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Elements and Attributes Mafia - Game Over!

Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
Cause opportunistic "I'll lynch him if necessary" non-committal agreement with a wagon on somebody he's calling scum, calls 2 other people who scummates who are coincidentally generally very easy lynches but doesn't actually vote for or make any attempt to wagon either of them.

Basically shedding all responsibility for anything and floating lynchtargets so see what will take off. Grimey as ****.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Cause opportunistic "I'll lynch him if necessary" non-committal agreement with a wagon on somebody he's calling scum, calls 2 other people who scummates who are coincidentally generally very easy lynches but doesn't actually vote for or make any attempt to wagon either of them.

Basically shedding all responsibility for anything and floating lynchtargets so see what will take off. Grimey as ****.
Good reasoning, actually.

We are still lynching PJB, but Hando is definitely someone I'm looking at on a townflip. I don't think there will be a townflip, but I've got a direction if there is.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Cause opportunistic "I'll lynch him if necessary" non-committal agreement with a wagon on somebody he's calling scum, calls 2 other people who scummates who are coincidentally generally very easy lynches but doesn't actually vote for or make any attempt to wagon either of them.

Basically shedding all responsibility for anything and floating lynchtargets so see what will take off. Grimey as ****.

I have a better way, and I don't need you to do it. That's right, I can get results, especially more so in the long run, without townies running around with their heads cut off. Those guys? Easy lynches, come on, how many times has someone really been suspicious of them or really been on the chopping block. Also, I still thought before PJB was a better lynch, and you can't have a one man wagon.

vote: PJB

Did I make that post look super scummy? You betcha.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
And you can look at me no matter what or when in any game. You won't get any town tells ever. You need to look at things from my view, and everything is quite logical from there, but first you need to get in my head. Can you?

Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
PJB flip is irrelevant to hando being grimy, he's not committing to the PJB wagon unless "necessary" which could easily be an attempt to let it lose steam and fall apart given that it's l-3 right now. By the same token, no lynch is a free nkill for scum so if he can get away with letting the wagon fall apart it's awesome for scum.

Point is, why kill PJB when we can kill hando?

Foxy the Silver Fox

May 7, 2013
Hando #127

Quoting for truth.
Don't like this,

I actually thought the same thing but totally forgot about that since I was at work. I'll throw on a vote when I can get on a real computer.

nor this. Hando was softly defending PJB and just quotes SC 'agreeing' with his statement and saying he forgot to mention disliking what AM bolded from PJB because of work. I just see it as an excuse for him to mention he thought of it too and just hops on. We basically can't pin if he really was genuine about this or faking it, but this is something to keep note on regardless.
This is a post from Gheb, and it contains a post from S&C. The post from S&C is directed at another player, not me. If you think this post has anything to do with the "teeth" my wagon has, you are sadly mistaken.

Your vote on me reads as the most opportunistic by far. It's clear that you just threw your vote on a building wagon, and cited 2 power players as justification.

Vote: Aggressive Mediation
This is interesting, only because PJB picks the most beneficial for him to attack, not looking at those that really show mal-intent. (Such as Swords/JTB)

#150 (swords post)

I am getting the feel Swords is more pulling information on targets for him to paint as scum, rather than accuse people of things he finds suspicious. For example, his question to me, I answer. Yet he never replies. I don't see the reason for him to ask me this but to fuel his attack against Kantrip. This post alone isn't enough to garner suspicion though. Need more.

tbh I just took Gheb being a **** as Gheb being Gheb. Like, we're just coming off of a game where we were butting heads, and it seems to be continuing in this game. I don't think Gheb likes me, or my playstyle

I guess it does seem like he's fully aware of what my playstyle is, and he's using it as reason to call me scum. Maybe.
This is a bit disgusting coming from PJB. He never really gave an opinion on Gheb before hand and I don't see a genuine reason for him to say this after Swords voting Gheb. It feels a bit wifomy, as if he's trying to implicate Gheb with wishywashyness (or fence-sittyness, whichever is the right term).

If this is the case then why attack Gheb in your 175? What are your feelings about Gheb right now?
See? Swords has already noticed that there was an inconsistency with his attack on Gheb earlier and then having a different reason (hidden agenda) for posting the 'gheb is just being gheb' comment. He then says...

The deal with my #175? I'm just being a smartass to Gheb. Not much more than that.
He says he's just being a smartass, but I feel it's more than that, and he's only trying to handwave it. This is suspicious. I also see some scum interaction from Swords and PJB here, which will have a better foundation upon a PJB scum flip.

Upon reading PJB's #175, it does show him being sarcastic towards Gheb. I don't see an inconsistency, so I will simply back down on the inconsistent point. I won't back down from the point of him stating "Gheb is Gheb" to show wifom, or rather to undermine Sword's push for no reason at all. (Since he posted it right after Sword's post)

#180 (swords post)

I don't see how his points show Gheb being scum. This post also shows he is fine with the PJB wagon, yet is still trying to prove it wrong. Need more.

