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Dixie Kong's Barrel Of Support Spirits. Farewell Everyone, Thank You ALL For Making This Thread An Excellent Place For DK Fans!


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2018
Close to a mailbox, Eddy.
Absolutely this.

Also Victory Themes:

DK - Much better remix of Bonus Room clear
Diddy - Level clear beatbox
Dixie - Level clear guitar
K. Rool - What he has now
Cranky - Stage Start music from the arcade game
Funky - Funky's Flights

Lanky - DK Rap
NGL, A little part of my soul aches everytime I think back to completing a level in DKC2 or winning a race in DKR (why is there no DKR...anything in Smash?!), only to come back to the same tired old Brawl fanfare that Diddy (& DK) has been stuck with for so long.

In general, there are many fighters, some with their own signature leitmotif (:ultridley::ultkingdedede::ultwolf::ultpeach::ultzelda:), that still share an old theme with others & it's...blah.
I feel like most characters should just get their own personal victory theme at this point.

Lanky - DK Rap
NIET. Only this qualifies!
And no remix either! Leave it pure & untouched. :4luigi:
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Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
It has been basically three months since I last posted anything in this thread. Since then, there have been two profound developments. One was the confirmation of the fourth character to the Fighters Pass, and second, a confirmation of additional DLC after the conclusion of the Fighters Pass.

I believed Dixie Kong was unlikely for the Fighters Pass as soon as Joker's confirmation happened and Reggie said he was an example for the rest of the characters to the Fighters Pass. It ended up being entirely third-party (though there is technically one more character left to be unveiled for it).

With the confirmation of additional DLC fighters after the Fighters Pass, it opens up the possibility that Dixie Kong could have a shot at being a part of Ultimate's incredible roster. As of now, we have little idea what the motif to the DLC after the Fighters Pass will be.

Sakurai has made cryptic comments about wanting to expand the number of worlds within Smash Bros., and I think most likely the next set of characters after DLC wraps up is likely all going to be third-party. I think the closest exception to this is going to be Geno (who is technically third-party), I still think Sakurai is going to want to revisit him as a character concept (he voiced this as recently as 2016) especially considering how the Geno Mii costume has not been brought back. There are still many third-party franchises for Sakurai to draw from to fill out any amount of DLC slots.

That being said we still know very little (or maybe even nothing) about the direction the DLC after the Fighters Pass will take. There very well could be a mix of third-party and Nintendo owned characters for the additional DLC. Heck, its possible (and quite probable) that there are only going to be three more DLC characters after the Fighters Pass. There are two reasons as to why I believe this.

One is Sakurai's own admission that the development team will be shrinking over the course of the DLC period. I think, after the Fighters Pass wraps up in February, the additional fighters will take much longer to come out, and maybe even until the end of the year (2020) to release all three of them. I personally don't think there will be enough time, budget, and manpower left for another five unique newcomers.

The second reason is that I do think it is pretty suspicious the character select screen was re-arranged in a way to which there will be three additional slots left over after the Fighters Pass.

I think much like the Fighters Pass before, its best to set our expectation that the additional DLC is only going to be three more characters.

There is always the possibility that Dixie Kong somehow ends up being among those three characters (or that the DLC ends up being another five characters and has Nintendo owned characters in it as well). Dixie Kong has a few things in her favor over many other characters. She is among the few Nintendo characters left outside the Mario series not yet on the roster that is well known, popular, and integral to their franchise. She also has a character already on the roster, Diddy Kong, whom could easily be used as a base to which to develop her, which might be ideal in a situation with depreciating development resources (time, money, and manpower) as time goes on, as well as the fact, unlike many other characters, she could be made into a semi-clone.

However, on the whole, I am not optimistic on Dixie's DLC prospects even with this recent announcement. I think its going to be all third-party characters, or if Nintendo characters, promotional ones or ones big with the Smash Bubble. However, Smash Bros. has always been full of surprises with its roster choices. We shall wait and see. I personally think we will get a sneak peak at the first post-Fighters Pass character whenever they announce the final character to the Fighters Pass (which I think will happen in either November or December).

I long promised an essay in support of Dixie Kong's inclusion in Smash Bros., and I guess this is it (I am sorry if you were expecting something even longer than what you will all are about to read). I will not make much mention of moveset arguments for Dixie Kong, but I think there are plenty of others that can make the argument, and I feel after Piranha Plant, that "moveset potential" is a "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" style argument. There is a great diversity of ways to which Dixie Kong can be approached as a fighter, from a fully unique one to a semi-clone or even an echo (though I think Ken-style is the only one that really fits). I feel for Dixie Kong that passion and belief about what type of fighter she should be is proportional to just how much passion and interest there is in her. If she was on par with the likes of Waluigi and Geno for requests among the Smash Bubble, she would be universally deemed to be only fitting to be a fully unique fighter. However, with her fanbase and requests in the straits that they are in, she mostly is settled for as an echo fighter addition or semi-clone outside of her most passionate supporters. I do have confidence in Sakurai and his team to faithfully implement Dixie and her appeal regardless of what type of fighter she they ultimately do choose for her (assuming she ever does happen as a fighter). Some of my favorite characters in the Smash Bros. series are semi-clones (like Roy), and I think Dark Samus was captured very well as to who she is despite nearly all of her differences being animation based (there is actually some great subtle references to her source material in them). However, this piece is not to argue about what kind of fighter Dixie should or will be, but rather her merits are, and what she means to Smash Bros., Nintendo, and gaming as a whole.

