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Egg Lay: Its freaking good


Deleted member

Yea it is. Anyways, i see yoshis not using egg lay, and i ask...why. Its accomplishes the same role as bowsers side b in melee: Teach your opponent that they arent safe shielding. Here is a break down of this great and underused move:

Egg Lay:
Pretty solid range for a move that removes your opponent from their shield and poops them out.
Puts them above you, and we know how big this is for yoshi/
Can be used as a turnaround egglay, DJC Egg lay, RDJC egg lay,turnaround DJC egg lay(for teh mindgames =P)
Safe on block (duh)
Freaking amazing.

So basically, its a rangy move that does 7 damage, puts opponents above you, has multiple momentum changes and can be used while facing backwards, and is like a grab, so it cant be shielded. Whats wrong with it.

It seems like yoshis dont see it as versitile or useful. Or maybe they just dont know where to use it.

Try these:
1.You are approaching backwards, so it looks like you are going for a bair. They shield, turnaround egg lay. Get *****.
2. You are playing against meta knight, or maybe marth too. You are spacing ur stuff like crazy, to keep him back, he attempts to go for a fair while you are in the air, reverse DJC egg lay. Get *****.
3. Any time your opponent expects an aerial and is shielding. Get *****.

Yea, this move is amazing. At my last tournament, I would abuse this moves ability to **** ground approaches.

Good luck, and please incorperate this move more.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2007
Agreed, Egg Lay is an underused move that does deserve more attention. I started using it more when I was trying to put more variety in my playstyle, and it's a solid move. I try to use it as a surprise tactic most of the time, but I definitely need to try out some of these things.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
i relized the potenial of this move when i was thinking up some new approaches, good job on the guide. one thing i didnt get to test is if u could finish off a cg with a sliding egg lay. also when i was messing around with it i got a backwards momentum with this, can u stop that or i just gotta live with it?

Deleted member

What do u mean backwards momentum? From a DJC egg lay or a turnaround egglay or what?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
i mean if i just like i was doing a bair (short hop) and turn around egg lay i get backward mometum, no dj. srry for not making that too clear

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
I also agree. I was thinking about this a few days ago myself. I really think the DJC egg lay should be used more often as an approach. It's a similar concept to dash grab (they both condition your opponent to spot dodge your approaches, rather than shield), only egg lay is much safer because it has less lag and Yoshi doesn't hurl himself at his opponent. This should also mean you can use this approach more often than dash grab, which can more easily condition your opponent to spot dodge your approaches, which in turn opens up other approaches, such as bair, a charged up smash, or running past them to pivot grab.

Deleted member

I generally dislike it as an approach TOO MUCH, because against most characters, they are not going to want to shield it all the time, and rather try and space an attack, which will likely beat the egg lay. Egg lay has the range to punish shields without getting too close, but most characters have moves that can outrange it.

But yes, it does make the opponent have to change up their plan.


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2008
El paso
Switch FC
i like suing egg lay as a surprise attack

i dont use it much though


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
I don't get why people try to make this move sound alot better than it actually is. the truth is, egg lay does 7%, my jabs and eggs do 9%. After my jabs i can think of grabbing, bair, nair, fair etc. after my egg lay i can either do a back air for a total of only 13%, throw an egg, or try my luck with an air chase that would most likely fail. Also, since you'll almost always be jumping using it, it makes sweet spotting more difficult. And if you're not sweet spotting, you would be taking out the only thing it had for it... the range. That range that makes egg lay so "pro" isnt really that great anymore.

That's not even the worst part, the worst thing about the egg lay is the big punish you'll get for missing it . I always feel that i'd either land it, or just get destroyed afterwards. Take this for an example, I see my opponent shielding and think it would be a good idea to use egg lay. .... yeah, not really safe. what happens if he dodges or rolls away? you would get knocked the **** out.....and you would risk all that for what? a measly 7% and "mindagamez"? PUhleaze. If i see my opponent shielding, I would rather space my back air to shield pressure him instead of using that garbage of a move.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
Yea people are overating this move. It's not that good. It's hard to follow up and if your opponent is just shielding, do an empty short hop to pivot grab. If you have enough time to egg lay you might as well just pivot grab.

But obviously if you do the pivot grab enough you can mix it up with the egg lay to keep em on their toes.

I just don't like this move, because I don't know when to use it (which I wil get better at ) and it's hard to follow up with it.

Deleted member

Its not an offensive move. It can be used offensively occasionally, but in reality, its a defensive move.

You dont run at a shield and egg lay very much, it doesnt work that way. At a tournament a few days ago, i played against vice grip, the best ness in southern california. Ness has a very good pressure game, and once he gets momentum, hes quite a dangerous character, with his nairs. I was recovering, and trying to get the momentum back by not getting hit on the way down. I am flying towards the side of the stage and he tries to dash attack due to its longish lasting hitbox and ability to knock people up. Turnaround egg lay.

