King Boo could be potentially fun. Any ideas on moveset?
Couldn’t possibly tell you what moves would go to specific buttons but I’ll list moves that he has in the Luigi mansion games
Tongue licking
Shooting fire balls out his crown
Shooting lighting out his crown
Chucking spike balls
Cloning himself
Turning invisible
Using paintings to trap people
Inhaling things
Turing gigantic
Summoning bombs
Extreme wind blowing
Extreme speed bashing (isn’t seen by him but can be done by the boos so it’s assumed he can do it as well)
And there’s probably more I’m missing. That’s just the Luigi mansion series. You’ve also got the mario games and the Mario spin-offs if you wanna reach into that series but why the heck would you when the LM series version is the only one that Counts in my eyes. The other design is