Smash Master
Been gone for a while and this thread is having a lot of activity, so a quick rundown:
-I'm not crazy about excluding potential new fans. We definitely don't want to split the fanbase since that'll spark infighting and we don't want DK to have its Crash of The Titans equivalent. One way to keep the fanbase on good terms with its members is to emphasize what makes particular games great and why we like certain characters, elements, etc. Let's respect each other's tastes in games from the franchise and make sure it's mutual. If say a Donkey Konga-only fan pops in and asserts that rhythm games is all DK's good for, or a Mario vs DK faction does the same for that series while trashing everything else, that's not okay. Different tastes with a mutual respect for others' preferences should be a good way to keep the fanbase from antagonizing itself. Mutual is definitely the keyword though; we can respectfully disagree and provide constructive critiques. It'll basically be a robust version of our tastes in the DKCs and DK64 if done well.
-The newest members of the Barrel is
Doc Monocle
! Welcome to the Support Buddies, how are you 2 liking the discussions we've been having?
-I'm not crazy about excluding potential new fans. We definitely don't want to split the fanbase since that'll spark infighting and we don't want DK to have its Crash of The Titans equivalent. One way to keep the fanbase on good terms with its members is to emphasize what makes particular games great and why we like certain characters, elements, etc. Let's respect each other's tastes in games from the franchise and make sure it's mutual. If say a Donkey Konga-only fan pops in and asserts that rhythm games is all DK's good for, or a Mario vs DK faction does the same for that series while trashing everything else, that's not okay. Different tastes with a mutual respect for others' preferences should be a good way to keep the fanbase from antagonizing itself. Mutual is definitely the keyword though; we can respectfully disagree and provide constructive critiques. It'll basically be a robust version of our tastes in the DKCs and DK64 if done well.
-The newest members of the Barrel is

....Please don't. Potassium Overload is a serious health concern. It's not worth it no matter what, I HOPE you're joking but just in case, DON'T DO IT!If this team are true fans, then we'll need to see Bluster Kong. Only then will I be convinced.
Seriously, if they make even the slightest reference to Bluster Kong I will surpass Hyle's challenge and eat 70 bananas in a row while dressed in blue tight pajamas. I will then post the video to DK Vine. Screenshot this.
Not bad! Thanks for cooking this up, it's been a while since I've added a new set to the OP, but I will in a few hours. Also I feel like I added your username a long time ago but I stand corrected. Welcome!Dixie Kong coming from a game with which I am very familiar, I should have posted this a long time ago, but I am here now, and I support. Although we don't see her doing THAT many combat moves, it somehow feels like she has limitless moveset potential due to her famous, signature ponytail and the way she uses it in Donkey Kong Country II, and this is forgetting her later appearance in Tropical Freeze ( I have not played it ), which undoubtedly gave her more to work with.
So let us get to business. I cannot resist the temptation to make at least a rudimentary moveset:
Jab (AA): Dixie throws her ponytail in front of her, then snaps her head back to pull it behind her head.
Ftilt: Dixie performs a dropkick by using her ponytail to propel her forward.
Utilt: Dixie launches her self upward with her ponytail on the ground and flip kicks.
Dtilt: Dixie sweeps the ground in front of her with... How did you know?
Dash attack: Dixie performs her signature spinning attack.
Smashes: I am at a loss here except to say... PONYTAIL!
Aerials: Hello again.
Throws: I have only three specific thoughts. 1: She can carry opponents like Donkey Kong, but she moves slower depending on the weight of the carried opponent (Dixie's Double Trouble reference). 2: Her throws, with the exception of up throw, are simply the ways she could throw Diddy or Kiddy when they were partnered. 3: Up throw is her tagging animation from Donkey Kong Country 2.
Neutral Special: Dixie blows a bubble that expands with the amount of timed elapsed that B is held. The bubble pushes opponents away (as ridiculous as that sounds), and holding B too long causes it to pop, obscuring her face for a moment as endlag. If an opponent attacks the bubble, thus causing it to pop, they receive small damage and knockback. (I could not think of a better idea if it seems awful)
Side Special: This move acts as a command grab. Dixie coils her hair around an opponent and violently slams them on the ground. The move is also a tether recovery.
Down Special: Dixie sits down and sips from a juicebox, recovering a quick 3% damage.
Up special: Dixie spins and flails her ponytail once. By tapping B rapidly, you perpetuate the spinning, thereby generating lift. The more rapidly you tap B, the faster she rises, and the stronger the damage output. The move only lifts her to a certain height before descending in a controlled fall while you continue to tap, but it may be continued indefinitely, even as she lands! The crowning trait of this move, in my opinion, is that it can be used as long as you desire, anywhere you desire, and the quickness of startup makes this a go to out of shield option, similarly to Bowser's up special, giving her great defense that is extendable. The only real weaknesses are the blindspot above her head, the tremendous endlag that Bowser's Whirling Fortress would laugh at, and the semi-helpless fall that results if you stop tapping. Fortunately, Dixie has a mechanic that allows you to tap B when you are helplessly falling in order to trigger the move, which is also an attack, so the last weakness is almost void and gives her a powerful asset in battle. As you can tell from the length of the description, this is my favorite idea.
Final Smash: Dixie strums her electric guitar rapidly, as in her debut game end-level animation, encompassing herself with a damaging sphere, and tossing nearby, helpless enemies back and forth with electrical effects. There is a certain misfortune under which the opponent will be knocked out of the attack under the right circumstances, but it will often inflict something in the proximity of a terrifying 95% damage. The attack finishes with a massive shockwave that blows opponents away and causes an additional 24%.