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Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Link to original post: [drupal=1384]Excuses[/drupal]

I'm done with this crap.

Excuses for everything. You can always blame something. You can always blame someone. You can always make it seem like it was never your fault. Take all wrongdoings away from yourself. Clear your conscience.
"Ohh I failed this test because my teacher made it too hard." No, you failed it because you didn't ****ing study enough.
I'm sick of hearing excuses for everything negative that happens to someone. No one has attained perfection. You're not some soft of brilliant angel. You made a mistake. It's your fault. It's always going to be your fault. **** happens. Take responsibility.
I'm also sick of hearing about dumb reasons good things happen to people. And this "karma" crap... No. Things don't indirectly force good or bad luck in the future.
You helped a little kid? Congratulations, that doesn't mean you're going to win a freaking boat or something in the near future.
Sure, someone can thank you for doing it. They might even give you a reward. But that is NOT karma. I don't even care if this gets into religion. It's a ****ing stupid concept in my opinion. "Past lives" shouldn't influence current ones. Having a sucky life because you were an ******* in your last one? No. Then what does your current sucky life get you later? A good one?? It's ridiculous. Good and bad things happen in your life? Those are called EVENTS. They happen regardless of anything. If you want a life without events, go hide under a rock for the rest of your life or something.
"I won the lottery! I really must have deserved this for helping Robert pass his final exams!". No. If anything, you deserve it because you bought the ticket. Nothing more. You're never going to get your "just desserts" with another event in the future, unless its controlled by someone else.
If you rob a bank, you'll be put in jail. Thats a crime. Other people are in control of that.
If you rob a bank, you're not going to be born without a finger in your next life. wtf??
It's just stupid. People need to learn to take responsibility. You're not so ridiculously amazing that you'll never make a mistake. Is it sooo bad to say: "Ahh, that was my fault. Sorry, it was really stupid of me". Is it THAT hard? Really?
Events are in your control. Just fight it. If you don't want something bad to happen to you, don't let it happen. Think about the future. Think about what will happen. Think about what CAN happen. Just THINK. Ignorance is not an ok excuse. It never is and never will be. It's your own **** fault for not thinking about it. You know what is an ok thing to say? "I was wrong and its all my fault."
Hanging out with a murderer is probably going get you in trouble. If you accept that, thats fine. Hang out with him. But if/when it DOES get you in trouble, you have no right to say "NOO! I didn't know this would happen!!". You SHOULD say "Thats what I get". Because that IS what you get. You should have stayed away. You should have never taken the risk if you weren't ready to accept the possible outcomes. You should have never have been so stupid.
Control your own life. Don't be a victim and blame other things when something happens to you. Blame yourself. You're the only person you can blame. If you at all have a grasp on life. If you take the time to think for once. Maybe you can understand. Maybe you can do something about it. Maybe you can prevent horrible things from happening to you again.
But you'd rather not.
Just blame other things.
It's easier.

No. ****ing. Johns.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
No, I'm pretty sure he covered that too. ^

The middle of the paragraph was just a complete tangent, but now I REALLY feel like studying for my chem test on mondey.

Thank you.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
No, I'm pretty sure he covered that too. ^

The middle of the paragraph was just a complete tangent, but now I REALLY feel like studying for my chem test on mondey.

Thank you.
Good thing you're not taking an English test Monday.

He never mentioned thanking God, he just mentioned peoples belief in Karma.

Thanking God something good happened =/= "if I do something good, something good will happen to me"


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
I don't care who people thank.

Just who/what they blame.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Meh. I dunno... there are some things you can't influence, such as your boss suddenly deciding to fire you for no reason. Stuff like that. :x


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Welcome to the human race! People always make up excuses, it's never going to go away. Most people realize they do it when something really dumb happens due to making excuses/essentially lying, and then they learn thier lesson. If that doesn't work, then nearly every good story ever created has deceit, lying, excuses, and other foolish human faults...read those, and if you're smart, you learn your lesson that way.

Also at the karma bit of the post, to me a lot of the system is the way it is because way back when it was first being used, it was a way to control people. It's easy, you promise them some sort of reward in thier life for good deeds. In the caste system, you tell them that they're stuck into the class they're born with, and just to live your life correctly. By doing that, you move onto a better life the next time, and you just keep doing that until you reach the top. That's keeping people in line, keeping them under your control.

People seem to abuse that though, especially in today's world where we aren't ruled by kings and queens. They try to apply that logic to our normal, democratic lives...and somewhere along the line, it just doesn't make sense anymore. /how it seems to me

Xiahou Dun

Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
I couldn't read the first post because I'm dyslexic and you wrote it horribly. Not my fault.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Spadefox- Get on your boss's good side. All you have to do is have him like you enough to not fire you.

Dedede- Again, getting into ignorance. Its also difficult to "astray" from the things you are taught while growing up/ whatever else, but it IS do-able. Thats where open-mindedness comes in.