Thats just an application i actually used and can remember, cuz it was so ****.
If you cant punish people above you, get better. Yoshi doesnt have to run for an up air, he can grab the opponent on landing, or you can wait for them to break out of the egg and uair on release. The possibilites are endless.

If they think you are gonna space a bair, egg lay. You basically just made them have to work three times as hard to predict what you are gonna do. They now know that their ability to shield is threatened by this move that sets up for so much.

Edit: Hey Elef, did you know meta knight can punish a jab out of shield with SH nair. And ftilt too. Did you know a few other characters can punish our jabs out of shield. They cant punish this out of shield, because they cant shield. If spaced right, they cant punish it after a spotdodge either.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
wavebounce the egg lay for approaching then. It allows you to be on top of your opponent, then bounce away while attacking. By far, it will put you out of range against them, and will counter any of their attacks. Also, you can DJC Egg lay into a better position. Getting behind them and egg laying away will still put you in a decent spot. I just don't use this move much cause I'm not good at capitalizing after using it.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Okay, so I just messed around with Egg Lay in training mode, and idk if this is supposed to happen but after I use egg lay, the combo meter goes up. However, as soon as the egg touches the ground, the combo meter resets (it will do this even if you do an attack like Dair or Bair), but afterwards, the combo meter won't cut off until they break out. Anyone finds this weird? Maybe there's something about the egg lay when the opponents land on the ground while encased in the egg.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2007
YO MARVEL Lexington, Kentucky
Okay, so I just messed around with Egg Lay in training mode, and idk if this is supposed to happen but after I use egg lay, the combo meter goes up. However, as soon as the egg touches the ground, the combo meter resets (it will do this even if you do an attack like Dair or Bair), but afterwards, the combo meter won't cut off until they break out. Anyone finds this weird? Maybe there's something about the egg lay when the opponents land on the ground while encased in the egg.
i'm sorry, scatz, but i'm tired as hell... what do you mean by combo meter?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
If they think you are gonna space a bair, egg lay. You basically just made them have to work three times as hard to predict what you are gonna do. They now know that their ability to shield is threatened by this move that sets up for so much.
I have to agree with that.

what i want to know is what you do after an egg lay. At what percentage would you just throw an egg, when would you air chase?

Deleted member

I mean it really does depend. I'm not gonna go ahead an outline exactly what to do whenever an opponent is above you, because its impossible. Different people do different things. If you predict they will come down with an attack, run behind and pivot grab or something.

If they are slow on getting out id go for a rising uair, so that you get the damage but they cant hit you upon breaking out. At lower percents, ive memorized how high characters go whenn they break so i can punish like that with an uair.

Experiment some, you dont have to use the move, you dont even have to follow up with it, but being above an opponent is usually never a good thing.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
i like to use the flutter kick (dair) or the uair when they are in the egg. otherwise, i just wait for them to do something stupid when they pop out. =D
Flutter kick as well as any move that sits on the egg too long is rather dangerous. The opponent has invincibility frames when he pops out so he can wait for that and then punish you really badly. Punishment after the egglay really depends on the character, how fast they wiggle out, and their DI. I personally love egglay and use it in every match. I tend to use usmash while they are in it as well as uair and egg.

For those that think it sucks, you really ought to give it a try again.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2008
Cottage Grove, MN
I tend to only use it when I am recovering off the stage, if anything that is probably its best use, for it puts you in control once you land.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
I think the problem most have at first with the egglay, and the reason they underestimate and ignore it, is that its difficult to know what to follow up with. The trick to using the egglay effectively is not getting the move in, its making the most of the move afterwards. This wouldn't really be much of a problem if it wasn't for the invinsibilty frames that you have after breaking out of the egg.
Instinctively, when you first start to use the egglay you'll try to attack as they pop out with a uair or usmash... but the invinsibility frames mean you just get punished.

But as bwett shows in that video, the egglay can be utilized extremely effectively.
I've found the best way to learn how to use the egglay best is to use it a lot for a while, don't worry if you end up losing all the time its just for practise. Eventually by just using the egglay you'll find your own way to utilize the egglay. It's all very well listening to others suggestions for how to use the egglay, but untill u get the hang of the invinsibility time and the best follow ups that work for your style thats when the egglay becomes really usefull.

I believe the egglay is a very personal move and the way you use it will depend heavily on your own playstyle. The best utilities that work for me are...
Following up with eggs, the egglay gets the opponant away from you and puts them in prime egg-toss distance. It also means you have time to space yourself well with ETSs and you can't get punished with the invinsibilty frames.
When you learn the timing for the end of the invinsibilty frames you can uair, nair... hell and arieal works with the right timing as they break out. Egglay to spike is very satisfying if you can egglay them off the edge, but most of the time you'll find they'll DI towards the ledge.
And as wobby said, if you have the oppertunity, it can be a great way to catch ledge-guarders off-guard and do a role-reversal :p
And most importantly, make sure its actually beneficial to attempt a follow up... the egglay does damage by itself and gets the opponant away from you, sometimes thats all you need from it.
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