With all that being said, let me explain just why Dixie Kong is not just Nintendo All-Star, but a gaming all-star as a whole.

Dixie Kong is truly something special. She might not ultimately make Ultimate's roster, but she is still one of Nintendo's best and most iconic heroines. At a time where some people complain about there being no female characters as part of the Fighters Pass, its peculiar that much of this crowd continues to ignore the sub-100 pound monkey in the room. Dixie Kong, is not just one of Nintendo's most iconic and legendary heroines, but among gaming as a whole. She became popular and well known even before Lara Croft and Jill Valentine, and moreover she was popular among boys for reasons beyond sex appeal ("WHOA SHE CAN FLY! LOOK AT HOW SHE CAN SHRED ON HER GUITAR!").

Dixie Kong was groundbreaking. As another Dixie fan noted, Samus might have been Nintendo's first prominent heroine, but Dixie was the first major one to wear her femininity on her sleeve. Back in the 90's, you could definitely be in the dark about what Samus's gender was, Dixie however, was definitely a girl, and a girly girl one at that. She liked the color pink, had long flowing hair, long eyelashes, colored toenails, and cried when she got hit. Everything about this character would make you think that she would not go over well with demographics outside of little girls. However, Dixie Kong was a rare breed of a character. She is among the few that has "Mario appeal". She is a character that manages to be popular and appealing across demographics despite her unorthodox design due to just how fun she is to play as and the charm of her character, just like Mario, whose design is of a portly middle aged mustachioed man in overalls with a high-pitched voice, but is among the most loved and iconic character in all of gaming.

Dixie is a character that embraces her femininity without having to rely on sex appeal or "waifuism", and for that she is not only just one of the best heroines in gaming but also among the most interesting. While she may cry when she got hit, or due a female tween-like pout about being thrown in a crib with Kiddy (DKC3's game over screen), she at the same time subverted tropes by managing to be one of the few Kongs (especially playable Kongs) that never got kidnapped by K. Rool, and moreover, she canonically insulted/sassed him to his face. She is not a support character like most other major prominent female Nintendo characters, but a co-protagonists in two of the Top 10 best selling SNES titles (DKC2 and DKC3). As another Dixie fan put it, she is "cute, cool, bad***".

Dixie is a character that goes beyond "girl Diddy". She has a lot of charm and personality. From sipping a drink in the middle of a journey, to lapping up honey while storming a Zinger stronghold, to taking DK's Switch for herself. Dixie is a character that knows how to smell the roses and enjoy the moment, which is why she does not hesitate to enjoy some honey in an environment full of giant bees, hijack DK's Switch from him, or mock K. Rool to his face. Dixie likes having fun just as much as we have fun playing as her. That is part of her endearment. In many ways, she might possibly be the pinnacle of the characters Rare created (and that truly says something), and it is a shame she basically went a nearly 20 year stretch without any sort of prominent role.

Dixie Kong is not just a character that stands out among heroines, but all heroes. She is a character that managed to simultaneously embrace and subvert tropes, and somehow manage to become one of the most endearing characters within not just her franchise, but gaming as a whole.

While most of the Smash Bros. Bubble continues to basically ignore her, they simply do not know the breadth to which Dixie Kong was a trailblazer and the subtle charm to her character. Dixie in many ways is the female Mario. Unlike most heroines, most of her appeal is not due to sex appeal/"waifu factor", but rather because of her gameplay mechanics and personality, much like Mario is not someone you would initially think of as cool or endearing without having a hands on experience with the character.

Dixie Kong is a character that is exemplary of the term Nintendo All-Star in many ways. She is a showcase for the Nintendo brand as a whole. A character, that like Nintendo, has their net cast wide across demographics despite what the industry conventions are to what "appealing" is. If there is one Nintendo character left to ever be added to Smash Bros., I could not think of a finer Nintendo character for the series to close on than Dixie Kong: The Last Nintendo All-Star.

I re-iterate that Ultimate's roster is absolutely fantastic, and I am extremely grateful to Sakurai and his team for everything that they did for Ultimate from finally adding Ridley to the roster (a childhood dream of mine that went on for nearly 20 years), to bringing back every single veteran (another dream I thought was unlikely to ever happen), to bringing in Castlevania (one of my favorite non-Nintendo franchises, and one to which the Smash Bubble seemed to care little for), and recently bringing in Banjo-Kazooie (a character that is outright owned by a console competitor to Nintendo). Sakurai and his team have increasingly broken through each "impossible" bar, and left us in awe of just what we can expect or what we see as "plausible".

Dixie Kong as a character in many ways is someone who seems "on paper" to be the most obvious character that could be added to Smash Bros. She is a popular Nintendo characters that is prominent within her franchise of origin. Of such a basal quality, Dixie has this one in spades. However, after over 20 years of history to the franchise, Dixie is still conspicuously absent from the roster. Moreover, as time goes on. her prospects of ever being added keep becoming lower and lower. Smash now has gone on to become something than just about Nintendo characters. With Smash 4 and especially Ultimate, its about celebrating gaming as a whole.

