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Ever Dream About SSBB?


Skia Oura
Aug 20, 2001
I've had two crazy dreams about SSBB. The first one came about quite some time ago, before the game was even announced...sometime late last year, I think. Anyways, I remember watching the intro - it had all the typical SSBM characters, then all of a sudden it had people from various anime, manga, and other videogames. Everyone from Love Hina to the Palm Tree icon from Virtua Fighter was there. The best part, though, was at the very end of it. Suddenly, a blue blur flashes across the screen, and all that's left behind is a single, spinning ring. I remember thinking to myself "Sonic! **** yeah!" Then, in my mind, I rewound the video back to the beginning and watched it again. I was really disappointed when I woke up and couldn't watch it again :( Back then I was really excited, since I seeing Sonic in my dream in the next SSB game was awesome. Nowadays it's pretty much guaranteed, but still, very cool :p

Last night (well, around 11 AM today, heh) I had another dream about SSBB. This one was very short, though. It started off showing a trophy from SSBM. Who was the trophy, you might ask? None other than Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter. Anyways, it was announced that he'd be in Brawl. The video in my mind showed his three trophies in SSBM, then what he looked like in SSBB. I could tell he was going to sort of play like Chuck Norris would in SSBB. I remember feeling disappointed, since I felt that having Steve Irwin in was a waste of a possibly cooler character. Anyone think Steve has a chance of being in, chi? ^_<

Anyways, just curious if anyone else has had some dream, crazy or realistic, about SSBB, or if I'm the only nutcase here, chi :p


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
The Great White North
A popular forum withonly one nutcase? You must be joking.

I've dreamed up making movesets and animating them for Megaman X and Zero from the MMX series and showing them to Capcom and Nintendo so that they'd be in the next SSB. I've thought about it long before Brawl was announced, but it is about Brawl.


Skia Oura
Aug 20, 2001
It's a great afternoon snack, like three Oreos and a glass of milk, or two Ritz crackers and a slice of salami between them :p


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
1st Dream:

I was at some kind of convention where they had SSB3 available for play, but it hadn't been released yet, so there was a ton of people there. It was what you would expect from any kind of convention (think PAX or ComicCon), there were people in costumes running around and stuff. I was on the ground floor.

There was some kind of artificial river running through the middle of the room, with a bridge going across it (white bridge, if that matters). As I crossed the bridge, I ran into a guy in the Green Cheep Cheep costume, so I guess Nintendo had told us about that character ahead of time.

Anyway, after crossing the bridge I went into this upstairs room where the game was playing. In that moment, my dream switched from being from my perspective, to just showing me only the game. Anyway, I walked up while someone else was playing, and caught a cut-scene.

There was this command center inside a mountain, with a long tunnel filled with large, stone blocks in the way (think an igloo with the tunnel part blocked off). Super Sonic and Super Shadow showed up, and started spin-dashing away the blocks. They destroyed all of them and got into the command center, where Robotnik was standing at one of his standard Robotnik control consoles. He was in a chair, and suddenly, spikes shot out of the floor. Super Sonic and Super Shadow went into spin-dashes and spun around the spikes, when Metal Sonic showed up.

That's when it faded and I caught a glimpse of the character select screen. It was Melee's select screen, with Super Sonic in the left random select square, Super Shadow in the right random select square, and Green Cheep Cheep somewhere up near Mario.

That was the first dream.


2nd dream:

This one was much shorter, but I got a glimpse of the REAL character selection screen for Smash 3, along with a few more characters.

The way it works is simple. Each franchise has it's own square, and only one franchise is shown at a time. Instead of blocks with pictures, the franchise has a list below it of characters that appear in the game from that franchise, and each franchise has it's own color. In addition, these lists take up the entire screen, there is not a specific area at the bottom (like 64 and Melee) where the character appears. For instance, the franchises were scrolling through their various colors/lists (I don't know if I was controlling this or not), and it stopped at Kirby's. The screen was a turquoise color, and the characters were Metaknight, Waddle Dee, and Blade Knight. When each of these characters was selected, their 3D model appeared at the bottom in the spot that corresponded to the player. So Metaknight appeared at the bottom-left, Waddle Dee next to him, and Blade Knight to the right of that. When the match was set, the three characters started waking towards the right of the screen as it faded.

