What a ride man. When I thought I was close to the end (when you have to fight the Enforcers at the 4 towers) then that massive Ark appears. Very cool endgame area, and the soundtrack, already great, was even better when you head there.
Really loved the final area and all. And being able to play as Mueller or Julia was surprising and cool at the same time.
I can see that my ""theory"" regarding Olivier was completely, COMPLETELY, wrong hahaha. To be honest, I prefer his design as a Prince. It would have been cool to swap between these 2 costumes for him, but I guess it wouldn't fit with his personality.
My endgame team was Estelle, Joshua, then Kloe and Olivier/Agate/Schera.
At the beginning I was switching with the latter 3 because I wanted to play with them. In the end for the final battles I chose Olivier to accompany the other 3. It was somewhat tricky. Specially because at some point I somewhat didn't noticed that one attack that Weissmann Angel where he summons a black void or something like that and then engulfs any character placed in that part. So he was at 15% HP or something when Estelle and Olivier were sucked out lmao and I was like, WTF? I seriously didn't noticed the black thing the first time, then when he repeated the thing I felt very dumb to not have noticed that... A shame, I wanted to end the fight with Estelle's S-Craft or with a Joshua/Estelle Craft.

The hardest fight was Loewe's, btw. For me, at least.
As for the story and it's conclusion... Really great. As I said, more than the story (which isn't bad or anything by any means), what had me fall in love with the series so far are the characters, their interactions and their personalities. I think the word "charmful" fits super well with Sky FC and Sky SC.
For example, even if I knew Estelle and Joshua weren't gonna die when they were escaping, that moment had me very intrigued and involved. For me that speaks a lot for how great and lovable are the characters, the dialogues and the writing. And I think that the ending for both characters it's pretty cool!
Not gonna lie I'd have liked to see some sequences after the escape, with some time passed, to see how the other party members and other key characters were doing, but not like I'm gonna complain hahaha
In the end, I felt that classic feeling when you finish an epic adventure that had you sucked for hours. I'm not gonna jump into Sky 3rd for a while, I think, but I'm gonna miss Estelle and company for the meantime.
By the way, maybe I missed some details. In any case, I know maybe this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but regarding that "twist"? at the end with Kevin and Weissmann made me think Kevin was a "bad guy" or something like that for a moment. Then after I finished the game I decided to watch the trailer Steam has for Sky 3rd and he seems to be the main character, or at least that was the impression I got lol. I don't know how to take that anyway because to be honest, while I don't dislike him, I'm pretty much indifferent towards him by now so I don't know if him being the main character, or one of the main characters, for 3rd excites me a lot.
Maybe it didn't help that I barely used him during SC. I guess I was more attached to the other characters + he didn't caught my attention that much. This opinion of mine will probably change when I play Sky 3rd. I know Estelle and Joshua appear there as well (thanks to the trailer I saw and some promo art I have seen), but I figure that in 3rd they don't have that much of spotlight.
The music was amazing. This theme hits me hard for some reason. Especially when it plays during the dream sequence where Estelle is a child, with Cassius and Lena.
I also ****ing loved this song since the first time it played. It felt very fitting as well for when it plays in the part where Estelle receives the letter that makes her think it was from Joshua's.
Great battle theme for the Enforcers
And this one, well, it's just ****ing awesome in my opinion. At first maybe seems your "regular" final boss theme, but I love how the song builds up. It made the final battle with Weissmann better.
Not gonna post Silver Will because that's a given hahaha. RIP Loewe.