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how swagged up is this game right now?

  • swag a thousand trillion!!

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • swag on a zillion!!

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • incalculable amounts of swag

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • enter the hardbody more like enter the swag

    Votes: 6 25.0%

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • wow! strapped with the swag!

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Also absolutely no offence, but how can you be most suspicious of me when the criteria you were looking for in your scumhunt was someone that plays extremely safe (which at the time, MANY other players were safer...), relatively inactive (a la the Bardull vote, which fits the bill for MANY other players more inactive than me...), and people that chimed in on topics... which again isn't exclusive to me lol... considering Swords brought you to light on some of the good things in my posts...?? This isn't so much a question as it is just a confusion as to why I'm exclusively your most suspicious pick...

I'll answer your bigger post tonight!

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Originally Bardull showed up a the end of RVS when things were starting to get more serious and dropped his Napoleon Dynomite vote that he's so famous for. It gave me kind of a "wait, really?" reaction. He left it at that and disappeared. Thinking he might start sitting in the back, I dropped a vote on him as pressure. As I've already said, don't feel that my vote on him influenced his posts. It didn't seem that way at least. His posts on page 5, starting with 173, are all solid and feel anything but artificial.

I'm usually one to give the benefit of the doubt, even if it bites me in the ass more than I should allow. I want to see what comes from him during the remainder of the day and tomorrow. What his current stance on Ran is, as well as who else he my have an opinion on, will be much more beneficial to us than killing him off D1.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
er i'm sorry but can you go into specifics? can you explain what makes #173 not artificial? I can't remember what it is...

why do you value his content as being more beneficial to us over other inactives?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Speaking of benefit of the doubt... my J opinion. I'm torn between seeing if he's actually going to give content today onward or not, and calling bull**** on the fact that it was a four day, spontaneous V/LA, with another day added on afterwards. If it had been two days and he showed up with a "sorry guys, forgot", then sure. Fine. But considering his last post before this was on Wednesday, he shows on Sunday to say he'd post the next day and just doesn't... no, gonna fight the urge. I'm okay with a J lynch. His posts beforehand were light. I agree(d) with his comments on Soup/Swords but his stances were portrayed too weakly. This on top of the bulk reason of his complete disappearances and the fact that I don't believe we'll get a lot out of him tomorrow, he can go.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
omg hilt... plz slap yourself silly with a wet fish or something

you criticised my nabe read asking if i seriously thought a scummy inactive would plan their v/la? Now go you on to doubt J's v/la?

This post is more in my defence against whatever it is your accusations are against me... /soconfused

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
173 onward, Kat. His posts. There was consistency in the way he defended the points against him. If you want specific posts, 187 and 189 stuck out the most to me. The way he conversed with Soup felt nothing if not real. As I said, I feel like he was justified in his defense against Ran, but I also feel that he could have justifiably reacted harsher against him without getting much backlash. But the fact that he didn't, was reasonable, and didn't let too much bias seep in won me over. Read the posts. You say you forgot what "it was" but you're voting for him? What exactly are you even voting him for? Solely inactivity, huh?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Yes and this:

It's more to do with why he joined ur wagon - he stated he found what you said contrived... but not scummy... then suddenly goes on to talk about what you did a lot and then force himself to place a vote on you... despite supposedly not finding what you did scummy? Seems strange...

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Kat, I called you out on mentioning that Nabe would or wouldn't plan his inactivity. As in deciding what he would and wouldn't do based on if he was going to be inactive in the near future. What the hell does that have to do with J disappearing for four days, showing up to say "sorry guys, back tomorrow" and then not living up to the statement? You said that you were okay with Nabe because of he said he preferred to be asked questions and then disappeared. That he wouldn't have said that if he was scum because he would have no idea what reactions he would get. I'd call you out on how... ridiculous of a statement that was, but I've already done so and am waiting for you to respond to it. These two points you're attempting to tie together are far and away from similar and I dare you to prove me otherwise. Show me how they have similarities.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I giggled.