*EDIT* Oh yeah! I keep forgetting! On ONE of the franchise screens ( I can't remember which), there were the words "New Huntress." At first, this sounded to me like the Metroid series, but I'm pretty sure all of the new hunters for Prime: Hunters are male. Anyone know if there are any other females? If there's not, then I don't know who the New Huntress is.


3rd Dream:

This one was even shorter. I just saw Sonic's 3D model, and he was in Brawl. God didn't send me any gameplay or anything like that this time, but I still saw him, so he's going to be in too.


So far, two parts of my dreams have already been confirmed as correct, and the game's not due to be out for at LEAST another year. Metaknight is in, and "New Huntress" AKA Zero Suit Samus is in. Following this logic, the rest of my dreams should come to pass in reality as well. :)


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Kokichi said:
It's a great afternoon snack, like three Oreos and a glass of milk, or two Ritz crackers and a slice of salami between them :p
Arg...now I'm all hungry...

I've dreamt of video games before but never of Teh Smash. My video game dreams often have me doing something that has pretty much nothing to do with the actual game. Like I fight some totally out of place monster then end up being sucked in and then...I forget.


Skia Oura
Aug 20, 2001
Actually it was interesting, earlier in the dream two of my friends and I had become wolves in the form of Okami and we were running around this island. We jumped into a river and went through a hole in the side of it. We appeared in a damp cavern, as spiders (and a fourth person joined us). There were 4 other spiders (they were blue and we were green). They were evil, for some reason, and we fought them. I remember specifically fighting one spider. We were all giant spiders and had our own heads...really weird. Anyways, I remember grabbing one spider and bashing it, a la Smash. Then I remember thinking "Charge my Smash attack!" and I pulled back my pincers, flashed yellow, then attacked one guy, and it made the little comic-bang symbol it does in Smash. Really weird.


Tires don Exits
Jun 9, 2002
San Francisco
Man, all of my dreams are filled with stuff like Mic naked.

I haven't figured out if they're nightmares or not.

Though sometimes Melee would get into my dreams after a particularly long day playing. Green Mario makes an appearance a lot ;)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2006
1st dream:
O god,If this wasent a dream i'd luaghing my f***en head off!!!!!!!!wario with farting and burping moves LOL

2nd dream:
well it was pwning snake with pichu,all snake did was stand there,it was that released stage that is like battlefield,it was ssbm systems and all snake did was stand there

Kal aMari

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
I had one back in December. (Well, a few seconds of one; I haven't had a coherent dream in years. :) ) Anyways, all I can remember is Mario, Meta-Knight, Samus, and Krystal fighting on a grassy/rocky stage. When I woke up, I though, "Hm, that's pretty cool. I hope it comes true."

Then E3 rolls around, and I see Mario, Link, Pikachu, and Kirby fighting...on the stage from my dream. O_O


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2005
west covina CA, USA
a dream once that I was figthing whit my neighborg, and the more we beat eacho ther the farter a kick trow us away, then I was angry because I was loosing sice he trom me a rock in the head....so I graved a hammer from my toolbox and smash him away and he went fliying like 3 miles and feel in the montais


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2006
Pittsburgh Steelers
i had a dream that the old ssbm had a lot of features i didnt even know about, then i realized it was the new one. the wierd part is that the only real thing i remember from it is that it had power rangers in it. also i dreamt of falco wielding a giant staff-like weapon and he had a new costume


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
The difference between all of your dreams and mine though is that mine are actually what's going to end up happening, while all of yours are just dreams. :p


Skia Oura
Aug 20, 2001
Hey, Steve Irwin could still make an appearance :p

(I mean...seriously...Steve Irwin? WTF was I thinking?)


オンヨマク いつも
Feb 5, 2006
Honolulu, Hawaii
I had a vision of SSBB (kinda). An now, I'm not that "anxious" about playing it bacause I feel like I've already played it. People, I have something to tell you:

It's Great

Hey, I'd definately want Stevie in SSBB. He's like my Ausie Idol. lol.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
The night that SSBB was anounced I had a dream where I was in a fight with Zamus, Snake, and Megas. Megas was too big and the stage broke. :p

I had antoher dream that me and a girl from school were on a date and Peach, Sheik, and Samus
kidnapped, chalneged me to an SSBB fight on Mut City. Wierd as hell. When I woke up I said, "WTF just happened? I don't think I'll ever sleep again. I'll go on the... *passes out*

God dayum what the hell is wrong with me?

