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There is no accurate way to see who won the most votes, and that is a primary issue. Some people voted eight times a day, or on eight different devices. Should each of those count as a vote?I interpret it as the highest vote-getting character(s) that are feasible to make. Say the order is Shrek 1st, Banjo 2nd, K. Rool 3rd...K. Rool would be the winner because of how impossible the other two above him are. People like to forgo nuance and just say "because #1 may be Shrek, Nintendo should ignore the high feasible characters and do what it wants," like passing off lower newcomers by way of "it's a suggestion box." I don't think that's a good course of action, though...they put out a means for us to deliver character popularity data and ideas to them, and shouldn't ignore them if they don't match up with their preconceived notions of who to add.
Of course, likeJaidynReiman said, there will be more than one ballot character, therefore the winner isn't just the highest feasible vote-getter, but whoever else gets in from the ballot as well. "From the ballot" being key, since you could have high-ranking characters who get in independently, like Inklings seem positioned to do at the moment (or if they choose Shovel Knight to advance some agenda with Yacht Club, for example).
You mean like the Melee poll and Brawl poll before this?What if the ballot was made mostly for determining smash 5 newcomers.
I'm not talking about what Sakurai says about Robin. I was speaking in terms of fan reception. I didn't like the concept of Robin before seeing him, but I liked him once I played as him.This is, quite literally, the antithesis of what open-minded means. Too many people try to claim altruistic superiority in asserting that their opinion, which is just different or even less commonly believed, makes them open minded. It asserts that there is a 'quality' to what an open mind is, as if some beliefs are high-quality. Open mindedness is about quantity.
Hope this did not get too personal, but it is a huge pet peeve of mine.
I agree with your overall point, but not your example in Robin. Sakurai went on record to state that adding Robin completed the essence of Fire Emblem in Smash. If you wan to mention non-deserving characters in Smash bros, we can assume Dark Pit is a better example.
"Deservingness" is certainly not arbitrary- it holds a lot of validity in regard to character choice. That said, it is impossible to codify, which makes it difficult to argue.
Fire Emblem gets to use the polls, you say? Imagine the salt if we only have FE characters from now on. Wouldn't mind as long as the characters are cool personallyYou mean like the Melee poll and Brawl poll before this?
THOSE DASTARDS! (Fire Emblem gets to use it, totally E-10!)
Yes, it was. They thought he was recovering and would be able to get through it, but then it came back in full force unexpectedly. This likely messed up their plans they had for a few months. People are making a big deal out of this, like its taking way too long to get information. However, with the death of Iwata, undoubtedly numerous Directs and the like did get delayed, and its not so easy to put them back into full force right away, it will take a couple of months. They need to have a Direct this month, that's true, but to say Iwata's death shouldn't have caused a delay this long is ridiculous, of course it did.Iwata's death was not unexpected; he had a very rare form of cancer, which was a source of his poor health for multiple years.
As a company, regardless of how much he may have meant to them (and to gaming), they must move forward. Iwata's death being used as an excuse to lack of followup information, is uninformed.
Thursday is the last reasonable day to possibly expect a Nintendo Direct. We can easily have a Direct on Thursday. A Friday Direct, like Octogirl is thinking, is incredibly unlikely. We have had them, but they're so few and far between. However, we cannot write off a Thursday Direct at all.The problem with this logic is that a lot of Directs have happened on both Thursday and Friday as well.
The very first Nintendo Direct was on a Friday, the second was on Tuesday (both in 2011, first was NA and Japan in October, second Japan only in December).
2012 added Europe and had one for all three in February on a Wednesday.
April 2012 had two Directs on Saturdays (one in Korea, the other in Europe and NA).
June 2012 had a Sunday and Thursday (the first was E3).
July 2012 had the first game-exclusive Directs.
August 2012 had a Japan only Direct on Wednesday.
September 2012 had a Wii U Direct on a Thurday and other game-exclusive Directs.
There was a Europe only Direct on October 2012 on a Thursday and a Japan/NA Direct two weeks later on a Thursday. The last day of the month (a Wednesday) there was a Korea Direct.
November and December 2012 had three major Directs on Wednesdays. In November, one Wii U Direct for all three regions, and one Wii U Direct for just Japan/NA, with another general Direct for all three regions.
Another Wii U Direct was on a Wednesday in January 2013.