Now, I like Soup's stance on Kuz. I'm willing to follow him on that. The reason being is, I have realized Kuz piggy backing more than he himself doing work. He also was fine with letting others do the work for him when it came to his stance on me. I'm still waiting for him to actually explain in his own words why he agreed with each post, and what he garnered from my most recent posts (around that time).

I also don't like how J is comfortable with Kuz doing this with him (when J asks for an answer to a question, and Kuz simply votes along with J [the Soup wagon]). I was also waiting on J to give thoughts on Kuz, but he's awol as well. I would like for J to be looked at later on. Yet, I'm fine with having J as a compromise lynch if need be.

Same with Nabe, for reasons already stated.

Unvote Vote: Kuz

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
votecount 1.08
kuz (2) - circus ranmaru
circus (1) - nabe
rockin (1) - kary
ranmaru (3) - j bardull kuz
kary (1) - rockin
kataefi (1) - hilt
sworddancer. (1) - ranmaru
soup (1) - pjb
bardull (1) - kataefi
not voting (2) - soup sworddancer.

voting log
soup -> j -> none
pjb -> soup
rockin -> sworddancer. -> kary
j -> circus -> ranmaru
ranmaru -> j -> rockin -> sworddancer. -> kuz
circus -> kuz
sworddancer. -> j -> none -> ranmaru -> none
nabe -> circus
kuz -> j -> soup -> ranmaru
kataefi -> kuz -> sworddancer. -> ranmaru -> bardull
hilt -> bardull -> kataefi
kary -> hilt -> rockin
bardull -> kuz -> ranmaru

d1 ends 3/15 11:59:59 pm est


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I propose we lynch inactives if the inactivity doesn't pick up by deadline, which is in 4 days. Swords, what is your opinion on that?

I look forward to your explanation. I'll be heading to bed soon.

Why lynch inactives when we could lynch scummy people?

We won't learn anything from an inactive person next day and it'd be Day 1.5 with possibly nothing new to talk about.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
If there are barely any leads, than that would mean it is possible scum isn't doing anything. This town is being plagued with inactivity, and I feel with this playerlist, we should lynch an inactive to deal with this.

Of course, I wouldn't ignore someone that is scummy for an inactive. See my vote on Kuz, it doesn't really have to do with his inactivity. Yet, you tell me how we deal with inactivity if we don't lynch 'em?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
If there are barely any leads, than that would mean it is possible scum isn't doing anything. This town is being plagued with inactivity, and I feel with this playerlist, we should lynch an inactive to deal with this.

Of course, I wouldn't ignore someone that is scummy for an inactive. See my vote on Kuz, it doesn't really have to do with his inactivity. Yet, you tell me how we deal with inactivity if we don't lynch 'em?
Simple: We use it as a last resort.

getting rid of an inactive person D1 is possibly the best time to do it (so as D2, to a degree). That shouldn't be our main focus though.

As much as I REALLY don't want to go through this route, we may have little to no choice. Too many people in the game are either

fence sitting

The combination of all these things has, in the later run, really hurt discussion as a whole. I will take blame in distrupting things for Kary, but that's cause I misread something (so glad my internet is turned on now...x.x). Later on tonight, I'm gonna try and see if I can do a massive re-read and see what direction town should take. I really don't want to move to D2 with another lack of discussion.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I giggled.

Now, I like Soup's stance on Kuz. I'm willing to follow him on that. The reason being is, I have realized Kuz piggy backing more than he himself doing work. He also was fine with letting others do the work for him when it came to his stance on me. I'm still waiting for him to actually explain in his own words why he agreed with each post, and what he garnered from my most recent posts (around that time).

I also don't like how J is comfortable with Kuz doing this with him (when J asks for an answer to a question, and Kuz simply votes along with J [the Soup wagon]). I was also waiting on J to give thoughts on Kuz, but he's awol as well. I would like for J to be looked at later on. Yet, I'm fine with having J as a compromise lynch if need be.

Same with Nabe, for reasons already stated.