Dixie is a character in many ways that completes the circle. When I first learned of Smash Bros., I was very (pleasantly) surprised Samus was part of the roster when every other character on the roster had an upcoming game for the Nintendo 64 at the time except her. Samus beat and exceeded the odds of what most would have put on a roster of 12 Nintendo characters back in 1999. However, regardless of the Metroid series having gone into hiatus during those past five years, there was no denying it, Samus and Metroid were still a major part of Nintendo and their brand. Samus and Dixie Kong were both among my favorite gaming heroes during my childhood (and still are). It was Samus's unexpected presence on the Smash Bros. roster that I even got as overwhelmingly hyped for Smash Bros. even months before the game's international release.

Dixie Kong is a character that I believe in my heart does not just fit the descriptor of Nintendo All-Star, but also Gaming All-Star. She might not have launched a franchise, but she is a character that in many way encapsulates just what charm there is to a character in the medium of gaming. She is a character that manages to have a foot both in her criteria to fit what it took to enter Smash Bros. at the beginning of the series and what it means now (importance to gaming as a whole).

However, just like Samus before her, conventionally she does not seem likely at all. Dixie is not a character even Nintendo fans are clamoring for (or rather the "Smash Bubble"). Dixie might very well never be added to Smash Bros.'s roster (Ultimate or any future installment).

However, even if she is never added, she is still an incredible heroine, and Ultimate's roster is still incredible. However, if by some miracle, and it would be an absolutely incredible miracle, Dixie Kong were added as DLC, it would be one of the greatest miracles of Ultimate's roster yet. Dixie, a character that does not meet the criteria of what is expected for DLC newcomers for Ultimate, might somehow, someway, managed to be selected to be DLC. That would be a miracle on par with Ridley being playable, EVERYONE IS HERE!, and Banjo-Kazooie making it in.

I do not know what Sakurai and his team's interpretation of Dixie Kong as a fighter will be (assuming if it ever does happen), but regardless, I have hope that Sakurai will implement her in a way that captures just what is so endearing and charming about Dixie Kong.

Dixie paradoxically is a character that makes the most sense on paper as a Smash Bros. addition, yet is also unlikely to be added in the future even among actual Nintendo characters. It is poetic this unconventional circumstances matches her unconventional appeal.

Sakurai and his team have my gratitude for making Ultimate the way they did (aside from the things I mentioned before, there are even small touches that I am grateful for like giving my favorite F-Zero character Pico, a role in the World of Light) , but like RomanceDawn, I have one more request (and it is the same as his), and that is to the complete the circle. Make Dixie Kong join the fight. Samus, one of Nintendo's AND gaming's biggest and beloved heroines joined the battle at the dawn of the franchise (the very dawn of it, she was even among the four fighters to the demo pitch Sakurai made for the original Smash Bros.). Ultimate in many ways is the apex of the Smash Bros. series. Dixie Kong joining the fight now, while long overdue, would be a moving swansong to what is shaping up to Masahiro Sakurai's magnum opus.

Dixie Kong is a character that epitomizes what Smash Bros. is, then and now. She is important to both Nintendo and gaming.

Dixie is a character that I have been very fond of going back over 20 years ago. My Dixie Kong figurine was one of my favorite toys from my childhood and was consistently near my bedside as I went to sleep every night. Having a physical object to enjoy and play with was something that I wish had extended to Samus, my other favorite gaming hero from childhood. However, I was happy to have just Dixie Kong (and Yoshi) to play with and enjoy, Now 20 years later, I am grateful that Sakurai and his team have added in not just nearly all of my favorite Nintendo characters but also my favorite gaming characters in general. Dixie this time though is the one not part of the toy box.

For many of Dixie's fans and supporters, the love and support for her runs deep. BirthNote, has been courteous enough to chronicle many of these stories into the opening post of this thread. Much like Roy (another character I deeply wanted to see, although to return), much of his appeal was not easily apparent to those who did not experience him, but rather from those who played with him hands-on and thus got appreciate his personality charm and gameplay flair. Dixie is much in the same way, to many people who never or barely played DKC2, DKC3, and Tropical Freeze, Dixie is just "girl Diddy" just like Roy was "fire Marth". However, I think the comparisons are even more unfair because Dixie's differences from Diddy are much readily apparent than Roy and Marth's were.

Thus, even if I were to craft the best prose ever written on the merits of Dixie Kong's value and worth to be a part of Ultimate's roster, it never ever would be enough to grow her fanbase and the passion for her possible inclusion. Words may touch, but actions MOVE. The best way to truly appreciate Dixie is to enjoy her source material. She is one of the two protagonists for both DKC2 and DKC3, with the former regarded as one of the best 2D platformers of all time (and the latter a very underrated game, and I personally believe to be among the best platformers for the SNES even if it is not quite as good as DKC2, it is stronger than the first DKC entry). In Tropical Freeze, she is arguably the most helpful of all the support Kongs and the game itself is argued to be the pinnacle of 2D platformers as well.

