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Official DLC Character Discussion Thread - Read the new sticky/announcement

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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Thanks @BluePikmin11 for including Angry Bird! Love you. <3 <3 lol
Hate to jump in on this but, that's pretty highly unlikely. Mario Party 10 has been out for a while now, as have that wave of amiibos. If they were planning on a Wave 2, we would at least have known about it by now.
It could be for Mario Tennis Ultra.
Anyhow, what do you guys NOT want from smash DLC?
Not as in a character you would dislike being in Smash 4, but rather it's effect on gameplay.

I'd be a lil' annoyed if there were a bunch of quick, combo-heavy characters.
Their movesets are usually pretty unappealing to me and watching tourney play with characters like that isn't very interesting.

I'm hoping for some really odd playstyles.

I know it's unlikely but another newcomer NOT getting a CGI Trailer. I'd rather wait 3-4+ weeks if it takes that long to see the CGI trailers before the character comes out.

Imagine how awesome Ryu's would have been. :*(
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I can echo the sentiment of not wanting more light, fast, combo-focused characters in the game. It would be way more interesting to see the competitive scene have to widen its tent to include new playstyles rather than just carry on with the button-mashy annoyances already ubiquitous within it.
Feb 14, 2015
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Anyhow, what do you guys NOT want from smash DLC?
Not as in a character you would dislike being in Smash 4, but rather it's effect on gameplay.

I'd be a lil' annoyed if there were a bunch of quick, combo-heavy characters.
Their movesets are usually pretty unappealing to me and watching tourney play with characters like that isn't very interesting.

I'm hoping for some really odd playstyles.
Personally, I don't want any characters that aren't highly requested in some form or another, and especially want characters from long-running franchises that deserve more love. A new DK character, Ridley...as long as it's not some out-of-the-blue pick, I'd be happy.

Because this series is about immortalizing the greatest of gaming/Nintendo's characters, not being a glorified advertisment, aside from the clones...which barely count as characters anyways. :p
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Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
If Waluigi is such a filler character, then why is Waluigi in Super Mario Maker as an Unlockable Costume yet Daisy is nowhere to be found in that same game?
Ugh, that is not the tall, purple lanky thing I wanted a costume of in SMM

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I can echo the sentiment of not wanting more light, fast, combo-focused characters in the game. It would be way more interesting to see the competitive scene have to widen its tent to include new playstyles rather than just carry on with the button-mashy annoyances already ubiquitous within it.
Yeah you don't quite get how level play pans out in the slightest.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
How bout another Sami VS Andy debate

What seems cooler, wailing around wrenches or a bazooka
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
How bout another Sami VS Andy debate

What seems cooler, wailing around wrenches or a bazooka
A sword
I know too little about the series to have an opinion.

If I were to pick one, I'd give it to Sami and let Crash ****ing Bandicoot do the bazooka!
With how much you supprt Crash you really should buy premium and rename to Crashermania. . .


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I want a trailer of Andy witnessing his army of men falling in defeat against the cast of Smash Bros. characters. After Andy sees this he arms himself with weapons before jumping out of a helicopter with a parachute into the battlefield. He is ready to finish the job, in honor of the men who have fallen before him.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Question for everyone:
Have you ever gave up on a character that you used to support?
Not because of an NPC disconfirmation or something like that, but because your support just......faded away for no apperent reason.
Medusa. She's unpopular, many KI characters are considered better than her, too many Kid Icarus reps, boring, the snake hair might be too hard to program, and she is probably Sakurai's least favorite character from Uprising.

