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Estelle Braces For Battle! Estelle Bright For Smash.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Edit: this is my first post sorry if i screwed something up : )

The Legend of Heroes series by Nihon Falcom is a Tactical JRPG Series that started in 1989 with Dragon Slayer but gained popularity in 2004 with the release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. The series still continues to this day with an MCU Like connected story with Trails from Zero/Azure and the 4 Cold Steel Games and the upcoming Hajimari no Kiseki. Each Series of games has a different Protagonist (Estelle, Lloyd, Rean) as well as taking place in different parts around the fictional world. Trails of Cold Steel 4 is coming to the switch soon and what better way to represent the franchise than with its most iconic character from the first game in the Trails series...

Why Estelle?:

Falcom is a incredibly Prolific Japanese Dev, their first Game Dragon Slayer even came out before Dragon Quest, you could use Adol from Ys as a rep but Estelle would go against the grain and add a unique play style to Smash Bros.

Estelle Braces For Battle!

Potential Unmarked Spoilers!!


Speed:1.6 (same as Ryu)
Weight: 104 (same as Link)
Fall speed: 1.6 (same as Link)

Gimmick: All of her attacks drop Sepith and depending on the amount of sepith you have her down B has different Options available. All Septih caps at 20
The types of sepith are displayed as icons underneath her hud

Basic Attacks:

Jab: Three strikes with her bo staff and a sweep [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]

Side tilt: A poke with her staff [Drops 5 random Sepith]

Up tilt: Thrusts her bo staff upwards [Drops 4 random Sepith]

Down tilt: Estelle crouches and thrusts her staff forwards [Drops 3 random Sepith]

Dash Attack: Estelle thrusts her staff forward with one hand [Drops 5 random Sepith]

Side Smash: A sweep with her bo staff (Source: Her basic attack from FC and SC) [Drops 5 random Sepith] (Will also remove any charged attacks or projectiles like Samus' neutral special)

Up Smash: A strong thrust upwards [Drops 5 random Sepith]

Down Smash: Estelle crouches down and pokes her staff in 2 directions like Ganon's down smash but faster [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]

Neutral air: Estelle twirls her bo staff like palutenas Nair [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]

Forward Air: Estelle Swings her Bo staff downward [Drops 4 random Sepith]

Back Air: Estelle pokes her bo behind her [Drops 3 random sepith]

Up Air: Estelle thrusts her staff upwards [Drops 3 random sepith]

Down Air: A pogo hop with her Bo similar to Links [Drops 4 random sepith on each hit]


Neutral: Comet; She shoots a projectile that can pierce through enemies [Drops 2 of each Sepith]

Side: Pummel; Estelle dashes forward and the first enemy she comes in contact with she hits them multiple times and one final swing dealing knockback [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]

Down: Orbal Arts; A radial menu appears around Estelle like Shulks menu and you can select the Element's icon and you will cast one of the 3 arts the element corresponds with (Name, What it does, Cost)

Earth arts:
Stone Impact, Drops a boulder in front of Estelle that spikes, Earthx3 Spacex2
Gaia Shield, Gives Estelle super armor for a limited time, Earthx16 Spacex15
Titanic Roar, Trips opponents around Estelle, Earthx8 Spacex4

Water Arts:
Aqua Bleed, Estelle shoots a beam of water in an arc, Waterx1
Diamond Dust, Estelle freezes all opponents around her, Waterx10 Windx2 Spacex1
Tear/Teara, Estelle heals herself, Waterx4/Waterx8

Fire Arts:
Fire Bolt/Flare Arrow/Fire Bolt EX, Estelle shoots a Bolt of fire in front of her, Damage changes depending on Sepith amount, Firex1/Firex3/Firex3 Windx1 Spacex1
Forte, Estelle increases her speed, Firex2 Windx1 Spacex1 Miragex1
Spiral Flare, Estelle shoots a column of flame upward (Like Entei), Firex5, Windx2 Spacex2

Wind Arts:
Aerial, Estelle summons a tornado in front of her Launching opponents and herself upwards, Windx3 Spacex1
Ragna Blast, Estelle shoots a lot of lightning (like many pikachu down b's) in front of her dealing massive damage to shields, Windx15 Spacex8
Sylpharion, Increases speed while increasing how much knockback you take, Windx5

Time Arts:
Clock Down, Estelle slows down a random opponent, Timex8 Spacex4
White Gehenna, Estelle summons a massive circle in front of her dealing damage and has a 20% chance to make the opponents caugh fall asleep, Timex10 Windx4 Spacex4 Miragex4
Death Scream, Estelle shouts and anyone around her has a 20% chance of getting KO'd instantly, Timex15 Spacex10 Miragex10

Space Arts:
Dark Matter, A counter when triggered deals massive damage to the opponent but little knockback, Spacex4
Lost Mobius, Estelle summons a large circle that KO's anyone over 100%, Spacex12 Windx5 Earthx3 Firex3
A-Crest, Estelle increases her knockback resistance but takes more damage, Spacex6 Earthx1 Waterx1 Firex1 Windx1

Mirage Arts:
Silver Thorn, Estelle summons a shower of swords down on anyone in the radius of the attack with a 50% chance of stunning the opponents, Miragex20 Spacex12 Timex4
Chaos Brand,Confuse an opponent in front of her, Miragex7
Phantom Pain,Decreases your opponents stats if hit by this, Miragex5 Earthx3 Firex3 Spacex3

Up: Hurricane, basically links u-smash [Drops 3 random sepith on each hit]

Final Smash: Pheonix Dive, A Huge Projectile that comes down onto the stage (like snorlax) leaving fire on the ground


Basic grab: Estelle grabs the opponent by the collar Joshua appears behind

Pummel: Joshua slashes the opponent [Drops 1 random sepith on each hit]

F-throw: Estelle pushes the opponent forwards and strikes them with her staff [Drops 5 random sepith]

B-throw: Estelle kicks the opponent backwards and Joshua strikes them from behind [Drops 5 random sepith]

U-throw: Estelle throws them upwards and hits them with her staff [Drops 5 random sepith]

D-throw: Estlle drops them and Joshua hits them downward [Drops 5 random sepith]