I said almost a year ago (back in December), that Dixie Kong was a treasure to the future. She might be the last long running Nintendo character left that is both a main character to their franchise (as in actual main protagonist level) that is still not part of the roster to the Smash Bros. series. Going forward Dixie is a throwback to the possible newcomer pools that Smash Bros. fans who anticipated Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4 had access to. The likes of Wario, Diddy Kong, Ridley, King Dedede, Olimar, Little Mac, Meta Knight, K. Rool, Ganondorf, Zelda, Bowser, Peach, and Bowser Jr. have all been added in now. Dixie Kong (and arguably the Toads) are all that is left from the ages of where characters had to fit "the old criteria" (namely being an integral character to a major Nintendo franchise). In an era where the most wanted characters are retro Nintendo characters, side Nintendo characters, and third-parties, Dixie Kong is a throwback to the very beginning of this legendary game franchise for character requests. She is a character that Smash fans back in 2001 would agree deserves to be in Smash Bros., which is something that I think few other characters left at this point could say (again, aside from Toad), and would be surprised to find out, nearly 20 years later, still did not make it in yet.

Dixie might not have much internet "cool kids" saying she is a great possible addition, or a massive online fanbase, but she is an absolutely legendary character, and I think even if I might not follow a future installment that does end up adding her in down the road, I think that it is something that Nintendo and Smash Bros. fans who were not around for Melee, Brawl, or Smash 4 newcomer support periods should have, an unequivocal Nintendo All-Star to support and champion . Sometimes the shiniest jewel goes unnoticed.

However, my personal hope, my hope beyond hope, is that somehow Sakuai and his team once again make the impossible possible and decide to implement Dixie Kong even though she is not a third-party character or promoting an upcoming Nintendo title. Her addition would not only be unprecedented as DLC newcomers go, but it would fittingly show how Smash Bros. has come full circle. One of its first newcomers being Samus, and if Dixie Kong were added, one of the last, for what is arguably the culmination for the franchise and what it has been building toward. It would be perhaps the last miracle (or one of the last) of Ultimate's many miracles.

I am not going to get my hopes up though. I expect only third-party characters as DLC (Geno still counts as third-party). I have very limited free time, and I think at this point in time, it is a poor usage of my time to write up grandiose and passionate posts about a character whom I can do basically nothing in terms of moving the needle towards their possible inclusion. I have been a fan of Smash Bros. for over 20 years, a member of the online Smash Bros. community for over 18 years, and part of SmashBoards for nearly 13 years (going to be 13 next week). I have gotten nearly everything I ever could have wanted or hoped for in relation to Smash Bros. Ridley being a part of the Smash roster was a childhood dream of mine that I thought was likely never going to be realized after Sakurai's own statements on him back in November 2014. Not just Ridley, but so many other things with Ultimate. I have won the lottery multiple times with this title, and yet I still am asking for more. As I said before, I have been spoiled rotten, and I think the best way I can show gratitude moving forward is through moving on.

If there is any profound news in relation to Dixie's prospects made in the future I will comment on it, but I think what I have said here will be my final profound word in relation to Dixie unless in the event of either a confirmation as a newcomer for Ultimate's DLC or when Ultimate's DLC wraps up and Dixie is not one of them (in that case I will give a short essay pep talk to Dixie fans that are disappointed but plan to support her for the next title).

The Dixie fanbase has a lot of fans with diverse talents. From SeashoreWar's talented artwork, to BirthNote's caretaking of the support topic. While many do appreciate my character support prose and introspective and detailed analyses, I cannot keep doing this forever, nor do I want to. While Dixie Kong being in Smash Bros. is something reminiscent of the dreams I had throughout my childhood and young adulthood (Ridley in Smash Bros., and Roy's return in Smash), it is something I have to relinquish to the rest of you. I feel Ultimate is as beautiful a sendoff for a longtime fan of Smash Bros. such as myself could hope for, and gradually over the course of this year I found myself posting less and less with Ultimate's actual release. I feel with this essay, I can finally pass the baton to the next generation.

It is likely going to be a long and arduous journey Dixie fans. How long that journey ultimately is, or whether it even leads to the destination you are all hoping for (Dixie being a part of the roster for Ultimate or a future installment), only time will tell. I wish you all the best regardless of whether you decide to support Dixie in the months and years ahead, or even if you decide to give up on character support and speculation entirely.

To sum it all up, Dixie Kong is a legendary heroine. She is a character that is only under Samus as far as Nintendo heroines go in terms of legacy and prominence to their own franchise and Nintendo as a whole. She is an exemplary heroine for gaming a whole, a rare heroine whom most of their appeal and charm goes beyond sex appeal or the "waifu factor", and one that also embraces and utilizes her femininity to further enhance her character appeal and endearment. She is a character that has "Mario appeal", able to be appreciated by a diverse array of demographics despite her unconventional design through her personality charm and the fun of her gameplay abilities. This particular resume arguably sets her in a league of her own not just as far as Nintendo characters go, but gaming ones as a whole as well.

Whether Dixie is ever eventually added in or not, Dixie Kong is a Nintendo All-Star. She may be underappreciated, and many not actually know or understand just why she is such an endearing character and worthy addition, but in our hearts she is truly special and the ultimate heroine.