Ryuuseiken Marth

Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2006
I once had a crazy dream once about SSBB. It had a low-polygon Tifa, and some weird japanese dude(it looked kinda like Goemon) fighting it out on Final Destination, and I think it had CATS from the AYBABTU joke. It was strange, because I'm formally against needless characters like the Duck Hunt Dog, Kalas, and Prof.Kawisama(Braintrain) in Brawl. Guess my subconscious mind thinks different of the situation.


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
When I had a dream about this I woke up with a wet bed.


It's Orgasmic

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I once had a dream that Diddy Kong was a 100% clone of Pikachu. When Diddy did the THunder he didn't said PIKAAA but DIDDYYYY. o.o So I was fighting a lv 9 CPU Bowser and I've won. Thats all I can remember.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I dreampt(spelling?) that I was able to steal a developer's copy of Brawl. (and apparently a Wii also) I was so happy to see what characters would be in. But when I turned it on, the title screen just stayed there and wouldn't go away. I could hear sounds of them fighting but I had no idea what was happening. It made me very frustrated.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Scav said:
Man, all of my dreams are filled with stuff like Mic naked.
Wow, tht's odd, I keep having dreams of you asleep in your bed, tossing and turning with a wierd grin on your face....

OnYourMark said:
Hey, I'd definately want Stevie in SSBB. He's like my Ausie Idol. lol.
I think there' something wrong with you. He is the most ******** thing I've ever seen (though John Howards coming close with John Edwards)


Banned via Administration
Jul 12, 2001
Soviet Russia
My dreams are usually a confusing conglomerate of no less than 50 video games in one. GTA, eat your ****ing heart out.

The elements change a lot, but there are almost always zombies. Smash elements? Eh, more or less. Often there are tons of cool fights, but they're all fully 3D and stuff, and it's not like Mario walks onto the scene or anything like that.

But years ago I had a dream where I was thrown into the Super Mario 64 world. That was nifty--until those darn flippy mechanical mice things kept launching me into the air. *******s.


Smash Champion
Jun 13, 2005
UK (Edinburgh, Scotland)
This morning I had a dream that Goku was in it.
I was Goku.
We were playing in the bottom half of hyrule temple (The top half wasn't there O_o)
The background was from that Super Mario Bros 2 level. The waterfalls, and birdo randoomly.
I remember him REALLY not fitting into the game. He was peactically awesome though,
trouncing those lv1 CPs (Mario and Pikachu) I just kept kicking them.

Suddenly, I woke up. It was 10:42. All of a sudden, Goku did feel like he fit in. Then I ate cereal.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
I had a dream about this game a month after the controller was revealed. Here are the crappy pictures I made and some explanation:

This is only a rough approximation. There were pictures in the boxes, but they were all just of the characters' faces, and Falcon is the only one I could remember.

Me and my friend were fighting on this level, a team mirror match. My Mario and his Luigi against a team of cpus. The gameplay was in 3D, though I have no idea how it worked. I only drew the 1 character for scale. Those cpus trounced us and my friend ended up dying because he thought he could grab the edge but it was ungrabbable.

Those rings could be stood on as shown (as little sense as that makes), and they would swing with your momentum.

This is the coolest one.

I was fighting a cpu Mewtwo, who apparently has a new recovery move IN ADDITION to what he already had. He became a slow moving meteor thing. He knocked me off too far for me to grab the edge, but that was fine, because there was a ladder on the floating cube which I grabbed. But apparently I waited on it too long and it rotated and I fell and died.



Smash Cadet
Jan 4, 2006
Yeah, I dream about Brawl a lot... Not as much as I used to though. I think so far I have had 7 or 8 dreams about it.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
Rosemead, CA (LA County)
SuperDoodleMan said:
That sir, is a stage from Mario Kart (minus the rings and the random *** Luigi... that's from American Gladiator).

Anyway, my dream (which is totally more awesome than everyone else's) involved Zamus, Peach, and Zelda. They were all fighting and I was holding onto the Wii controller. So they were pulling each other's hair, doing leg locks, spanking etcetera and there were countless wardrobe malfunctions. Suddenly I was uncontrollably stroking my Wii controller.

OK maybe this was a daydream. Shut up. Let me fantasize!

Judge Spear

Smash Cadet
May 23, 2006
I had a dream last night that I saw a new SSBB movie trailer. It introduced four new characters.

