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Everyone's Adventure Through Pokemon Black & White! (Spoilerzzz)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
This is something I would have done in User Blogs, but UBs isn't working atm. I tried to contact the mods here to see if they would mind me making a thread like this, but I couldn't get a hold of them. I don't see a problem with it, so I'll go along with it for now.

Either way, I'm doing a play through of Pokemon Black now on my DS. Up until now I have been posting periodically in the normal BW thread with various updates, but all of it is just going to get lost in there and it will clutter up the topic.

I'm going to somewhat keep track of what I do in the game with thoughts on it and such in this thread. All updates will be edited into the OP, leave comments or questions!

I'll work on getting some screens up soonish and maybe video

Caution: I don't know any Japanese lol
Also I don't have any of the japanese names memorized lol, so I'm going to refer to everything by nicknames

To recap so far...

The game starts off kind of interesting. There are two mini CGI cutscenes at the start of the game before the title screen. They almost felt like a trailer instead of an opening, idk kind of odd. However it doesn't matter, skip along and go to the title screen.

Everything is really straight forward, like every Pokemon game. I was able to navigate through basic menus and get going with ease despite not being able to read a darn thing on the screen lol.

Since this is an initial playthrough on my Japanese version I decided to do the opposite of what I'm going to do when it comes out in the US. Ideally I want to play White version as a guy and start with Pignition, so this time I'm playing through Black as a girl with a Smugleaf.

The game is really chatty at the beginning, kind of annoying. There is however a good sense at starting out to travel with both of your rivals/friends.

The game was feeling really hard, especially the N fight early on since I was still at Level 5 because...
It turns out getting EXP was disabled! I thought I was in the midst of a tutorial of sorts still until I hit the first normal trainer battle with a Lv7 Chipmunk to my Lv5 Smug. I lost kind of bad lol. I lost twice in a row, and I knew something was up. That's when I found out about the exp prevention and found a solution.

Now my game is fine (albeit with some intermittent freezes like the early HGSS) but I can play normally.

I got the running shoes finally and I'm saddened that there is no auto run feature. That, coupled with nothing being on the bottom screen while walking around makes this game feel like a big step back compared to HGSS.


The dynamic camera in battles is reaaaally awesome, especially when it pans around if you don't do anything. For a bit. Also part of Smug's back animation is him crossing his arms and shaking his head. Looks mad smug lolol


The music in battles is very dynamic now. Your low percent sound is no longer just a sound effect, it's a different music that fades in and takes over and the transition is very smooth and nice.

Battles progress very fast in this game, certainly faster than HGSS. It's like being used to fast battles in RSE, then going to a snail pace in DP, and then seeing battles fast again in PtHGSS. BW is even faster and smoother than those games. Makes battles not as boring.


Bout to enter first gym, I have a lv9 Puppy and a lv10 Smug


Got side tracked, so that + gym trainers before the leader I have a lv11 Smug, lv11 Aqape (woulda liked to put Aquape but theres a 5 char limit) and a lv10 Puppy.
Can't wait to get more Pokemon to kick this Aqape off my team before it evolves lol. It's evolution is like my least fav pokemon this generation.


Forgot to mention one of the gym trainers chipmunks randomly ***** my smugleaf lol. stupid crits n stuff

Anyway my Lv12 smug almost swept the gym leader's puppy and fire monkey and would have if it werent for his clutch potion. The AI seems to be kind of stupid lol, at least at this part of the game. Stupid Aqape leveled up to 12. The gym leader music switched when he got to his final pokemon and the music was rly rly awesome. Very dynamic and awesome. I enjoy battling in this game more than 3D pokemon titles lol. Feels more hyped. Take notes Pokemon Battle Rev.


I got Cut and I gave it to my Aqape because I hate Cut and I hate my Aqape.


Wild Dream Elephant (evolved one). When my Smug is asleep his eyes on his sprite are closed.


