I cleared all events in Hard, got every reward with customization including only custom moves(usually used only for the All-star battles).
Kirby's Crazy Appetite was definitely the most difficult, but wasn't all about luck(aside for the part where there are 3 seconds left, you open a chest and it explodes), you mostly have to be conscious of qhere the D3 are coming and take the other path, choosing to fight only when you have the back to the wall, usually with the Bair or the jab and occasionally Utilt and Throws(never use the UThrow).
The event with Lucario against Sheik and Wii fit Trainer was pretty difficult, but eventually I cleared it, the most important thing is to abuse the low-levelled artifical intelligence:
- After a chain of UTilts, they will not move outward, letting you to just charge a forward smash;
- Sheik will almost always go into the Aura Sphere if you charge it at the start of the match;
- In general, they choose to attack only after a while they realize they can, letting you to hit with ease when there's only one left.
The All-Star events where pretty simple, including Final Final battle, I just picked my 1-3-3-2 Ganondorf, positioned myself so that they would approach me from the front, then Flame Chain, wait for the get-up attack, Flame Chain again until tey go off-stage, then I position myself at the right distance for the Volcano edgeguard.
If there is only one opponent, I also can go for the Uair kill
I use WDK for dodging juggles and to kill in the same situation.
The event with Meta Knight vs. Marth was really easy actually, I cleared on hard at the second try, and in the first I already had him falling to the blast line but i messed up and failed to recover, dying before him.
You just have to hit him until he is offstage, where the princesses won't follow you, Meta Knight still has broken gimping abilities, that, fused with Marth's not-that-broken recovery make it so that you usually only have to hit him once offstage and he's as good as dead.
I think Warlock Blade and Dark Fists, especially the first may have uses too, but I didn't have them at the time.
Ovrall, I think the events where pretty challenging, but the variety of situations usually needs creativity in order to understand how to face them, and this is the reason of me liking them.
I still have to do the co-op ones though.