Entrance: Estelle pulls out her staff and taunts the opponent (Source: Ys V Sora No Kiseki)

Up taunt: Estelle Plays the Harmonica

Side Taunt: Estelle twirls her Bo

Down Taunt: Estelle Trains with Joshua trading blows

Victory 1: Estelle and Joshua do their victory pose from FC SC And Third and estelle says "Piece of cake"

Victory 2: Estelle and Joshua do their victory pose from Cold Steel 4

Victory 3: Estelle does Wheel Of Time


1: Her design from Cold Steel 4

2: Her design from SC

3: Her design from FC

4: Cold Steel 4 with Purple hair to represent Kloe and Renne

5: FC Design Blue hair to represent Josette

6: SC Green Hair to represent Kevin

7: Cold Steel 4 White hair and Red eyes to represent Lorence

8: FC Blonde Hair to represent Tita


Areseille: The stage is the size of FD and it is the front of the ship in the background you can see various party members from FC SC and Third The ship lands in multiple areas Rolent, Bose, Zeiss, Ruan, Grancel, Crossbell and Thor's. each one has different platforms, Rolent has 2 platforms at the end, Bose has one platform in the middle Zeiss has 2 conveyer belts at the end, Ruan has Water on the edges and a platform in the middle,
Grancel shrinks the stage to half of FD, Crossbell is a walkoff, and Thor's is similar to mementos only with no platforms


Victory music:
Target Vanquished!


Whereabouts of the light
Sophisticated Fight
Fateful Confrontation
Provincial City Of Rolent

Regular music:

Strepitoso Fight
Determination of fight
The Merciless Savior
Silver Will
Factory City Zeiss
Hollowed Light Of The Sealed Land
Overdosing Heavenly Bliss
The Glint of Cold Steel
Spiral Of Erebos
Get Over The Barrier!
Azure Arbitrator
Inevitable Struggle
Unfathomed Force
C Route Battle Theme
Rean Route Battle Theme
Valestein Castle (From Ys)
Sunshine Coastline (From Ys)
A-TO-Z (From Ys)
The Strongest Foe (From Ys)
Gadobadorrer (From Brandish)
Earnestly Advance (From Tokyo Xanadu)
Demon Lord Vesper (From Zwei!!)
Soaring Through Azure Sadness (From Gurumin)
Sortie (From Star Trader)
Overworld - Faxanadu

Classic Mode

Name: Vanquish the Organization!

The First: Greninja (Bleublanc) [Kalos Pokemon League]

The Second: Ken (Walter) [Great Cave Offensive]

The Third: Bayonetta (Luciola) [Arseille, Rolent]

The Fourth: Lucina (Arianrhod) [Lumioise City]

The Fifth: Chrom (Leonhardt) [Peach's Castle]

The Sixth: Galleom
"Pater Mater"

The Boss: Robin (Weissman) [Arseille]


Class VII: Hero (Rean), Palutena (Emma), Link (Jusis), Zelda (Alisa), Robin (Elliot), Richter (Gaius), Snake (Machias), Sheik (Fie), Roy (Crow), Isabelle (Millium), Daisy (Sara)| Stage: Lumiose City Battlefield|Item:Daybreak Parts, Random Final Smash, Stamina Battle|Support, Legend, Greatest Autoheal

Cassius: Chrom|Stage: Arseille Battlefield|Ore club equipped, Physical attack up, Autoheal|Attack, Legend, Weapon power and Physical attack power up

Joshua: Joker|Stage: Arseille|Random Final Smash|Neutral, Ace, weapon power up

Agate: Cloud|Stage: Arseille|Weapon Power Up|Shield, Ace, Sword attack up

Scherazard: Zero Suit Samus|Stage: Arseille|Likes to use side specials,Likes to taunt|Grab, Ace

Tita: Inkling|Stage: Arseille|Ranged attack power Up|Support, Advanced, Ray gun equipped

Olivier: Link|Stage: Peaches Castle|Steel Diver equipped,Likes to taunt|Support, Advanced, Steel diver Equipped

Kloe: Lucina, Tiny Falco|Stage: Hyrule Castle|Sword attack Up|Support, Advanced, Fairy Bottle Equipped

Lloyd: Little Mac|Stage: Moray Towers|Attack, Novice

Zin: Ryu|Stage :Arseille|Aura Attack up|Support, Novice, Aura Attack Up


Rean Swordsman
Lloyd Brawler
Mishie Hat

EDIT: I Made this a while back so I recently updated it to match this post

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Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2019
Eyyy, it's cashregister9. You did a great job putting together that Estelle with the music/sprits image on Reddit.

The post could be improved a bit but that's alright, of course I have to show my support to your post. There's an Adol thread around too, there's a few users who'd like her too.

I for one think Joshua shouldn't appear in her regular attacks/taunts, always looks odd when a character appears out of nowhere. but definitely should for her Final Smash, both combining their S-Crafts. Also, I really like the sepith idea!
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2014
Oh hey! Just noticed this thread. I'd love to have Estelle in too, so count me in for support if that comes by. I like the way you implemented arts!


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I had to scroll to the end to know what game this character is from-
I'd definitely love it to start off with a general overview of what her series is, and what it is known for.
But great first post.


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2019
Thought you might want this somewhere on your post, as you made it.

Also some YouTube links for the music aaand maaaybe if you wanna make it super detailed, gifs for some of the moves like...

Jab: <description>
Something like this!

I think it'd help selling the idea
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Thought you might want this somewhere on your post, as you made it.

Also some YouTube links for the music aaand maaaybe if you wanna make it super detailed, gifs for some of the moves like...

Jab: <description>
Something like this!

I think it'd help selling the idea
I did not think about that, That is a good idea


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2020
Happy to see Estelle has her own thread! I've been hooked on the Trails series recently (I've completed the Sky trilogy and CS1-2 and am now going through Zero), and I would love to see Estelle join the fight, or just anything Trails in Smash. I'm hoping that with Hajimari no Kiseki coming out soon in Japan and Cold Steel IV coming out in the west, we get some Trails content in Smash to promote it. My guess is that if anything we'd get a spirit event, but a part of me is crossing my fingers that we'd get something more.

