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Fantasy Super Move Character Discussion


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2007
New Jersey
I'm a bit tired right now, so excuse me if this is a bit wonky:

++ Bowser ++
First Tier Super Smash - Koopa King Inferno
Bowser charges up for about 3 seconds, and then releases powerful flames in all directions. They tend to gravitate toward opponents, though. (It's not one continuous stream, they are individual fireballs, about 10 of them per opponent). Each fireball hits for 7%-13% damage, but disappear if they go 7 seconds without hitting something, and once all fireballs hit (or disappear), Bowser flies up in his Koopa Kart and drops bombs (5 of them, 10%-15% each) in random locations.
Maximum/Minimum Damage : 205% / 0%
Second Tier Super Smash - Whirling Fortress Omega
Bowser goes into his shell, and his spikes grow to extreme proportions. He then starts spinning and spitting flames, but the flames only do minimal (2%-4%) damage. The real power in the move is the spikes, which do 15% damage and moderate (picture Mewtwo getting shined) knockback on hit. Once you are hit by the spikes once, you are automatically pulled to Bowser by his spinning. The spinning ends after 12.5 seconds.
Maximum/Minimum Damage : ??? (Depends on the weight of your character; could get as high as 180%) / 10%

Once again, slightly random damages and low minimums to counter-balance the high maximum damage.

And with this post, I attain the rank... of Smash Child!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2006
Toad- 1st. He jumps on top of the opponent and keeps pounding them intto the ground until they fall through the stage to death. Fairly quick jumps so it doesnt stall the match.

Marth- Normal tipper,- it already is a super move.

And why is everyone postin 2 moves. There is only one orb. There is no reason for their to be 2 super moves in this game. Was it in a video that i missed or on a press relase...let me know please THANKS


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Bump! I made a suggestion at the being of this thread that there could be more than one Smash Orb in the game. It's just an assumption.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2007
Nanticoke PA. (East Coast USA)
I was making 2 for this reason:

It seems theres a super that targets all enemies (3 or more players at one time)
And one that targets a single enemy (for 1 on 1 matches, perhaps?)

Now, maybe Mario's only special is the dual fireballs, and maybe Link's attack one target for higher damage to them, but I think there's 2 kinds of orbs IMO.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I was making 2 for this reason:

It seems theres a super that targets all enemies (3 or more players at one time)
And one that targets a single enemy (for 1 on 1 matches, perhaps?)

Now, maybe Mario's only special is the dual fireballs, and maybe Link's attack one target for higher damage to them, but I think there's 2 kinds of orbs IMO.
Now come on, this is a FANTASY move thread so who cares what it's really like. It's for ridiculous ideas that will never make it into the game so don't worry!


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Now come on, this is a FANTASY move thread so who cares what it's really like. It's for ridiculous ideas that will never make it into the game so don't worry!
No need to get angry bro. Besides, Nintendo's bound to come up with similar ideas that we come up with. Remember, it's just your average regular speculation.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
Little Mac- Ko combo: catches oppnent and does a series of punches then finishes with a finl super punch.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2006
hmmmm...i'm not as good at this as others, but I'll try.........

****, already did the racecar things......

I got it (ehh i know it is unoriginal, but o well)

If you've watched the anime of FZero, then you'd know this move. I think this is why the falcon punch is the main move for Falcon. I think it was the last episode, but he goes and does a falcon punch, and blows up the whole **** planet.


Well he grabs the Icon and jumps off stage, feigning death.(ONOES, WHAT HAPPENERZ TO TEH HEROEZ) His ship rises, and he does the pose (you know, the Testosterone Induced Salute). Then the ships leaves off stage vertically, and it shows him eject from the drivers seat, and Raises his arm back in tru super hero fashion. As he plummets faster near earth faster and faster, his arm glows until it is an extremely bright white light. HE yells the move out (you'd have to watch the video), and then punches the ground (OOOOOOOO, super nova explosion), Whcih leaves the stage (after the dust clears) totally ruined (you know how they have ruinable stages). The intial punch is weak about 20-30 dmg (matters where you ar e inteh radius of the punch), but the aftershock and explsion deals roughly 30-40 more, for a total of about 70% (i dunno know if that is too much, and the regular punch does roughly 25 dmg.) Also, at the end, while everyone tries to get up, he does the pose again, which is where the auxillary dmg is presented.

ehh, i know that was crap, but it tooke me a whole 15 minutes

Coin you up

Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2007
My Idea about the Super Smash is that it should be a meter to activate it then you press I dunno what ever button it would be to activate it. Not an item cause you could be wining the match like you have 24 damage and your opponent has 84 then your opponent gets the smash icon and you lose that would be gay and there should be only one smash icon blue and one super smash.

