Smash Hero
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- Apr 4, 2020
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Edit: this is my first post sorry if i screwed something up : )
The Legend of Heroes series by Nihon Falcom is a Tactical JRPG Series that started in 1989 with Dragon Slayer but gained popularity in 2004 with the release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. The series still continues to this day with an MCU Like connected story with Trails from Zero/Azure and the 4 Cold Steel Games and the upcoming Hajimari no Kiseki. Each Series of games has a different Protagonist (Estelle, Lloyd, Rean) as well as taking place in different parts around the fictional world. Trails of Cold Steel 4 is coming to the switch soon and what better way to represent the franchise than with its most iconic character from the first game in the Trails series...
Why Estelle?:
Falcom is a incredibly Prolific Japanese Dev, their first Game Dragon Slayer even came out before Dragon Quest, you could use Adol from Ys as a rep but Estelle would go against the grain and add a unique play style to Smash Bros.
Estelle Braces For Battle!
Potential Unmarked Spoilers!!
Speed:1.6 (same as Ryu)
Weight: 104 (same as Link)
Fall speed: 1.6 (same as Link)
Gimmick: All of her attacks drop Sepith and depending on the amount of sepith you have her down B has different Options available. All Septih caps at 20
The types of sepith are displayed as icons underneath her hud
Basic Attacks:
Jab: Three strikes with her bo staff and a sweep [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Side tilt: A poke with her staff [Drops 5 random Sepith]
Up tilt: Thrusts her bo staff upwards [Drops 4 random Sepith]
Down tilt: Estelle crouches and thrusts her staff forwards [Drops 3 random Sepith]
Dash Attack: Estelle thrusts her staff forward with one hand [Drops 5 random Sepith]
Side Smash: A sweep with her bo staff (Source: Her basic attack from FC and SC) [Drops 5 random Sepith] (Will also remove any charged attacks or projectiles like Samus' neutral special)
Up Smash: A strong thrust upwards [Drops 5 random Sepith]
Down Smash: Estelle crouches down and pokes her staff in 2 directions like Ganon's down smash but faster [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Neutral air: Estelle twirls her bo staff like palutenas Nair [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Forward Air: Estelle Swings her Bo staff downward [Drops 4 random Sepith]
Back Air: Estelle pokes her bo behind her [Drops 3 random sepith]
Up Air: Estelle thrusts her staff upwards [Drops 3 random sepith]
Down Air: A pogo hop with her Bo similar to Links [Drops 4 random sepith on each hit]
Neutral: Comet; She shoots a projectile that can pierce through enemies [Drops 2 of each Sepith]
Side: Pummel; Estelle dashes forward and the first enemy she comes in contact with she hits them multiple times and one final swing dealing knockback [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Down: Orbal Arts; A radial menu appears around Estelle like Shulks menu and you can select the Element's icon and you will cast one of the 3 arts the element corresponds with (Name, What it does, Cost)
Earth arts:
Stone Impact, Drops a boulder in front of Estelle that spikes, Earthx3 Spacex2
Gaia Shield, Gives Estelle super armor for a limited time, Earthx16 Spacex15
Titanic Roar, Trips opponents around Estelle, Earthx8 Spacex4
Water Arts:
Aqua Bleed, Estelle shoots a beam of water in an arc, Waterx1
Diamond Dust, Estelle freezes all opponents around her, Waterx10 Windx2 Spacex1
Tear/Teara, Estelle heals herself, Waterx4/Waterx8
Fire Arts:
Fire Bolt/Flare Arrow/Fire Bolt EX, Estelle shoots a Bolt of fire in front of her, Damage changes depending on Sepith amount, Firex1/Firex3/Firex3 Windx1 Spacex1
Forte, Estelle increases her speed, Firex2 Windx1 Spacex1 Miragex1
Spiral Flare, Estelle shoots a column of flame upward (Like Entei), Firex5, Windx2 Spacex2
Wind Arts:
Aerial, Estelle summons a tornado in front of her Launching opponents and herself upwards, Windx3 Spacex1
Ragna Blast, Estelle shoots a lot of lightning (like many pikachu down b's) in front of her dealing massive damage to shields, Windx15 Spacex8
Sylpharion, Increases speed while increasing how much knockback you take, Windx5
Time Arts:
Clock Down, Estelle slows down a random opponent, Timex8 Spacex4
White Gehenna, Estelle summons a massive circle in front of her dealing damage and has a 20% chance to make the opponents caugh fall asleep, Timex10 Windx4 Spacex4 Miragex4
Death Scream, Estelle shouts and anyone around her has a 20% chance of getting KO'd instantly, Timex15 Spacex10 Miragex10
Space Arts:
Dark Matter, A counter when triggered deals massive damage to the opponent but little knockback, Spacex4
Lost Mobius, Estelle summons a large circle that KO's anyone over 100%, Spacex12 Windx5 Earthx3 Firex3
A-Crest, Estelle increases her knockback resistance but takes more damage, Spacex6 Earthx1 Waterx1 Firex1 Windx1
Mirage Arts:
Silver Thorn, Estelle summons a shower of swords down on anyone in the radius of the attack with a 50% chance of stunning the opponents, Miragex20 Spacex12 Timex4
Chaos Brand,Confuse an opponent in front of her, Miragex7
Phantom Pain,Decreases your opponents stats if hit by this, Miragex5 Earthx3 Firex3 Spacex3
Up: Hurricane, basically links u-smash [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Final Smash: Pheonix Dive, A Huge Projectile that comes down onto the stage (like snorlax) leaving fire on the ground
Basic grab: Estelle grabs the opponent by the collar Joshua appears behind
Pummel: Joshua slashes the opponent [Drops 1 random sepith on each hit]
F-throw: Estelle pushes the opponent forwards and strikes them with her staff [Drops 5 random sepith]
B-throw: Estelle kicks the opponent backwards and Joshua strikes them from behind [Drops 5 random sepith]
U-throw: Estelle throws them upwards and hits them with her staff [Drops 5 random sepith]
D-throw: Estlle drops them and Joshua hits them downward [Drops 5 random sepith]
Entrance: Estelle pulls out her staff and taunts the opponent (Source: Ys V Sora No Kiseki)
Up taunt: Estelle Plays the Harmonica
Side Taunt: Estelle twirls her Bo
Down Taunt: Estelle Trains with Joshua trading blows
Victory 1: Estelle and Joshua do their victory pose from FC SC And Third and estelle says "Piece of cake"
Victory 2: Estelle and Joshua do their victory pose from Cold Steel 4
Victory 3: Estelle does Wheel Of Time
1: Her design from Cold Steel 4
2: Her design from SC
3: Her design from FC
4: Cold Steel 4 with Purple hair to represent Kloe and Renne
5: FC Design Blue hair to represent Josette
6: SC Green Hair to represent Kevin
7: Cold Steel 4 White hair and Red eyes to represent Lorence
8: FC Blonde Hair to represent Tita
Areseille: The stage is the size of FD and it is the front of the ship in the background you can see various party members from FC SC and Third The ship lands in multiple areas Rolent, Bose, Zeiss, Ruan, Grancel, Crossbell and Thor's. each one has different platforms, Rolent has 2 platforms at the end, Bose has one platform in the middle Zeiss has 2 conveyer belts at the end, Ruan has Water on the edges and a platform in the middle,
Grancel shrinks the stage to half of FD, Crossbell is a walkoff, and Thor's is similar to mementos only with no platforms
Victory music:
Target Vanquished!
Whereabouts of the light
Sophisticated Fight
Fateful Confrontation
Provincial City Of Rolent
Regular music:
Strepitoso Fight
Determination of fight
The Merciless Savior
Silver Will
Factory City Zeiss
Hollowed Light Of The Sealed Land
Overdosing Heavenly Bliss
The Glint of Cold Steel
Spiral Of Erebos
Get Over The Barrier!
Azure Arbitrator
Inevitable Struggle
Unfathomed Force
C Route Battle Theme
Rean Route Battle Theme
Valestein Castle (From Ys)
Sunshine Coastline (From Ys)
A-TO-Z (From Ys)
The Strongest Foe (From Ys)
Gadobadorrer (From Brandish)
Earnestly Advance (From Tokyo Xanadu)
Demon Lord Vesper (From Zwei!!)