Dixie Kong might very well be The Last Nintendo All-Star, and you know what they say about saving the best for last...


(Credit goes to J. Marme for drawing this incredible piece: https://365timeline.com/m/Byp47gkn54j )



The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
Man I love you ChronoBound ChronoBound and your extremely long emotional posts you make. I can really sense your passion but man do I gotta say something. Everytime you talk about "Smash dreams/miracles" you ALWAYS leave out K.Rool. Like he was some type of "shoe-in" and the fact that us fans had to fight and beg for YEARS for his inclusion ane had not their not been a ballot K.Rool still would've been deemed "irrelevant" and lost in the sands of time. Just feels very "underminey" to me.

I just feel like K.Rool deserves his recognition alongside Ridley, Banjo, and the Belmonts and whoever else you deem as "miracle and dream picks". Especially considering how poorly DK as a series was treated in Smash before Ultimate (it still kinda is with the lack of Dixie Kong). King K.Rool finally comes along after years of waiting and fighting. I've waited 17 years for the Kremling King to join. 17 years of being told "hes too fat and ugly", or "irrelevant", or whatever else was thrown my way. Yeah after Smash 4 DLC I had lost hope for him or Dixie. I was ready to throw in the towel and say "Guess K.Rool is impossible and too irrelevant to join Smash" especially after news of Bayonetta had supposedly won the Ballot. I thought Nintendo purposely rigged the ballot to continue to bury K.Rool. Obviously hindsight is 20/20 and they were just saving him for Ultimate. But at a time it really did feel like Nintendo was trying to kill off K.Rool by not having him in Jungle Beat, Returns, Smash, or Tropical Freeze.

So yes I do think K.Rool being added was a miracle. Sakurai listened to the fans after 13+ years finally. Honestly would K.Rool would've made it in without the Ballot/legion of fans? Probably not. Or in an alternate timeline if lets say Miyamoto or Tanabe were the directors of Smash. I guarentee K.Rool probably wouldnt have even sniffed a Smash invitation. Ridley definitely would have eventually.
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Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Man I love you ChronoBound ChronoBound and your extremely long emotional posts you make. I can really sense your passion but man do I gotta say something. Everytime you talk about "Smash dreams/miracles" you ALWAYS leave out K.Rool.
The miracles I was talking about where more along the lines of personal desires I had for Smash Bros. that were miraculously fulfilled with Ultimate. K. Rool was definitely a miraculous inclusion, and never would have made it onto the roster without the existence of Fighters Pass. It is also the reason why I did not include Dark Samus as part of the "list of miracles" even though Dark Samus's inclusion might arguably be more miraculous than even both Ridley and K. Rool were. I outlined why in a few posts here:

Chrom is another character whose inclusion was miraculous. He had many things that went against him even making it in as an echo such as his game of origin being multiple games behind the most contemporary title for a series that derives most of its representation from whatever is the most contemporary title at the time of development (Awakening was over six years old by the time Chrom was confirmed for Ulimate), Awakening already having two playable characters in Smash Bros. (and thus being seen as "redundant" by those outside of Chrom's fanbase), the general mocking Chrom received in Smash 4, and Fire Emblem in general being one of the few series where there is groans when the topic of adding newcomers is brought up.

K. Rool, Dark Samus, and Chrom not being mentioned in my essay as part of the series of miracles does not make their inclusions any less miraculous. I was merely just listing off long personal desires I had for Smash Bros. that I personally thought were unlikely to ever be realized yet somehow managed to happen with Ultimate. That is why I wrote, "I have won the lottery multiple times with this title."


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
At a time where some people complain about there being no female characters as part of the Fighters Pass, its peculiar that much of this crowd continues to ignore the sub-100 pound monkey in the room.
While I enjoyed your Dixie Kong essay, I have a problem with this part. I don't think people who want more female characters as DLC are hypocritical for overlooking Dixie Kong. I want her in as much as anyone else here, but other people simply might not enjoy Donkey Kong Country as much as we do, or might simply prefer a human or human-presenting female character rather than a cartoon animal.

I wish more of them were open to and supportive of Dixie Kong but I personally would give them more credit than that, particularly the women who want more female characters as DLC. One of my friends was hoping for The Hero to get the female versions playable, and when we didn't get them she was crushed. I don't think her being crushed is theoretically less valid because she wasn't also clamoring for Dixie Kong.

Beyond that, there's the stereotype that Dixie Kong would just be an Echo Fighter, so she isn't seen as exciting to people who want female characters with unique movesets. While it's unfortunate that this idea is widespread, this is something we can work on ourselves, to emphasize to other people on Smashboards and the broader internet how she'd stand on her own. Now that the Fighter's Pass is nearly done, and Sakurai's request to please not bombard him with further requests may not apply, perhaps we have our second chance, to loudly show our support for Dixie Kong without fear of looking like insensitive Smash fans who didn't listen to Sakurai (but we still shouldn't "bombard" him, we can be tasteful about it).

That's all I want to add to your post, however. I agree with everything else you said, and I hope the best Smash game so far will include this legendary heroine.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2014
Hello! Haven't been on here for a long time, but if I'm not already on the support list, put me down!