I like your choice of music! If they were to do a remix of Fateful Confrontation, I hope they'd include a bit of Belief (Cold Steel) / Severe Blow (Cold Steel II) in there too. I liked that Severe Blow was essentially a mashup of Belief and Fateful Confrontation, and it'd be neat to have the Smash remix do something similar. Other songs I think would be cool to include:

- Overdosing Heavenly Bliss (Trails in the Sky the 3rd)
- Dreamy and Boisterous Holy Land (Trails in the Sky the 3rd) [probably starting at around the 1-minute mark, since the intro is rather slow]
- Game of Blades (Trails of Cold Steel)
- Formidable Enemy (Zero no Kiseki)

If we were to get Estelle as a fighter, I'd also like to see a Tita Mii Gunner costume -- I think it'd be a fun costume for sure.

Using Galleom as Pater-Mater is a cool idea! I was thinking of a Renne spirit battle the other day that would've been tiny Zelda and giant red ROB, but I hadn't thought of using a boss character to represent it.

The moveset is certainly well thought-out. One thing I'm not sure of about the down-B: once you pick your element, how is your spell of that element decided? Is there a Hero-style menu for you to pick from, does it do one randomly out of the spells you have the sepith for, or is it like how Nine works in BBTAG where it goes with the most costly one possible?

Either way, I'm glad to see other people want Estelle!


Smash Rookie
May 28, 2019
Hello, I thought I would come to say I support Estelle getting in Smash Bros. Although Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney is my most wanted and I didn’t have anyone else I want in until I discovered the Trails series thanks to my favorite YouTuber (who also got me into Ace Attorney funnily enough). I have not played Cold Steel 3, because I’m waiting for the Switch port at the end of this month, so I would appreciate no spoilers please. Anyway Trails music in Smash would be amazing.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2020
Hello, I thought I would come to say I support Estelle getting in Smash Bros. Although Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney is my most wanted and I didn’t have anyone else I want in until I discovered the Trails series thanks to my favorite YouTuber (who also got me into Ace Attorney funnily enough). I have not played Cold Steel 3, because I’m waiting for the Switch port at the end of this month, so I would appreciate no spoilers please. Anyway Trails music in Smash would be amazing.
I'm in the same boat actually in terms of waiting for CS3. Since my last post, I've finished Zero and Ao, and now I'm waiting for Cold Steel 3. I'm tempted to wait to start it until closer to Cold Steel 4's release date so I can do both more or less back-to-back, but I probably don't have that degree of self-control to wait that long haha.

On the topic of music, I've been getting some use out of Acoustica Mixcraft, and I arranged what I imagined a Smash remix of The Whereabouts of Light would sound like:

Also, while this news isn't exactly recent, I don't think it was mentioned here, so I figured I'd bring it up. In April, there was an interview with the president of Falcom (Toshihiro Kondo), and one of the things they touched on was the possibility of localizing Zero no Kiseki Kai and Ao no Kiseki Kai for the west. While he didn't announce anything for certain, he said that he regretted that Zero & Ao never got to the west and that he thinks the PS4 remasters could lead to an opportunity to make it there. While I'm glad that talented fan teams like the Geofront make it so that we can play Zero and Ao in English at all, I do hope that the games would be able to get an official English localization. Between that and CS3&4 coming to more systems, that would hopefully give Trails a bigger presence outside of Japan. Even if that might not lead to anything Smash-related, it'd certainly be cool for the series to get more recognition.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2014
I'm in the same boat actually in terms of waiting for CS3. Since my last post, I've finished Zero and Ao, and now I'm waiting for Cold Steel 3. I'm tempted to wait to start it until closer to Cold Steel 4's release date so I can do both more or less back-to-back, but I probably don't have that degree of self-control to wait that long haha.

On the topic of music, I've been getting some use out of Acoustica Mixcraft, and I arranged what I imagined a Smash remix of The Whereabouts of Light would sound like:

Also, while this news isn't exactly recent, I don't think it was mentioned here, so I figured I'd bring it up. In April, there was an interview with the president of Falcom (Toshihiro Kondo), and one of the things they touched on was the possibility of localizing Zero no Kiseki Kai and Ao no Kiseki Kai for the west. While he didn't announce anything for certain, he said that he regretted that Zero & Ao never got to the west and that he thinks the PS4 remasters could lead to an opportunity to make it there. While I'm glad that talented fan teams like the Geofront make it so that we can play Zero and Ao in English at all, I do hope that the games would be able to get an official English localization. Between that and CS3&4 coming to more systems, that would hopefully give Trails a bigger presence outside of Japan. Even if that might not lead to anything Smash-related, it'd certainly be cool for the series to get more recognition.
That remix is really good! I like it a bunch, well done. I think it fits the Smash style too. Also, it'd be pretty nice if Zero and Ao got some official translations. I've already played them through fan ones as well, and I'm really glad for them because thanks to that Ao is currently my favorite Trails game (tied with SC) but having official ones would be even nicer.


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2019
Liked that remix a lot, well done! Now you're making me want more...

About Zero and Ao, I'm sure it's just a matter of time now. They know the west is a big portion of their audience now.

(When Sky Trilogy with voices though? For both Switch and PS)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2014
I imagine some of you voted on this poll, I myself wasn't even aware of it. Surprised at how many votes Estelle got! 21! I came in expecting nothing, really.

Here's the link for context

Just ignore the fact it says "Trials" instead of "Trails"
Yeah, that's really nice! It's a lot of votes for Estelle; I'd have thought only Adol would get up there as a Falcom rep, but guess not! It's pretty warming to hear that more people out there want her.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2020
I imagine some of you voted on this poll, I myself wasn't even aware of it. Surprised at how many votes Estelle got! 21! I came in expecting nothing, really.

Here's the link for context

Just ignore the fact it says "Trials" instead of "Trails"
Looks like Rean got in too, with 13 votes. Tbh I would've expected him to place higher than Estelle. I prefer Estelle both as a character and as a potential fighter, but I thought that Cold Steel being the most recent sub-series as well as the one on the most systems would give Rean the advantage in vote count primarily due to more exposure. I'm pleasantly surprised by how Estelle was able to come out on top!