Starting the fight with the second gym leader now My team is:
Lv 18 Smug (Evo of grass starter)
Lv15 Puppy (The dog pokemon)
Lv 13 Dream (The evolved dream elephant)
Lv 14 Aqape (The water monkey)

I found out on a Pokedex that Dream won't be learning anymore moves, it's the kind of evolved poke that stops and only its unevolved form learns moves. :/


The gym leader's (middle dog evo) destroyed me lol, need to go grind.


While fighting some wild pokemon to the right of the town with the second gym leader I found one of those blue fighting karate guys. Caught him and nicknamed him MrBLU


While battling more I found two new wild pokemon. A Mamepato that I caught and a (fighting thing that carries a plank of wood). I accidentally killed the fighter before I was able to catch it. Ready to go up against the 2nd gym leader again, here is my team:
Lv20 Smug
Lv16 Puppy (middle dog evo)
Lv13 Dream
Lv14 Aqape
Lv16 MrBlu
Lv12 Birdy (mamepato)


Here is a video of the intro and the second gym battle:

Note: Unfortunately using the audio recording method I did (plugging the DS right into my camcorder) made it so it only recorded in mono, so you can't hear any sound effects from the opponent's side of the field. Not that big of an issue, just something to note when you may notice some things missing.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/WKlMuEHfw18?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/WKlMuEHfw18?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


A few things have happened since last time. I traveled through a forest where I fought Team Plasma again, and caught some new pokemon like the grass/bug caterpillar. After leaving the forest I traversed across a giant bridge, and the camera was in dynamic 3D the whole time going across it. Really feels a lot different than the normal walking around. Nothing special about it, just epic.

I got to the big city and after looking around, I find myself now in a building with 3 floors full of trainers in there going through battle after battle. My team is currently:
Lv 23 Smug
Lv 20 Puppy
Lv 19 MrBlu
Lv 17 Dream


Traveling through the big city is pretty awesome. The camera for it is unlike anywhere else in the game and the town is huge. Easily the biggest town in any Pokemon game yet. I'm glad the camera isn't overused like this, but it fits great here. It took a bit of looking around and asking my friend to find out how to start the gym challenge, since the leader isn't there initially. After a run in with Plasma and venturing beyond the city to get a look at the Desert area (where I caught one of those dark fighting pokemon and nicknamed him Pants), I'm here to face the Bug gym. I really wish I had a Fire pokemon... I haven't ran into a single one yet in the wild. Ready to square off vs the gym leader, my team is:

Lv 27 Smug
Lv 20 Puppy
Lv 21 MrBlu
Lv 18 Dream
Lv 16 Pants


It's been a while. A lot of my playing has been away from a computer so it's been tough to update as I go along. I just arrived at the town with the sixth gym leader after going through a long cave fighting Team Plasma. I did a lot of work on my team and finally settled on the final team I will be using for the rest of the game. Two of the pokemon are under-leveled, but it's because I just caught them. My team is:

Lv 36 Smug (Jaroda)
Lv 32 Daru (Darumakka)
Lv 32 MrBlu (Dageki)
Lv 30 Desu (Desumakku)
Lv 27 Buggy (Bachuru)
Lv 20 Unown (Shinpora)

Time to use my newly aquired lucky egg to get my unown and buggy up to speed and take on the 6th gym. Can't wait for everyone to make their evolutions in the 30s.


any way, just finished the game, soooooo epic. even though I couldn't read anything, it was just amazing. especially the end going into the credits. felt a lot more like a normal JRPG which is why I'm guessing things like Famitsu liked it more and it's appealing to more ppl overall. Single player wise it's my favorite pokemon game yet. The entire ending part is so great.

The ending was soooooooo hard wow.

Well, I guess it wasn't that insane but it was worse than anything in a pokemon game yet. All without saving catching Reshiram (in Black version), battling N, then battling the Plasma leader - both having full balanced teams of 6 with the highest leveled pokes uv seen yet.

I luckily caught Reshiram on my first attempt after like my 4th ultra ball and breezed through N. I chose not to put Reshiram on my team (assuming that's what it asked me). I switched my Jaroda in on N's Zekrom which completely walled it. I had leech seed zapping it's health the whole battle while I coiled six times and then finished it off at low health. My Jaroda then swept his whole team. It was the first time I saw a Zoroark in battle too, which was really cool how it illusioned into his Gigigear.

