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how swagged up is this game right now?

  • swag a thousand trillion!!

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • swag on a zillion!!

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • incalculable amounts of swag

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • enter the hardbody more like enter the swag

    Votes: 6 25.0%

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • wow! strapped with the swag!

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Tired of Nabe pointing the finger and thinking he's above responding to accusations made toward his slot. Also have a strong dislike regarding his general persona this game (which includes him not explaining himself whatsoever.)

Leaning more towards Nabe for defacto than Circus right now.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
You told me we were scrambling for a lynch, so if you are opposed to the Circus route, then give me context. I asked people to tell me what was going on, and all people told me was.
These things are clarified a couple of pages back if you took the effort to read. What I don't like is that you ignore this fact and put your vote on the most likely lynch without any substance behind it. I don't care if you replaced or not, it's bad regardless.

If we are scrambling for a lynch, why is everyone going all over the place? We need to organize fast and get something done.
The circus wagon is about as organized as the J wagon in RVS.

If inactives are the problem, lynch the inactives.
Circus isn't really inactive? He made one post last night.

If we got gold on something scummy, lynch them.
There isn't any gold to be found. I'm not sure what you're trying to imply.

But you need to make sure this is possible and is agreeable, which based on how people are refusing to move their votes, seems pretty likely.
That's not true at all, though? I see people changing their votes actually, yet some are being stubborn for no reason. These people are the ones that are gonna cause us the headache. Would you lynch Rockin based on whatever you have read?

So Soup who is an inactive no one gives a crap about?
Your slot was talked about. Rockin is talked about. Bardull was talked about. Kuz won't get lynched today.

Otherwise the only alternative is Circus or someone with enough votes.
Why the defeatist attitude? Do you really agree with this lynch? what is your read on Circus?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Tired of Nabe pointing the finger and thinking he's above responding to accusations made toward his slot. Also have a strong dislike regarding his general persona this game (which includes him not explaining himself whatsoever.)

Leaning more towards Nabe for defacto than Circus right now.
Dear Bard,

you are really dumb.​


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
8 users viewing? Sounds like enough to make a lynch happen.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Goddamnit, people. Someone please tell me why Rockin isn't a good lynch today. Anyone.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I really don't want to lynch Nabe either. I don't have a solid reason to.




Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Come on man don't be so hard on yourself! You can do it!

Join me. Do you know what time it is? :cool:

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Soup, if we're looking at a de facto lynch and we have to get our hands dirty, then I have to say that Nabe isn't a bad option, and we can at least expect content from Circus whereas Nabe is on a high horse and won't respond to accusations or share his thoughts.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Maybe? If you're thinking of that time you called me out for giving you a free pass for not buddying me in G3S2 Tokyo Drift or whatever that game was, then yeah, I guess I'm pretty much calling Kata out for that. Am I wrong to do so?
Hypocrisy doesn't make a point invalid, but I'd have expected that previous experience to reflect in your attitude here.

You've lost me. How have I appealed to Kata in any way? Specifically mentioned what? "Thread-wide" vs. "narrow-band?" You don't have to answer all of these individual questions; I'm just trying to illustrate how much I utterly do not understand what you're saying here. I assume you probably won't respond to this at all.
What I'm saying is that you called Kat out on giving me a pass for shenanigans, when judging from your other posts it seems like you actively have me as scum, read or lean. And in that situation, I'd expect you to be talking to the townmass (imagine Akira), not just Kat.

I think you understand that random conflicts of personality cause wagons in D1, and certainly close to deadline, but you're sitting here asking for a concrete argument for your lynch as if you didn't already know that one doesn't exist. I can understand a townie perhaps being upset that there's no evidence to cast aside with a thrust of cool logic, but the proper thing to do in this situation would be to get involved some more in the thread and tag someone else for the gallows. Active participation in the thread is the way to turn a D1 lynch around, and the desire to do it is a good indicator of townsmanship, savvy? Scum would be much more likely to say it's unfair they were tagged and just sit on their hands, which is the attitude you're demonstrating.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Kary. Join me.

Soup, you did say you were fine with compromising on Nabe, right?

