You know I’ve been thinking
with all the talk about the upcoming Super Switch, think Splatoon 3 may be Super Switch exclusive?
I personally doubt that. Would be kinda scummy to have it revealed for the Switch and later going "oh, it's actually only playable on the new system". Same thing with BotW2. I feel like if they're already announced for the Switch, the OG Switch will get them and they'll just be enhanced on the supposed upgraded system. If they were announced after the reveal of this new system, then maybe. Both those games would and will nevertheless be great at driving sales for the system anyway.
I don't think there's ever been an instance with Nintendo where they've revealed a game for a console and having it not actually be playable on the console. With the New 3DS, the system was already revealed and any exclusive games to it were stated to be as such from the get-go. And stuff like BotW got on the Wii U anyway even if the main focus was shifted to the Switch.
But I dunno, Nintendo could take the route of making them exclusives too I guess.