i dont really undestand the hate towards miriam.... i mean.... part of the reason why mewtwo is relevant now is because of the movie she starred in. plus i like this mewtwo for differing reasons as to why i like jays mewtwo.
jays mewtwo is commanding, godlike, and angry. tired of humans using its power.
miriams version is just the opposite: its much more mortal..... and more relatable. shes more like the quiet hero who only wishes to protect its friends. she was hurt by humans, but doesnt seak to destroy them like m1s mewtwo did. just wanted to be left alone.
honestly if miriam comes and voices mewtwo, i wont be all that bothered. she did quite a good job... heck.... maybe they could somehow work in miriams and jays voices for alt costumes. (one being jays powerful armored mewtwo, the other being miriams sleak-looking female mewtwo)
I don't know about Miriam's Mewtwo being more relatable. When someone wrongs me, all I want to do is wind up a knock a couple of their fillings loose. If someone were to abuse my abilities or skills, I don even want to think about what I'd try to do. Mewtwo, in many ways, I think, acts and and reacts much like a human would. We think we're the best and we all crave power. We all want to be God, and we all act like we are, and we're all arrogant. That's exactly how Mewtwo acted. He had the power of a God, and he acted as though he were better than everybody else. When someone hurts me, all I want to do is get revenge. Mewtwo was hurt by humanity, and he tried everything in his power to make them miserable. But, in the end, revenge never makes us happy. It just embitters us and makes us crave more. We, as humans, must realize that we can't get revenge and hurt those who wrong us, and that that won't make us happy. We have to forgive our enemies and try to make amends, even though that's not our instinct. All of this was part of Mewtwo's character development, and it was all very human. I found it extremely relatable. Now, I don't know if I'm an accurate depiction of the human race, but I found M01 Mewtwo much more relatable than Miriam's Mewtwo. Miriam's Mewtwo was more like the Stoic, like Captain America or Wonder-White. They're the ones who have completely transcended human instinct, and have essentially become what we should, but all too often don't, strive to become: Selfless and forgiving. Stoics would take a bullet for a friend, and they forgive those who wrong them. They don't seek revenge, and only resort to violence if absolutely necessary. Only a few people in life achieve a state of mind even remotely similar to them, and I don't find them relatable at all. I strive to be like them, but I can't relate to them. That's why M01 Mewtwo is my personal preference. I can relate to him and his development to realizing the truth. I like Miriam's Mewtwo because I strive to be like her, but I like M01 Mewtwo because I can relate to him and, in a way, try to be like his post-M01 self.