Arwing Assualt: Calls in team Star Fox which is his team of Slippy, Peppy, Falco, Krystal, and his arwing to deal with the opposing smashers.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2007
Nanticoke PA. (East Coast USA)
Well I got an idea for the Ice Climbers..

Blizzard- This targets a single opponent-

The ice climbers dash at their foe. If they hit, Nana an Popo surround him/her and power up their vB special and unleash, freezing the enemy for 4 seconds? with really low damage, as the damage comes while your frozen and you get to attack as much as you want to.
5% to 10% damage.
Edit: I just remebered how much those 2 can do with a single smash, so... The ice breaks after the 4 seconds are over or the ice accumaltes 50% damage (maybe 60%...)

Pummeler- Upgrade

Nana an Popo switch their hammers for slightly bigger ones. Lasts 10 seconds? with an additional amount of damage (4% maybe) and knockback (extra 2-3 feet?) to their attacks. I'm adding this in case it happens... plus, it would be a cool idea to get better equipment as a special.

Ice Storm- Attacks all foes

Nana summons a cloud and Popo freezes it. They then hit it and let the icicles fly across the stage (about ten?). 8% to 12% damage per icicle.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2007
New Jersey
WOMG. I couldn't find this thread anywhere, so I thought it died!
Thank god it didn't. I have no new material, but I'll start work on a few more.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2005
Some ideas:

- Kirby uses his "Mike" power from Kirby's Adventure (I haven't played any other Kirby game) damaging every character on screen. When it ends, the opponents remain stunned for some seconds, so Kirby can >Smash them ^_^

- Her Peach Beam from Paper Mario. It would work similarly to Mario's Super Fireballs, but with just one horizontal beam.
- She casts "Sleepy Time" from Super Mario RPG, so the opponents fall asleep for a considerable amount of time so you can attack them while it lasts.

- Luigi invokes a lot of ghosts from his mansion, and they attack the enemies like a more powerful version of the Unowns in Melee.

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
That luigi idea is killer.

kirby grabs a coin and he eats another kirby walking by, boom 5 kirbys spam a move across the board, wit different powers.

samus get the coin and tagets form over the characters and she shoots 4 to 5 missles.

Younglink takes out bombs and throws them all over the borad then he reaches far in his pack and pulls out a huge bomb. He places it on the ground and then ducks behind his sheild

dj asakura

Smash Ace
May 13, 2006
Peoria, IL
Ice Climbers:

Blizzard: Just a really large scale blizzard (avalanche maybe?) that covers the whole screen, freezes those with high damage

i think they should play off the IC's grab game or desynch ability to be honest

either have them do some d-throw chain where they just d-throw the opponent for a while, but really hard, like...vibrate the controller and shake the ground hard

or have nana roll past the opponent to the other side and have them just smash the **** out of the opponent


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2007

Super move #1 (red icon) Star Wolf Attacks -- Wolf jumps into the wolfen and teams up with Leon and Panther, to unleash hellfire on the stage.

Super move #2 (yellow icon) All Range mode - Wolf jumps onto an autopilot wolfen and unleashes havok by dropping a bomb onto the stage

++Simon Belmont++

Super move #1 (red icon) Stop Watch - Simon slows down time with his stopwatch.

Super move # 2(yellow icon) Holy Water frenzy - He jumps up, and throws holy water onto the stage, inighting the stage.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
I like. :) If I may, I actually have suggestions for Mewtwo, too... too... too? Also.

