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Dixie Kong's Barrel Of Support Spirits. Farewell Everyone, Thank You ALL For Making This Thread An Excellent Place For DK Fans!

Planet Cool

Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2014
Unless he said something different recently, Nate placed doubt on a new DK from the Odyssey team.
Christ, and I was just starting to feel some optimism. What did he say?

If that Mario Odyssey team rumor is true, then color me cautiously excited.
It depends. I was just talking about this with some guys over on DK Vine, but I don't want a DK version of Mario Odyssey. Odyssey, like Breath of the Wild, is one of those "upturned box of Legos" games where it's basically up to you to make your own fun. They give you a ton of things to do but don't actually care if you do them or not. Some people find that liberating, but I have a hard time getting invested in it. With a few exceptions (or maybe just one exception), DK games have always been a series of carefully curated challenges. They're lean and mean. If the new game really exists, I hope it doesn't lose sight of that.


The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
Well its nice we are getting a 3D World trailer tomorrow but its disappointing because I feel the hope of a January Nintendo direct is dead.

Also speaking of 3D World if I see one more person suggest DK as a playable character in 3D World on twitter Im gonna lose it! Its one thing to give nods/references to DK in Odyssey through New Donk City or make a DLC expansion starring DK for a spin-off. But to add DK as a playable character in a mainline Mario game (a port I might add) just devalues the brand even further IMO. People who already view DK as nothing more than a Mario spin-off/sub series will have even more ammunition. Also besides I cant imagine seeing DK where a cat or boomerang suit..lol


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Well its nice we are getting a 3D World trailer tomorrow but its disappointing because I feel the hope of a January Nintendo direct is dead.

Also speaking of 3D World if I see one more person suggest DK as a playable character in 3D World on twitter Im gonna lose it! Its one thing to give nods/references to DK in Odyssey through New Donk City or make a DLC expansion starring DK for a spin-off. But to add DK as a playable character in a mainline Mario game (a port I might add) just devalues the brand even further IMO. People who already view DK as nothing more than a Mario spin-off/sub series will have even more ammunition. Also besides I cant imagine seeing DK where a cat or boomerang suit..lol
The most unrealistic thing is the idea of Nintendo going all out with a multitude of new characters for a Switch port. Lest we forget, Tropical Freeze had Funky Kong include as part of an easy mode. Even NSMBU Deluxe was basically throwing Toadette in (also as an easy mode), putting in the Super Crown and calling it a day. If we get anyone beyond her in 3D World I'll be stunned.

Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
Christ, and I was just starting to feel some optimism. What did he say?
So I was looking through the comments on his Youtube video where he talks about Nintendo's anniversaries. He now says that some other team is working on it and not the Odyssey team. Someone asked him if it'll be 2D or 3D, and he said 2D.

I'm on my new phone, and I'm not sure how to link it from YouTube to here, but yeah.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Tinfoil hat time, but I wonder if Nintendo internally simply doesn't have any current plans for 2D Mario, given there hasn't been a real new game in over 8 years. and any real progress with has been done via Mario Maker and its sequel. Thus with the latter effectively giving people content for now it it could be that the 2D platformer focus has shifted to DK as a result with a plan for Mario adjacent franchises besides the Maker series roughly being this:

3D Platforming - Mario (shifting between sandbox and linear when appropriate)
2D Platforming (Fast & Kinetic) - Donkey Kong
2D Platforming (Slow & Exploratory) - Yoshi
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Man, with the 40th anniversary coming, I feel like this could finally be the the year we get a dedicated DK DIRECT.
I wish. A DK Direct almost sounds like a pipedream with how Nintendo has been treating the DK IP over the years. Not to say that can't happen, but I think it might be too soon even for the 40th anniversary. The DKC brand might have to get on it's feet again back to it's glory days before Nintendo starts treating it with the respect it deserves. Though that is only my fear of thought though.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
The Diddy Kong costume in Odyssey was nice which I pretty much exclusively used once I had it unlocked, but even with that and a “DK Odyssey”, I would not fancy going around collecting 999 moon bananas if you catch my drift. Would take it over not having another game of course, but still.

The problem with DK64’s collectibles was the amount of different kinds there were, but the main collectibles (golden bananas) were in the low hundreds range just as it needed to be, with each being thought out for the most part with you doing specific things to get them. Not like Odyssey where a certain majority of power moons you just randomly come across.