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
votecount 1.13
kuz (1) - circus
ranmaru (1) - kuz
kataefi (1) - pjb
bardull (1) - kataefi
circus (4) - sworddancer. nabe kary death bear
rockin (2) - hilt soup
nabe (2) - ranmaru bardull
not voting (1) - rockin

voting log
soup -> ruy -> none -> rockin
pjb -> soup -> none -> kataefi
rockin -> sworddancer. -> kary -> none
death bear-> circus -> ranmaru
ranmaru -> ruy -> rockin -> sworddancer. -> kuz -> nabe -> circus -> nabe
circus -> kuz
sworddancer. -> ruy -> none -> ranmaru -> none -> bardull -> circus
nabe -> circus -> bardull -> circus
kuz -> ruy -> soup -> ranmaru
kataefi -> kuz -> sworddancer. -> ranmaru -> bardull
hilt -> bardull -> kataefi -> ruy
kary -> hilt -> rockin -> circus
bardull -> kuz -> ranmaru -> kataefi -> nabe

d1 ends 3/16 11:59:59 pm est


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
How about no, and you try to explain while we post. Today is deadline you know. You should have done this long ago, not when a wagon is starting on you.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
light being shed on the situation. what a strange turn of events.

Nabe, some content from you sounds great.

please be advised my indication that it's #hbc isn't support of a given waggon. i'm reading up and will be right back with you.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
That "speak of the devil" moment.
Hypocrisy doesn't make a point invalid, but I'd have expected that previous experience to reflect in your attitude here.

What I'm saying is that you called Kat out on giving me a pass for shenanigans, when judging from your other posts it seems like you actively have me as scum, read or lean. And in that situation, I'd expect you to be talking to the townmass (imagine Akira), not just Kat.

I think you understand that random conflicts of personality cause wagons in D1, and certainly close to deadline, but you're sitting here asking for a concrete argument for your lynch as if you didn't already know that one doesn't exist. I can understand a townie perhaps being upset that there's no evidence to cast aside with a thrust of cool logic, but the proper thing to do in this situation would be to get involved some more in the thread and tag someone else for the gallows. Active participation in the thread is the way to turn a D1 lynch around, and the desire to do it is a good indicator of townsmanship, savvy? Scum would be much more likely to say it's unfair they were tagged and just sit on their hands, which is the attitude you're demonstrating.
I don't understand why Circus talking to Kat about Nabescum means Circus is scum. From what I can see, Circus hasn't been active enough to push his reads, so why are you reading into this as scummy behavior?

I think it's great that you're giving Circus a peptalk, but you have your own problems that need to be dealt with. I want a list of reads from you and for you to out actual content.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No. Just do what you have to do. I'll ignore any more requests to stop posting, we don't need to slow down now since it's deadline day.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Yeah, I've been rereading slots in isolation now for awhile so to clarify my reads to myself in others before Night (which I, why I've been viewing for so long Ran). Finished reading Circus, halfway through PJB, and more or less did Rockin without really trying to.

Nabe's good wagon, Rockin's a good wagon, Circus upon reread is slightly less a good wagon but is still an okay wagon.


83: Circus's first post since the game started. Even though it's only the first post, I already have a slight dislike for it. The question that he asks towards Rockin is such a nonquestion. There was no real content there. Yes, Rockin's vote was random. It was a RVS vote. Also the line about "weak support for the J wagon" when the wagon itself was joke was eww. *The only reason I can think as to why you asked this question was because you might have thought that Rockin actually wasn't being random.* Otherwise looks like false contributation.


85: null

163: Nullish slight townie post. Can't find anything wrong with it. Just gives some insight into my slot that shows attentivness (or at least what I wanted him to pay attention to :)). Agrees with Soup that J is null (I guess?) and that he finds nothing wrong with Ran. +.25.

258: Null, declaring v/la.

286: That accusation against Kuzi is straight up terrible. Why would any scum actually fake "set up speculation" in an open set up? Did it not occur to Circus that Kuzi was probably joking? What's really all that scummy about Kuzi not responding to just a nontelling question? Kuzi wasn't ignoring others, so why would he make it a point to ignore Circus's question? His accusations against PJB are fair, as our his questions towards Kat, PJB, and what he would have liked PJB/J/BarDull to do that Day.* The last paragraph about Nabe seems forced. -.25

* Check to see if he follows up on this.

287: A fair observation to make about J. +.25.

398: Already went over this post, was not a fan. -.5.