And I have one friend who always misspells Trails as Trials, so I'm all too familiar with that typo haha


Jun 16, 2014
Oh hey there's an actual Estelle support thread unlike last time I checked! She's the biggest "pipe dream" I've regarding the Smash roster given how obscure Legend of Heroes is even in contrast to something like King of Fighters, so I'm not exactly super hopeful on this ever happening, but eh, fully support the idea! I didn't see the full poll results until know, and even though the sample isn't THAT big compared to how many copies Ultimate sold, I'm pleasantly surprised Estelle was even present with more than single digit votes, let alone actually be in the top 200.
I can't 100% come up with a moveset for her but I always felt she'd have Hard Break incoporated and apply a gimmick where she makes characters with charged attacks fully lose the charge if she hits them with it (ie: Samus charge beam, Little Mac neutral B).


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
I refined this trailer concept I thought up a while ago

-It opens zoomed in on Link's face
-The camera zooms out to reveal Link is fishing in a giant lake
-Link then reels in a relatively large fish
-The camera then moves over to Joker who reels in an even larger fish
-This continues by moving over to Villager, Byleth, Isabelle, Hero and finally Pokemon Trainer
-Then in the lake a massive shadow moves across
-All of the fishers then fight to be the first to cast their line
-Then a large splash happens with the Giant fish coming out of the water
-The one who reeled in the massive fish in is a shadowy figure standing on a cliff who proceeds to place the fish down gently on the ground
-The mysterious figure jumps down and pulls out a Bo staff and the figure is revealed...
-Estelle Braces For Battle!
-It then proceeds to show the gameplay trailer
-The trailer ends with Estelle eating some of the fish with the other fighters doing the same only the others are obviously beat up


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2019
I really like the idea, very fitting. Props for coming up with it - didn't even cross my mind to think about fishing even though she's praised so much in the games for being so good at it


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Count me in, I played the game a few months back and was thinking she'd be a fun character.


Smash Cadet
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC
SW 5897 9391 2885
Estelle was a name I've heard a couple of times during my time in Smash Speculation. I find her to be interesting and I would like to see more females on the roster. So I would like to support.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2020
A couple notable things to report:

First, NIS America tweeted out a new trailer for Cold Steel IV:
There was a problem fetching the tweet
We finally have the English voices of Estelle, Joshua, & Renne for CS4, and they brought back Stephanie Sheh and Johnny Yong Bosch for Estelle & Joshua! I think Renne is still Sandy Fox, but I'm not as familiar with her voice. Good to know that if Nintendo does decide to do something with Estelle for Smash, that her original VA is still willing to reprise her role.

(Semi-related, but Elie being Erica Mendez is a weird choice for me. I think she fits perfectly for Elie, but she was already Rixia in Cold Steel II. I don't know if Rixia appears at all in Cold Steel IV, but if not, I wonder what they'll do if they localize Hajimari, since she definitely shows up there.)

Next, and I cannot believe I'm saying this, but the official Falcom twitter has acknowledged the Bruhfish:
There was a problem fetching the tweet
I know that the timing wouldn't really work given that FP2 has already been decided, and this would be a long shot even if the timing matched up, but imagine if we got a Gluttonous Bass Mii Hat with Estelle's Challenger Pack. That would truly be the biggest (and best) bruh moment.

ok back to playing cold steel iii now


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2019
In addition to the new CS4 trailer, Ys Origin was announced for the Switch a bit ago, and I can't stress enough how good news this is.

Purely speculation here but, this means that a Trails in the Sky port is looking more and more likely by the minute. (Dotemu please!)


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2019
I'd be surprised as well trust me, I can probably speak for most here in that regard.

The main reasons I'd think she at least has SOME chances is because:

  • It's Falcom, pioneers of the JRPG genre since 1984 so that makes them 'worthy' of getting represented. I legit think Falcom has a pretty good shot given how important their role in the japanese game industry was.

  • Their first game started with Dragon Slayer which evolved into what Legend Of Heroes is today. (Edit: Actually Panorama Toh was their first game (?) in 1983, Dragon Slayer being the second)

  • The main Falcom runner up Adol, could be considered very similar to other fighters already in the game and thus; could make them choose another character that could represent that company with something more unique, and Estelle just happens to be the next one that comes to mind when you think 'unique' (She's also the face of the Trails series). Also, it's easier to make an Adol Mii (even Rean?) than it is to make an Estelle Mii, so they can represent both series in a way and hopefully with both of their soundtracks, too.
No hate towards Adol btw, but you gotta admit that there's many similarities with what we already have in the roster, character design-wise in particular.

Despite all of this, yes, I'd be very surprised.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2020
A couple days ago, Falcom posted the Hajimari no Kiseki opening online:

It's interesting how they went with a CG opening rather than the 2D anime ones from Cold Steel III and IV, but I think the animation turned out rather nice. In terms of the contents, it's nice that it confirms that Estelle, Joshua, and Renne (as well as some other Sky characters) will be showing up and are still involved in the newest Trails games, although to be honest I figured they would in some capacity.
The OP has gotten me super hyped for Hajimari, but also sad knowing that if it gets localized at all it probably won't be until 2022 :(

Also, I grabbed a shot of Estelle's 3D model and edited it to have a transparent background. Some of the corners & edges are a bit rough up close, but overall I think it turned out well. Feel free to use it if you want to -- from what I could find, the only transparent background images for Estelle have been 2D renders, so I wanted to add a transparent image of her 3D model.

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Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2014
A couple days ago, Falcom posted the Hajimari no Kiseki opening online:

It's interesting how they went with a CG opening rather than the 2D anime ones from Cold Steel III and IV, but I think the animation turned out rather nice. In terms of the contents, it's nice that it confirms that Estelle, Joshua, and Renne (as well as some other Sky characters) will be showing up and are still involved in the newest Trails games, although to be honest I figured they would in some capacity.
The OP has gotten me super hyped for Hajimari, but also sad knowing that if it gets localized at all it probably won't be until 2022 :(

Also, I grabbed a shot of Estelle's 3D model and edited it to have a transparent background. Some of the corners & edges are a bit rough up close, but overall I think it turned out well. Feel free to use it if you want to -- from what I could find, the only transparent background images for Estelle have been 2D renders, so I wanted to add a transparent image of her 3D model.

