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Epic Post Number 3000, a thanks to every one of you!

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Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
I have for a while wanted to do something special for my 3000th post. At first, I wanted it to be my VLS shoutouts, and as tempting as it was, I thought well... VLS is only one of so many different major tournaments I have been to. So I started to think that 3000 posts is for me at least one heckuva long time being on smashboards and going to tournaments. So I thought something more than just shoutouts were necessary... I needed shoutouts to the entire community, to everyone that I think is awesome, cool, chill, funny, helpful, or important in some way to how I am a smasher today. So I thought as my 3000th post I'd dedicate it to Smash Boards as a whole. Thank you, everyone of you who has helped me become not only the smasher I am today, at the skill level I am today, but also has helped shaped me as the person I am today. I would like to thank many different people though specifically, and in no particular order (but I am gonna start with mainly the people from my neck of the woods):

Green Mario: Kyle... you're the best. You're my best friend and I love you man. I wouldnt ever want to team with anyone over you and you've also just made me into a better person outside of smash. You're the best and being in the same Spanish 4 class together and bringing up smashbros was definitely a major turning point in my life.

Zack Soup: You are another person who is truly just one of the best friends anyone could ask for. You have given me so much advice about life in general and have given me so much to laugh about I dont know where I'd be now without your influence. Thank you for being there whenever I needed your help and guiding me at times when I needed it most.

Linguini: EMILIOOOOOOO... man so random you come to my house once and your ganondorf could get beat by my bowser and then 2 months later you can beat my Peach @_@. The coolest 15 year old I know and you're one of the reasons I miss FL. Cant wait to see you or any FL smasher during vacations and such.

Lambchops: We've had some beef, some problems, straight up arguments, but it'd be ridiculous not to mention you just because you've made me into the skilled smasher I am today, its almost entirely thanks to you and smashing with my scrubby *** for 2 years before I got good.

Noucles: I never want to smash with you. I always wanna do some random **** like go see a movie or own up a Taco Bell when you're around. Being with you is just being happy, and I love you man.

Doodah: People may think you're just an ******* (oh well, actually you are one but that doesnt matter) but you're cool and actually nice and helpful when it matters. Running tournaments in FL wouldnt be the same without your help and I love it every time I get to see you. You've practically been there from the start, from DK/Mewtwo days to ultra curse combos at Gigabits in September. You can also tell Sasha I love her too ;) Definitely always been nice to me and I can sit and chat with her about most anything and thats always nice.

Logikz: You're just cool. You're blunts are the best.

SLyNKee: You're the best justin, nexus is the best, dodgeball is the best, you're just cool man. Its a shame you stopped going to alot of smash tournaments, and Its a shame I cant go to Dodgeball every weekend like I used to but there will be times I'll get to see you again.

Ryan Sparks: Pretty much the only reason I'd ever drive and hour to and an hour back to the Vortex (besides master Lexington) You're the kind of person that makes smashing worthwhile because you're the kind of person I'd hang out with no matter the context.

Lex: Best 14 year old ever. Plus a beast at pokemon. I love seeing you anytime i'm up in the green acres area, and I hope you get to smash more as you get older. You truly are like a fine wine =D

NBP Mike: Not only to I love you man, but my mom even thinks you're a great down to earth guy haha... but seriously you are definitely the kind of person I think anyone could hope to aspire to be just because you are hilarious, kind, and mad dodgeball skills all in one package. Its also a shame that I rarely get to see you much nowadays.

DaShizWiz: Bronson, you're a beast, its ******** to see people go from significantly worse than me all the way up to one of the top players in the nation. You're about the nicest person ever I couldnt imagine you having a single malicious thought. Its a shame you love god too much for smash but its your choice and people gotta respect that I just hope I can see you at more tournaments in the future =)

KeepSpeedn: BENNAY! **** YEAH! You're the same as your other brothers way too nice way to chill and way too good. You're still the brother I fear the most in tournament brackets @_@

SmashMac: Barry's a beast with Doc!!! you've gotten so good so recently that I was starting to get a little scared at Gigabits X_X. You're always fun to hangout with and if I'm ever bored at a tournament you're one of the first people I go searching for to have a conversation with.