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Beyond that, there's the stereotype that Dixie Kong would just be an Echo Fighter, so she isn't seen as exciting to people who want female characters with unique movesets. While it's unfortunate that this idea is widespread, this is something we can work on ourselves, to emphasize to other people on Smashboards and the broader internet how she'd stand on her own. Now that the Fighter's Pass is nearly done, and Sakurai's request to please not bombard him with further requests may not apply, perhaps we have our second chance, to loudly show our support for Dixie Kong without fear of looking like insensitive Smash fans who didn't listen to Sakurai (but we still shouldn't "bombard" him, we can be tasteful about it).
Time to forward the giant Dixie Kong statue!


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Alright eltacoenojado eltacoenojado is now the newest member of the Barrel, and I'd like to say thanks for voicing your support!

I'd also like to give a massive thank you to ChronoBound ChronoBound for his take on Dixie's chances as well as his essay in regards to her. It was an enjoyable read; one that clearly highlighted her merits and even opened my eyes to some of the qualities I didn't quire recognize, like her Mario Appeal. If I could derail for a bit, Dixie kinda reminds me why I loved the Powerpuff Girls from the 90's: she's adorable, small, girly and more than willing and able to beat the s*** out of anyone who causes trouble no matter how big or bad they are. Normally I'd walk right past characters that look like Dixie and the Powerpuffs, but they've got that charm that makes me like them just as much as my male heroes. I also appreciate the positive words in regard to how I run the thread. I recently got reinvigorated in regards to speculation, so this acknowledgement helps. I still have a lot of real life to live but ATM maintaining this thread isn't difficult.

Further, I'm still working on SeashoreWar's Storyboard, but since it started lagging terribly I sketched up a fascinating idea by ZeroJanitor ZeroJanitor in the meantime. Observe:

Honestly I never thought about her creating gusts of wind with her hair but damn it makes sense! Really liked the idea, so I wanted to brainstorm potential poses for the move. It's meant to be a rough sketch so it's not as clean as I'd normally make it, but I think it's still an effective draft that I sketched over the weekend. What's cool about this move is that it could also work for a DKC platformer, which gives it an appeal that transcends Smash. One way to make Dixie stand out is to show what she can potentially do in her home series as well as Smash. Since SSB uses source material as a springboard for creative liberties, this really works for either series. Hope y'all like the poses; the middle's my favorite TBH.


Direct Link in case the image doesn't display:

More ideas are always welcome. I won't draw them all but don't hesitate.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I do wonder when we will find out more.

Jeezus. So exciting.

I can only hope this continues for years more.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
Alright eltacoenojado eltacoenojado is now the newest member of the Barrel, and I'd like to say thanks for voicing your support!

I'd also like to give a massive thank you to ChronoBound ChronoBound for his take on Dixie's chances as well as his essay in regards to her. It was an enjoyable read; one that clearly highlighted her merits and even opened my eyes to some of the qualities I didn't quire recognize, like her Mario Appeal. If I could derail for a bit, Dixie kinda reminds me why I loved the Powerpuff Girls from the 90's: she's adorable, small, girly and more than willing and able to beat the s*** out of anyone who causes trouble no matter how big or bad they are. Normally I'd walk right past characters that look like Dixie and the Powerpuffs, but they've got that charm that makes me like them just as much as my male heroes. I also appreciate the positive words in regard to how I run the thread. I recently got reinvigorated in regards to speculation, so this acknowledgement helps. I still have a lot of real life to live but ATM maintaining this thread isn't difficult.

Further, I'm still working on SeashoreWar's Storyboard, but since it started lagging terribly I sketched up a fascinating idea by ZeroJanitor ZeroJanitor in the meantime. Observe:

Honestly I never thought about her creating gusts of wind with her hair but damn it makes sense! Really liked the idea, so I wanted to brainstorm potential poses for the move. It's meant to be a rough sketch so it's not as clean as I'd normally make it, but I think it's still an effective draft that I sketched over the weekend. What's cool about this move is that it could also work for a DKC platformer, which gives it an appeal that transcends Smash. One way to make Dixie stand out is to show what she can potentially do in her home series as well as Smash. Since SSB uses source material as a springboard for creative liberties, this really works for either series. Hope y'all like the poses; the middle's my favorite TBH.


Direct Link in case the image doesn't display:

More ideas are always welcome. I won't draw them all but don't hesitate.
You are really good with capturing motion and personality. I definitely hope we see this in Smash and DK128. It makes too much sense.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
It has been basically three months since I last posted anything in this thread. Since then, there have been two profound developments. One was the confirmation of the fourth character to the Fighters Pass, and second, a confirmation of additional DLC after the conclusion of the Fighters Pass.

I believed Dixie Kong was unlikely for the Fighters Pass as soon as Joker's confirmation happened and Reggie said he was an example for the rest of the characters to the Fighters Pass. It ended up being entirely third-party (though there is technically one more character left to be unveiled for it).

With the confirmation of additional DLC fighters after the Fighters Pass, it opens up the possibility that Dixie Kong could have a shot at being a part of Ultimate's incredible roster. As of now, we have little idea what the motif to the DLC after the Fighters Pass will be.