So, wait, you spend the entire game saying how sheeping is bad and that people shouldn't do it. And yet you disregard two people voting you off of seemingly nothing (Swords Lego*******es even said that they were voting Swiss asked him to), the most blatant sheep in the game, to vote for a guy who agreed with the direction to read a volatile player early? Okay.
I like this post.

#183 (JTB post)
#184 (JTB post)

Not liking that JTB had been voting PJB but hasn't really said much about him, just about me and Gheb. If he really had a problem, why hadn't he voted either of us? I also want to mention that JTB's vote seems to match the purpose of Sword's vote on PJB, to pressure/be on the ride but get off later. (JTB unvotes here) He never really states WHY he was on the wagon, he was just on it, as Swords was. This is just something to note for later.

As I already stated, I think AM's reaction to the wagon was opportunistic. When I asked him why the reasoning for the wagon was so good, he gave me some quotes about Gheb and Scylla responding to Silver Fox about why an early wagon was a good idea, because I'm reactive. He didn't mention anything about me actually being scummy.
This seems to be him just gargling things he had already said without really considering further evidence, such as the quote below:

I think what sealed the deal for me was his vote at me above. It just doesn't fall in line with everything else he's been doing. It's opportunistic at best and just does not seem like he has any sort of good intentions about it. It's just a desperate place to throw a vote because he believes he can throw it there and get something (Gheb, for example, earlier mentioned I should be paid attention to, and BadWolf tried to remind people of it). What he was doing earlier just wasn't striking me right either. That "I am town because I am town" thing just reeked of a self-fulfilling prophecy without actually fulfilling itself, and he's spent more time talking about sheeping and less time finding a better direction. I'm still surprised he hasn't jumped at Swords for that "I'm voting you because Swiss asked you to" thing.

Like, nothing in his place has given me a good feel. I joined the wagon to see how he'd handle the pressure. The answer was poorly, and not in a good way. I'm aware he'd get reactive but his reactions have shown me nothing of value at best and scummy play at worse.
This definetly shows why Joker was being suspicious (after the wagon pile-on). He does state he joined early to pressure, but also states why he stayed on. Yet has Joker commented on this? Has he asked him the questions I have? I'm sure he hasn't, because he didn't care to. He only cared to pick AM as the most obvious target on the wagon.

I need to get my own wagon off my brain and start looking at how people are pursuing others, cuz that's starting to become a thing now. I will say that I'm kind of feeling Fox's points about Kantrip. He definitely seems like he's trying to keep people steered towards me at all costs. I find Kantrip difficult to read, in general, so fox may be onto something here.
Underlined, he is only able to agree with my points on Kantrip, but doesn't really try to look at others. Too easy. (Meaning, that's too easy, he can do better) I think he can't seem genuine with looking at people on his wagon because the ones who actually look bad, are most likely scum. (More later on this tangent)

I don't really think picking an inactive's name out of a hat and lynching them is a good way to go. I'd much rather

Vote: Potassium

Kantrip is there anyone you'd be willing to vote, besides me? You've kind of flip flopped between whether you think I'm scum or not, but your willingness to lynch me has never changed. Why?
Interesting. Underlined doesn't really give much though. It will later. Not really liking him going towards Kantrip though. It just seems he IS picking who he wants to target, instead of actually looking for stuff or explaining what he finds suspicious. He doesn't even have much of a reason to vote Kantrip either.

So wait, Swiss didn't make post 361? I sounded so much like it was coming from his perspective . . .


We shouldn't lynch PJB because he's town. There are aspects of his play that worries me but I think it's overshadowed by just how open and honest he's been this game. If he is scum, then he hasn't been doing himself any favors by posting read lists where the worst he gives anyone is null or saying that the reason he doesn't want to sheep someone is because he doesn't want to be connected to them in case they flip scum. A couple of people (Kantrip and DH) were supposedly reading scum intention into the latter, but I've actually taken the exact opposite out of it. I'm glad that PJB wasn't censoring his input and reading PJB say that "I don't want to be connected to a potential scummy" just seems more honest than scummy to me.
I don't see why Swords is giving him the benefit of the doubt. It's also possible PJB is being as open as he can to avoid being lynched.
My vote is useless on Gheb right now, I need to think things over before I place it on anyone else.
How about JTB? Have you ever actually mentioned him? :confused:

Foxy the Silver Fox

May 7, 2013

PJB scum
JTB scum
Swords scum upon PJB flip


PJB hasn't really been stating things that should come naturally to him. Instead he has targetted AM for his own selfish benefit, instead of mentioning others (swords/JTB) who have also seemed suspicious of getting on. PJB then states he doesn't feel like targetting inactives, so he votes Kantrip because he agreed with some of my points. This doesn't show him finding thing suspicious, but purposely choosing who to target so he can avoid others for some reason (inactives/swords/JTB). I also just find it that he can't find any other people that look bad on his wagon. He also undermine's Sword's push on Gheb for no reason at all, and I think it's only to implicate Gheb, especially with his "I guess it does seem like he's fully aware of what my playstyle is, and he's using it as reason to call me scum. Maybe."

