God damn it. I was looking forward to seeing Knuckles played at a high level.Nintendo shuts down another fan event.
As an addendum to what's been said, it not only comes after people had booked flights and tickets to said event (Sandursky, Ohio) but also just a couple days before the tournament's airport shuttle ticket deadline. The competitor registration deadline was 9 days ago, and 384 people had registered for the P+ event.
It really is NoA coming off as needlessly antagonistic and damaging over mods because the P+ playerbase are not playing Ultimate - especially since whatever their plan is it's not really been working. Them being anti-PM did not stop subsuquent successor mods like Project+ from flourishing at the grassroots. Them being denied the bigger spotlight sucks.
But to shift the topic to something completely different, this little side-event recently makes me want Chell in a bit more:
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