Xiahou- Dyslexia is not an intellectual disability. You can read it if you try.
"Written horribly" is a matter of opinion. Others can read it fine, you should be able to also.

Deleted member

People obviously don't want to blame themselves for their failures so they blame it on others. This has been going on for hundreds of years now. Like how Hitler made crappy battle plans, and when the generals lost he'd scream at them.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Not far enough on his good side then. >_>


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I have Acid Reflux disease.

Hm, I guess it's my fault. I guess I should live my life better or something so I won't have it.

I agree that people do make excuses and john a lot. But you cannot say that our lives are completely in our control and any blame put on anything else is incorrectly placed. It's a problem if people put the blame on everything else but if you tell yourself that EVERYTHING in your life is your own fault then you're not any better off. Neither extreme is good.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I have Acid Reflux disease.
I had that as a kid and later found out one of my meds called Cisapride had the side effect of destroying my heart.

Lol that was NOT my fault and I totally blame the doctors for screwing that up since they assured me there were no side effects when I asked.

The disease really f***ed with my lungs. Lucky I was a competitive swimmer.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Karma is just a concept of Cause and effect.

Also this made me wtf
Hanging out with a murderer is probably going get you in trouble. If you accept that, thats fine. Hang out with him. But if/when it DOES get you in trouble, you have no right to say "NOO! I didn't know this would happen!!". You SHOULD say "Thats what I get". Because that IS what you get. You should have stayed away. You should have never taken the risk if you weren't ready to accept the possible outcomes. You should have never have been so stupid.
How the hell do you know the guy is a murderer. If you knew he was one, then you your self are a criminal. No normal person in their right mind would stay with one, unless it was for a just cause.

Xiahou Dun

Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Xiahou- Dyslexia is not an intellectual disability. You can read it if you try.
"Written horribly" is a matter of opinion. Others can read it fine, you should be able to also.

Your Head.

People obviously don't want to blame themselves for their failures so they blame it on others. This has been going on for hundreds of years now. Like how Hitler made crappy battle plans, and when the generals lost he'd scream at them.
Hahaha. Godwins Law.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
I couldn't read your post because it was too long and I have a short attention span.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Its hard to tell if people are being immature, or actually meaning what they say in posts.

Thats pretty much why I stopped posting in this thread.


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
Karma is one of the stupidest things you could possibly believe in. /thread
Hmm... Let's abstract the true meaning of that post.

I am always right. Thinking unlike mine is wrong, and I dare one of you to say different.
I agree with you sasukebowser. I'm a big existentialist, and although people are not in control of every aspect in their life, I believe they're in control of a rather large portion. Sucks the rather immature people ruined your blog. Man... : / *sigh*


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
Spadefox- Get on your boss's good side. All you have to do is have him like you enough to not fire you.
I loled. You're kidding right? If not than you need a major reality check.

This rant is pretty funny though, I mean, excuses really aren't that bad. Everyone makes them, and they don't hurt anyone (other than the person making the excuse indirectly... maybe, its a stretch).

Its really easy to be hard on other people but "life isn't fair" doesn't mean "everything is your fault". Say someone misses work and a test on the same day. Their fault? What if that person had to spend that day in the ER? (that was my sister's day yesterday btw).

Lots of excuses are valid. You'll make a lot over the course of your life, i can guarantee it. While blaming god or fate or whatever is stupid, we can't control everything that goes on around us. Just accept it. Excuse are ok.

Unless its at a tournament.

No Johns. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Its hard to tell if people are being immature, or actually meaning what they say in posts.

Thats pretty much why I stopped posting in this thread.
I couldn't read your reply because something got in my eye and I kept blinking at inopportune times and losing my spot.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
It's true that EVERYTHING isn't your fault. Well no ****. I would have thought people could assume that on their own. I'm not saying its your fault that you're born or anything.

And there ARE valid excuses. If my mom died the day I wanted to go to a tournement, I obviously wouldn't be at that tournement.
But it is MY FAULT for not attending.
It sucks, yeah. But you COULD have still gone. It's not like you were being COMPLETELY PREVENTED from going. There are VERY few things that you can change, regardless of circumstance (Ex. You're going to die eventually, you HAVE to stay the race you currently are). So sure, I can use that as an excuse. But I can't say "I COULDN'T HAVE GONE TO THAT TOURNAMENT!!", because you COULD have. You CHOOSE not to.

And yeah, making excuses is fine. But not for EVERYTHING. That is one of the points I was trying to communicate in my initial post. I was just tired of everyone blaming everything for their actions (which is why I sounded pissed off).

@bobson: grow the **** up


Smash Rookie
Feb 17, 2009
I personally think you should just bite your lip and walk with what happens. I'm referring to excuses like controller, the TV, and such.

The more outrageous conditions like a fat **** casually walking in front of the screen, and rowdy spectators should be noticed.
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