RockCrock: You're so small =P... you and QDVS have been in the FL community for almost as long as I have (I still have a couple months on ya ;)) but its been a pleasure to be at just about every major FL tournament that you've been to.

QDVS: Andy, you're about one of my favorite smashers in the universe. I mean if you were a girl, i'd totally hit that =P. But in all seriousness you're the best man, you've always been helpful when I need it most (Like getting to big tournaments and what not), and you're also one of my favorite people to play.

Dop: AASEM AHMAD! Definitely one of my most favorite people on the face of the earth. You're just a good friend to have, and also its amazing how just plain awesome you are in every aspect of life in general. So glad that you got to be down in SEFL for summer vacation. Cant wait to see you again buddy.

ColBol: COLIN BALLIN BABY! You were just a random up and coming smasher not 8 months ago and now look at you beasting up teams and singles at VLS and absolutely dominating the CFL scene. Its always nice to know young smashers that arent total idiots. You're always so quiet but its still always cool to have you around just to chill with. CFL is appealing partly because of smashers like you.

Exarch: X-MEN! VERSUS! STREET FIGHTAAAAAAAH!!! And then there's an epic handshake. You are definitely like top 5 funniest and coolest smashers I know and I always want to find you at any CFL tournament I go to. You're house is always a blast to be in and Lazy Moon adventures are all the more better with you there.

Fenrir: You low tier loser =P you and exarch are practically the same entity now, so what else is there to say?

Derf: It pains me to see such a good smasher as your self go as little recognized as you are. You're a beast and also another person like exarch. Just ****ing fun.

OTRU/Skrach: The two most chill (and baked <_<) mofo's around. You're humble abode in CFL is like a home away from home every time I go to gigabits =)

Rice: I only get to see like once or twice a year but its always great when I get to see you. I just want to see you go to bigger tournaments more so people can actually see what you're made of.

PB&J: The great Evan Holland, you are definitely someone I consider to be a best friend I have always enjoyed not only your company but your amazing hospitality and words of encouragement. I swear with you behind me its like I play 1000 times better. Your apartment is the best and you're one of the reasons moving to Georgia has been as great as it has for me.

Marty: You're highschool stories are the best man, you're one of the first Georgia smashers I met and still easily one of the coolest. You have to be careful though your jokes always put me near death @_@ Much love man, I support the struggle, and I hope we can team again some times, and also when I get a new car I'll definitely drive by kennesaw more often just to chill with you.

Laijin: Sweet DI. But honestly, you are fun to hang with, even if you're the most annoying smasher to play against in the universe. Fun car trip regardless.

MarsFool!: Next time I see you i'mma buy you a ****load of chicken nuggets. Thanks for pulling through at the last second for VLS and also for putting me in stitches for half the car ride.

SleepyK: You're soooooo racist! XD. You definitely have come up with some of my favorite phrases, and you're also loveable like a **** plush toy. Its always great to see you at every GA tournament I go to, and I also love your camera work =).

FullMetal: You're awesome mike, you're always nice to me and I also love to see you at all the GA tournaments. Keep it real man.

Josh: People may make fun of you (myself included <_<) but when it comes down to it you're still a nice fella and its never bad to hangout with you. Just learn some better people skills =P.

Tong, Elliot, Jeff: I hate every one of you and you should all drop out of tech so I NEVER GET TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!............ <3.

Compton and Kevin: Some more Georgia Tech Losers.

MikeG: Now how could I possibly forget you? You were my very first inspiration, a god ****ed Demigod in my book, I always wanted my peach to be like yours, and I think alot of people feel like you were their inspiration as well. You're an amazingly kind individual and you're always a real pleasure to be with. Thank you Mike for being just plain cool.

and now I guess I should include some OOS people <_<.