Most recent post: Not really a scummy defense. Not ringing "I'm a scummer who's about to be lynched." Doesn't seem too caring about his own death. Don't want to give him too many townie points for this though, just cus I know that scum are ofter self-counsious of "seeming defensive," so +.25.

Staying on Circus just cus he's more likely to die at this point. If others are okay with Nabe/Rockin though then I'm down. Don't want to play the "Lets lynch this guy cus he's easier to lynch at this point game," so if you're really okay with Nabe Rockin then just let me know and I'll be there.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Unvote Vote: Nabe

Look at #540. It looks like Nabe trying to lightly paint a connection on Swords, yet I think it's possible Swords may be his scum buddy. Thing is, the accusation from Nabe just seems weak
540 is not an accusation of anything. I don't say anywhere in 540 that I think Swords is scum. What I do say is that in the event Bard were to flip scum, Sword is a person who should be looked at, and I give a specific reason for saying so. It's a minor connective statement to be looked at in D2, not a scumread declaration.

The reason you think it "seems weak" is because what you're looking at is not the thing you are labelling it as. If I had said "Swords has a dumb avatar", and you viewed it as an accusation of Swords being scum, it would certainly look weak. The statement looking weak isn't a sign of it being weak, it's a sign that you're viewing it as something it's not.

and it seems light enough that it can be some sort of distraction.
Distracting from what?

I also found it odd Swords didn't really vote Nabe along with me. Need to re-read Swords.
Why is this odd? You voted for Circus right after Swords did, so there must have been some reason for it that you were aware of. You even badgered me to do the same. And after voting for Circus, you then asked Swords why he hadn't voted for me earlier, and he gave you a reason. Do you find the reason odd? Or are you saying you don't understand why you voted for Circus?

Soup too. Soup is a different story though. I am putting him to slight town lean for now, because I am conflicted as to whether his waiting on Kuz and others is legit, or is him playing well as scum.
What does Soup have to do with anything?

I think it would be good to re-read Soup's interaction's with Swords, and look at why he really was going at Swords.
Why does that come to your mind, at all?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Clarification: Nabe's a good wagon because of what Ran said. If Nabe's willing to be a "jokey" type, even as scum, then I can't give him a pass on it. Really just hasn't provided content all Day besides from the very end, which remains unconvincing to me. Not for sure scum but needs to die nevertheless.

Rockin's a good wagon because of what I saw when I reread his posts. Too many (and by "two many" I mean like three, which is still bad considering his activity) of his posts ring along the lines of "We need to be active guys!" or "We need to lynch scummy people instead of inactive guys!" Normally would advocate a Rockin lynch over a Nabe lynch with this information, but as I said before, I'm not putting my full faith in these accusations because I'm aware that scum usually would try to go out of their way to NOT make posts that are so obviously scummy. However where at crunch time now and I don't want to overthink it. He's more or less another inactive who's done some scummy things and needs to go.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
How about no, and you try to explain while we post. Today is deadline you know. You should have done this long ago, not when a wagon is starting on you.
I'm not talking about the "missing content" that I'm apparently hiding. I'm talking about correcting people who are writing illogical posts. You didn't start posting idiocy until just now.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ugh, I don't want to feel like ****ing Ranmaru but cmon sword

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012

Why are you scum this game.

How do you plan to pick up the pieces of your faction.

Also, it's not Nabe's job to create reasoning for you; As a perspective town-ite, you should be solidifying your read on Nabe and using this time to lay out why Nabe now for you. I dislike you trying to pass it off on nabe.

I also have found your early content to be extremely lack-luster and wishy washy, something i wouldn't expect to see from you as town

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Tired of Nabe pointing the finger and thinking he's above responding to accusations made toward his slot. Also have a strong dislike regarding his general persona this game (which includes him not explaining himself whatsoever.)

Leaning more towards Nabe for defacto than Circus right now.
Hey! Now that I've responded to Ran's not-a-valid-post:
  • Is what I've said to Ran valid?
  • Does it matter if it is, at all, or were you only raging because of the principle of the thing? Be honest.
  • What other accusations have I dodged that make you FURIOTIGRE?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Ugh, I don't want to feel like ****ing Ranmaru but cmon sword
You want to join . . . . . . what wagon now? Rockin? Any reason to believe others will join it?

@Ran & BarDull: You guys willing to go Rockin? Or are you convinced in Nabe?