Soaring Through Azure Sadness (From Gurumin)
Sortie (From Star Trader)
Overworld - Faxanadu
Classic Mode
Name: Vanquish the Organization!
The First: Greninja (Bleublanc) [Kalos Pokemon League]
The Second: Ken (Walter) [Great Cave Offensive]
The Third: Bayonetta (Luciola) [Arseille, Rolent]
The Fourth: Lucina (Arianrhod) [Lumioise City]
The Fifth: Chrom (Leonhardt) [Peach's Castle]
The Sixth: Galleom
The Boss: Robin (Weissman) [Arseille]
Class VII: Hero (Rean), Palutena (Emma), Link (Jusis), Zelda (Alisa), Robin (Elliot), Richter (Gaius), Snake (Machias), Sheik (Fie), Roy (Crow), Isabelle (Millium), Daisy (Sara)| Stage: Lumiose City Battlefield|Item:Daybreak Parts, Random Final Smash, Stamina Battle|Support, Legend, Greatest Autoheal
Cassius: Chrom|Stage: Arseille Battlefield|Ore club equipped, Physical attack up, Autoheal|Attack, Legend, Weapon power and Physical attack power up
Joshua: Joker|Stage: Arseille|Random Final Smash|Neutral, Ace, weapon power up
Agate: Cloud|Stage: Arseille|Weapon Power Up|Shield, Ace, Sword attack up
Scherazard: Zero Suit Samus|Stage: Arseille|Likes to use side specials,Likes to taunt|Grab, Ace
Tita: Inkling|Stage: Arseille|Ranged attack power Up|Support, Advanced, Ray gun equipped
Olivier: Link|Stage: Peaches Castle|Steel Diver equipped,Likes to taunt|Support, Advanced, Steel diver Equipped
Kloe: Lucina, Tiny Falco|Stage: Hyrule Castle|Sword attack Up|Support, Advanced, Fairy Bottle Equipped
Lloyd: Little Mac|Stage: Moray Towers|Attack, Novice
Zin: Ryu|Stage :Arseille|Aura Attack up|Support, Novice, Aura Attack Up
Rean Swordsman
Lloyd Brawler
Mishie Hat
EDIT: I Made this a while back so I recently updated it to match this post
The Legend of Heroes series by Nihon Falcom is a Tactical JRPG Series that started in 1989 with Dragon Slayer but gained popularity in 2004 with the release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. The series still continues to this day with an MCU Like connected story with Trails from Zero/Azure and the 4 Cold Steel Games and the upcoming Hajimari no Kiseki. Each Series of games has a different Protagonist (Estelle, Lloyd, Rean) as well as taking place in different parts around the fictional world. Trails of Cold Steel 4 is coming to the switch soon and what better way to represent the franchise than with its most iconic character from the first game in the Trails series...
Why Estelle?:
Falcom is a incredibly Prolific Japanese Dev, their first Game Dragon Slayer even came out before Dragon Quest, you could use Adol from Ys as a rep but Estelle would go against the grain and add a unique play style to Smash Bros.
Estelle Braces For Battle!
Potential Unmarked Spoilers!!
