to hide. I'd like to prevent that from occuring.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
He responded to it in his response to Gheb's vote on me but ****ed up the formatting.

I agree with what you're saying now that I'm getting to it.

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
why do/did people dislike town pr over jd? between the two of them, i initially thought jd looked much worse between the two of them after i kept reading town pr's posts but i'm not entirely sure why, will reread his initial push once i'm done catching up
To be honest, I just watched JDietz play as an indie. He wouldn't get caught with his pants down if that was his goal, but he was playing with his head in the clouds.

So with "Town PR isn't a genius catching JDietz on a bad day", one of a few scenarios could occur here:

Town PR is solo scum and pushing JDietz...
because despite JDietz being at L-2 he doesn't actually have any pressure on him. Anyone who hammered him at this point would be auto-lynched the next day, no questions asked. Vig would be preferrable if it exists. If scum were pushing the wagon hard, they'd make it scarier then just plop a vote and leave it.

Town PR is scum with Nabe and pushing JDietz...
Nabe leaving the vote on could be scum with Town PR, that's a possibility. Not a likely one, but a really obvious one. Nabe visibly posted "I'm gonna leave my vote on JDietz and put him in hammer range", so he's either saying "lynch me tomorrow" or not thinking clearly as scum.

Town PR is town and pushing scum JDietz who is receiving no help despite it being stupid easy to de-rail anything at this point. I mean seriously, there's no way JDietz scum would be lynched D1 on purpose by town with how we're playing. Scum could very, very easily move off of this.

Town PR is town and pushing town JDietz, which would explain why neither have any backup and both are playing like ****heads. One is grimy and the other is defeatist.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
nabe what are your thoughts regarding laundry vs gheb? im still trying to wrap my head around that exchange. also please feel free to share with jdietz how much effort i put into convincing you of ANY of my scumreads in the wall AS MY 100% CLEARED HYDRAMATE I WAS RELYING ON TO LYNCH SCUM FOR ME CUZ I WAS TOO LAZY TO EXPLAIN MYSELF
well yeah

@WL, I don't think he's right and I don't think he thinks he is either; at some level setup spec is necessary by nature of the setup, and while it shouldn't define a player's play or be what reading a player is about, it needs to factor in. Gheb posting content soon would be great -- his previous stuff is null IMO.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
@ #HBC | Scary #HBC | Scary

there is team carnage of maximum carnage/gorf/dabunz and then there is my voteblock of me/nabe/dsh. i want you to join. if you had to pick one which would you join and why?
I'd be a little more inclined to join yours Nameless just because I can read you guys a little better after a few recent games. In Team Carnage, there dabuz who I dread reading most of the time, and OS who I'm thinking it'll be even worse to try and read. I'm sure that intent would be clear after enough after so long but I look at him grabbing for control of stuff with a grain of salt. You can say it'd be the same with you but I at least am confident I can read you a little better with intent concerned.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Raziek? Invisible.
Sherlock? Sideline invisible.
Gorf? Invisible.
LBScary? Sheep to pasture.
Dabunz? Less transparent sheep.
Vult? Few posts, mostly invisible.
J? Total blank slate

How about we hear some from the invisible people. This game has a lot of... personality. Very fast-paced, really easy to hide. I'd like to prevent that from occuring.
it looks like you are trying to "call out" these players because they are intentionally being inactive or something and set them up as the lynch pool.

I notice this list is also a list of non- power players in this site's culture (except maybe J?). In my experience from playing on site where I have a lot of reputation and sites where I don't (e.g. here), I find people are more likely to ignore/forget your posts in the latter. No one (except maybe you, admittedly) has bothered to challenge/agree with/comment on my posts yet, meaning I am in the thread less, meaning I appear invisible; not because I'm particularly inactive but because no one's bothered to pick a fight with me yet.

basically it's a self-fulfilling prophecy and I find it problematic that you are making a post like this trying to shift the focus of the lynch pool by giving players a superficial "invisible" label (as opposed to just "naturally" getting these players more involved by simply challenging their opinions or asking them questions [which, again, you admittedly also have been doing in many instances; however I still find this post problematic]).

so let's talk about that. what's your motive here?

Maximum Carnage

Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2014
Scary, if you can't read me all you have to do is ask.

Which you should be doing anyway. If you don't have a read on me after me 50k words, what is going to happen that makes you will get one later?

Bring on some questions, show me.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
On my phone but quickly:

I did respond to the bravely default question but ****ed up formatting, I am very busy as marsh said but I have tons of thoughts I need to put down.

Also at Vult, you an I haven't played much together but I can be a very scary power player. Don't let the smile fool you. :)

Anyways let me read things when I get home and can take my notes. There is so much good content now it seems.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
... For real? You quoted it above that question:

And I don't see what you like about Town PR's 414
My apologies. That was supposed to come across as a rhetorical question, because I was trying to explain what they were thinking at the time. :|

On re-read, I don't either! Yikes! I don't dislike anything about it. I don't care for the Gheb part (I liked it a lot on my initial read-through, but as I re-read it a few times, I became more neutral towards it), but the Laundry part is alright. He's not doing that whole "Town read because I said so blah" thing where you just give your reads without no reason and expect players to care about what you have to say. He's generally being pretty open about his thought process (which isn't just in 414... It's pretty consistent throughout his play). I guess his open-ness really showed in 414, which is why I initially liked it so much (the gheb part is just him opening up a lot lool).
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