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Falco's Partner in Doubles: Character Analyses


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
This thread is designed to help people find a suitable teamate for doubles based specifically on Falco's moveset, playstyle, and overall strategy.
Not to mention I myself am quite curious as to who Falco works well with, thus my knowledge on this subject is slim, I'll just be organizing and keeping the ideas straight if people like this idea and decide to work on it.
Character (alphabetical)
----> NEW: for each person that states a single or "best" teamate (in their opinion) I will add +1 next to the names (it has to be clear and somewhat thoughtful for it to merit a number) if anybody posts a worst teamate those will be tallied as -1 <-----

-CG into Forward Smash for early kills while partner is off stage
-Very large chance of being hit by Falco's lasers

C. Falcon
-CG into Falcon Punch for fast kills while partner is off stage

Diddy Kong

Donkey Kong +3
-CG into Forward Smash/Giant Punch for early kills while partner is off stage
-Large chance of being hit by Falco's lasers

-Would understand and be well adapted to partner's playstyle
-Both players would share the same weaknesses


-CG into Warlock Punch for fast kills while partner is off stage
-Good at getting kills at decent percents, where Falco lacks a little

-Large chance of being hit by Falco's lasers

Ice Climbers

-CG into Forward Smash for early kills while partner is off stage
-Strong: good at getting kills at decent percents, where Falco lacks a little

-Large chance of being hit by Falco's lasers


King Dedede
-CG into Forward Smash for early kills while partner is off stage (Note: D3's Fsmash is unruly and has weird hitrange, at least in my experience)
-Large chance of being hit by Falco's lasers

-Can swallow Falco for his own SHTL



-Absorb lasers to heal
-Small chance of being accidentally hit by Falco's lasers

-Vulnerable to being gimped while using upB to recover (which means having both characters with an easily gimpable vertical recovery)



Marth +1
-Cover each other's weaknesses (Marth has awesome ranged, quick attacks, while Falco has an awesome projectile)

Meta Knight
-Small chance of being hit by Falco's lasers

Mr. Game & Watch
-Bucket can absorb lasers and then becomes very useful
-Falco's SHDL + G&W's Dtilit is difficult to approach
-Small chance of being accidentally hit by Falco's lasers
-CG into SideB spam for small chance of early kills while partner is off stage


-Can absorb lasers for health
-Small chance of being accidentally hit by Falco's lasers

-Vulnerable to being gimped while using upB to recover (which means having both characters with an easily gimpable vertical recovery)

-Small chance of being accidentally hit by Falco's lasers

-Falco's lasers can quickly activate Peach's counter from behind to act as an edge guard

-Small chance of being accidentally hit by Falco's lasers


Pokemon Trainer
-Squirtle has a small chance of being hit by Falco's lasers
-Charizard has a large chance of being hit by Falco's lasers




-Snake contributes lagless kill moves which Falco lacks
-CG into Forward Smash for early kills while partner is off stage

-Falco is in danger of being damaged and killed by friendly fire


Toon Link


-Is a "damager" like Falco, both have trouble getting decent % kills from on-stage



Zero Suit Samus


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2007
Nastola, Lahti, Finland
Snake might be a good partner for Falco. He has stage control and very good killing power. And Falco could make up for his bad aerial game.

But then speedy characters like MK might own them.


Smash Rookie
May 13, 2008
Falco and Marth could cover each other. While Falco has problems with Game&Watch and Zelda, Marth has no problems to take them out with his great range.

Also, Meta Knight can give problems to Marth in the air, where Falco exceeds.


Smash Lord
Mar 2, 2008
Paris, France
You roxx ! :D

Ness :
- He can absorb the laser to regain some percents
- Good to rack up damages, and Falco can get the kill
- They both have projectiles
- Two good spikes

- They both have very gimpable vertical recoveries
- They can have problems against quick characters

Lucas :
- He can absorb the laser to regain some percents
- Very good to rack up damages, and both can get the kill
- They both have projectiles
- One spike and half
- Less problem with fast characters

- They both have gimpable vertical recoveries
- Lucas' range is very good, but can hurt Falco...


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
does anybody else have a hard time reading the blue font?

Snake might be a good partner for Falco. He has stage control and very good killing power. And Falco could make up for his bad aerial game.

But then speedy characters like MK might own them.
Added pieces of this

Falco and Marth could cover each other. While Falco has problems with Game&Watch and Zelda, Marth has no problems to take them out with his great range.

Also, Meta Knight can give problems to Marth in the air, where Falco exceeds.

You roxx ! :D

Ness :
- He can absorb the laser to regain some percents
- Good to rack up damages, and Falco can get the kill
- They both have projectiles
- Two good spikes

- They both have very gimpable vertical recoveries
- They can have problems against quick characters

Lucas :
- He can absorb the laser to regain some percents
- Very good to rack up damages, and both can get the kill
- They both have projectiles
- One spike and half
- Less problem with fast characters

- They both have gimpable vertical recoveries
- Lucas' range is very good, but can hurt Falco...
added the parts that were specific to their teamwork with falco

Imagine Falco with skilled ICs. Uber cg mayhem and shdl+iceblock spam.
didn't add because this would result in a lot of friendly fire, but is not a negative because it can be simply avoided by not doing this

kirby would be good because he can suck up enemies like crazy
I added something about kirby's swallowing ability but this post was very vague and seemed pointless


Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2008
lucas actually has a couple AT's for a really good recovery, namely zap jump and magnet pull. still is easily gimped during pk thunder..but doesn't have to rely on them as much with his advanced techs, might want to add that.
http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=153793 <- guide on some of lucas' AT's.

