Smash Champion
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There are 2 main branches of evolution. micro evolution, which evloves minor variations within a species, we see evidence of this when bacteria become resistence to anti biotics, this is also called adaptation or natural selection. micro evolution is scientific becuase it is observable and measureable.
then there is macro evolution, which is the concept that succesive small changes can over time, gradually change one species to another and it evolves not only minor variations but also the addition of competley new feautres and new body types.
macro evolution, the belief that the variations that we can see taking place in micro evolution within a species, are supposedly continious and limitless so that one species wil continue to change and eventualy become a new species, is the heart of the evolutionary theory.
it has never been observed therefore it is not scientific.
micro evolution is limited by the genetic code. no features that are not already present in a creatures DNA can ever be produced by natural selection. so while there is a varation within species, it is always within these limtits.
for example there are many types of dogs, mexican hairless,
boxers, terriers and pitbulls, but they are all still dogs.
adaptaion and natural selection are biological facts, ameba to man evolution is not. natural selection can only work on the genetic information present in a population of oranisms. it cannot create new information.
for example since there are no known reptiles with genes for feathers, no amount of selective breeding will produce a feathered reptile.
mutations is genes can only modify or eliminate existing structures, not create now ones. thus thee are always natural limits to biological change.
natural selection is just that, selection. it cannot create anything new. it can only select from the information contained in the organisms genetic blueprint.
why do evolutionists ignore this fact?
where is the evidence for macro evolution?
it has never been seen in nature and never will be.
so you believe in evolution?
there are 2 conditions to macro evolution and both of them are neccesary for the theory evolution to be true.
one is living matter came from non-living matter.
this is shown to be impossible. the scientific method requires repeatable observation to prove something. scientist have never been able to create life from non life.
the oppostie is the case. life arises only from life.
it is un-scientific and inaccurate for evolutionsits to claim that spontaneous generation occured.
bio genisis is the rule. life comes only from life.
Second condition for macro evolution to be considered true.
that one specie gradually changes over time into another species.
scientists line up various creatures point out similarities and say they are obviously descended from a common evolutionary ancestor.
have you seen the charts in school textbooks?
they go from fish to reptiles to mammals.
lets say i line up cars of various styles from a certain manufacturer according to their size,
from sub compact to luxary cars and pointed out similarities.
would you say they obviously had a common ancestor?
or with your common sence think they had a common maker?
at best the fossils used to create the charts demonstrates
such as the variety within horses, but is there proof of one species changing into another? no
in fact there is proof of the opposite, that they didnt. for it if were true, all species would have spent more time in transition then in completion thus the fossil record would reveal millions upon millions of transitional forms.
charles darwin acknowledged this lack of transitional forms as one of his theory's fatal flaws
"as by this theory innumerable tranistional forms must have existed."
why havent we found them?
geological research does not yield the infinatley many fine gradations between past and present species requiered by the theory.
there should be millions upon millions of fossils in the intermidiate stages of their transitions. but there are none.
he said the problem was the imperfection of the fossil record, that we havent seen enough of it.
that has been remedied with modern geology
150 years after darwin what do we find in the fossil record? fully formed wolly mamoths, whole fish, whole reptiles and so on.
everything in the fossil record appears to be fully formed and true to its own kind.
there are no creatures with partially formed skeletons, or partial fins or beaks
umong the billions of fossils found we dont find one example of the transitional forms darwin said must exist ifhis theory of evolution were true.
the fossils record should show gradual transition from lesser forms to the more complex forms for this theory to be true.
There are 2 main branches of evolution. micro evolution, which evloves minor variations within a species, we see evidence of this when bacteria become resistence to anti biotics, this is also called adaptation or natural selection. micro evolution is scientific becuase it is observable and measureable.
then there is macro evolution, which is the concept that succesive small changes can over time, gradually change one species to another and it evolves not only minor variations but also the addition of competley new feautres and new body types.
macro evolution, the belief that the variations that we can see taking place in micro evolution within a species, are supposedly continious and limitless so that one species wil continue to change and eventualy become a new species, is the heart of the evolutionary theory.
it has never been observed therefore it is not scientific.
micro evolution is limited by the genetic code. no features that are not already present in a creatures DNA can ever be produced by natural selection. so while there is a varation within species, it is always within these limtits.
for example there are many types of dogs, mexican hairless,
boxers, terriers and pitbulls, but they are all still dogs.
adaptaion and natural selection are biological facts, ameba to man evolution is not. natural selection can only work on the genetic information present in a population of oranisms. it cannot create new information.
for example since there are no known reptiles with genes for feathers, no amount of selective breeding will produce a feathered reptile.
mutations is genes can only modify or eliminate existing structures, not create now ones. thus thee are always natural limits to biological change.
natural selection is just that, selection. it cannot create anything new. it can only select from the information contained in the organisms genetic blueprint.
why do evolutionists ignore this fact?
where is the evidence for macro evolution?
it has never been seen in nature and never will be.
so you believe in evolution?
there are 2 conditions to macro evolution and both of them are neccesary for the theory evolution to be true.
one is living matter came from non-living matter.
this is shown to be impossible. the scientific method requires repeatable observation to prove something. scientist have never been able to create life from non life.
the oppostie is the case. life arises only from life.
it is un-scientific and inaccurate for evolutionsits to claim that spontaneous generation occured.
bio genisis is the rule. life comes only from life.
Second condition for macro evolution to be considered true.
that one specie gradually changes over time into another species.
scientists line up various creatures point out similarities and say they are obviously descended from a common evolutionary ancestor.
have you seen the charts in school textbooks?
they go from fish to reptiles to mammals.
lets say i line up cars of various styles from a certain manufacturer according to their size,
from sub compact to luxary cars and pointed out similarities.
would you say they obviously had a common ancestor?
or with your common sence think they had a common maker?
at best the fossils used to create the charts demonstrates
such as the variety within horses, but is there proof of one species changing into another? no
in fact there is proof of the opposite, that they didnt. for it if were true, all species would have spent more time in transition then in completion thus the fossil record would reveal millions upon millions of transitional forms.
charles darwin acknowledged this lack of transitional forms as one of his theory's fatal flaws
"as by this theory innumerable tranistional forms must have existed."
why havent we found them?
geological research does not yield the infinatley many fine gradations between past and present species requiered by the theory.
there should be millions upon millions of fossils in the intermidiate stages of their transitions. but there are none.
he said the problem was the imperfection of the fossil record, that we havent seen enough of it.
that has been remedied with modern geology
150 years after darwin what do we find in the fossil record? fully formed wolly mamoths, whole fish, whole reptiles and so on.
everything in the fossil record appears to be fully formed and true to its own kind.
there are no creatures with partially formed skeletons, or partial fins or beaks
umong the billions of fossils found we dont find one example of the transitional forms darwin said must exist ifhis theory of evolution were true.
the fossils record should show gradual transition from lesser forms to the more complex forms for this theory to be true.