++ Mewtwo ++
First Tier Super Smash - Cosmic Foretelling
The screen zooms in and pauses on Mewtwo, and then the screen goes pitch black. It then lights up around each opponent (there is a slight tint of one of 4 colors; the effect changes depending on the color) and then goes back to the normal game. About 7.5 seconds later, the effect takes place. (See Below)
Red Tint - An explosion (much like Roy's Flare Blade) engulfs the opponent dealing 105%-140% damage. This has quite an explosive (no pun intended) knockback.
Maximum/Minimum Damage : 140% / 105%
Blue Tint - The opponent is frozen solid in ice, taking 120%-130% damage, and is flung up high (as in, Freezie to the face at 150% damage high) into the air.
Maximum/Minimum Damage : 130% / 120%
Yellow Tint - Static electricity halts the opponent's current action, and deals an un-DI-able 32 hits of 4% damage each. This takes place over a span of 7 seconds, and is not cancelled by being hit.
Maximum/Minimum Damage : 128% / 128%
Lavender Tint - This is the rarest and most powerful of the Cosmic Foretelling Tints. The opponent effected by this is helplessly tossed around randomly, taking 10% damage per toss for 14 tosses, and then receiving 20% damage and large knockback on the last (15th) toss.
Maximum/Minimum Damage : 160% / 160%
Second Tier Super Smash - M.S.A.M
Mental Strength Amplifier Module. This is the robotic suit that Mewtwo wears in Pokèmon the First Movie. It is merely a transformation; while in this suit Mewtwo has increased overall abilities. This transformation, unlike Link's, stays on for the rest of the match (or if Mewtwo manages to live above 200% damage).
Maximum/Minimum Damage : (N/A; damage caused by this is indirect in the fact that it increases Mewtwo's overall power)

... Mine are probably a bit overpowered though :laugh:
I actually like your ideas alot! They might seem slightly overpowered, yes, but do remember that this is a "fantasy move" thread. I personally like the MSAM idea alot! Good job on this one!


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
Hey everyone, I'm relatively new to the Smashboards, as evidenced by my NOOB status. But I saw this thread and was interested. So I'll try my hand at it.

These are things I can see for Meta-Knight:

"Chivalry Charge": When grabbing a red token, Meta-Knight's sword will begin to glow white for a while, maybe 15-25 seconds or so. If he manages to get a super off, it will be on a single target. His wings will spread and he'll dash towards the opponent, with his sword out in front of him spinning like a drill. Once he makes contact he'll just keep drilling through his opponent, carrying them into the air until he sends them back to the ground with another slash. I think he'll do about 3%-7%, maybe even 10% damage for each time the opponent is hit with the drilling dash (which could be anywhere between 15-30 times) with a nice 25% damage on the final swing.

"Brothers in Arms": When grabbing a yellow token, Meta-Knight's sword will once again begin to glow. If he make contact with a super, he'll spread his wings and thrust his sword into the air, where it will glow brighter and display the warpstar insignia in the air like the Bat signal from Batman. Kirby, decked in his sword power (complete with silly green cap too!), will join Meta-Knight in the air riding a warpstar. Their two swords will glow again, before they both fire off sword beams which would roll along the entire length of the arena. An opponent might manage to leap over it by double jumping and using their up+b to jump higher, but if they should fail, the beam will trap and carry them all the way across the stage, dealing damage as it goes. I see about 5% per hit if a person is caught by the edge of the blast, and more like 20% if they are in the thick of it. And just for dramatic effect, Meta-Knight could lose his mask after using so much power, revealing his blue Kirby-like body before covering himself with his cape, reappearing with a new mask.

Noobish? Crazy? Maybe. But I like the sounds of them.:)


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2007
Here's some I made up (all of these are for unconfirmed characters):

Midna - "Terrible Twilight": After Midna grabs the icon, the entire stage plummets into the Twilight Realm (that's why this couldn't work, if there was already a twilight stage. which there totally should be), and the denizens of the Twilight Realm come onto the stage. For a few seconds, the denizens run around, attempting to attack anyone else on screen (though everyone can run from them). Then, they disappear, as Midna flies in the air and bonds with the Fused Shadows to become her giant, almost spider-like form and falls onto the field.