February 2013 had three different Directs, one in reach region, on a Thursday. Basically its a general Direct, but more different between the regions; Japan has a special Luigi 3DS Direct, NA a general Direct, and Europe a 3DS Direct.
Japan later got its own 3DS Direct a week after the prior on Thursday.
April 2013 had another split Direct on a Wednesday (NA general, Luigi in Japan, 3DS in Europe.
May 2013 finally brings back a Friday general Direct with a Japan-only SEGA Direct and general Direct in Europe/NA on the same day.
E3 2013 had Directs on Tuesday (first Tuesday in a while).
July 2013 has one Japan-only Mini Direct on a Wednesday and a NA/Europe Mini Direct on a Thursday.
Another Wednesday Direct in August 2013.
A Tuesday Direct in October 2013 with a Korea Direct on a Thursday.
Another Wednesday Direct in November 2013, this one is NA/Europe. A Japan Mini Direct was on Thursday, though. Probably about the same time, Japan was just late that day.
Another Wednesday Direct in December 2013, Wednesdays are becoming a bit more common.
January 2014 has a Korea Direct on a Friday.
February 2014 has the first Direct I see where the the timing of the Direct puts it in Japan on a Friday but NA/Europe on a Thursday. Well, ok, the November 2013 Direct was, but in Japan that was a Mini.
E3 2014's Digital Event was on Tuesday.
A Japan-only 3DS Direct in July 2014 on a Friday.
Another Japan-only 3DS Direct in August on a Friday (Shulk was revealed in this one).
September 2014 had an Australia 3DS Direct on a Wednesday.
Another Wednesday/Thursday Direct in all main regions in November 2014.
Another Wednesday/Thursday Direct in all main regions in January 2015.
Another Wednesday/Thursday Direct in all main regions in April 2015.
May 2015 had the Japan-only Direct on Tuesday.
June 2015 had the NA-only Micro Direct on a Monday (this wasn't a live presentation, though). This is the only time a general Direct dropped on a Monday.
The E3 2015 Digital Event was on Thursday.
And this year has, simply put, been the largest TOTAL drought of Nintendo Directs ever since Directs started in 2011; three months without a single Nintendo Direct, not even ANY game-specific Directs. At the very least in the past there were some Japan-only game-specific Directs or something.
So, to round everything up:
Monday: 0 (the pre-E3 NA-only Mini Direct wasn't live streamed, so it doesn't count)
Tuesday: 4
Wednesday: 15
Thursday: 10
Friday: 5
Saturday: 2
Sunday: 1
So yes, Wednesday does have the most, but Thursday is pretty damn close. Its not like 90% of all Directs are on Wednesdays or anything. And we simply had three Wednesday Directs right in a row at the end of last year beginning of this year.
1.) I'm counting cross-day Directs as being part of the first day, since cross-day Directs like these would be very early morning the next day in Japan/Australia.
2.) I'm only counting general Directs. This includes E3 presentations and console-specific Directs.
3.) The last three "normal" Directs (from November 2014 to April 2015) have all been Wednesday/Thursday, but Thursday Directs are pretty common as well.
I was referring to the word choice, before someone wanted to call me out for a censor dodge.Fire Emblem gets to use the polls, you say? Imagine the salt if we only have FE characters from now on. Wouldn't mind as long as the characters are cool personally
With regard to spammers, there are ways to easily weed out spammers on basic user-friendly Internet polls. There's no reason Nintendo can't have a similar algorithm in place to prevent that for their own massive worldwide one.There is no accurate way to see who won the most votes, and that is a primary issue. Some people voted eight times a day, or on eight different devices. Should each of those count as a vote?
Should each point of internet access be given only one vote, the first one, and if so- how do families of multiple voters handle this, or public arenas?
We cannot go by 'Literal Number of votes,' because even that was very poorly moderated.
Missed the point by several light years. I'm open to anyone joining in including the characters everyone seems to hate.This is, quite literally, the antithesis of what open-minded means. Too many people try to claim altruistic superiority in asserting that their opinion, which is just different or even less commonly believed, makes them open minded. It asserts that there is a 'quality' to what an open mind is, as if some beliefs are high-quality. Open mindedness is about quantity.
Wasn't there... well, one micro-Direct that came up unannounced one time? Just going off of something I might have heard about; don't know first-hand.Nothing still on the Direct? How rare is an unannounced one?