The best thing I can say about that model is being an effective way to extend play sessions with each main world, which is especially good for a AAA handheld experience with the Switch, but it’s not the ideal kind of 3D platformer for me. Odyssey still had good ideas especially for being the first mainline game with some of Nintendo’s new fresh blood working on it, and I’m sure they could give a worthwhile 3D DK game, but would not be the first choice for me. If it happens though would still be cool, especially after the DK teases Odyssey itself already gave as pointed out.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Diddy, Dixie, Cranky, Candy, Tiny, K. Rool, Rambi, Squawks, Expresso and "Rattley."
I'm surprised that Tiny's name was in New Donk City but Funky's wasn't. Was there a street named Funky in ND? I don't remember. Tiny's name being there could be a very good sign for her as we know it certainly was for K. Rool.
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Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
As soon as I unlocked the Diddy costume, it was Diddy Mario all the way through. Top tier costume, and I'm surprised Diddy has a costume and not DK. I know he doesn't have a hat, but he could've thrown his scalp around. Surely that wouldn't frighten the children.

As for 3D World, Yoshi needs to be in it. Love that guy. Also bring in Wario, Toadette, and, what the hell, Waluigi as well.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
The hidden Kongtent just says that DK is not being headed by the same major staff members that worked on Mario Odyssey. It has a lot of "younger" staff members involved like Splatoon did, and they grew up loving DKC and wanted to make their own, as DKVine's Hyle mentioned recently.

Grain of salt, etc.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2015
God. I've waited so long for a new DKC game. Could this finally be the year we get something?

As much as I dislike DK64, I think Donkey Kong could still make for a great 3D collectathon. My main issue with that game was the whacky cartoon tone that was such a departure from the beautiful naturalistic atmosphere of the original DKC trilogy.

So long as we return to the Kremlings and get some animal buddies back, I'll be glad with whatever they come up with, 2D or 3D!

Also, David Wise is a must. He's the franchise's John Williams.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
As I've mentioned before I'm feeling good about the present rumors (assuming there's validity to them) for two reasons.

First, if indeed its a younger team enthused about the project because they grew up loving DKC, then that feels like the sort of people that are in the best position to keep it fresh. Not that Retro couldn't put out another fantastic entry with new ideas. just that sometimes there's a certain magic to those that have always wanted to make a game finally getting their chance. Sonic Mania is a great example, where its design and elements clicked because they were made by a studio filled with people that knew exactly what fans enjoyed. A potential group of designers who are specifically not of the older and more conservative type in the company are the ones at Nintendo I'd trust because they view DK as something beyond the arcade/gimmick role the company often has.

Secondly while I'm entirely open to a 3D entry, there still feels like there's untapped potential in another 2D game. In an era where indies are constantly thinking up interesting concepts to platformers & Metroidvanias, down to Shovel Knight having four distinct campaigns in its complete game, another two dimensional DKC title isn't old hat to me. Its instead a chance to either build upon the fantastic base Retro had achieved with Tropical Freeze and/or create a new kind of experience that feels true to the Country games (not unlike how YL & the Impossible Lair managed to with even a smaller budget that most first party games). Levels crafted for specific Kongs, new animal buddies, different takes on collectibles; this still seems like a franchise where the sky's the limit.
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Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
The hidden Kongtent just says that DK is not being headed by the same major staff members that worked on Mario Odyssey. It has a lot of "younger" staff members involved like Splatoon did, and they grew up loving DKC and wanted to make their own, as DKVine's Hyle mentioned recently.

Grain of salt, etc.
I don't know about y'all, but this sounds like DKC6 to me. They might've added some new gameplay mechanics to help spruce it up a bit, or they might've brought back some gameplay elements from RARE's trilogy like tag team, but from all the info we got including that new DKC trademark I heavily believe this will be a Country game.

Planet Cool

Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2014
The hidden Kongtent just says that DK is not being headed by the same major staff members that worked on Mario Odyssey. It has a lot of "younger" staff members involved like Splatoon did, and they grew up loving DKC and wanted to make their own, as DKVine's Hyle mentioned recently.

Grain of salt, etc.
Oh, that's very encouraging!

I dunno if I ever mentioned this before, but assuming they keep the "DK + ability-granting partner" thing from Retro's games, I hope they add Kiddy and Lanky as partner Kongs. Kiddy gives you a Mario-style ground pound and Lanky makes you float like Dixie used to in Rare's games (by inflating himself just like a balloon).