At this point, I'm accepting the fact that Hades and Viridi (plus freaking Magnus) will trump her in support since they had a bigger impact on fans overall.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
there are KIU boards? I assumed it as too small for that. I need a link. And not the LoZ kind.
Not here, but mostly Gamefaqs. Though it's obvious that such an infamous community is bound to have users that like being negative for the sake of being negative (and trolling).
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Deleted member

Question for everyone:
Have you ever gave up on a character that you used to support?
Not because of an NPC disconfirmation or something like that, but because your support just......faded away for no apperent reason.
I'm beginning to feel this way about Zael, honestly. He's not very popular, and after Sakurai's "fan service" statement, what little faith I had in him began to diminish. (I gave him a 5% chance rating in Rate Their Chances. If I re-rated him now, then I would have lowered it to 1%.) At this point, I'm certain if we get any content related to The Last Story beyond the Zael and Calista trophies, it'll be a Mii costume.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I'm beginning to feel this way about Zael, honestly. He's not very popular, and after Sakurai's "fan service" statement, what little faith I had in him began to diminish. (I gave him a 5% chance rating in Rate Their Chances. If I re-rated him now, then I would have lowered it to 1%.) At this point, I'm certain if we get any content related to The Last Story beyond the Zael and Calista trophies, it'll be a Mii costume.
Could be worse. Your most wanted characters could be the remaining cut veterans, and Amaterasu. (I'm not complaining mind you, and I still think wanting all of the veterans to come back is reasonable, but the chances of them getting in or back in smash is probably about 0.0000000000000000000000001% :( Welp. Gotta believe right?)
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Remember how Ditto was a removed Pokeball Pokemon in Melee? How about Doopliss takes his place as an assist trophy? Or we can have Kerli berate you and block the screen with dialogue, Resetti style. :troll: I'm honestly more excited for Paper Mario stages/assist trophies/music/bosses?/trophies than I am for an actual Paper Mario character, oddly enough.

Should Paper Mario get his own series, or be part of the Mario series? I know the Paper Mario stage is listed as part of the Mario universe. But it feels like the stuff that happens in the PM games has no influence on the stuff that happens in the main Mario games, and vice versa. Even the Yoshi games seem to have more relevance to Mario games. Odds are that if a PM character does happen, it'll probably be in the Mario series anyway, so it's a moot question.

This reminds me how much I want a real new Paper Mario game. Not Sticker Star. Not M&L: Paper Jam. Not even SPM, although I actually liked that game. A proper RPG sequel without any gimmicks. New gameplay mechanics are fine, but there's no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater by also removing the stuff people liked about PM in an attempt to be novel. Just make a good game. I'll forgive no innovation if it manages to just be a good, fun experience with a zany story and memorable characters.

I took a look at Paper Jam and it's disappointing to see the Paper characters have the same boring animations they had in Sticker Star. And a little white border, just in case you forgot they're paper. I feel like someone is taking the "Paper" part way too far and forgetting that the paper was an aesthetic, not the primary draw of the game. The first PM game didn't even reference it that much. TTYD started the whole 'paper abilities' thing, SPM quietly ignored it, and Sticker Star just ran with it. It's unfortunate, but I feel like I just have to give up on PM as a series because someone is intent on it being the kitchen sink where you throw all the weird gameplay mechanics that don't find a home elsewhere, instead of being the quirky but solid RPG-with-platforming-elements that it excels at being. I'll always have the first two, at least (I like SPM, and I thought the emphasis on plot was good, but it started this trend of changing the gameplay dramatically).
why I wasn;t alerted everytime geez it;s so annoying!

Seriously, you should tag me when these discussions goes cause it;s been stall lately and I really liek these.

mario series, he;s more a mario character anyway. What I will say however, is that he feels so different than mario that it wouldnl;t matter much imo.

spm was paper mario tbh, that I am not questioning it, it jsut has most of the series charms. They could have even expanded on spm if they wanted, but again, what happened with ss which wasn;t IS fault. Btw, I still maintain that I would take spm more than another TTYD anyday, but I would take another rpg after spm.

don;t be so pessimist about paper jam because if you get the idea, paper mario is getting MUCH more recognition because of that game. btw, the white border is PURELY for design purposes, imagien the copy ability with a black outline......woudl look odd eh? So, don;t fret on that. Btw, the paper artstyle of SS was one of a few good parts, it's just so sad that the game didn;t followed. As for the animation, well you coudl argue that it's for saving dev time by taking stuff from SS.