View attachment 280950
Looks good! Also yeah, Hajimari might take a bit to localize but at least CS4 is on the way soonish (although just PS4 for now) I'm surprised they localized it this quick after CS3, I recall waiting a while for that one wondering if they'd ever do it lol. So hopefully Hajimari can come soon too! I'm glad a few of the Sky characters are still around. Personally I'm excited for the Crossbell storyline as I really liked those games even with the fan translations from a couple years ago. Here's to 2022 I suppose.


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2019
A couple days ago, Falcom posted the Hajimari no Kiseki opening online:

It's interesting how they went with a CG opening rather than the 2D anime ones from Cold Steel III and IV, but I think the animation turned out rather nice. In terms of the contents, it's nice that it confirms that Estelle, Joshua, and Renne (as well as some other Sky characters) will be showing up and are still involved in the newest Trails games, although to be honest I figured they would in some capacity.
The OP has gotten me super hyped for Hajimari, but also sad knowing that if it gets localized at all it probably won't be until 2022 :(

Also, I grabbed a shot of Estelle's 3D model and edited it to have a transparent background. Some of the corners & edges are a bit rough up close, but overall I think it turned out well. Feel free to use it if you want to -- from what I could find, the only transparent background images for Estelle have been 2D renders, so I wanted to add a transparent image of her 3D model.

View attachment 280950
I love it, I will use it for my wishlist of characters and we'll see what else, so thanks for this! Also excited for Hajimari now that Sky characters are confirmed (more than before, that is)


Smash Rookie
May 28, 2019
A couple days ago, Falcom posted the Hajimari no Kiseki opening online:

It's interesting how they went with a CG opening rather than the 2D anime ones from Cold Steel III and IV, but I think the animation turned out rather nice. In terms of the contents, it's nice that it confirms that Estelle, Joshua, and Renne (as well as some other Sky characters) will be showing up and are still involved in the newest Trails games, although to be honest I figured they would in some capacity.
The OP has gotten me super hyped for Hajimari, but also sad knowing that if it gets localized at all it probably won't be until 2022 :(

Also, I grabbed a shot of Estelle's 3D model and edited it to have a transparent background. Some of the corners & edges are a bit rough up close, but overall I think it turned out well. Feel free to use it if you want to -- from what I could find, the only transparent background images for Estelle have been 2D renders, so I wanted to add a transparent image of her 3D model.

View attachment 280950
What I’m wondering right now is will there be a Switch version? I have a feeling it might not, of course it’s too early to say that, it’s just a feeling. If Cold Steel 3 and 4 don’t sell well on Switch then it might be unlikely.

If not then hopefully I’ll have a PS5 by then.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2014
What I’m wondering right now is will there be a Switch version? I have a feeling it might not, of course it’s too early to say that, it’s just a feeling. If Cold Steel 3 and 4 don’t sell well on Switch then it might be unlikely.

If not then hopefully I’ll have a PS5 by then.
We'll have to wait and see until it gets localized since Falcom by itself doesn't tend to port them-- but I'd say in the event that it does get localized, it's very likely it'll get a Switch version, especially if you look at the newer Falcom releases: Not only have CS3 and CS4 made it to Switch, but also Ys 8, Ys 9, and more recently there have been ports of even older Ys games like Ys Origin. Falcom's getting pretty used to the system, so it could be pretty possible that Hajimari'll get a Switch version when/if it does get localized. Still though, gotta wait I suppose.


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2019
I personally believe NISA wants to be up to date with the recent Falcom games ASAP, given how quick to announce and release (the release dates) they were with CS3/CS4 and Ys IX, I'd expect the trend to continue. So something like a Q2 2021 announcement with a late 2021 release date on PlayStation or early 2022. And the rest of the consoles following after
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2020
Ah, thanks! I did not know it was there already. Though like with the Switch one, it'll be out by 2021. Oh well, I can wait haha
The most recent Cold Steel IV trailer narrowed it down to Spring 2021 too for the Switch/PC versions, so it's nice that we have a season revealed.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2020
Just posting to also say hi, and that I support Estelle. Personally, I think that she has a great chance to get in as a rep. Even if she doesn't, I still think that other Falcom characters have a good shot at it. And since I'm here, I figure that I'll theory craft a bit. Prepare for a long post, lol.

Last year in early July, Falcom's president had an AMA on reddit. Then, he had an interview a couple of weeks later, in mid July. Around that time, an Akatsuki no Kiseki Switch port was announced for Japan. Fast forward to December, and a Cold Steel 3 Switch port was announced, followed by the PC port getting announced in January. Now here is where things get interesting. Let's take a look at the dates that Cold Steel 3 was announced/released for the PS4, Switch and PC:

PS4: October 22, 2019 (US) (I'm not listing the Japan release date here, as it was back in 2017)
Switch port announcement: December 3, 2019
PC port announcement: January 17, 2020
Switch release: March 19, 2020 (Japan only)
PC release: March 23, 2020 (Worldwide)
Switch release: June 30, 2020 (Worldwide)

Also, there was a worldwide Switch demo for Cold Steel 3 released back in March 2020 as well, if I recall.

Notice anything unusual? In the announcement trailer for Cold Steel 3's Switch port, they actually said it was planned for Spring 2020. I believe that they intended to have it release worldwide in March initially, but then things got all messed up due to issues going on with the world right now/back then. In the end, they still went ahead with the PC version's worldwide release in March anyways, despite the PC port being announced at a later date. Then, they pushed CS3's Switch version back to June, and more specifically, to the end of June.

Now if you look closely, these dates actually line up with Smash-related news dates. For example, the Mini Direct on March 26 announcing that we would be getting an ARMS rep is close to the time when the Switch version of Cold Steel 3 could have been released. If Min Min was initially intended to get released in March, as some people have theorized, then it is also possible that the character after Min Min would have been announced around that time as well. Taking things a step further, after Min Min's reveal/release on June 22/29, they could have initially planned for a direct on/around June 30, which is when Cold Steel 3 was finally released on the Switch outside of Japan. But things were still bad around that time, so even if Nintendo did intend to have a direct, they probably postponed it/cancelled it all together.