Also, what if the game goes full Sonic Mania and actually recreates the ACM/Silicon Graphics style of Rare's trilogy?

Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
Oh, that's very encouraging!

I dunno if I ever mentioned this before, but assuming they keep the "DK + ability-granting partner" thing from Retro's games, I hope they add Kiddy and Lanky as partner Kongs. Kiddy gives you a Mario-style ground pound and Lanky makes you float like Dixie used to in Rare's games (by inflating himself just like a balloon).

Also, what if the game goes full Sonic Mania and actually recreates the ACM/Silicon Graphics style of Rare's trilogy?
Would love it if Lanky Kong was playable. If they can make Kiddy Kong interesting, then that would be a plus.

I actually think it would be neat if they made a new Kong member. Imagine, Nintendo making a new Kong for the first time since DK and DK Jr. It would be music to my ears.

Planet Cool

Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2014
Nosy Kong, a proboscis monkey that attacks enemies by swinging his huge bulbous nose around. (Fun fact: a classmate in elementary school convinced me that this character existed and was playable in DK64.)


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Would love it if Lanky Kong was playable. If they can make Kiddy Kong interesting, then that would be a plus.

I actually think it would be neat if they made a new Kong member. Imagine, Nintendo making a new Kong for the first time since DK and DK Jr. It would be music to my ears.
Baron K Roolenstein attempts to clone his arch nemesis for his own fiendish purposes but unfortunately its a botched job, thus leading to the official canon debut of Dankey Kang. 😉
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Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
If this team are true fans, then we'll need to see Bluster Kong. Only then will I be convinced.

Seriously, if they make even the slightest reference to Bluster Kong I will surpass Hyle's challenge and eat 70 bananas in a row while dressed in blue tight pajamas. I will then post the video to DK Vine. Screenshot this.
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
If this team are true fans, then we'll need to see Bluster Kong. Only then will I be convinced.

Seriously, if they make even the slightest reference to Bluster Kong I will surpass Hyle's challenge and eat 70 bananas in a row while dressed in blue tight pajamas. I will then post the video to DK Vine. Screenshot this.
Who needs Dixie, Cranky, or Funky when there's Bluster Kong or should I say Leo Luster:

Leo Luster for Smash! :ultpacman:


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Something that's additionally intriguing about a Nintendo developed DK is the possibility of a Japanese composer getting a chance to compose a mainline Donkey Kong game. Something like this might attract some big time talent to it. Its a pipe dream but imagine the likes of Yoko Shimomura doing music for a DKC game?
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2015
Hyle from DK Vine has posted some new info on his "source".

Imagine a world where DK has a consistent developer focused entirely on DK projects! If what Hyle says is true, a team of younger developers who grew up with the DKC would definitely understand what made those games special, from the gameplay to the atmosphere.

Picture a DK TEAM logo popping up at the start of each game similar to the Sonic Team logo!

Justin Little

Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2013
If this is a new team or group, they'll probably be called something boring like Nintendo EPD 12. I'm just excited Nintendo might've finally listened to us. No more long droughts. :)

Just imagine the future: DKC6, 3D DK, Diddy Kong Racing 2, Dixie's Guitar Hero, Nintendogs + Kiddy Kong, Funky's Dude Where's my Plane, Swanky's Dating Game, Donkey Kong 22, etc.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Hyle from DK Vine has posted some new info on his "source".

Imagine a world where DK has a consistent developer focused entirely on DK projects! If what Hyle says is true, a team of younger developers who grew up with the DKC would definitely understand what made those games special, from the gameplay to the atmosphere.

Picture a DK TEAM logo popping up at the start of each game similar to the Sonic Team logo!
Funny, my post is above his. I've read his post. But I still think it's sometimes hard to believe that Nintendo themselves are actually gonna tackle the proper revival of Donkey Kong. It just seems surreal. But I'll take it!

As my post said, Nintendo handling DK would ensure quality, marketing, dedication, and probably sales and success. Jungle Beat didn't had this, but they've grown. There's a lot they can do with the brand that they couldn't do with Mario. For example, the sheet difficulty of games like Mario 64 and Sunshine. The Mario formula would work on Donkey Kong, it might not be exactly what we want, but I'll take it.

I refuse to really believe in this too much before I see it however. When things seem too good to be true, they often are. Life learned me these things repeatedly enough to stop chasing these illusions. But I'll be happy once it happens.
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