Nonetheless, I checked a lot of footages of paper jam, and I think this game has a lot of potential, they should have shown more, but I got enoguh to know there will be much more. Serious, they even chanegd the camera angle which is the first time it happens with m&l.

Just don;t be much pessimist, tbh, I think it's a transition to get a real rpg :)

Here's the way I see some of the most likely newcomers for DLC in terms of playstyle.
K. Rool: Likely will be a fairly slow, and projectile-heavy heavyweight. :4duckhunt:, :4dedede:, or :snake: being most comparable.

Isaac: :4robinm: with a more aggressive focus, lack of the usages system, but may include a Djinn system.

Bandana Dee: A small, somewhat floaty fighter with an emphasis on mid-range zoning. Strong aerials but poor ground abilities.

Inklings: :4megaman: tier projectile-usage with emphasis on area control.

Dixie: More aerial, slightly slower and lighter fighter in comparison to :4diddy:. Honestly see her as a :4lucas::wolf: or :4luigi: level of "cloneness." I can't help but stand by the thought that they will be similar.

Paper Mario: ??? I really don't know what gameplay style they'd try to focus on with his arsenal across the games.
I';ll try to give a summary, but I did told this multiple time.

Basically, you would have him light, that's the basic. However, the point here is that paper mario is a strategical character that wants to show his paper skills. How I imagined him is more like a strategical character, but also TRIES to feel and look appealing (like doing stylish and quirky dodges). I see the partner mechanic as being a way to give him versatility for the exchange of havign to maintain it. The reason I see that playstyle is more because of the TTYD crwd, you gain SP by actually making the crowd happy so how I saw his personality was more soemone that wants his audience to root for him.

so yeah, his potential is really high, but the main point imo in ANY character is how they use it and in the case of paper mario, I do see that he bring a lot in terms of fighting style :)

While he does have a lot of options, I wouldn't really see him as more unique than the others.
  • Rool can use a boomerang crown, and also shoot gas from his blunderbuss to disrupt his opponents.
  • Dixie can shoot bubblegum and attack with her ponytail, and also use a guitar.
  • Dee can use his spear in several ways, and also use healing items.
  • Isaac has a large variety of earth-based magic/psionics, like creating vines or earthquakes.
  • Inkling shoots out long-ranged ink that takes different forms.
So while PM would be unique with his partnering system and his partners' attacks, I don't see how he has more potential than the others.

I'd say that you can with most characters, but that there's still a handful without never-been-seen-before moves.
Read what I said above, what matters even more is how you use the moves.

But tbh, you did named characters that I don;t see much issues with so......it only shows that paper mario isn;t the end-of-all best moveset potential, it;s jsut.....well different like it should be :)

Guys, please tag me when you have these discussions cause I woudl want these....


Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
How bout another Sami VS Andy debate

What seems cooler, wailing around wrenches or a bazooka
Sami would make more sense as a fighter, and could adopt a few of Snake's moves while getting some of her own, there's already a bunch of moveset ideas like that out there, but at the end of the day, as long as its a character from Advance Wars 1 (GBA) - Duel Strike I'll just be glad to get an Advance Wars rep.


Smash Rookie
Jul 6, 2014
I'd choose this little guy:

Over any commander. I think it has a more representative feeling to it. Remember the city capture animation? That would be his dthrow. Oh and his alt colors would include the various uniforms featured in the games:



Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I'd choose this little guy:

Over any commander. I think it has a more representative feeling to it. Remember the city capture animation? That would be his dthrow. Oh and his alt colors would include the various uniforms featured in the games:

I'd prefer Sami since she is basically the same thing as an infantry but actually is a character, and actually could do things besides...shoot.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I don't know why the trooper is only able to... shoot.

