you know what i mean
2:17-2:38 in my mind gives me the impression that lucas was chosen as the brawl vet and Roy the melee vet.I love wolf and i want him back but really though how many times are we gonna ear "he'll be revealed here" or "is such an easy character to make" I'm just saying that there's a strong possiblity that wolf could not return and if that's the unpopular opinion shot me for it
6 veterans were cut from brawl,

, of the 6

are the least popular,

are popular, but have issues holding them back, and

are the most popular ones. Now with Melee it was 5 cuts,


are the least popular,

was added to the base game, though I think people just wanted him back for his down b, could be wrong, and

were the most popular, though

was way more popular than


, this is the order by popularity, Mewtwo was the first DLC since he was the most popular, and he was from Melee, Lucas was second and is from brawl. Then they added in Roy, who was less popular than Wolf, and while he was made into a more original character, I still believe Wolf should've got in before him. So now we have

in the game, all that remains is

. The fact that Wolf is so popular right now is why he has a shot in the first place, people want him and will pay money for him.

DLC=$$$$ for Nintendo, why wouldn't they want to do it? It will make money, it will make fans happy, and it can also be used as a promotion for Star Fox Zero. Sakurai said himself he hates cutting characters, for him to just turn down a popular vet just because Lucas is the brawl rep, would be flat out stupid. Its not like its hard to make Wolf, I'm sure he'd be easier to make than most newcomers due to being a veteran. Also we really don't need to have another "Mewtwo (character that is cut for no reason at all)" of smash, that would be frustrating to the fans and Sakurai.