Alright then, here is my obligatory last day post. Unfortunately, I can't really share the feelings of light disappointment and some disappointment that others here seem to be having - for me personally, the past three years just left me really bitter and pessimistic. Elma and X should've been absolute shoo-ins for games to be represented in Ultimate's base roster already (or 4's DLC even, let's be honest), and yet what we got was. . . just about
nothing. Xenoblade 2 got multiple music tracks, Mii costumes, and highlighted Spirits even in the base game, as well as an apology from Sakurai for a playable character not making it, and then it later got a character -
two characters anyway. X meanwhile just went almost entirely ignored for about three and a half years, and I sadly won't be able to ever look at Ultimate without being reminded of that, and it hampering my enjoyment of it. I know that I really shouldn't the lack of representation that one game got drag down my view of what otherwise is an absolute accomplishment and celebration of gaming, sure. But this was the
one character I wanted to see make it in, one game that I wanted to see get the validation it needed. . . and it got absolutely
nothing, while we're still waiting for the bloody Switch port of X three and a half years later. To say that it stings would be putting it very mildly. But at the very, very least there were enough characters on this second pass for me to at least buy half of it (Min Min, Sephiroth, Sora) individually, which is at least something.
Unfortunately, I can't really look into the future with much in the way of optimism, either. All the rumors, and even some behind the scenes things point towards Monolith Soft's next game being Xenoblade 3, while what little we hear about the prospect of an X port from these rumors is "Monolith Soft wanted to do it, Nintendo said no". Of course, obviously we should take any and all rumors with a grain of salt, and I've said so myself in the past. But these are literally everything we really got in all this time. For Smash specifically, the only hope I have for Elma to make it into the next game is if she is not only among the characters that are supposed to return for 3, but is an outright protagonist for that game. And, uh. . . sorry, but I don't see that happening, even if she took centre(-ish) stage for some of Monolith Soft's "series celebration" artworks. Honestly, this is not the first time that I have been annoyed with Nintendo's seeming tendency to only add new, big first-party characters to Smash, or decade-old requests.
To not end this all on too negative of a note though, there is at the very least one silver lining for me personally: All these disappointments provided me with enough spite to finally get started on my idea for a video essay series on my views on what makes the individual Xenoblade games great. I know that in the past, nobody exactly was interested when I brought this up here, (not like I can blame anyone, either, tbh) but if somehow somebody gets interested in this after all, hit me up - I could always use people taking a glance at the script and telling me if my takes are any good. And if there's still no interest, then that's fine, too. But if, in about half a year at least, you come across a video titled something like "The Xenoblade Series is Awesome, and here's why". . . that'll probably be it then. To be honest, I doubt that even if I do finally finish this and put it out there, that I'll be able to reach terribly many people. But if me rambling for several hours about X is enough to get at least a handful of people to re-evaluate it and recognize its merits. . . then that's honestly good enough.
And now, ending music.