It's possible to be open-minded and mad about something being included...being open-minded means you're willing to listen to arguments and accept other stances if they prove to have valid arguments, not follow blindly and be content with everything. What you're describing sounds more like easy-going or ambivalent than open-minded.This is, quite literally, the antithesis of what open-minded means. Too many people try to claim altruistic superiority in asserting that their opinion, which is just different or even less commonly believed, makes them open minded. It asserts that there is a 'quality' to what an open mind is, as if some beliefs are high-quality. Open mindedness is about quantity.
Hope this did not get too personal, but it is a huge pet peeve of mine.
I agree with your overall point, but not your example in Robin. Sakurai went on record to state that adding Robin completed the essence of Fire Emblem in Smash. If you wan to mention non-deserving characters in Smash bros, we can assume Dark Pit is a better example.
"Deservingness" is certainly not arbitrary- it holds a lot of validity in regard to character choice. That said, it is impossible to codify, which makes it difficult to argue.
We could easily get a Direct announced tomorrow for Thursday, but its extremely unlikely it'll be unannounced. That said I've seen them announced very late the night before.Nothing still on the Direct? How rare is an unannounced one?
The times were pulled out of thin air, which is why people shouldn't jump to conclusions about it if nothing gets announced right away. Octogirl said several times it was only speculation about when the Direct would be and when it would be announced. And she's assuming there'd have to be a Direct to announce the new info (and frankly I agree, most content Splatoon puts out has things announce well in advance, but they haven't said anything about this update at all, and this past Splatfest was delayed in Europe and in Japan its Squid vs. Octopus, teasing at Octolings becoming playable).Tbh I feel like the direct release time prediction was pulled from thin air. It's to be expected we'd have one soon but no real signs point to exact times and dates beyond speculation. So I won't lose sleep if they don't mention it by tomorrow.
Never would I want to admit my craving for an announcement of an announcement, but here I am... What has this game done to me
I'm pretty sure they've announced Directs way late in the day as well.And also the Mario Maker stage wasn't even announced til around 10pm EST. I don't think they care too terribly much about time of announcements. Obviously there's an ideal time, but that doesn't mean they're going to stick to it.
Not necessarily. No one said there'd be a specific time for a Direct. Octogirl said through datamining that a huge Splatoon update is supposed to be dropping at the end of the week. She said she figured there'd probably be a Nintendo Direct some time this week, and her speculation was the 14th would be the Direct and on Friday (the 16th) the update dropped.So was a direct supposed to be revealed today or something?
There was some rumor floating around about a direct the 14th. Imo, the next direct is going and has to be something big. Think about it, it's the first direct since Iwata sadly passed away, Nintendo has undergone a lot of changes after this. The new leaders of the company need to show to us, the customers, and the investors how are they going to manage the company from now on. I expect something important before the end of this month, and would made a lot of sense that they announce the Direct with some anticipation, because it should be the way they want us to the see Nintendo now. Just speculation by myself, could be wrong :/So was a direct supposed to be revealed today or something?
Yes, we definitely need a Direct this month. Its been a month since Kimishima took over, that should be enough time to get everything in order and plan how to hype up the fans of Nintendo again after the trying time.There was some rumor floating around about a direct the 14th. Imo, the next direct is going and has to be something big. Think about it, it's the first direct since Iwata sadly passed away, Nintendo has undergone a lot of changes after this. The new leaders of the company need to show to us, the customers, and the investors how are they going to manage the company from now on. I expect something important before the end of this month, and would made a lot of sense that they announce the Direct with some anticipation.
How's this for an argument?It's possible to be open-minded and mad about something being included...being open-minded means you're willing to listen to arguments and accept other stances if they prove to have valid arguments, not follow blindly and be content with everything. What you're describing sounds more like easy-going or ambivalent than open-minded.
If someone can provide me with a good reason why Inkling or Character X should be in, I am open to hearing it, if it does not convince me, however, I will not support the decision.
Also, open-mindedness being about quantity makes very little sense to me, I don't even understand what you're trying to say with that
I think it's too soon too call them a 'mainstay' in Nintendo, it's almost inevitable that they will blow up, but 5 months is not enough time to call them as such, and even if you're super optimistic about it, there are other characters that have established themselves as important to Nintendo that have been overlooked (K. Rool, though I'm indifferent to his inclusion, is the first to come to mind), so to me, even if they are/will be mainstays, that argument alone is not enough to justify it if other characters out there already fit that description and have for yearsHow's this for an argument?