Speed:1.6 (same as Ryu)
Weight: 104 (same as Link)
Fall speed: 1.6 (same as Link)
Gimmick: All of her attacks drop Sepith and depending on the amount of sepith you have her down B has different Options available. All Septih caps at 20
The types of sepith are displayed as icons underneath her hud
Basic Attacks:
Jab: Three strikes with her bo staff and a sweep [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Side tilt: A poke with her staff [Drops 5 random Sepith]
Up tilt: Thrusts her bo staff upwards [Drops 4 random Sepith]
Down tilt: Estelle crouches and thrusts her staff forwards [Drops 3 random Sepith]
Dash Attack: Estelle thrusts her staff forward with one hand [Drops 5 random Sepith]
Side Smash: A sweep with her bo staff (Source: Her basic attack from FC and SC) [Drops 5 random Sepith] (Will also remove any charged attacks or projectiles like Samus' neutral special)
Up Smash: A strong thrust upwards [Drops 5 random Sepith]
Down Smash: Estelle crouches down and pokes her staff in 2 directions like Ganon's down smash but faster [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Neutral air: Estelle twirls her bo staff like palutenas Nair [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Forward Air: Estelle Swings her Bo staff downward [Drops 4 random Sepith]
Back Air: Estelle pokes her bo behind her [Drops 3 random sepith]
Up Air: Estelle thrusts her staff upwards [Drops 3 random sepith]
Down Air: A pogo hop with her Bo similar to Links [Drops 4 random sepith on each hit]
Neutral: Comet; She shoots a projectile that can pierce through enemies [Drops 2 of each Sepith]
Side: Pummel; Estelle dashes forward and the first enemy she comes in contact with she hits them multiple times and one final swing dealing knockback [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Down: Orbal Arts; A radial menu appears around Estelle like Shulks menu and you can select the Element's icon and you will cast one of the 3 arts the element corresponds with (Name, What it does, Cost)
Earth arts:
Stone Impact, Drops a boulder in front of Estelle that spikes, Earthx3 Spacex2
Gaia Shield, Gives Estelle super armor for a limited time, Earthx16 Spacex15
Titanic Roar, Trips opponents around Estelle, Earthx8 Spacex4
Water Arts:
Aqua Bleed, Estelle shoots a beam of water in an arc, Waterx1
Diamond Dust, Estelle freezes all opponents around her, Waterx10 Windx2 Spacex1
Tear/Teara, Estelle heals herself, Waterx4/Waterx8
Fire Arts:
Fire Bolt/Flare Arrow/Fire Bolt EX, Estelle shoots a Bolt of fire in front of her, Damage changes depending on Sepith amount, Firex1/Firex3/Firex3 Windx1 Spacex1
Forte, Estelle increases her speed, Firex2 Windx1 Spacex1 Miragex1
Spiral Flare, Estelle shoots a column of flame upward (Like Entei), Firex5, Windx2 Spacex2
Wind Arts:
Aerial, Estelle summons a tornado in front of her Launching opponents and herself upwards, Windx3 Spacex1
Ragna Blast, Estelle shoots a lot of lightning (like many pikachu down b's) in front of her dealing massive damage to shields, Windx15 Spacex8
Sylpharion, Increases speed while increasing how much knockback you take, Windx5
Time Arts:
Clock Down, Estelle slows down a random opponent, Timex8 Spacex4
White Gehenna, Estelle summons a massive circle in front of her dealing damage and has a 20% chance to make the opponents caugh fall asleep, Timex10 Windx4 Spacex4 Miragex4
Death Scream, Estelle shouts and anyone around her has a 20% chance of getting KO'd instantly, Timex15 Spacex10 Miragex10
Space Arts:
Dark Matter, A counter when triggered deals massive damage to the opponent but little knockback, Spacex4
Lost Mobius, Estelle summons a large circle that KO's anyone over 100%, Spacex12 Windx5 Earthx3 Firex3
A-Crest, Estelle increases her knockback resistance but takes more damage, Spacex6 Earthx1 Waterx1 Firex1 Windx1
Mirage Arts:
Silver Thorn, Estelle summons a shower of swords down on anyone in the radius of the attack with a 50% chance of stunning the opponents, Miragex20 Spacex12 Timex4
Chaos Brand,Confuse an opponent in front of her, Miragex7
Phantom Pain,Decreases your opponents stats if hit by this, Miragex5 Earthx3 Firex3 Spacex3
Up: Hurricane, basically links u-smash [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]
Final Smash: Pheonix Dive, A Huge Projectile that comes down onto the stage (like snorlax) leaving fire on the ground
Basic grab: Estelle grabs the opponent by the collar Joshua appears behind
Pummel: Joshua slashes the opponent [Drops 1 random sepith on each hit]
F-throw: Estelle pushes the opponent forwards and strikes them with her staff [Drops 5 random sepith]
B-throw: Estelle kicks the opponent backwards and Joshua strikes them from behind [Drops 5 random sepith]
U-throw: Estelle throws them upwards and hits them with her staff [Drops 5 random sepith]
D-throw: Estlle drops them and Joshua hits them downward [Drops 5 random sepith]
Entrance: Estelle pulls out her staff and taunts the opponent (Source: Ys V Sora No Kiseki)
Up taunt: Estelle Plays the Harmonica
Side Taunt: Estelle twirls her Bo
Down Taunt: Estelle Trains with Joshua trading blows
Victory 1: Estelle and Joshua do their victory pose from FC SC And Third and estelle says "Piece of cake"
Victory 2: Estelle and Joshua do their victory pose from Cold Steel 4
Victory 3: Estelle does Wheel Of Time
1: Her design from Cold Steel 4
2: Her design from SC
3: Her design from FC
4: Cold Steel 4 with Purple hair to represent Kloe and Renne
5: FC Design Blue hair to represent Josette
6: SC Green Hair to represent Kevin
7: Cold Steel 4 White hair and Red eyes to represent Lorence
8: FC Blonde Hair to represent Tita
Areseille: The stage is the size of FD and it is the front of the ship in the background you can see various party members from FC SC and Third The ship lands in multiple areas Rolent, Bose, Zeiss, Ruan, Grancel, Crossbell and Thor's. each one has different platforms, Rolent has 2 platforms at the end, Bose has one platform in the middle Zeiss has 2 conveyer belts at the end, Ruan has Water on the edges and a platform in the middle,
Grancel shrinks the stage to half of FD, Crossbell is a walkoff, and Thor's is similar to mementos only with no platforms
Victory music:
Target Vanquished!