The last game had me shakin cause I didn't wanna do it all over, and my DS was on a red bar and I was without my charger! I was doing well keeping a strong lead but then his 3rd or 4th pokemon he sent out was Sazando. Woooooow that thing is so hard to fight, I really wasn't ready for it. Luckily I took it down with a combination of my Desukan burning it and my Dageki takin' it down with a Brick Break after I chipped off some health.

My team ended with the highest being Lv55 and the lowest being 43. I gained so many levels in the whole E4-Plasma sequence, I originally started with them all between 43 and 48, only two of them above 45 iirc. I was gaining levels so quick. The ghost E4 member was by far the hardest, and taking down her Shanderra took about 7 tries. I beat the other 3 E4 members though on my first try.

Final Team:

Team Thoughts: The team worked out very well together, I was pleased by that. Towards the end I thought I was missing something and finally realized what it was: I was missing a water type. I was shocked I didn't have one, I normally do. There really weren't many to choose from however...Shinporra was an odd choice, though the only reason I chose it was because I wanted a flier on my team so I could fly anywhere without swapping Pokemon. Shinporra was the only one I remotely liked. Case and point: All the flying and water Pokemon suck in this game prior to getting the National Dex. In terms of pulling weight on the team, Desukan definitely fell behind. Everyone was kept up leveling wise, but Desukan was really meh. His movepool from what I had access to up to Lv43 and the TMs I had left me with only Will-o-wisp + attacking ghost moves. If they have a normal or dark type I was screwed, and had Night Shade on until the end lolol. If it weren't for my Shadow Ball TM I woulda really been done. I really liked his design before the game came out, but started to not quite as much when I saw his front sprite (back sprite + artwork are cooler) and his animation. He moves around a lot and seems crazy which I didn't like. His Shadow Ball packed a punch and he could take some hits, but his speed was soooo terrible. When battling against the Elite 4's Shanderra even after putting it's speed at -3 it was still outspeeding my Desukan which is atrocious. Shinporra was my second worst Pokemon, but got me out of some jams with good defenses and Air Slash crit hax. The starts of the team were... everyone else lol. Jaroda coil spams and gets dat Leech Seed in, Hihidaruma is AMAZING with decimating Flare Blitz and Hammer Arm attacks, Banchuru (I think it's called) has a cool typing and great speed and attacks to go with it like getting Signal Beam early on (though the best Electric attacks I were left to were Electric Web and Volt Change, both cool but I would have liked to get Thunderbolt for the E4 and ending). Dengeki kind of went up the middle road. Not completely amazing, not bad at all. He was great mid game since he was fully evolved with amazing stats when I got him early on landing strong moves like Brick Break. By the very end he started to lack a little, but with a decent Dark weakness thanks to Shinporra and Desukan, Dengeki really solved that and he beat em down.

Time to continue my quest...


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Alright, thanks for clearing it up and sorry for any inconveniences I might have caused.

I haven't posted here in years, which is odd considering there are times when I play more Pokémon than smash.

I guess I'll amuse you by posting my thoughts on the newest entries. I played through the Japanese version of White and picked the Fire starter. This is because I want to buy the English Black and start with Grass for my "real" run. :)

Aesthetically the overworld looks about the same, but the new battle animations are a definite step up. The music deserves a mention, because it is quite good and even changes during critical moments in battle, such as your HP getting in the red zone or a Gym Leader sending in his last Pokémon.

As for the new batch of Pokémon themselves, they took a lot of getting used to for me and I can't say I really like more than a few. You're restricted to them until you beat the Elite Four, which kind of sucks because some types barely get any coverage. Believe it or not, there's only a few Water Pokémon you can feasibly take on your journey, despite it being the most dominant type. This is probably why you can get a Grass, Water or Fire monkey to supplement your starter before even taking on the first gym. I always go through the games with four Pokémon from as early as possible and ended up using:

Fire/Fighting, Normal, Grass, Water/Ground

All in all they got the job done (obviously), but I will go with a different team entirely when I do my Black run. Grass starter and Ground/Dark crocodile at the very least.