Sakurai has made cryptic comments about wanting to expand the number of worlds within Smash Bros., and I think most likely the next set of characters after DLC wraps up is likely all going to be third-party. I think the closest exception to this is going to be Geno (who is technically third-party), I still think Sakurai is going to want to revisit him as a character concept (he voiced this as recently as 2016) especially considering how the Geno Mii costume has not been brought back. There are still many third-party franchises for Sakurai to draw from to fill out any amount of DLC slots.

That being said we still know very little (or maybe even nothing) about the direction the DLC after the Fighters Pass will take. There very well could be a mix of third-party and Nintendo owned characters for the additional DLC. Heck, its possible (and quite probable) that there are only going to be three more DLC characters after the Fighters Pass. There are two reasons as to why I believe this.

One is Sakurai's own admission that the development team will be shrinking over the course of the DLC period. I think, after the Fighters Pass wraps up in February, the additional fighters will take much longer to come out, and maybe even until the end of the year (2020) to release all three of them. I personally don't think there will be enough time, budget, and manpower left for another five unique newcomers.

The second reason is that I do think it is pretty suspicious the character select screen was re-arranged in a way to which there will be three additional slots left over after the Fighters Pass.

I think much like the Fighters Pass before, its best to set our expectation that the additional DLC is only going to be three more characters.

There is always the possibility that Dixie Kong somehow ends up being among those three characters (or that the DLC ends up being another five characters and has Nintendo owned characters in it as well). Dixie Kong has a few things in her favor over many other characters. She is among the few Nintendo characters left outside the Mario series not yet on the roster that is well known, popular, and integral to their franchise. She also has a character already on the roster, Diddy Kong, whom could easily be used as a base to which to develop her, which might be ideal in a situation with depreciating development resources (time, money, and manpower) as time goes on, as well as the fact, unlike many other characters, she could be made into a semi-clone.

However, on the whole, I am not optimistic on Dixie's DLC prospects even with this recent announcement. I think its going to be all third-party characters, or if Nintendo characters, promotional ones or ones big with the Smash Bubble. However, Smash Bros. has always been full of surprises with its roster choices. We shall wait and see. I personally think we will get a sneak peak at the first post-Fighters Pass character whenever they announce the final character to the Fighters Pass (which I think will happen in either November or December).

I long promised an essay in support of Dixie Kong's inclusion in Smash Bros., and I guess this is it (I am sorry if you were expecting something even longer than what you will all are about to read). I will not make much mention of moveset arguments for Dixie Kong, but I think there are plenty of others that can make the argument, and I feel after Piranha Plant, that "moveset potential" is a "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" style argument. There is a great diversity of ways to which Dixie Kong can be approached as a fighter, from a fully unique one to a semi-clone or even an echo (though I think Ken-style is the only one that really fits). I feel for Dixie Kong that passion and belief about what type of fighter she should be is proportional to just how much passion and interest there is in her. If she was on par with the likes of Waluigi and Geno for requests among the Smash Bubble, she would be universally deemed to be only fitting to be a fully unique fighter. However, with her fanbase and requests in the straits that they are in, she mostly is settled for as an echo fighter addition or semi-clone outside of her most passionate supporters. I do have confidence in Sakurai and his team to faithfully implement Dixie and her appeal regardless of what type of fighter she they ultimately do choose for her (assuming she ever does happen as a fighter). Some of my favorite characters in the Smash Bros. series are semi-clones (like Roy), and I think Dark Samus was captured very well as to who she is despite nearly all of her differences being animation based (there is actually some great subtle references to her source material in them). However, this piece is not to argue about what kind of fighter Dixie should or will be, but rather her merits are, and what she means to Smash Bros., Nintendo, and gaming as a whole.

With all that being said, let me explain just why Dixie Kong is not just Nintendo All-Star, but a gaming all-star as a whole.

Dixie Kong is truly something special. She might not ultimately make Ultimate's roster, but she is still one of Nintendo's best and most iconic heroines. At a time where some people complain about there being no female characters as part of the Fighters Pass, its peculiar that much of this crowd continues to ignore the sub-100 pound monkey in the room. Dixie Kong, is not just one of Nintendo's most iconic and legendary heroines, but among gaming as a whole. She became popular and well known even before Lara Croft and Jill Valentine, and moreover she was popular among boys for reasons beyond sex appeal ("WHOA SHE CAN FLY! LOOK AT HOW SHE CAN SHRED ON HER GUITAR!").

Dixie Kong was groundbreaking. As another Dixie fan noted, Samus might have been Nintendo's first prominent heroine, but Dixie was the first major one to wear her femininity on her sleeve. Back in the 90's, you could definitely be in the dark about what Samus's gender was, Dixie however, was definitely a girl, and a girly girl one at that. She liked the color pink, had long flowing hair, long eyelashes, colored toenails, and cried when she got hit. Everything about this character would make you think that she would not go over well with demographics outside of little girls. However, Dixie Kong was a rare breed of a character. She is among the few that has "Mario appeal". She is a character that manages to be popular and appealing across demographics despite her unorthodox design due to just how fun she is to play as and the charm of her character, just like Mario, whose design is of a portly middle aged mustachioed man in overalls with a high-pitched voice, but is among the most loved and iconic character in all of gaming.