Unvote Vote: Kuz
Soup: what's rocking my gut in this post?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup: what's rocking my gut in this post?
Ranmaru's sudden willingness to go against his previous read and follow me despite me not even voting Kuz. Just another Ranmaru tell?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
That's one thing, although there's some question of whether it counts as following you when he's the one taking voting initiative.
I was talking about vibe though. It feels unRanly. As if his focus was pointed in a different direction than usual.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
That's one thing, although there's some question of whether it counts as following you when he's the one taking voting initiative.
I was talking about vibe though. It feels unRanly. As if his focus was pointed in a different direction than usual.
Nabe, consider that he said he 'would' look into voting Kuz, possibly. Let me restate: I would be willing to follow Soup if he went in that direction. I agree with his stance, and added my own reasoning as to why I would want Kuz gone today. Now can you clarify the underlined?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Usually at this point, you're barking up trees with questions for a bunch of people, rather than committed to pursuing one person. You seem more reserved, a little pensive, and more together, as if more thought is going into your posts, and in different areas than where you usually allot thought and focus.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Given how quick things can go wrong, it's a crying shame how long it takes getting things to go right

Kataefi: Hello. What is your read on Kuz?
Nabe, please tell me you're going to post something more than 2 lines long before the Day ends? What is your read on Soup?

PJB, where the **** are you? What do you think of Kata's recent exchange with Hilt?

J, where the **** are you? Please come in here and act all wild and emotional.

Rockin, please tell me your massive re-read isn't all vapour. What reads are you taking away from toDay?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
lights another cigarette

I swear I have never seen so few waggons in a town.

I like Swords, Hilt and Ranmaru. I will lynch literally anyone outside of those three and myself. Right now I'm happy voting Rockin, and you should be too; but it's time to get pushing or go home. Move, people.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
So I knew when I logged in that I would have a prod from Marshy waiting for me, and I do sincerely apologize for continually letting this game get away from me.

What I was not expecting was that I would read up on what I have missed over the last couple days, and find that neither of the people I really wanted to see posts from have made any significant posts. Kuz and J need to get in here.

I quite like Nabe :grin: But this is based entirely on a whim. He said something along the lines of "If you want my attention, please ask me questions" and I liked this, mainly because it's self-centred. I can't imagine an inactive scummy saying these types of phrases and then disappearing, because how can he predict what kind of attention he'll get? It could be bad attention for all we know... This will develop the more he posts!
I'm just going to say that Nabe is probably the last player on this list for whom you should be making allowances like this. Standard "scum wouldn't do this" logic doesn't apply to Nabe. You have to tailor your observations specifically to him. Have you not played with Nabe before? Seeing you give him this kind of leeway for literally no reason ("...this is based entirely on a whim.") is probably the most unsettling thing I've seen from you so far.

I like kuz only because I like the plan. I haven't found a hole in it. I'm not very good at finding holes in plans, but everyone seems happy and I can't imagine (yet) that he is setting this up for the benefit of his scumteam, because it benefits this team very little if you consider the odds. Why would scum be the first faction to bring this up?
For the town points? Obviously? Scum only need one member to stay alive in order to win. If Kuz can make himself that player just by being the first person to start talking about Night action plans (which requires no real scum hunting, the hardest thing for a scummy to fake), then why wouldn't he? Dig a little deeper.

I didn't. Here goes.

I'm not fond of Rockin's 184. It's not that damning, which is why I didn't feel that it was worth isolating before, but it has a certain air of trying to keep up to date on all things that could be a little off. Rockin tried to make sure he touched on all the then-current events in that post, including ones he openly didn't care for, which is just content for the sake of content. Probably the ony element that I actively dislike is that he seems to be of two minds on the J wagon (first expressing weak support of it, then saying he never understood why it formed). This supports the idea that J and Rockin could be aligned that budded in my head very early on, but confirmation bias being what it is, I'm trying not to let that one idea rule me. Regardless, J's the person of interest to me at this stage in the Day, and if there's any real connection to Rockin there, I suspect that will reveal itself more in the days to come.