The current roster (including the five newcomers) were gathered in a group and held an initiation ceremony for the four new characters: Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Donald, Goofy, and Sonic.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2006
Germany ;p
I had a dream about that game, yep...

I was playing as Link, however, I got back to the character select screen.

I saw MetaKnight, Pit... and then Marth. I immediately picked him and then...

... the game froze XD

Bad omen? Hopefully not.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2006
LOL that's ironic because I had a dream that Brawl was goin to be cel shaded and all cute-looking and stuff...

Then I woke up...


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2006
Battle Frontier
Once, i dreamed that i was maining Kankuro

Then i used my super move, and my Puppet grabbed everyone and crushed them with his extending limbs, and then my marionette minion blew purple darkness into everyone's face, and they all died and the announcer said GAME!

Kankuro FTW!


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2006
Kokichi said:
I've had two crazy dreams about SSBB. The first one came about quite some time ago, before the game was even announced...sometime late last year, I think. Anyways, I remember watching the intro - it had all the typical SSBM characters, then all of a sudden it had people from various anime, manga, and other videogames. Everyone from Love Hina to the Palm Tree icon from Virtua Fighter was there. The best part, though, was at the very end of it. Suddenly, a blue blur flashes across the screen, and all that's left behind is a single, spinning ring. I remember thinking to myself "Sonic! **** yeah!" Then, in my mind, I rewound the video back to the beginning and watched it again. I was really disappointed when I woke up and couldn't watch it again :( Back then I was really excited, since I seeing Sonic in my dream in the next SSB game was awesome. Nowadays it's pretty much guaranteed, but still, very cool :p

Last night (well, around 11 AM today, heh) I had another dream about SSBB. This one was very short, though. It started off showing a trophy from SSBM. Who was the trophy, you might ask? None other than Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter. Anyways, it was announced that he'd be in Brawl. The video in my mind showed his three trophies in SSBM, then what he looked like in SSBB. I could tell he was going to sort of play like Chuck Norris would in SSBB. I remember feeling disappointed, since I felt that having Steve Irwin in was a waste of a possibly cooler character. Anyone think Steve has a chance of being in, chi? ^_<

Anyways, just curious if anyone else has had some dream, crazy or realistic, about SSBB, or if I'm the only nutcase here, chi :p
Thats borderline obsession man... But no, no i do not dream about nintendo.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Dream 1: When I woke up (in my dream), I saw a Wii consle next to my TV with SSBB. I was really excited.On the character select screen, I saw all Melee characters except Pichu and Dr. Mario , along with the new characters we saw in the trailer. I also saw King DeDeDe, Diddy Kong and Sonic. I played as Pikachu in sigle-player mode and battled Wario, but the screen froze, and I woke up from my dream.

Dream 2: I saw a new trailer on the internet and found out that Snake is a clone of Captain Falcon, except all of his attacks involved explosives. I jumped out of the window and woke up.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Dream 1: This was a week after the vid came out. It was really dark in the back ground (Some suff happened before this but I cant remember.) and I saw Blaziken fly in the way Link was right before his super. He had that super glow and everything, about to use his sups. Then the whole background went black and I saw snake. He had his hand on his bult and looked down to his right. Then I saw Sonic standing at his right smileing and I was like "D@@@!!!! Sonic is about to fight Blaziken!!! Hellas yeah!!!" and I woke up. . .

Dream 2: This was not long after the first but earlyer that day I was agrueing on the Nsider's topic "There should be a black character in SSBB"(. . . You don't know how dumb some people are untle you hear what they think about race and the world. . .(Japans full of white people?!?!?! White people are the majority of people of earth!?!? WTF are some people learning!?!?!)). While I was all jazzed up about that, I was thinking that Ganondorf is black and Fox/ Falco are too(I don't care what you say, Fox and Falco are black on the inside (^_^) )

I dreamed that Ganondarf had a lil girl with some woman and she had red dreads and a school looking fit (for a girl being raised by Ganon I might add.). Her head was looking down, she was on the grass stage of the vid. . . the her hands burst into flame. Pika tried to jump her from behind but she turned around and popped him with a fire ball. I was like "D@@@!!! Ganons baby girl is gettn down!!! (^_^)" Then I woke up. . . .


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2006
The Middle of NOWHERE!
Funny thing actualy, I drempt I was a spectator in the game, link and wario were fighting over a pokeball and kirby opened it, he won the battle. weird huh?
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