there really is a separate tier for top fox than just high fox though
high level fox vs high level falcon really isnt too bad, its just that if both players are near the top of the game, such as if its jmans fox, the chances of falcon winning drops to very, very slim
i guess im just saying theres a difference between what most people consider high level and the actual peak of the game. everybody would consider foxes like colbol, tink, chillin, and raynex as high level foxes, but falcons keep up with those players pretty often
at the top level, falcon will actually have to be killing foxes out of a single hit like unknown says, which realistically involves at least 2 or 3 guesses. chances drop down pretty low of that happening enough to win the match, let alone the set
oh and i watched the video and i'd say it would help if you stopped just throwing out b moves, but i suspect you really posted this just so we'd see that falcon punch