I'm here. For the most part. I find myself twiddling my thumbs if anything. I'm getting kinda impatient though with Kuz.
Whatever you have to say, you should say it. We're in the eleventh hour here, and you waiting for Kuz to pop up right before deadline to make your point is just going to drain it of relevance. Kuz's suddent disappearance is slightly suspect and definitely unhelpful, but you look like you're actively stalling. I had some goodwill built up for you at the beginning of the Day, but that's all pretty much gone now. Go back to looking like you care about finding scum, please. This "ooh, I have this content but if only someone else would post first...!" thing isn't doing anyone any good.

Now, I like Soup's stance on Kuz. I'm willing to follow him on that. The reason being is, I have realized Kuz piggy backing more than he himself doing work. He also was fine with letting others do the work for him when it came to his stance on me. I'm still waiting for him to actually explain in his own words why he agreed with each post, and what he garnered from my most recent posts (around that time).
Your reasoning for hopping on the Kuz train (of which I think I am actually the only other passenger right now) is pretty sound, but it's awfully curious that you attribute the hop to Soup's stance, which I don't think Soup has even really given yet. Maybe I missed it, but I haven't actually seen Soup express any specific dislike toward Kuz. There seems to be something that he wants to get off his chest pertaining to the slot, but we don't know what it is yet. Unless you do?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Your reasoning for hopping on the Kuz train (of which I think I am actually the only other passenger right now) is pretty sound, but it's awfully curious that you attribute the hop to Soup's stance, which I don't think Soup has even really given yet. Maybe I missed it, but I haven't actually seen Soup express any specific dislike toward Kuz. There seems to be something that he wants to get off his chest pertaining to the slot, but we don't know what it is yet. Unless you do?
You don't think about what I said about Kuz in my response to Kat was enough?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Man, that re-read from me needs to be post poned.I need to do a reread on a game that's in real dire need of it. Don't worry, once I do that, I'll do one here today and post about it. all I ask is time.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Circus: Didn't I call you out once on behaving in the same way towards me that you're calling Kat on? I might be mistaken.
Are you appealing to Kata because he specifically mentioned it? I ask because if you feel so strongly, I'd expect you to take it thread-wide rather than narrow-band.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
the low hum of constant chatter on the corner

I hate all your townpicks.
you hate swords, ran and hilt? what do you dislike about them?

or do you just disagree with my picking them?

Rockin is never scum. I know it's tempting to think otherwise, but it's one of the central tenets of mafia.
Rockin was scum in phoenix wright mafia... could you please elaborate on what makes Rockin town?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Usually at this point, you're barking up trees with questions for a bunch of people, rather than committed to pursuing one person. You seem more reserved, a little pensive, and more together, as if more thought is going into your posts, and in different areas than where you usually allot thought and focus.
Reserved? I don't think I am, but maybe you mean I'm not posting a bunch as I have used to? That I can confirm, I haven't been posting a bunch ever since LoLupick. I think what you are noticing of me is my improvement as a player. Now about talking about areas I think about in terms of mafia, I think I just have been trying to focus on the important parts of mafia, and not be distracted by little things. And consider that I now work alongside having classes, so I have less time to pop in as I have always used to.

Now, how is this all affecting your read on my alignment? Also, if you could quote an example of what you are talking about, it would be helpful so I can explain how I'm doing things.

Your reasoning for hopping on the Kuz train (of which I think I am actually the only other passenger right now) is pretty sound, but it's awfully curious that you attribute the hop to Soup's stance, which I don't think Soup has even really given yet. Maybe I missed it, but I haven't actually seen Soup express any specific dislike toward Kuz. There seems to be something that he wants to get off his chest pertaining to the slot, but we don't know what it is yet. Unless you do?
Soup has given a paragraph of his feelings on Kuz. I agreed, and added my own thoughts. Simple as that.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yo can we get a wagon rolling? We got two days!



*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
ello :chuckle:

join me and kill off Bardull

or PJB!

or even SOUP!

one of them! GOGOGOGO!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
either im having a really ****ty day or kat's last post really pisses me off i even ****ing asked you something kat answer


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I'm getting to stuff now 'ang on! There's lots to respond to!

Are you pissed because your name was mentioned? :grin: Would you join me in killing off one of Bardull/PJB?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
i was more so angry on the general name-calls without a reason for them, and yes i was a bit shocked that you considered me too

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