I guess that's an opinion some people have.. but I can't say I've overwhelmingly run across people that are like that. Maybe that environment is just oddly unfavorable to XCX. XCX is still well loved all over the place and plenty of people still want to see it on Switch.
I think for many xeno fans that are like "fans of all the games", like myself... the XC1 remake deadens the blow of having to wait on more XCX or an XCX sequel cuz "at least it's more xenoblade, right?". But for the pure XCX fans, or least those that are just ready for more XCX-like stuff first.. it takes the sense of urgency out of the larger fanbase, and it's disconcerting to them. To see many other people more content. And they're left thinking, "does this mean I have to wait for XC1 to finish and come out before they even start on an XCX port/sequel!?". And for those folks, as some of us here are.. yeah, that's a bummer. But just because it's a potentially longer wait than we'd hoped doesn't necessarily mean it's not happening, or that the demand has been forgotten. It's just painful to have to keep waiting.. i know. Perhaps some of the "hate" is just mean people targeting frustrated XCX fans. Maybe they don't care one way or the other.
Honestly, those that don't like XCX are a rare sight in my experience. There seems to be a lot more people proportionately that don't like XC2, or maybe just the idea of it.. which is always a little sad for me cuz I love them all and I want everyone to love them all. I'd even say I see more people that dislike XC1 than I've seen dislike XCX. Many of these people may not be fans at all of the series as a whole tho. XCX tho, I'd say there's far more that are simply ignorant about it or have no opinion, rather than actually dislike it. Maybe they're more recent fans or just skipped XCX.. or are simply unaware of the game altogether. I can't say XCX generated much controversy or memes in it's time, comparatively either. Not sure if it's better to have a slice of infamy or to have none at all, for exposure purposes. XCX could use more exposure perhaps but I don't want to see it get hate either. That said, it just doesn't quite seem to have as much stuff in it to be mad about I guess? Course, people will always find a reason to complain about stuff so I shouldn't assume, heh. Worst I've seen is just people not liking the art style (which is totally subjective and easy to get used to imo) or complaining about some meme thing like the boob slider being pulled from localization.
In any case, XCX did actually great on Wii U and if Shin Megami Tensi can get a port with extra features I think we can at least expect that from XCX eventually.. tho I'd be okay waiting longer if it meant more extra content and a truer remake. Port feels like a safer guess tho. Worst case scenario it gets forgotten entirely of course, but that also seems unlikely to me. Monolith is monstrous enough now they could be working on that port right now as they do XC1 remake too. The resources required for at least a port aren't that insurmountable for a company now as big as Monolith is. And then there's always that odd chance that they outsource the project. Nintendo could have a different company "fitting" XCX for the switch.. tho I doubt Monolith wouldn't be at least a little involved.