Paper Mario - "Paper Shredder": Paper Mario turns to his side and becomes flat, and flies through the screen, hitting anyone in his way. Then, paper forms of familiar Mario enemies (such as goombas and koopas) come onto the stage and do the same thing (though they do noticeably less damage then Paper Mario.

Tingle - "Rupee Rain"" Tingle flies up tino the air after inflationg his balloon, and then has the ability to drop fast. sharp rupees from the sky for about 15 seconds. The user can control where and when he throws them.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
Hey y'all, I've got another one for consideration. This time we're looking at GANONDORF! First off, I'll accept either his design from OoT or TP. But either way, here's his supers...

"Dark Rush": Ganondorf will draw his sword (either one is fine) and shout loudly to the sky, the Triforce glowing on his hand. His sword will erupt in dark flames and he'll rush a single opponent, kind of like Link's confirmed super. The only difference is Ganondorf will strike less times, but do more damage per strike. He'll swipe upwards to send the opponent into the air, and then leap up to finish the job with one giant slash. I see each of the initial strikes doing about 10% damage, with probably about seven to ten of them, with the uppercut swing doing 20% and the final slash doing 45%. SO this super could do anywhere from 135% to 165% damage. Overpowered? Just right? What do you think?

"Summon the Twilight" This is where Ganondorf's new tricks from TP come in. He'll laugh that wonderfully villainous laugh of his, and reach his hand to the sky, sending up a single shot of dark magic. The entire field will be wrapped in the Twilight Realm, and dozens of Twilight creatures will drop from the sky to blitz the field. This one can be avoided initially by jumping over the swarm, but chances are everyone will take some damage as creatures will fall EVERYWHERE, even the higher platforms. I'd say each shadow beast (guys with the big funny looking heads) will do about 17% damage, which will be the most. Winged beasts will do about 12%, while the majority of the swarm, tiny shadow beings, will do about 5%. The attack can also leave the field encased in twilight for the remainder of the match.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2007
Unforetunately, the chances of having more then one super move are slim. But it would be pretty cool. I still don't know what they'll do for Snake, though...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2007
A dark corner in my basement
ok. heres a few (mostly unconfirmed chars)

Banjo+Kazooie - Kazooie gets changed into a dragon (like in Tooie) and starts fire breathing and grenade egging the stage.

will add more later maybe, getting lazy


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Whoa this is unexpected! My thread got revived! Sweetness!

Wouldn't it be cool if Megaman X got in that his Super Move would be transforming into his Ultimate X Armor (X8) and preform a Giga Attack.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
Hey y'alls, I'm back with another suggestion lol. This time I'll be suggesting super moves for Zero from the incredibly awesome "Megaman Zero" series for the GBA.

"Four Guardian Offensive": Zero calls in the help of Copy X's four guardians (Harpuia, Fefnir, Leviathan, and Phantom). Fefnir blasts the opponent with a volley of about ten small homing rockets for about 3% damage each. Then Leviathan would charge and hit the opponent a with about a dozen or so stirkes with her staff, for another 10% damage. Harpuia and Phantom leap over the opponent's head, tossing down small energy shots and ninja stars before landing on either side and criss-crossing the opponent with a single blade strike. This would add another 30%. Zero would end it with a powerful slash from his Z-Saber, causing the screen to do the whole "sliced down the middle" effect before flashing and returning to normal. Total damage: 90%-120%

"Legend Barrage": Zero chucks his Shield Boomerang at the opponent, who ducks it and comes back up in time to get smacked with a flurry of punch, kick, and sword attacks by Zero, who leaps out of the way at the last second as the Shield Boomerang flies under him and finishes the job. Total damage: 70%

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
"Shadow" : he calls upon the power of the chaos emeralds and he turns hyper and makes a tornado of power. 10-15 damage.

"Sonic" : turns into a ball of pain and owns the the stage with multiple bounces moving so fast that the time starts to slow down and and he yeilds yeah.


