shin megami tensei nocturne
The apocalypse of a wrathful god, or an allegory of the demon lord;
Our world died.
A man belonging to a strange sect foretold the destruction,
which took place when the light called for it.
Chaos creeps up from the depths of an ocean deep underground.
Scorched earth, where Death attacks Death.
Searching for a god to pray to, only death and demons respond.
The mocking darkness lies to me.
"The truth can be found in the flames of the Menorah"
--From the notes of a man that vanished into another dimension
ok lets talk about nocturne a very good and rare game for the ps2 atlus did a wonderful job with this the MC doesn't have a name to go by so the player names the MC it starts off with the MC going to the hospital to vist his teacher, he also goes with some of his friends a girl named chiaki and ismau the MC soon finds out their is more to the hospital then he first thought he finds a man who summons a demon to kill him but his teacher stops that from happening they go to the roof she says the world is bad we need a new one the world has to die for it to be reborn then world gets destroyed tokyo becomes the entire world demons are everywhere and to top it all off some kid and old lady you dont know turn you into a demon whoa the world ends like in 5mins sephiroth spends like all of ff7 to end it and here some one ends it in 5mins more whoa sephiroth got nothing on this oh did i forget to tell you that dante from DMC is in this game yeah no kidding dante is in a RPG as a playable character now thats awesome