I mean, judging by the source material the only thing Sami does is to talk.
Don't be that guy...you know what I mean.
I mean for the sake of representing the entirety of Wars it does make sense to just have Infantry...
But the thing is, by themselves they are limited. All they have are guns and missiles, and a few vehicles if you're creative.
There's other things they could do with a little imagination...but I could imagine other actual characters doing them as well.
Although in the end the primary reason I'd think we would get a character is because that's what's being asked for...if one of those characters can naturally do what a single unit can, I think it's better to go for that character instead.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
why I wasn;t alerted everytime geez it;s so annoying!

Seriously, you should tag me when these discussions goes cause it;s been stall lately and I really liek these.

mario series, he;s more a mario character anyway. What I will say however, is that he feels so different than mario that it wouldnl;t matter much imo.

spm was paper mario tbh, that I am not questioning it, it jsut has most of the series charms. They could have even expanded on spm if they wanted, but again, what happened with ss which wasn;t IS fault. Btw, I still maintain that I would take spm more than another TTYD anyday, but I would take another rpg after spm.

don;t be so pessimist about paper jam because if you get the idea, paper mario is getting MUCH more recognition because of that game. btw, the white border is PURELY for design purposes, imagien the copy ability with a black outline......woudl look odd eh? So, don;t fret on that. Btw, the paper artstyle of SS was one of a few good parts, it's just so sad that the game didn;t followed. As for the animation, well you coudl argue that it's for saving dev time by taking stuff from SS.

Nonetheless, I checked a lot of footages of paper jam, and I think this game has a lot of potential, they should have shown more, but I got enoguh to know there will be much more. Serious, they even chanegd the camera angle which is the first time it happens with m&l.

Just don;t be much pessimist, tbh, I think it's a transition to get a real rpg :)

I';ll try to give a summary, but I did told this multiple time.

Basically, you would have him light, that's the basic. However, the point here is that paper mario is a strategical character that wants to show his paper skills. How I imagined him is more like a strategical character, but also TRIES to feel and look appealing (like doing stylish and quirky dodges). I see the partner mechanic as being a way to give him versatility for the exchange of havign to maintain it. The reason I see that playstyle is more because of the TTYD crwd, you gain SP by actually making the crowd happy so how I saw his personality was more soemone that wants his audience to root for him.

so yeah, his potential is really high, but the main point imo in ANY character is how they use it and in the case of paper mario, I do see that he bring a lot in terms of fighting style :)

Read what I said above, what matters even more is how you use the moves.

But tbh, you did named characters that I don;t see much issues with so......it only shows that paper mario isn;t the end-of-all best moveset potential, it;s jsut.....well different like it should be :)

Guys, please tag me when you have these discussions cause I woudl want these....
Good Alde, I've seen your posts on this matter before. Thus, I was trying to be specific on the word choice. I know the abilities that he has used and the obvious fact that he'd be Game & Watch or Jigglypuff tier light by nature of being so thin. The Star Power gauge, folding forms, pixls, partners, stickers, they're all themes that they could use in the adaptation of PM into a fighter.

I said that I was unsure HOW they'd convert him into a playstyle. He's... a fair bit of enigma on that.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Good Alde, I've seen your posts on this matter before. Thus, I was trying to be specific on the word choice. I know the abilities that he has used and the obvious fact that he'd be Game & Watch or Jigglypuff tier light by nature of being so thin. The Star Power gauge, folding forms, pixls, partners, stickers, they're all themes that they could use in the adaptation of PM into a fighter.

I said that I was unsure HOW they'd convert him into a playstyle. He's... a fair bit of enigma on that.
It does sound like it is only because you could do it in different ways.

For example, if they would want to sue the Pixl, I would more see them as utilities than partrners because was mroe like that hence why you woukl use thoreau to grab.

The partners? well again, it;s just interpretation, you would allow switching, but with a drawback as it's like "loosing a turn". for me, it was a long animation that could go wrong. Aerials? I would pick stulish and ground pound, hammer on smashes and jabs, tilt would be stickers/pixl, etc.....