Whereabouts of the light
Sophisticated Fight
Fateful Confrontation
Provincial City Of Rolent
Regular music:
Strepitoso Fight
Determination of fight
The Merciless Savior
Silver Will
Factory City Zeiss
Hollowed Light Of The Sealed Land
Overdosing Heavenly Bliss
The Glint of Cold Steel
Spiral Of Erebos
Get Over The Barrier!
Azure Arbitrator
Inevitable Struggle
Unfathomed Force
C Route Battle Theme
Rean Route Battle Theme
Valestein Castle (From Ys)
Sunshine Coastline (From Ys)
A-TO-Z (From Ys)
The Strongest Foe (From Ys)
Gadobadorrer (From Brandish)
Earnestly Advance (From Tokyo Xanadu)
Demon Lord Vesper (From Zwei!!)
Soaring Through Azure Sadness (From Gurumin)
Sortie (From Star Trader)
Overworld - Faxanadu
Classic Mode
Name: Vanquish the Organization!
The First: Greninja (Bleublanc) [Kalos Pokemon League]
The Second: Ken (Walter) [Great Cave Offensive]
The Third: Bayonetta (Luciola) [Arseille, Rolent]
The Fourth: Lucina (Arianrhod) [Lumioise City]
The Fifth: Chrom (Leonhardt) [Peach's Castle]
The Sixth: Galleom
"Pater Mater"
The Boss: Robin (Weissman) [Arseille]
Class VII: Hero (Rean), Palutena (Emma), Link (Jusis), Zelda (Alisa), Robin (Elliot), Richter (Gaius), Snake (Machias), Sheik (Fie), Roy (Crow), Isabelle (Millium), Daisy (Sara)| Stage: Lumiose City Battlefield|Item:Daybreak Parts, Random Final Smash, Stamina Battle|Support, Legend, Greatest Autoheal
Cassius: Chrom|Stage: Arseille Battlefield|Ore club equipped, Physical attack up, Autoheal|Attack, Legend, Weapon power and Physical attack power up
Joshua: Joker|Stage: Arseille|Random Final Smash|Neutral, Ace, weapon power up
Agate: Cloud|Stage: Arseille|Weapon Power Up|Shield, Ace, Sword attack up
Scherazard: Zero Suit Samus|Stage: Arseille|Likes to use side specials,Likes to taunt|Grab, Ace
Tita: Inkling|Stage: Arseille|Ranged attack power Up|Support, Advanced, Ray gun equipped
Olivier: Link|Stage: Peaches Castle|Steel Diver equipped,Likes to taunt|Support, Advanced, Steel diver Equipped
Kloe: Lucina, Tiny Falco|Stage: Hyrule Castle|Sword attack Up|Support, Advanced, Fairy Bottle Equipped
Lloyd: Little Mac|Stage: Moray Towers|Attack, Novice
Zin: Ryu|Stage :Arseille|Aura Attack up|Support, Novice, Aura Attack Up
Rean Swordsman
Lloyd Brawler
Mishie Hat
EDIT: I Made this a while back so I recently updated it to match this post

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