JTB is scum for voting along the PJB wagon, yet commenting on other things besides PJB himself. Then for leaving it without much consideration of the claim. It's just an automatica "YEP, getting off this wagon it's not cool anymore". He also has been giving these weird 'Oh this rings badly to me" with things that seem more like questions rather than accusations. It seems he is weak scum trying to garner attention to his 'attacks' so that in the future people can't say that he isn't doing anything.

I believe Swords may be scum because he is trying really hard to keep the lynch off PJB. Earlier he stated he was fine with the wagon yet was still trying to prove it wrong. Now he was trying to state that he shouldn't be lynched because he was town for being open and honest, which I think he is giving the benefit of the doubt too early without considering the 'concerns' he has with PJB. I don't see his points on Gheb and earlier he was getting on Kantrip for being generic, which I only think he was doing because they were easy to paint in a bad light.

Now Hando I also find concerning. He was defending PJB when it came to the survival mentality, but then later on he quoted SC (I think) and simply agreed, and even stated that he forgot to mention something that AM said, so therefore it was his idea too? (And therefore he would vote PJB afterwards) I don't find Hando a priority, but I do think he should be looked at afterwards if we get a townflip especially.

PJB > JTB > Swords > Hando

I'm going to vote PJB in my next post.

Foxy the Silver Fox

May 7, 2013
Ok it seems PJB is L-1 so I'll wait a bit and I'll hammer when everyone is kool with it. Or tonight anyways cuz deadline is tommorrow.

Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.

I have a better way, and I don't need you to do it. That's right, I can get results, especially more so in the long run, without townies running around with their heads cut off. Those guys? Easy lynches, come on, how many times has someone really been suspicious of them or really been on the chopping block. Also, I still thought before PJB was a better lynch, and you can't have a one man wagon.

vote: PJB

Did I make that post look super scummy? You betcha.

They're easy lynches because of the players involved, not because they've been on the chopping block this game...

It's lack of pressure that disturbs me, you have 2 people you said you preferred, you still thought PJB was scum yet you unvoted without actually applying any pressure to any of the others.

And you can look at me no matter what or when in any game. You won't get any town tells ever. You need to look at things from my view, and everything is quite logical from there, but first you need to get in my head. Can you?

Well you're always scum anyway so not much of a point :cool:

But seriously, I don't mind doing some back research on you but I am looking at this logically and what you did has no advantage to town whatsoever.

Foxy the Silver Fox

May 7, 2013
I lol'd when I saw this. "Swords scum upon PJB flip" I forgot to put:

-Swords scum upon PJB scum flip-

addition in red

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Don't feel this post by Gheb.

Kantrip had every reason to be on the wagon and PJB's reactions to Kantrips posting read as off to me right now.
I disagree.

Gheb's trusting of us is off at this point, we haven't been town-telling in the slightest yet and the confidence to put this out reads of townie to me.

I disagree.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I don't see why people are lynching PJB when people like JTB, Hando and Frozen are around. Even Badwolf is probably a better lynch than PJB, though I liked his last post ... kinda.


Foxy the Silver Fox

May 7, 2013
SC I actually want you to talk to me about your lego vote earlier. Can you explain why you did that (also state which head did that)?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I know but I think there's an equally realistic chance that a JTB lynch can happen. I'll think about it for the next ~1.5 hours and chime in with a decision.


Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
SC I actually want you to talk to me about your lego vote earlier. Can you explain why you did that (also state which head did that)?
It was all me.

I was rereading so I could put why I disliked the slot into words for swiss and I realized that my vague dislike of the slot was unfounded, he's leaning town for me atm.

Hey, I never said I was amazing at scumreading people, my specialty is picking out townreads and finding scum via process of elimination and you saw how easily I picked out players like kantrip and ridic last game.

So don't vote for PJB


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Handorin (SC)
2. BadWolf28738 (Foxy)
3. Aggressive Mediation ()
4. Dark Horse ()
5. Gheb_01 ()
6. JTB (Gheb)
7. frozenflame751 ()
8. Potassium (PBJ)
9. Legolas()
10. Red Ruy ()
11. PrivateJoker-Brown (K, AM, DH, RR, Handorin)
12. Foxy the Silver Fox ()
13. Scylla & Charybdis ()

Not voting: BW, FF, Legolas, JTB

With 13 playing it takes 7 lynch!

Deadline is Wednesday, May 29th at 11:59 CST (GMT-6).
Apr 17, 2011
I like Ran's 649 and 650. Lots of good material here. I think the only thing I have to ask is in regards to your JTB post. What did you think of his most recent one? The one about FF?
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