I also believe that if a character is announced soon(either in August or September), they'll most likely release said character in October. And guess what game is scheduled to release in October in North America/Europe? Cold Steel 4. While it's only the PS4 version, it is still worth considering in all of this. Furthermore, we already know that Cold Steel 4 is coming to the Switch in 2021.

Now I'll admit that this stuff is most likely just mere coincidence. Which is why I will now draw your attention back to the interview, AMA and Akatsuki no Kiseki.

In the interview, Falcom's president was asked what character he would want in Smash. He only mentioned Adol and Rean, with Rean being the one he would ultimately choose. But he didn't mention Estelle at all. I'll get back to why this is suspicious in a second.

In the AMA that he had before that interview, he was asked what his favorite story was in the Trails games. He responded that the Sky games were his favorite, and that they had a special place in his memories. Another person was asked him which Trails protagonists was his favorite to write for, and he responded with Estelle. He could have chosen any of the arcs for his favorite story, and any of the main characters. But he chose Sky and Estelle specifically in that AMA.

And finally, there is Akatsuki no Kiseki randomly getting a Switch port out of nowhere. Estelle is in Akatsuki no Kiseki. I'll sum this point up as, "Should be on a Nintendo console before getting into Smash".

Now the reason why I find his interview suspicious is because of the fact that he didn't mention Estelle at all when being asked that question about Smash. He intentionally ignored Estelle as a possibility. Yet a couple of weeks prior to that interview, he makes it pretty clear that she is one of his favorite characters(if not his most favorite). However, if he was under an NDA at the time, he may have chosen to avoid mentioning Estelle at all. Keep in mind that it was around that time that DLC characters were being decided on for the second fighters pass, so it isn't entirely impossible for him to be under an NDA.

To summarize, I find the release schedule for CS3's Switch port to be very coincidental in how it has lined up with Smash-related dates(not to mention Cold Steel 4's PS4 release also potentially lining up as well). The AMA suggests that the answer Falcom's president gave in the interview may have been intentionally misleading, possibly due to being under an NDA. And Akatsuki no Kiseki's port was kind of random, especially since Falcom knew that fans have been asking for Sky ports. I also believe that we will almost certainly be getting the Sky trilogy on the Switch at some point in the near future, and if I'm right, it could coincide with Estelle being revealed for Smash.

This is, of course, just a theory. A crazy theory that isn't really meant to be taken too seriously, but still something I've been keeping in mind this whole time anyways. Also, I figured that I would post this to see if it could generate more discussion, since I'd really like to see more discussion surrounding Estelle/other Falcom characters in general.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
I have made a visual version of my Ideal Estelle spirit board there are some spoilers in it though

Olivier Would Evolve Into: Olivert.png

Joshua would Evolve Into: joshuaastray.png
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2020
Just posting to also say hi, and that I support Estelle. Personally, I think that she has a great chance to get in as a rep. Even if she doesn't, I still think that other Falcom characters have a good shot at it. And since I'm here, I figure that I'll theory craft a bit. Prepare for a long post, lol.

Last year in early July, Falcom's president had an AMA on reddit. Then, he had an interview a couple of weeks later, in mid July. Around that time, an Akatsuki no Kiseki Switch port was announced for Japan. Fast forward to December, and a Cold Steel 3 Switch port was announced, followed by the PC port getting announced in January. Now here is where things get interesting. Let's take a look at the dates that Cold Steel 3 was announced/released for the PS4, Switch and PC:

PS4: October 22, 2019 (US) (I'm not listing the Japan release date here, as it was back in 2017)
Switch port announcement: December 3, 2019
PC port announcement: January 17, 2020
Switch release: March 19, 2020 (Japan only)
PC release: March 23, 2020 (Worldwide)
Switch release: June 30, 2020 (Worldwide)

Also, there was a worldwide Switch demo for Cold Steel 3 released back in March 2020 as well, if I recall.

Notice anything unusual? In the announcement trailer for Cold Steel 3's Switch port, they actually said it was planned for Spring 2020. I believe that they intended to have it release worldwide in March initially, but then things got all messed up due to issues going on with the world right now/back then. In the end, they still went ahead with the PC version's worldwide release in March anyways, despite the PC port being announced at a later date. Then, they pushed CS3's Switch version back to June, and more specifically, to the end of June.

Now if you look closely, these dates actually line up with Smash-related news dates. For example, the Mini Direct on March 26 announcing that we would be getting an ARMS rep is close to the time when the Switch version of Cold Steel 3 could have been released. If Min Min was initially intended to get released in March, as some people have theorized, then it is also possible that the character after Min Min would have been announced around that time as well. Taking things a step further, after Min Min's reveal/release on June 22/29, they could have initially planned for a direct on/around June 30, which is when Cold Steel 3 was finally released on the Switch outside of Japan. But things were still bad around that time, so even if Nintendo did intend to have a direct, they probably postponed it/cancelled it all together.

I also believe that if a character is announced soon(either in August or September), they'll most likely release said character in October. And guess what game is scheduled to release in October in North America/Europe? Cold Steel 4. While it's only the PS4 version, it is still worth considering in all of this. Furthermore, we already know that Cold Steel 4 is coming to the Switch in 2021.

Now I'll admit that this stuff is most likely just mere coincidence. Which is why I will now draw your attention back to the interview, AMA and Akatsuki no Kiseki.

In the interview, Falcom's president was asked what character he would want in Smash. He only mentioned Adol and Rean, with Rean being the one he would ultimately choose. But he didn't mention Estelle at all. I'll get back to why this is suspicious in a second.

In the AMA that he had before that interview, he was asked what his favorite story was in the Trails games. He responded that the Sky games were his favorite, and that they had a special place in his memories. Another person was asked him which Trails protagonists was his favorite to write for, and he responded with Estelle. He could have chosen any of the arcs for his favorite story, and any of the main characters. But he chose Sky and Estelle specifically in that AMA.

And finally, there is Akatsuki no Kiseki randomly getting a Switch port out of nowhere. Estelle is in Akatsuki no Kiseki. I'll sum this point up as, "Should be on a Nintendo console before getting into Smash".