Soup, would you go Nabe?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
540 is not an accusation of anything. I don't say anywhere in 540 that I think Swords is scum. What I do say is that in the event Bard were to flip scum, Sword is a person who should be looked at, and I give a specific reason for saying so. It's a minor connective statement to be looked at in D2, not a scumread declaration.

The reason you think it "seems weak" is because what you're looking at is not the thing you are labelling it as. If I had said "Swords has a dumb avatar", and you viewed it as an accusation of Swords being scum, it would certainly look weak. The statement looking weak isn't a sign of it being weak, it's a sign that you're viewing it as something it's not.
I think Bardull explained it well. You come in, and don't really elaborate much on your suspects. You know, Circus and Hilt. You just post little jabs like #540. It just didn't seem like a genuine observation, but more like an opportunity for you to fake content. It also seemed like you were doing little, trivial things like this because you had to, since you were inactive. You know, little quips like my playing differently, which you don't really explain if it was of suspicion to you or not... I don't really see the reason in going through that if you didn't really suspect me.

Distracting from what?
From you not really doing much, when it comes to explaining your stances.

Why is this odd? You voted for Circus right after Swords did, so there must have been some reason for it that you were aware of. You even badgered me to do the same. And after voting for Circus, you then asked Swords why he hadn't voted for me earlier, and he gave you a reason. Do you find the reason odd? Or are you saying you don't understand why you voted for Circus?
I voted Circus because I wanted a bigger Wagon and was content with voting Circus at the time, but I still thought it was odd he voted Circus when I had voted Nabe already, and I changed my mind about just staying on Circus, and instead pushing towards you since we got an extra day. (Which is why I asked him why he voted Circus instead of you)

What does Soup have to do with anything?
This is me giving my most recent thoughts as well.

Why does that come to your mind, at all?
Because it sort of ties in to Soup's 'waiting' period. I feel it would be good to re-read to solidify a read on Soup.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm convinced on Nabe. I am open to seeing what Soup has to say about Rockin if he really wants Rockin gone, though.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
Soup, I feel like earlier in the game you kind of vieled yourself behind Kuz, while simultaneously town-reading him; Something i thought was you trying to appease him.

Can someone sum up nabe for me ?

I'm no tgoing to lie; While I am technically caught up content wise i'm currently doing an entire read through, and am on Page 7.

Nwo would be the time to point things out you noticed durng this or later pages; As i'm liable to pull a Rajam wht with the deadline looming.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
itchy trigger finger

Nabe would have been playing much more careful by now, and it's almost like he's asking to be looked at.
He is asking to be looked at, as either alignment, and you should not give him a pass on this. What he is doing is taking a backseat, allowing him to coast through the day without having to do anything meaningful. Maybe he's just a lazy ****** but that it is so obvious that he is doing it is a null tell for someone like Nabe

Nabe, do you have anything else to mention? I keep expecting you to actually engage with this game and it never seems to happen. Tell me you're just coasting because you can.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
That's what I would expect scumNabe to do. He would act like a jester to confuse people and make them say "ScumNabe would NOT do that!" It's also something I would expect Nabe to do upon coming back from inactivity. He avoided a lynch in Super Heroes Mafia as Mafia because of acting this way. I will demonstrate in the next post. Can you give me examples of Nabe being careful as scum, or just why you would think he would act that way?
These are all the things I literally wouldn't do. :S In the posts you've pointed out from Super Heroes, I hadn't recently come back from inactivity -- it was the final day of the game, and with Ryu only posting through QT to Zen, it was a matter of me talking to Zen and hoping I said the right things, compared to the other invisible argument I couldn't see. The best way of dealing with the situation was by projecting an innocent air, and indeed some of the quotes of "?????" you pointed out express my actual feelings about the things Zen was saying, albeit a little cartoonized. This argument has nothing to do with this game.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Death Bear:

Nabe has been inactive early game, and later on comes back and doesn't really do much. He just asks trivial questions, and gives statements that don't really say much. Example, he mentions that I'm being UnRanly, yet he never says if it's suspicious to him, and he never gets back to me and then votes Bardull because a wagon is starting to build on him. (He mentioned he needed to have 'words' with Bardull but never did, he just proceeded to voting him) He is doing all this to avoid being an inactive target. I feel this is scum trying to fake contribute to not be an option. He hasn't even really explained his Circus and Hilt scum reads.
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