I currently multishine w/ fox very well. And i found that most tech stuff that i do all follows the same finger speed, and this speed is the right rhythm for sliding my finger from y>b in order to jc a shine w/ fox. Obviously, this is too fast for falco, and I'm not sure if learning a separate rhythm is the correct way to go. I've also pursued other methods w/ not perfect results:
* sliding my finger from x>b (across a) this usually results in a pressing of b too quickly (i estimate 5 frames as i cannot use this method w/ fox)
* pressing y release and press b: usually results in 1-2 frames too slow
* pressing x release and press b: usually results in 4-6 frames too slow
I'm not a fan of either the control stick method or the "claw" method as i am much more precise while moving my thumb from one button to another rather than pressing buttons w/ multiple fingers. So out of the 4 methods above, what do you flashy falco users find to work the best?
PS - 100'th Post!
* sliding my finger from x>b (across a) this usually results in a pressing of b too quickly (i estimate 5 frames as i cannot use this method w/ fox)
* pressing y release and press b: usually results in 1-2 frames too slow
* pressing x release and press b: usually results in 4-6 frames too slow
I'm not a fan of either the control stick method or the "claw" method as i am much more precise while moving my thumb from one button to another rather than pressing buttons w/ multiple fingers. So out of the 4 methods above, what do you flashy falco users find to work the best?
PS - 100'th Post!