The Inklings have pretty much solidified themselves as a mainstay Nintendo franchise in a matter of months. Even with the small install base of the Wii U, Splatoon went above & beyond in terms of popularity (& by extension, sales) with justified support via free DLC over the course of the year. They may be seen as a "flavor of the month" character to some. But in reality, they're an investment. The Inklings are just as inevitable as Olimar was before his Brawl inclusion. In fact, had Melee been able to receive DLC, I wouldn't be surprised if we got Olimar in Melee. Same case for the Inklings, except now DLC is an actual thing.
I thought the fan reception of Robin was pretty positive; that is, Smash bros fans. Fire Emblem fans were the only ones seemingly peeved by Robin; Robin finally brought a new element to Fire Emblem in smash.I'm not talking about what Sakurai says about Robin. I was speaking in terms of fan reception. I didn't like the concept of Robin before seeing him, but I liked him once I played as him.
I don't use the clones to argue anything because they aren't the same thing as a fully fledged character. They're a unique circumstance.
As far as it being arbitrary, the problem is that fans like to use "they're deserving" simply to support their character and it's not consistent. What justifies deserving a spot is different to everybody. Some people would argue that K.Rool isn't deserving. To them it makes sense, to others it doesn't. Same thing with Inklings. Somebody will say they aren't deserving because they don't fit their own criteria, but it's just that...one persons criteria.
Oh hahaha xD I remember that phrase.... But don't exactly who use it xDYou mean like the Melee poll and Brawl poll before this?
THOSE DASTARDS! (Fire Emblem gets to use it, totally E-10!)
In times like these it's always good to listen to something soft and reflect on eveything that has happened
You are still operating under an unstated law that this was, indeed, a vote. They are not 'excused' from anything they never promised, they are held under no obligation.With regard to spammers, there are ways to easily weed out spammers on basic user-friendly Internet polls. There's no reason Nintendo can't have a similar algorithm in place to prevent that for their own massive worldwide one.
Nintendo's own poor instruction on how to handle multiple votes per device shouldn't excuse them from actually listening to results at all. It's certainly no good excuse for them to plug their ears where feasible frontrunners are concerned, barring potential obvious cases of trolling (Lanky Kong at the #1 spot, for example). Say Character A gets 20,000 votes and Character B gets 5,000...Nintendo has no rational reason to think that Character A is "overrated by vocal fans" and Character B is "actually more popular among a silent majority." Fans know better, whether or not they care.
The Internet always exists if they need to corroborate character support, in case they wonder whether it's reasonable that Daisy won the poll by a 100k vote margin.
If this was the point, this is not what you said; point blank.Missed the point by several light years. I'm open to anyone joining in including the characters everyone seems to hate.
That's the thing though. There isn't a single character every single fan wants.I say, if you put in a character that's popular and everyone wants, no one will care how they play. If you put in a character that's unpopular and very few wanted, you better make sure they are fun to play as.
Once we discover they are fun and unique we learn to accept them, even though they weren't what we wanted.
That's what it really boils down to. I've never played Street Fighter and I find Ryu to be one of the most fun characters to play with (over all of the other vets). In an ideal world the ballot wouldn't produce all of the salt we know it's going to produce.I will still maintain that a character being fun to play as is the most important facet of them getting into Smash.
Likely so, but 'fun to play' is as subjective as deserving.I will still maintain that a character being fun to play as is the most important facet of them getting into Smash.
I have no idea what tangent you are going off on (as well another or two above you). I don't care who supports whom (except for Sakurai... I want him to want who I wantHow's this for an argument?
The Inklings have pretty much solidified themselves as a mainstay Nintendo franchise in a matter of months. Even with the small install base of the Wii U, Splatoon went above & beyond in terms of popularity (& by extension, sales) with justified support via free DLC over the course of the year. They may be seen as a "flavor of the month" character to some. But in reality, they're an investment. The Inklings are just as inevitable as Olimar was before his Brawl inclusion. In fact, had Melee been able to receive DLC, I wouldn't be surprised if we got Olimar in Melee. Same case for the Inklings, except now DLC is an actual thing.