Smash Rookie
Nov 10, 2005
OK Here are two from my favorite Charaters,

Kirby Skill 2: (Crash)

Kirby Flashes with Energy as the releases a extream radial nova-like attack, which does electric or fire damage similar to the bullet-bill from SSBM, once you get caught in it it does damage at a steady rate of about 5-10% a second and the final blast which will take about 30% sending foes in all directions

Bowser Skill 1: (Giga-Bowser)

Need I say more, the duration would proabably be that of a cloak device or a metal box.

Bowser Skill 2: (Chaos-Koopa)

Similar to Giga-Bowser and only obtainable though him, an step up from Giga-bowser giving him a firemane, glowing eyes, elemental damage in all his attack, and the starman trait of invinciblity, and the main reason went with another Upgrade like this is simply because, Bowser is the "King" and what is a king without power.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
Ahem. Here are mine. It includes all confirmed characters save for Snake, and includes a few on "unconfirmed but likely to return" status. They should all come out to the same effectiveness. Anyway:

Pikachu: Volt Tackle
One of the absolute strongest Electric attacks, and absolutely exclusive to the Pikachu line. Pikachu fires up a truly enormous electrical aura around itself, and dashes across the screen about 3 times. The blast is sufficient to deal about 65% or so with each hit, and the last charge causes significant knockback. However, the move follows the games, so Pikachu takes about 30% damage for using this move.

Meta Knight: Blade Tornado
Circa The Amazing Mirror, this move is an enormous whirlwind that fills the screen. Of course, the real McCoy does it better then the mirror world imposter. Meta Knight charges power within his sword, then performs a huge spin attack, sending out tornado-force winds with slicing compressed air, trapping the opponents in a storm of slashes, while he sits in the eye of the storm, looking all awesome. Deals about 100% - 130%, but with no knockback (the big launch in the air is showy, but not enough to ever KO), and the opponents all land on their backs close to where they were at the onset of the move.

Pit: Holy Rain
Pit rises into the air, like, into magnified upper regions, and the camera focuses on him. His wings expand, and his crown of laurals become golden. He charges a Light Arrow with the brilliance of the sun itself, and fires at the ground. The single arrow splinters into over 100 smaller arrows, that shoot through the ground easily, and skewer foes. On average, a target will take about 12 hits, each dealing about 10% damage.

Samus: Phazon Beam
Samus' cannon is suffused with the blue, crackling energy known as Blue Phazon. She shoots off the discharge in an enormous linear blast that hits all enemies in its way for about 90% damage with huge knockback (I'm talking fully charged PK Flash, here). If the video is to be trusted, this turns her into Zero Suit Samus.

Z-suit Samus: Gunship barrage
Z-suit Samus calls in her Gunship. The flying arsenal flys around the field, launching missiles and guns wherever it goes. An enemy will take an average of 100% damage from this move.

Wario: Wario Waft (AKA: Atomic Fart)
No comment. 100% damage with Meteor Smash-level kickback

Fox: Nova Bomb
Fox activates a Barrier (a circular, man-sized force-field from Assault) and calls in a Nova Bomb on the ground around him. A huge dome of fire blossoms around him, dealing about 95% damage with low-charge Smash attack kickback.

Now for unconfirmed goodness!

Bowser: Bob-ombardment
Bowser calls in one of his Airships from Super Mario Bros. 3. The bomb bay opens, and a gross (12 times 12, 144) of Bob-ombs fall out, lighting the place up like the Fourth of July. The explosions deal, on average, about 130% damage to all targets, but the chain of explosions actually keep the foes in place, preventing knockouts from this move.

Peach: Star Shower
Peach clasps her hands, and summons the Power Stars of the Castle. The stars circle around her, rise up, and rain down on the ground. All 123 stars shower down, dealing about 5% damage where they hit, and explode into rainbow light. Peach then brings the sparkles together into an enormous Star, and sends out a wave of energy that pushes all enemies back like a Smash Attack.

Luigi: Boo Party
Luigi puts out a trembling finger, and clicks the "release" button on the Poltergust 3000's tanks... All 50 Boos ZOOM out of the Poltergust, and run wild. They begin flying around all of Luigi's enemies, smacking them around for about 5% each time they hit (they hit a lot of times), and for added fun, Boos will zoom around the screen for no reason, some will even look out at the screen and make faces at the players. After this has gone on for a good time, Luigi turns on his flashlight and stuns all the Boos, then sucks them back into the Poltergust.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
Okay, bump! Let's get the creative juices flowing people!