Figuring out the moveset based on the playstyle does involves effort, but tbh, so are all characters that has a playstyle. Figuring out the playstyle isn;t that hard because it;s jsut an interpretation, an abstraction if you will. The thing is what I said above, this is ONE way to acheive the playstyle I described above. To me, it;s more an advantage because that means you have more flexibility to the playstyle you want.

But I did saw terrible movesets of him that usually involves an overkill uses of partners or an overkill use of something else, you would of course want to avoid that, but with a bit of thinking, it's not this hard.

In fact, Sakurai said that the most important is that the playstyle and feel of the character is pretty clear, to me, paper mario does sound like it which I consider a good sign.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
No idea why this hasn't been posted here yet.
Just a bit of the japanese fanbase's support from Source gaming.
Dixie is lower unfortunately but Inklings shot up and much more.

Viridi top 50 <3
#4 is THE DEE, #2 if we don't count veterans, #3 if we only look at those not in the game yet.
Inklings also #5, 3, 4 respectively.

We got... what? 21 days left til the big day?

Edit: this needs to be shared. The official Sonic FB page just posted this
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
No idea why this hasn't been posted here yet.
Just a bit of the japanese fanbase's support from Source gaming.
Dixie is lower unfortunately but Inklings shot up and much more.

Viridi top 50 <3
Don't know why Roy and Ryu are still on the list since they are both already confirmed, unless this was for early results, but since the articles was posted today I still don't see why to still include them...

Also Magnemite (lulwut?):081:

And Midna top 50 <3

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Don't know why Roy and Ryu are still on the list since they are both already confirmed, unless this was for early results, but since the articles was posted today I still don't see why to still include them...

Also Magnemite (lulwut?):081:

And Midna top 50 <3
Ryu and Roy weren't released when the poll started, Magnemite's Japan's Goku and such, dumb request for lols, remember Gengar's Pokken reveal?


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Surprised Isaac is that low (idc if he gets in or not but didn't know his popularity in Japan) and Geno is that high.....still. I don't know who the girl with 2.9% is so I can't really comment.

Slightly disappointed at support of Bayonetta in Japan. In West there were polls where she was about 8th and 12th, can't remember exactly - will need to dig in the Bayo thread. On the other hand, 14th when excluding veterans and current AT's/DLCed characters ain't bad considering her games are a niche genre.

Really happy with Inklings & Snake support, K Rool's too but that's expected of him to be the King haha.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2015
So glad to see King K. Rool being the absolute most requested character in Japan, and distancing the second most requested newcomer by an huge margin too.
It's also interesting to see how similar their requests are to ours, except for the low popularity of Isaac.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Don't know why Roy and Ryu are still on the list since they are both already confirmed, unless this was for early results, but since the articles was posted today I still don't see why to still include them...

Also Magnemite (lulwut?):081:

And Midna top 50 <3
That's because PushDustin compiled results from after the ballot started until August 30th. He explains the reasoning in the article.

EDIT: This data includes information from April 1st – August 30th. This is why Roy is included in the final results.

Ok, it was an edit.

Here's another important note:

Hello! I’m happy to present the ‘final results’ for which characters are being requested in Japan. I mentioned this in the Tentative Results post, but please understand how these votes were calculated. Essentially, I read over 1,000 posts, tweets, etc and counted how often a character’s name was mentioned, and in what context. This time, I decided to add “points” based on how that user felt about the character. If a user felt that a character was a “shoo-in” then I awarded more points. On the reverse, if a character was seen as “less-likely” then they got less “points”. The reason I did this is because this method is highly ineffective for actually counting how much a character is requested. This is because with this method, I’m bound to pick up on the loudest fanbases. The loudest fanbase is not necessarily the biggest. Instead of acting like I can actually measure the biggest fanbase, I decided to fully embrace measuring the loud fanbases.
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