Now the reason why I find his interview suspicious is because of the fact that he didn't mention Estelle at all when being asked that question about Smash. He intentionally ignored Estelle as a possibility. Yet a couple of weeks prior to that interview, he makes it pretty clear that she is one of his favorite characters(if not his most favorite). However, if he was under an NDA at the time, he may have chosen to avoid mentioning Estelle at all. Keep in mind that it was around that time that DLC characters were being decided on for the second fighters pass, so it isn't entirely impossible for him to be under an NDA.

To summarize, I find the release schedule for CS3's Switch port to be very coincidental in how it has lined up with Smash-related dates(not to mention Cold Steel 4's PS4 release also potentially lining up as well). The AMA suggests that the answer Falcom's president gave in the interview may have been intentionally misleading, possibly due to being under an NDA. And Akatsuki no Kiseki's port was kind of random, especially since Falcom knew that fans have been asking for Sky ports. I also believe that we will almost certainly be getting the Sky trilogy on the Switch at some point in the near future, and if I'm right, it could coincide with Estelle being revealed for Smash.

This is, of course, just a theory. A crazy theory that isn't really meant to be taken too seriously, but still something I've been keeping in mind this whole time anyways. Also, I figured that I would post this to see if it could generate more discussion, since I'd really like to see more discussion surrounding Estelle/other Falcom characters in general.
That AMA point is super interesting -- I remember being a bit bummed when I first read it because Estelle wasn't even mentioned in the Smash discussion, but I hadn't considered that it might be due to NDA.

It's interesting thinking about recent & upcoming Trails announcements, because 2020 has been a big year for the series. In addition to the announcements & releases you mentioned, there were the Japanese releases of Ao no Kiseki Kai and Zero no Kiseki Kai in April and May. So there are definitely promotional reasons for Falcom to include a rep, even if they were to do it as late as Spring 2021 (since that's when the worldwide release of Cold Steel IV on Switch & PC will be).

Despite the dates lining up rather nicely, I'm not betting much on a Falcom rep being CP7. June would have been Nintendo's E3 presentation, so if CP7 were to be revealed alongside Min Min's release, that'd put them in a similar position to Banjo last year. I'm expecting CP7 to be one of the big big names as a result, wheres I think Estelle (or any Falcom rep) is most similar to Terry -- a character from a smaller third-party company who represents the history & legacy of their franchise/company. So while I think the sheer amount of Trails announcements & releases recently would be a good reason to put Estelle in as CP7, I'm personally expecting the Falcom rep (if we're getting one) to be CP8, 9, or 10. Unless I'm misremembering, Terry's release didn't coincide with any major SNK releases, so I can still imagine a Falcom rep getting in even if there aren't any big releases in the series at the same time as the announcement.

(although if they wanted to port the Sky trilogy to Switch and release that to coincide with Estelle's announcement I sure wouldn't complain)

I have made a visual version of my Ideal Estelle spirit board there are some spoilers in it though

Olivier Would Evolve Into: View attachment 281511

Joshua would Evolve Into: View attachment 281512
I like the Spirit board choices! Your choices of fighters for the spirits fit really well (especially Inkling as Tita). I could imagine a tiny Falco fighting alongside Kloe's spirit battle representing Sieg. I think a Kevin spirit would be neat too, just to give some Trails in the Sky the 3rd representation. Plus, I could imagine Ries fighting alongside him, even if she wasn't her own spirit -- sort of like how Dimitri's fight on Byleth's spirit board had a Ganondorf alongside him to represent Dedue. Also, if they wanted to add another enhanceable spirit, I could see Tita being enhanced into...
a weapon to surpass orbal gear
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2020
It's interesting thinking about recent & upcoming Trails announcements, because 2020 has been a big year for the series. In addition to the announcements & releases you mentioned, there were the Japanese releases of Ao no Kiseki Kai and Zero no Kiseki Kai in April and May. So there are definitely promotional reasons for Falcom to include a rep, even if they were to do it as late as Spring 2021 (since that's when the worldwide release of Cold Steel IV on Switch & PC will be).

Despite the dates lining up rather nicely, I'm not betting much on a Falcom rep being CP7. June would have been Nintendo's E3 presentation, so if CP7 were to be revealed alongside Min Min's release, that'd put them in a similar position to Banjo last year. I'm expecting CP7 to be one of the big big names as a result, wheres I think Estelle (or any Falcom rep) is most similar to Terry -- a character from a smaller third-party company who represents the history & legacy of their franchise/company. So while I think the sheer amount of Trails announcements & releases recently would be a good reason to put Estelle in as CP7, I'm personally expecting the Falcom rep (if we're getting one) to be CP8, 9, or 10. Unless I'm misremembering, Terry's release didn't coincide with any major SNK releases, so I can still imagine a Falcom rep getting in even if there aren't any big releases in the series at the same time as the announcement.

(although if they wanted to port the Sky trilogy to Switch and release that to coincide with Estelle's announcement I sure wouldn't complain)
Indeed, it has been a big year for Falcom. For both Ys and Trails respectively if you think about it. With announcements like Ys IX and Ys Origins getting Switch ports on top of the Cold Steel Switch ports, Falcom basically went from having very little association with Nintendo to suddenly having several games on the Switch over this past year alone. And then there are the Zero/Ao Kai ports that you mentioned... I wonder why they didn't take the opportunity to port those to the Switch while they were at it? Even if it was Japan only at first, most people would have understood why. Also, I forgot to mention this before, but Hajimari no Kiseki is releasing later this month on the PS4 in Japan. So if we get the character reveal this month, it would line up with that as well.

That said, regarding Min Min's reveal... assuming that CP6 was always meant to be revealed in March but was delayed to June, what if Min Min was meant to be CP7, and CP7 was meant to be CP6? Think of it like this: If CP7 is a third party character, it is possible that the issues with the pandemic at that time put a temporary halt on development of said character. Thus, Nintendo could have gone for Min Min, who was also close to being done at the time but still needed slightly more work, which would explain the "This character is from ARMS" reveal back in the March Mini-Direct, as opposed to just directly revealing that we were getting Min Min.

