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Also, after borrowing a set up I've found some stuff out about the new 'rage' effect.
First, it's a flat amount of knockback that is added to certain moves. It never, ever scales beyond that. This means that moves have 2 different knockbacks. Normal knockback, and raged knockback.
Second, it's dependent upon both your own percent, AND your opponent's percent. It SEEMS to be in intervals of 25%, but I really don't know as I haven't been able to look at enough cases to determine that as 100% fact.
A few examples to illustrate this:
0 charge Fsmash when Falcon is at 0%, and enemy at 250% = rage knockback begins
Fully charged fsmash when Falcon is at 0%, and enemy at 50% = rage knockback
SideB at 100%CF and 150%enemy = rage knockback
1 Special case scenario is any character at 0%, they will NEVER take rage knockback (meaning rage has something to do with the SCALING of a move's knockback, and nothing to do with its base knockback).
I haven't gotten to test it along with staling and see if THAT effects it at all, BUT for now just know that uair takes forever to receive rage, which is great news for our combo game, and a lot of what victra has been experimenting with DOES NOT reach the threshold for rage knockbacks until Falcon's roughly 125%, meaning memorizing combo %s against certain characters is extremely viable (as long as you're taking into account different forms of DI).
I'm not entirely sure of what the pattern is regarding whether rage will work or not, but it's basically a yes or no switch. It takes CF's %, says if enemy% = X+ then rage, if not then no rage.