It worked. but the magical Crotch sword of Magical Crotch sword is still there.
she holds items in her right hand now. but how about we make it her left hand, seeing how she well you know. is using her sword on her right.
but we must figure out why the sword is attracted to the crotch.
let us look at the Final Smash, when she activates that. two swords appear in her hands. so how come this works correctly, but everything else doesn't?
i've looked at it, theres no indication or form of code that tells it to go there.
maybe we can devolop a code that will tell it to go there?
Incase you needed to know
to make the sword appear period.
the code works like this.
If not Article Exists: 0
If not Article Exists: 2
Generate Article: 0
End If
End if