If that was really the case, then Min Min would have been the E3 reveal, and CP7 would have been the character to start off the pass in March(and in a similar position to Joker instead, as opposed to Hero/BK). And this may sound weird, but I think that an Estelle reveal trailer would be a follow up to Joker's reveal trailer. You know, because of the whole Phantom Thief thing. Granted, I wouldn't put too much weight into this theory either, since there is literally no proof that such a swap occurred, and I know that I'm just grasping at straws here. But hey, speculating is fun, even when I'm most likely horribly wrong, lol.

Anyways, I think that in general Falcom has a good chance of getting a character. Even if they don't, I still think it's reasonable to hope for spirits and possibly a Mii costume. Time will tell.

I have made a visual version of my Ideal Estelle spirit board there are some spoilers in it though

Olivier Would Evolve Into: View attachment 281511

Joshua would Evolve Into: View attachment 281512
Lol, poor Zin. Technically speaking, he is more than worthy of being at the "Advance" tier. Some of his crafts(like the one that buffs his Strength and Defense, and the one that heals him and removes negative status effects) are pretty OP due to their low CP cost and how much they buff/heal him. Not to mention his Taunt ability that forces all enemies to target him. I didn't use him too often, but when I did, he was really useful as a tank. But I understand that someone needed to be sacrificed to the "Novice" tier, lol.

I don't have too much to say about Lloyd, since I only just started Trails from Zero recently(I just got to Chapter 3, actually). Still, I think an SSS(with Lloyd/Elie/Tio/Randy) Legend Rank spirit alongside Class VII's Legend rank would be cooler. But that's just my opinion. You still did an awesome job on it though, so thanks for sharing! ^_^


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2020
One thing I find really promising about Falcom and the idea of including one of their characters in Smash -- not in terms of how likely or unlikely they are, but in terms of what could happen if they were picked -- is the existence of the Falcom Sound Team jdk. The fact that they have a dedicated unit within the company that composes the music means we wouldn't have to worry about anything like Koichi Sugiyama restricting the Dragon Quest music to MIDIs, and that the decision of what music would be brought over would be entirely up to Falcom themselves. SNK is similar in that regard with the SNK Sound Team.

ATLUS also has the ATLUS Sound Team, but it's a little different. Looking at the songs in my iTunes library from the Persona 5 Soundtrack (before it got yoinked from the iTunes store), the vocal tracks are listed under ATLUS Sound Team and Lyn, whereas if you look at the SNK or Falcom albums (heck, even the Falcom remix albums like Sora no Kiseki Zanmai or Kiseki jdk Acoustics) it's all just listed under SNK Sound Team / Falcom Sound Team jdk.

Ultimately it'd be up to Falcom how many tracks they'd be willing to include, and I don't know how the rights to the music are managed within the company, but the fact that it's all kept within the company makes me hopeful that if we were to get Estelle, Falcom could pull an SNK and give us a ton of music from across their franchises (Trails, Ys, Tokyo Xanadu, heck throw some Gurumin music in there while you're at it)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2014
One thing I find really promising about Falcom and the idea of including one of their characters in Smash -- not in terms of how likely or unlikely they are, but in terms of what could happen if they were picked -- is the existence of the Falcom Sound Team jdk. The fact that they have a dedicated unit within the company that composes the music means we wouldn't have to worry about anything like Koichi Sugiyama restricting the Dragon Quest music to MIDIs, and that the decision of what music would be brought over would be entirely up to Falcom themselves. SNK is similar in that regard with the SNK Sound Team.

ATLUS also has the ATLUS Sound Team, but it's a little different. Looking at the songs in my iTunes library from the Persona 5 Soundtrack (before it got yoinked from the iTunes store), the vocal tracks are listed under ATLUS Sound Team and Lyn, whereas if you look at the SNK or Falcom albums (heck, even the Falcom remix albums like Sora no Kiseki Zanmai or Kiseki jdk Acoustics) it's all just listed under SNK Sound Team / Falcom Sound Team jdk.

Ultimately it'd be up to Falcom how many tracks they'd be willing to include, and I don't know how the rights to the music are managed within the company, but the fact that it's all kept within the company makes me hopeful that if we were to get Estelle, Falcom could pull an SNK and give us a ton of music from across their franchises (Trails, Ys, Tokyo Xanadu, heck throw some Gurumin music in there while you're at it)
Man, I'd be elated to see any Gurumin music. It'd feel unreal to hear To Make The End of Digging in Smash. I hope this does happen because it'd imply lots of Falcom music in general, which is great, but also Trails music beyond Sky, which is pretty good-- the Zero/Ao OSTs are amazing!


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
One thing I find really promising about Falcom and the idea of including one of their characters in Smash -- not in terms of how likely or unlikely they are, but in terms of what could happen if they were picked -- is the existence of the Falcom Sound Team jdk. The fact that they have a dedicated unit within the company that composes the music means we wouldn't have to worry about anything like Koichi Sugiyama restricting the Dragon Quest music to MIDIs, and that the decision of what music would be brought over would be entirely up to Falcom themselves. SNK is similar in that regard with the SNK Sound Team.

ATLUS also has the ATLUS Sound Team, but it's a little different. Looking at the songs in my iTunes library from the Persona 5 Soundtrack (before it got yoinked from the iTunes store), the vocal tracks are listed under ATLUS Sound Team and Lyn, whereas if you look at the SNK or Falcom albums (heck, even the Falcom remix albums like Sora no Kiseki Zanmai or Kiseki jdk Acoustics) it's all just listed under SNK Sound Team / Falcom Sound Team jdk.

Ultimately it'd be up to Falcom how many tracks they'd be willing to include, and I don't know how the rights to the music are managed within the company, but the fact that it's all kept within the company makes me hopeful that if we were to get Estelle, Falcom could pull an SNK and give us a ton of music from across their franchises (Trails, Ys, Tokyo Xanadu, heck throw some Gurumin music in there while you're at it)
Falcom is usually pretty lenient with their music (I think certain tracks are royalty free) so hopefully we could get SNK levels of music. Having Valestein Castle or Gadobadorrer in Smash would be spectacular
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