I'm back with a couple ideas for another hopeful personal favorite... Lucario.

"Aura Explosion": Lucario targets a single player and closes his eyes, sensing his surroundings with aura, like in the movie. Upon finding the aura of his target, he dashes in and smacks them around with a quick barrage of about 15 "Force Palm" attacks. These would do about 2-3% damage each, and each would connect with a nice ZAP! He would finish things off by leaping over the opponent's head and landing about 15 feet behind them, launching a nice big "Aura Sphere" attack. This would do about 45% damage on it's own. Once the explosion dissipates, Lucario opens his eyes and smirks.

"THE AURA IS IN ME!": Okay, title is cheesy, I know. This would be a transformation super like Shadenexus was talking about before. Lucario would say "The aura is in me" like in the movie, or something to the same degree, and until he reaches a certain amount of damage or is knocked off the stage, a pale blue aura would surround his body, and he would gain more attack power (say 1-5% more damage depending on the move) and a slight up in speed. In exchange his attacks wouldn't have as much knockback, except for his throws which would gain more.

Note: Force Palm and Aura Sphere are actual attacks in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Aura Sphere is also widely known as Pulse Bomb.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2007
New Jersey
Okay, this next guy probably won't get into Brawl. But who cares, it's a fantasy thread! (It's Nergal, the main villain in FE7. Yeah, FE7, but like I said, Fantasy.)

First Tier Super Smash - Ereshkigal
The game and all characters on the stage, except Nergal, freeze. Nergal does his attack animation from FE7 (Hands together in front of him, then they are pulled apart) and a dark aura surrounds him. Dark magic fills the arena, and a giant blackhole forms in the background. A bunch of black suns are pulled into the black hole, and after a short time, the blackhole implodes. This causes 3 hits on all characters for 25% each. Another explosion occurs; this one does 50% dmg to all. The game unfreezes after this, and Nergal laughs.
Maximum/Minimum Damage: 125% / 125%
Second Tier Super Smash - Morph Summoning
Nergal freezes the game and walks up to the nearest foe. He chants something, and grabs that foe's quintessence (life energy) from them. He then uses it to create an exact clone of that foe, which will fight with Nergal until it sustains 150% damage.
Maximum/Minimum Damage: N/A (Once again, damage is indirect, from the creation of the character clone.)

IMO, Ereshkigal's description was a bit wierd. You may have to look up something on YouTube or likewise for a visual XD

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Is it just me or all of these suggested moves (the ones that do damage, at least) doing WAY too much damage? 90% with huge knockback is basically a OHKO against anyone but Bowser and Ganondorf. I think it's understood that the special inducing emblems will be toggle-able, like other items, but I'd like to use them without having the game broken.

The way you guys would have it, the first person to use their special wins. Especially you, BurningCrusader777: brawl attacks definitely shouldn't freeze the game, especially not when they're supposed to do over 100% to everyone. The morph clone thing sounds cool though.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2007
New Jersey
Yeah, I know that I have massive damage values on my suggestions. Those values are just hypothetical lol, they could pretty much be anything >_<

Well, while I'm here, I may as well put up my Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario Final Smashes.

++Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario++
Bowser's Jr.'s Final Smash: Inferno Masterpiece
Bowser Jr. douses the entire field in Lava Goop (ala E. Gadd Paintbrush) and traps all foes in it (75% damage). Afterwards, Lava Goop is left on the foes, which does about 2%-3% every 40 frames (every 2/3 of a second, this is assuming 60 FPS) until it is off.
Maximum/Minimum Damage: 105% / 84%
Shadow Mario's Final Smash: Shadow Paint Job
SM splits into hundred of globs of Shadow Goop (once again, ala E. Gadd Paintbrush), and these globs attack all foes on the map (90% damage). Afterwards, the Shadow Goop is left on the foes, which causes stun, but no damage, every 40 frames, until it is off.
Maximum/Minimum Damage: 90% / 90%

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