Kishprime, Kishsquare, Ignatius, Joshu, OmegaBlackMage, OmegaWhiteMage, and SolidJake: I thank all of you because you are the ones that have hosted all the major tournaments i've been to and made smashing for me all the more worthwhile. Thankyou for not only hosting but just taking the time in general to talk with me even though you had one helluva tournament to run, but I'd like to mention 2 hosts in particular:[/b]

Plairnkk: You're straight up an ******* but I love it you're just cool and you dont BS or lie you're straight up about everything and I'm glad that you were down in Florida for that one tournament and I'm also glad that we teamed so randomly. Pound2 was an excellent tournament and I cant wait for Pound3

Warrior of Zarona: I love this guy. So funny and also hardest working guy that never is officially a tournament host. Pools at FCD was fun with you and Quest for Food is always better with you at the lead. Thank you.

Forward: Man you taught me so much about this game. Those first couple of days you were at my house you straight up blew my mind. You were a real pleasure to hangout with and We had too many amazing adventures to count. From corona's, to being lost trying to find that MVC2 place, It was really fun just to hang out with you. You truly are a great person.

Teczero: Man, you are pretty much one of the coolest guys I have met. Ever since pound2 I've always wanted to come to a North East tournament just to smash with you and I did. Its ridiculous how amazing you are with just about every character and you're also a kind person who happens to be flippin awesome to hang with.

Grillz: Another one of my favorite smashers to just hang with, pound2 wouldnt have been pound2 for me had it not been for you. You made the money dropped on Pound2 well worth it, and hanging out with you for the weekend was just as good as anything else I could imagine. I missed you at VLS man and you need to come to Florida or Georgia.

Hayato: KIT IS TOO GOOT. Man I remember watching you play at FC3 and thinking how ridiculous you were at this game. For me its really crazy to see my idols of 2 years ago become my friends today. Pound2 and VLS were great partly because of you, and your Mario Down Smash makes me go crazy. Thanks always for hanging and complimenting me.

Jholla: Another person that Pound2 was Pound2 because of. You're so **** huge but a **** teddybear on the inside ;) Its always just fun to know you have friends on any corner of the US.

Pat/Pro: Its always a shame to see good smashers like you go unnoticed even when they can keep up with alot of good people. Playing you in friendlies and in Pools was fun and I hope you keep on smashing because you're a monster just gotta keep playing.

Hyuga: You're just a chill guy mad cool and I enjoyed watching you team with Linguini. Its nice to see West Coast players make it all the way east for us. Always cool to see you.

Phil: You're another West Coast guy that makes me happy that WC makes it to EC tournaments, pound2 and VLS were that much better just to have those random conversations with you.

Frotaz: I really only met you once at VLS but man you're a funny guy and its always cool to talk about peach with any smasher thanks for the laughs and compliments hope to see you at some other big tournament.

Eggm: Most random good Falco in my book, I hadnt even heard of you until Pound2 and you really surprised me... it made me realize how many good players there really are just hiding in the woodwork waiting to be the next big names. You're a real down to earth kinda guy never cocky but still a beast. It was nice just have a conversation about smash with you.

Kirbstir: Another one of my EC favorites. You're real quiet but stopping and just chatting with you was cool at VLS and our friendlies and pools matches at pound2 and VLS were all a pleasure.

Cort: I always love any good peach player, and seeing as you're the best I love you the most ;) I wish I could've played you more but it was nice just getting to meet you again.

Brookman: you were so nice to me randomly at VLS but I thank you for it, you kinda ran into me when not only was I dead tired but pissed that I got DQ'd (the first time <_<) and thanks for just having that small little convo with me.

Alex and His Sticker Girlfriend: The both of you were not only really cool but you guys gave me a free sticker =) thanks for the sticker and I'll definitely try to make it to that huge NY tournament you were talking about (but this time I'll fly @_@).