EDIT: also, can't falco chain grab into captain falcon's falcon punch? you meantioned that for gannondorf, but not captain falcon..unless i'm forgetting what warlock punch is >.<


Smash Cadet
Dec 21, 2006
For Luigi, Falco could hold the foe, while Luigi uses UpB to kill the foe really early.
heck this would apply to some characters like D3, Ike, and Ganon

Ganon, was mentioned earlier as a good match up for falco due to the whole Slow/Fast team logic


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
Removed CG > Luigi's UpB/Jigg's DownB because they are instantaneous attacks meaning they can just as easily be used with any character's grab and also don't kills too well at CG %'s
Added CG > Strong charged attacks (Ike, Ganon, C. Falcon, D3, Snake, DK, Bowser)

lucas actually has a couple AT's for a really good recovery, namely zap jump and magnet pull. still is easily gimped during pk thunder..but doesn't have to rely on them as much with his advanced techs, might want to add that.
http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=153793 <- guide on some of lucas' AT's.

EDIT: also, can't falco chain grab into captain falcon's falcon punch? you meantioned that for gannondorf, but not captain falcon..unless i'm forgetting what warlock punch is >.<
All characters have good ways to avoid being gimped so even though they aren't as gimpable as if a noob was playing them, these characters still remain more easily gimpable than others. So I didn't change the Lucas negative.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
The Wolf discussion above got me thinking about that line of advantage, so I will list what I think are damaging (but not killing), intermediate, Killing, and gimping characters.
If somebody could review my list and make any necessary changes before I add any of it to the list, it would be appreciated.

Damaging (but not killing) Characters
Diddy Kong, Falco, Lucario(low %), Mario, Ness, Pikachu, Squirtle, Sheik, Sonic, Yoshi

Intermediate Characters
C. Falcon, Fox, IC, Link, Lucario(mid %), Lucas, Luigi, Marth, Olimar, Peach, Pit, Ivysaur, Samus, Toon Link, Wolf, Zamus, R.O.B.

Killing Characters
Bowser, DK, Ganondorf, Ike, D3, Lucario(high %), Charizard, Snake, Wario, Zelda, G&W

Gimping Characters
D3, Jiggs, Kirby, MK, (ROB)

I was considering adding a disadvantage to those in the 1st group, and an advantage to those in the 3rd group minus the Lucarios

EDITS- moved character will appear in blue
ROB boards rate ROB at about 12/35 at non-gimp killing, so it's pretty in the middle of Killing and intermediate (Nair is godlike imo) but I moved him to intermediate for now


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
ganon is a beast in teams
all you have to do is watch sliq's videos to see why
falco is actually mediocre compared to fox in teams, i'd have to say
the best partner for falco is definitely DK, who has huge priority and strong disjointed hitboxes as well as fast and strong aerials. another is dedede, who controls the air incredibly well and also has a projectile. take your pick between the two..

Hawks go Caw

Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
New Orleans, LA
R.O.B. as a killing character? Not being able to kill is one of R.O.B.'s biggest weaknesses. With his amazing Up-B and projectiles, I think he's much more suited as person who gimps and chases off the stage. I also think Game&Watch should be in the third list as his smashes are ridiculously powerful; and with Falco filling up the bucket, his bucket becomes a viable killing move at mid-high percentages.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Theory Brawl, CA
i could see dk as a good team being my secondary main,with falco who has a good ability to adapting a to a character's play style and dk having a decent mobily as heavy hitter and should be able to fight around falco projectiles.


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
At the tourneys here in NYC my best partner when it came to teams so far has been Bum's DK we've been pretty consistent and undefeated for a couple weeks straight w/ tourney results to back it up. DK is just too good w/ killing and comboing into my grabs. Sometimes I see myself tanking more than DK LMAO. He's definitely the killing machine despite the fact he can live long...since he's a big target sometimes he gets in trouble in 2v1 but I have lasers and other weak moves to get him out of a pinch and back on his feet.

I also sometimes teamed w/ my boy NinjaLink and his Ike/Zelda/MetaKnight were good partners for me as well as a Falco main. Ike killed early, Zelda depending on the matchup would **** as well allowing me to tank and just get chip damage here and there or a charge smash while the opponent grabs...same sorta w/ MK he'd do most of the work.

In my experience using Falco in teams I usually notice I'm more passive and tank more...since usually my opponents have a way better moveset for killing under 100 at times.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
I recently saw a thread (started by a user who isn't really paying any attention to Falco) that is on this topic but gave vastly different answers to Falco's best doubles partner than I have here, so I thought I'd refresh this thread so that those people can post their different opinions in a thread that is actually devoted to Falco rather than a thread that was dittoed 36 times for every character.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2007
Geneva, IL/New Orleans, LA
I think DK/Falco is a great team, they cover each other's weaknesses completely, the only bad thing being they both have a strictly horizontal recovery. You can wall with shdls behind a donkey kong tilting away for racking up damage, falco combos while DK kills easily, and lasers stop people from comboing dk. great team


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL

Falco has no trouble racking up damage and Kirby has good kill moves.

Kirby can use his B move and shoot you out to hit them while you're still a star. Right when you hit them, you break out of the star and can spike him to the floor. Kirby can then walk up and jab lock until you get back down and laser lock him while kirby fights the opponent or charges a smash attack to hit the laser locked one.

^^Same thing for off the stage. Kirby can shoot Falco out to a hit->spike thing where falco doesn't loose his jump and is facing toward the stage. (F-air gimp against the wall?)

For characters with no reflectors Falco can short hop double laser over kirby's short hop double laser, creating a wall of lasers.
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