A noteworthy aspect of gameplay is experience scaling, which means the experience you receive is partially based on the discrepancy between your level and the opponent's. This makes it so you don't easily outgrow your opponents, which makes for decent difficulty (even moreso because I never knew what was coming up next). The opposing trainers were usually around my level and the Elite Four were the exact same level or even slightly higher. Speaking of the E4, the first time you face them they're not accompanied by a Champion and you can fight them in any order. They use Ghost, Dark, Psychic and Fighting and all have three L48 and one L50 Pokémon. After the E4 the first trainer you meet goes beyond level 60 by the way, which is effectively a 10 level jump with no area inbetween, although there are a few "boss battles" I'm not going to spoil just after the E4 and before the credits.

Other random facts:
-I was nearing 20 hours of play time after the credits. This is a good length, especially considering there's more to uncover as all I did was the main story run, in which you don't even visit the entire world.
-You can use TMs as often as you want without them disappearing!
-I caught a shiny Giaru. >_>
-Still no Dark gym. Besides the first gym effectively counterpicking your starter there weren't a whole lot of surprises. Types after the first gym are Normal, Bug, Electric, Ground, Flying, Ice and Dragon.

I'll gladly answer questions, although information is all over the internet and I wonder how many people are actually playing the games now. I can't understand Japanese at all, but the game is really straightforward for the most part and I had no trouble making it through, other than the aforementioned not knowing what was going to be switched in being annoying sometimes. Real men don't switch anyway, right? I am looking forward to actually understanding the story in the English release, as it looked interesting. :)

Now it's time to dive into the competitive metagame, although I always feel experience beats theorycraft. I hope there will be a stable online environment soon!


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I probably won't read it (I'm not completely anti-spoiler, but I don't want to know exactly how the game goes) but yeah, I don't have a problem with it being here. It's not like you can just post it when blogs get fixed, since at this rate we'll probably be getting the third version by the time they actually come back.

I'm sure a lot of people will find a run-through of the game to be interesting, so this is a good idea.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I'm not going to be detailing the story that much so to say, more like a commentary documenting cool things that happen, what level and pokemon I have when, comments on the game mechanics and changes from PtHGSS, etc. But yea, there will be some story things I suppose.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I'm not going to be detailing the story that much so to say, more like a commentary documenting cool things that happen, what level and pokemon I have when, comments on the game mechanics and changes from PtHGSS, etc. But yea, there will be some story things I suppose.
Oh, I see. Yeah, then I may read over it some, that should be pretty interesting.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
which ones r those lol

describe em cause i cant remember a single japanese name except for like 10 of them


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
Yeah, Chibo, if you could tell us when you can first get the Pokemon in the wild, that would be great.

Those are the moles.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Been offline for a bit, will be posting more tonight

edit: added a bunch more notes + a video of the intro and 2nd gym battle


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I too am playing the game and I share these exact sentiments.

Aloe is a ****ing monster, even though she owns the 5th Generation equivalent of Bibarel, it's got this one move that literally tears you apart. It's also pretty hard to grind in this game with a ~3-4 Pokemon team.

Team Right Now:
-Chaobuu (Level 17)
-Munna (Level 15)
-Yorterrie (Level 14)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
The move it spams over and over is take down lol

The japanese isn't hard to deal with. A lot of people have been having trouble getting through Aloe's gym but I didn't have any problem at all when playing through it despite reading being involved. As for attacks I just look at the attacks power + accuracy to figure out what it is, and if I don't recognize it I can sometimes tell by the length of the name and if still not then I use it once and note what it is. Only move that really got me confused was when one of my pokes ended up having helping hand and I didn't know what it was till I checked the online dex.

edit: o nvm take down is what the dog uses lol, not the muskrat. idk the muskrat's main move didn't rly do too well vs me. not sure what it was.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I must say, Dangoro (Pre-Evolution to Gigaiasu) is really good early Game. It resists most attacks so far, and has a very powerful Headbutt.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
I seem to be going through the game significantly faster than Chibo, so I guess I won't spoiler myself from watching this thread.

