ryan ya n00b, the one i wanted, you cant make, **** turnip pulling freak that i am, you could have made mine similar to tgpadmin's siggy but that is alrady used, so im kinda at a loss, time for a new idea....
im thinking of scheming it like Lulu from FFX, only as Peach, you know how Lulu has the fcking moogles as weapons and seeing as my name is Kupo on smash, you think you can get peach throwing a Moogle? But one of the stitched ones, just like the ones that Lulu uses, take ya time man, sorry about rushing you on the last one, it just seemed like an awesome idea that just went up in smoke until i get get you some frame by frame of peach pulling up turnips, in any case, color scheming, id like to see pink and yellow, but if that doesnt't look right, add your own personal flair, i dont care if peach shows up as herself or as daisy, either one works for me, seeing as i might stop changing my colors to daisy and leave her as pink peach, as for lettering, you know already, make it say Kupo, but make the lettering a little less plain than what you did in my last sig, maybe some cursive or something. anims, those are up to you, wanna animate? feel free, like i said take your time and have fun with it, it dont have to come out exactly how i imagined it, i know your work and you are **** good at it, so i know itll come out good no matter what ya do....
remember, do good and ill tip ya