Kiwiii: So loud and crude but honestly it'd be pretty lame if you were just some stupid girl <_<. You're nametags are beast and when a smash will ask me for ID i'll whip out my now doublesided ID. Thanks for just being cool in general.

Milktea: I really only add you because anytime I talk to you you're just nice to me in general. Plus you liked my combo vid.

PC Chris: Thanks for being one of the few top smashers to be just as cool as everyone else at a tournament. You were the only really good player to come to me and ask for friendlies and they were really fun and those 3 or 4 friendlies alone were enough to teach me alot about my weaknesses in smash.

Cactuar: I guess I just wanted to shout you out just cause you're mo f'n Cactuar =) but in all seriousness you're just a pleasure to hang around and your stories are the best.

ChuDat: You're never assuming, you always tell your opponents good luck and you're never one to just belittle someone and I respect that. You were mad nice during our pools matches (even when I started to trash talk a little <_<) and I just have respect for you as a person and smasher.

BigC: here's your mention =) You are pretty good even if you suck at this game lawl. SAVII and FCD were not completely without your enormity.

I'd also just like to rant off a few names just for the sake of them being people that are worth mentioning:

Sliq, Darc, Dazwa, KevinM, Reflex, Alpha, DarkPch, Vanz, Bailey, Jman, ViperBoy, BIGC, SlikVik, Tink, Dope, Watty, Comp, Tetra, but most important thank you to ANYONE that I have ever met because it is every single one of you that make the smash community and that is where the biggest thanks really lie.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I'm worth mentioning! My life is complete. = P

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
XIF you're an awesome dude, our set at VLS was amazing and fun, I can't wait to play against you again.

EDIT: And yesssssss @ being worth mentioning


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
the only reason why you guys didnt get a full shout out was because I've only met you like once and never got to really play or talk to you guys, although I really wanted to.

Dazwa: yeah, I really wish I could've won, especially after the comeback I made on your third stock which brought us back to even. Rainbow Cruise is gay =(


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
Lambchops: We've had some beef, some problems, straight up arguments, but it'd be ridiculous not to mention you just because you've made me into the skilled smasher I am today, its almost entirely thanks to you and smashing with my scrubby *** for 2 years before I got good.

Dont worry about it man I forgot all about that lets just start over forget all that garbage happened I wont even mention it ever again I promise


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
the only reason why you guys didnt get a full shout out was because I've only met you like once and never got to really play or talk to you guys, although I really wanted to.

Dazwa: yeah, I really wish I could've won, especially after the comeback I made on your third stock which brought us back to even. Rainbow Cruise is gay =(
I gotcha, don't worry.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2003
Fall River, MA
kit is just tooo amaazzzing :) always a pleasure doing business with u sire :O except getting merk'd by u in first round teams lol


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
ur lucky u at l;east mentioned my name sir or else this thread woulda been a big ol flame. but i am very upset i was not the first on the list of names worth mentioning and it was in fact sliq well at least it was a MW fellow. MIDWEST ........ and FLORIDA.


Apr 21, 2004
Fort Myers, FL (Orlando/UCF for college)
<3 Alex, I should do something like this at some point...I've been in the community for soooo long...but I'm too lazy...posts like these make me realize how much this community means to me as well and much how I've grown to love it!!!

Thanks for making this post Alex, I <3 you!!!



das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
wow. this was really nice XIF, thanks for the mention.

teczero talks about ur "beastiness" all the time. we have to make it a priority to play each other at pound 3, or sooner :D


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
wow. this was really nice XIF, thanks for the mention.

teczero talks about ur "beastiness" all the time. we have to make it a priority to play each other at pound 3, or sooner :D
I didnt know teczero mentioned me much at all... thats always nice =)

yeah definitely if I can make it to pound3 i'll get some friendlies, but unless you happen to be in Georgia before then I doubt I'd be randomly in the Jersey/NY area <_<


