Well, yesterday I saw a "Inkling possibly leaked take with a grain of salt" post on the K. Rool thread and ever since I've tried to avoid most threads with possible elaboration about that to not be spoiled even more until a Direct announcement, in case it was the real deal that was related to the Wednesday 14th Direct rumor... well after deciding that we probably wouldn't get a Direct announcement today I've came back here and looked at those two "leaked" pictures. Well, that splash art is so bad and the Congratulations screen uses just a Mii dressed like an Inkling. Looks like I avoided nothing of risk after all.
I'd say those rumors are more likely than not to be anything after all at this point. If we don't get a Direct announcement before tomorrow when I wake up, I consider those rumors as dead and meaningless.
On the other hand, at least those rumors made me reconsider the chances of Inklings which I used to consider very low because they would potentially be a technical hell (because you now, the paint), but actually when I think about it there's a potential simple solution to deal with it while doing the Inklings justice by still giving them a turf war based moveset: to limit the amount of RAM the paint takes and thus prevent framerate drops, instead program them like puddles with fixed size. I'm not sure I can clearly explain it with words, so I'll instead use pictures:
Let's suppose the orange thing in the pic above is Inkling's paint. It would take a lot of the game's RAM if it must remember each smallest unit possible where's there's ink, isn't it? But now, let's take a look at this:
To save RAM, the game's memory only has to remember one single spot for each puddle before giving all the remaining work to the engines. This frees place in the RAM where every item location is stored (it only has to remember one spot rather than several dozens) and gives the physics and graphic engines less work to do by making them work on only one item. For example, in the second picture, those orange dots represent where the "ink puddle" items are stored in the game's memory, and in the first picture, how the physics and graphic engines interpret these dots.
To make sure the game may support those puddles without FPS drops, there would be a limit to them, for example, five by Inkling. Those puddles I suppose could definitely be able to be handled by the Wii U, maybe it'd be a little harder for the 3DS but I don't think it'd be undoable.
I'm not a computer expert, but this may sound like a logical explanation to me. Any other thought about this?