Quoting PMs is legitimately broken, and I will be arguing against including this in any game from this point on.
vaanrose said:
Here's the deal, Uni. There's a reason I never voted for Shiny. It was a trap, and you walked into it. Several people know my plan now. One of them is able to prove my claim and demonstrate that I'm town. People are independently suspicious of Bardul, and you two working together is only going to make things harder for you tomorrow.
If you are town, it's time to make a case stronger than the one against you, because I don't even need to be alive tomorrow for it to be brought up now.
After I sent this to Uni, he
shut right the hell up. Absolutely no response.
But it was obviously enough to get him to target me that night with a "harmless" ability. Which, fortunately, was blocked by Nabe. (Thanks for distrusting me, Nabe!). When he was called out on it the morning of, all he had to say:
Some talk with vaan made me back down after I noticed you have an oddly similar role that he had in the last game.
But I'm not a gambler, not in this game, so I got paranoid and backed down.
That's it. That's all he had to say, a complete non-answer.
I spent the rest of the night fighting with Bardul, and when I finally cooled down, I turned back to Uni.
Just tell me why you targeted me with an ability you had told people was "harmless?" That's the question on everybody's mind.
Because you said you wanted me NOT to target Bardull and that you wanted to be part of this.
And somehow, doing what you asked makes me even more suspicious. Literally what?
Here's what I actually said.
vaanrose said:
Voting Shiny has put you on people's radar, Uni. Bardull was already on people's radar for trying to make Nabe seem worse than he was.
Right now, all I'm seeing is the two most suspicious people suggesting they'll prove their roles by using each other. That's not a good look, any way you slice it.
You should let me in on what you're doing. If you prefer, tell me Bardull's role instead.
Let me in on it. Not be a part of it. Of course I called him out on it then.
I said I wanted to be let in on the plan. Using a skill on me without telling me isn't letting me in on the plan.
And he replied:
I did things the way I did in Mario Mafia; be quiet until I can prove my role so there's evidence backing it up.
Sadly, I got no result from you last night, which makes me think you did literally nothing. How can I use "nothing" as evidence?
I said:
Did you get no result, or did you get "no result?"
He said:
I got a "no result" message.
Okay. First instance of saying he received the exact message "
no result."
Night 2. I ask Uni more about his role. He sends me this:
The Stoopid Unikorn said:
I get confirmation of whether the target did an action or not.
I don't know who they did it on, nor the action itself.
He gets confirmation of whether the target did an action or not.
I asked him about the utility of this role. For me, it's not whether a role seems believable or not. It's what purpose does it serve in the design of the game itself?
Here's what he said.
The Stoopid Unikorn said:
I mean... Could confirm if someone's a blocker or something, I dunno...
Not my fault if my role sucks.
How? How could it
The Stoopid Unikorn said:
I don't know who they did it on, nor the action itself.
So I decided to make a play.
I told Uni to target me again last night. My logic was this: If ALL Uni gets back is a "Yes, they acted" or "No, they did not act," his role was far more effective at proving someone
didn't act than proving someone did. After all, it's a game with a bunch of power roles. Most people should be acting every night. You're far more likely to get a "Yes" result than a "No," so "No" is the stronger result.
He agreed.
Flash forward to this morning. Here's my exchange with Uni, verbatim.
So far so good. Except, hang on a minute.
The Stoopid Unikorn said:
I get confirmation of whether the target did an action or not.
Confirmation of whether the target did an action
or not.
"No result" is not confirmation I didn't do an action. It's
no result.
That made sense when I was jailed.
That's when you get no result.
So I point that out.
And further, Uni, I'm not sure you should have received a "No Result" result tonight.
I'll defer to the judgment of more experienced players here, but if Uni checks if someone acts, should he not receive a firm "Your target acted" or "your target did not act?"
"No Result" made sense when I was jailed. It makes less sense when I chose not to act.
I mean, "No Result" just a paraphrase.
The message is closer to what you said.
Oh, so it was never "No Result" at all? It's "closer to what I said."
The Stoopid Unikorn
How does your result from tonight compare to your result from yesterday?
Notice right now
Now he's saying the FIRST result he got was "close" to "your target did not act."
Which, of course, it shouldn't have been. Because I was jailed and
his action wouldn't have gone through.
He'd have gotten "No Result" just like he claimed from the very beginning.
Not once in this entire ordeal has he EVER definitively said what his results were. He backtracks. Backtracks again. Deflects.
And the real irony here?
This post.
Care to explain yourself, Vaan?
Keeping things vague isn't exactly helpful here.
Keeping things vague isn't exactly helpful here.