Apr 23, 2005
Kishprime, Kishsquare, Ignatius, Joshu, OmegaBlackMage, OmegaWhiteMage, and SolidJake: I thank all of you because you are the ones that have hosted all the major tournaments i've been to and made smashing for me all the more worthwhile. Thankyou for not only hosting but just taking the time in general to talk with me even though you had one helluva tournament to run, but I'd like to mention 2 hosts in particular:[/b]
Holy crap someone grouped me with the Kishes. :dies of happiness:

Anyway, is was nice meeting you XIF. Glad you liked my beard so much. :)


Smash Hero
Feb 9, 2006
Rockland County,NY
Hey you are the man, main reason I have Peach as a counter pick. Good stuff talking to ya about Cash lol. Also ROFL at Logikz shout out.


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
Thanks for the mention XIF, I'll attempt to practice vs peach some more, before pound 3, we shall MM there and friendly a ton for sure, I'll work on my combos too so you do'nt float out and beast me. :(

Your too good. xD

Col Bol

Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2006
Casselberry, FL
Good stuff, Alex.

<3 Alex, I should do something like this at some point...I've been in the community for soooo long...but I'm too lazy...posts like these make me realize how much this community means to me as well and much how I've grown to love it!!!

Thanks for making this post Alex, I <3 you!!!

^Pretty much the same way I feel

Lex: Best 14 year old ever.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Wtf hiroshi almost as 3K posts?

Alex, I make the general observation of how much we are cheated because many of us do not get to hang out with the others on a regular basis. Sometimes I think we're all cheating ourselves of company and comeradery when we stay at the tourney the whole time and play the game. Thinking back to any given tournament, the highlight of them has always been at the late night restaraunt or the lunch in between singles and doubles. Unfortunately, many people do not go to these, or the conversation at the restaraunts is centered on smash because it's the easy topic. I wish more people would wait to eat with Darrel and I every time at Gigabits.

That lunch we all had at the recent one with SFL was so much fun. CFL seems to be missing out on that part--we all just go with our respective crews to our typical eating place. Having Nouc Green Chops and Xif (and friend) unexpectedly at my house for a week a summer ago was such an incredible experience, because we got to do more than just smash. We goofed off and busted soda cans open, but those silly actions are unforgettable.

That said, the opportunity for these friendships would not even be there if it wasn't for this game. It is totally wild to me that so many friendly and genuinely good people would like a single video game. Because of the incredibly high ratio of good people at smash tournaments, if one assumes it is a good average sampling of the human race, it certainly establishes some faith for me in our world. It is either this or those attracted to this loserish activity must be of similar kindness-trying to explain why this would happen is something I am at a loss for.

Of course we miss out on sincere friendships. Most of us only know each other through the video game. We are there to play and to compete, at least at first or in theory. (However, some of us go to have fun and see our friends.) Of course our conversations are typically about smash. It is something we all share in common, why would we deviate to another topic?

I would recommend a concious effort to try to actually get to know the people you see every month or so. This requires effort on both smasher's parts. It requires a deliberate abandoning of smash topics in conversation, a purposeful meeting of the two in places outside of the tourney venue.

Goodness knows I'm thankful for everything this community has given me. To think I have friends across the entire US at this point, a network which would at the drop of a hat provide me housing and a sense of direction and home if I got lost or stuck in somewhere I'd never been before. Several of my closest friends now I met through the tourney scene. I'm closer with at least one of them than I've ever been with anyone else. I wish that experience of the tournament scene to anyone and everyone who enters it. Obviously, not everyone's will be the same, because we are different people. However, you don't know what you can have until you start to make an effort toward it.

To think that a guys who all I share in common with is the like of a video game could mean so much to me...

Thanks guys.


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
well, me, uuaa, and vericz are like real friends. we dont know each other just by smash. i mean, vericz and uuaa literally live RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM EACH OTHER!!!! we chill, we go places (late night denny's), chill with others (we just chilled at the Florida Mall). its fun. cuz you build a much stronger relationship, and then when you do get to play smash together, its even more fun.. i think i mgiht do this for my 3000th post which is coming up fast...peace

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