Come on Chibo, catch up! Get to the 6th Gym already to get to me! :3


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
As a not from someone that has beaten the game.

Keep on grinding.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
o i have been, and everyones now at least lv34 except for shinpora who is like 28 or something. and everyone is now evolved. just finished the 6th gym


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
You can't really grind in this game, or at least not as well as you used to. I usually don't during the story anyway, but it gets a bit troublesome post-game. The E4 rematches and some other challengers I won't spoil have teams at like L75 and with the entire world visited I'm still only at L55. =/

Shameless plug: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=287400


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Marc says it as it is.

I think they really implied for you to start over. Get your old favorites from the wild that are like 10 levels higher than stuff in your party...

BTW, I beat the game with my party being in the low-mid fourties except Zekrom :3


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Yeah, I noticed the wild ones are close to L60, but they'd still have a way to go. I'm probably not going to bother with grinding until I get the English release.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Everyone wishing to document a play through of the game through updates and what not should post here. Chibo's story will stay in the original thread, but any and all playthrough discussion can be documented here.

Marc, if you wish to repost your story in this thread, that'd be fine.


CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
How bout this, everyone has "their" post where they can update it with their play through info, and this will be the "playthrough blog" thread.

btw i think grinding is VERY easy since since u get a lucky egg in the electric cave lol

edit: marc ur story is now the 2nd post in the thread


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Grinding is weird in B/W due to a new EXP system.

Your EXP gain varies on the level of Pokemon in your party, the lowest leveled Pokemon gains EXP the fastest while your highest leveled gains it the slowest.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
...u said lowest level twice, but i think i knew what u meant to say

but yea i did notice that, it's not too different though. kind of like it however

my team is lv40 jaroda and everyone else is at least 35 now.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007

Well, I normally keep my team a little more balanced than that, only letting everyone trail 3 levels behind my starter... but looks good, I guess.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
I certainly did.

It was very useful for leveling up the Cell guy, who is next to useless until he's fully evolved.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
God dammit.

My DesMume crashed and I had not saved since before the first gym. I was in Hiun City. ._.
I'll restart, but how do you SAVE the game? I always just left the tab up....


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
...Press X to open the menu, and select the journal...



Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Wow MK I didn't know you were so clueless about these things.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Meh, I've never played on a ROM before. I played around with the options and saw some Saving options, so I assumed it wasn't similar to a real game. bad move.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
just finished the game, updated my OP

just noticed marc beat the game, what was ur final team?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I'm gonna do a Playthrough using a roughly translated Black.

My White Playthrough ended with this (I'm bad at keeping my pokemon even leveled lool):
Noshii(Random lol) (Female)

Hahaha. I didn't even mean for the squirrel to take over my whole team, but it did and it wasn't too bad in the end. I'm really bad with spreading my training.

Black Runthrough:

Rival Battles:

My House: Beat Belle's Mijumaru (My Team: Tsutarja Lv.5)
Route 2: Beat Belle's Yooterii & Mijumaru (My Team: Tsutarja Lv.8-9)

My House: Lost to Chelen's Pokabu(My Team: Tsutarja Lv.5)
Pokemon School(?): Beat Chelen's Pokabu(Killed Tsutarja) and Choroneko(My Team: Tsutarja Lv.13, Hiyappu Lv.10, Yooterii Lv.6)

Gym Info:
First Gym: Beat the Leader's Yooterii and Boappu(My Team: Tsutarja Lv.15, Yooterii Lv.8, Hiyappu Lv.11)

Current Info(As of 11:34 pm EST):
Gender: Male
Team: Tabunne Lv.10, Dangoro* Lv.10, Yooterii* Lv.13, Hiyappu* Lv.14 (Stored Tsutaja for the rest of runthrough)
Badges: 1

*=probably won't keep through whole run through

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