Dixie is a character that embraces her femininity without having to rely on sex appeal or "waifuism", and for that she is not only just one of the best heroines in gaming but also among the most interesting. While she may cry when she got hit, or due a female tween-like pout about being thrown in a crib with Kiddy (DKC3's game over screen), she at the same time subverted tropes by managing to be one of the few Kongs (especially playable Kongs) that never got kidnapped by K. Rool, and moreover, she canonically insulted/sassed him to his face. She is not a support character like most other major prominent female Nintendo characters, but a co-protagonists in two of the Top 10 best selling SNES titles (DKC2 and DKC3). As another Dixie fan put it, she is "cute, cool, bad***".

Dixie is a character that goes beyond "girl Diddy". She has a lot of charm and personality. From sipping a drink in the middle of a journey, to lapping up honey while storming a Zinger stronghold, to taking DK's Switch for herself. Dixie is a character that knows how to smell the roses and enjoy the moment, which is why she does not hesitate to enjoy some honey in an environment full of giant bees, hijack DK's Switch from him, or mock K. Rool to his face. Dixie likes having fun just as much as we have fun playing as her. That is part of her endearment. In many ways, she might possibly be the pinnacle of the characters Rare created (and that truly says something), and it is a shame she basically went a nearly 20 year stretch without any sort of prominent role.

Dixie Kong is not just a character that stands out among heroines, but all heroes. She is a character that managed to simultaneously embrace and subvert tropes, and somehow manage to become one of the most endearing characters within not just her franchise, but gaming as a whole.

While most of the Smash Bros. Bubble continues to basically ignore her, they simply do not know the breadth to which Dixie Kong was a trailblazer and the subtle charm to her character. Dixie in many ways is the female Mario. Unlike most heroines, most of her appeal is not due to sex appeal/"waifu factor", but rather because of her gameplay mechanics and personality, much like Mario is not someone you would initially think of as cool or endearing without having a hands on experience with the character.

Dixie Kong is a character that is exemplary of the term Nintendo All-Star in many ways. She is a showcase for the Nintendo brand as a whole. A character, that like Nintendo, has their net cast wide across demographics despite what the industry conventions are to what "appealing" is. If there is one Nintendo character left to ever be added to Smash Bros., I could not think of a finer Nintendo character for the series to close on than Dixie Kong: The Last Nintendo All-Star.

I re-iterate that Ultimate's roster is absolutely fantastic, and I am extremely grateful to Sakurai and his team for everything that they did for Ultimate from finally adding Ridley to the roster (a childhood dream of mine that went on for nearly 20 years), to bringing back every single veteran (another dream I thought was unlikely to ever happen), to bringing in Castlevania (one of my favorite non-Nintendo franchises, and one to which the Smash Bubble seemed to care little for), and recently bringing in Banjo-Kazooie (a character that is outright owned by a console competitor to Nintendo). Sakurai and his team have increasingly broken through each "impossible" bar, and left us in awe of just what we can expect or what we see as "plausible".

Dixie Kong as a character in many ways is someone who seems "on paper" to be the most obvious character that could be added to Smash Bros. She is a popular Nintendo characters that is prominent within her franchise of origin. Of such a basal quality, Dixie has this one in spades. However, after over 20 years of history to the franchise, Dixie is still conspicuously absent from the roster. Moreover, as time goes on. her prospects of ever being added keep becoming lower and lower. Smash now has gone on to become something than just about Nintendo characters. With Smash 4 and especially Ultimate, its about celebrating gaming as a whole.

Dixie is a character in many ways that completes the circle. When I first learned of Smash Bros., I was very (pleasantly) surprised Samus was part of the roster when every other character on the roster had an upcoming game for the Nintendo 64 at the time except her. Samus beat and exceeded the odds of what most would have put on a roster of 12 Nintendo characters back in 1999. However, regardless of the Metroid series having gone into hiatus during those past five years, there was no denying it, Samus and Metroid were still a major part of Nintendo and their brand. Samus and Dixie Kong were both among my favorite gaming heroes during my childhood (and still are). It was Samus's unexpected presence on the Smash Bros. roster that I even got as overwhelmingly hyped for Smash Bros. even months before the game's international release.

Dixie Kong is a character that I believe in my heart does not just fit the descriptor of Nintendo All-Star, but also Gaming All-Star. She might not have launched a franchise, but she is a character that in many way encapsulates just what charm there is to a character in the medium of gaming. She is a character that manages to have a foot both in her criteria to fit what it took to enter Smash Bros. at the beginning of the series and what it means now (importance to gaming as a whole).

However, just like Samus before her, conventionally she does not seem likely at all. Dixie is not a character even Nintendo fans are clamoring for (or rather the "Smash Bubble"). Dixie might very well never be added to Smash Bros.'s roster (Ultimate or any future installment).

However, even if she is never added, she is still an incredible heroine, and Ultimate's roster is still incredible. However, if by some miracle, and it would be an absolutely incredible miracle, Dixie Kong were added as DLC, it would be one of the greatest miracles of Ultimate's roster yet. Dixie, a character that does not meet the criteria of what is expected for DLC newcomers for Ultimate, might somehow, someway, managed to be selected to be DLC. That would be a miracle on par with Ridley being playable, EVERYONE IS HERE!, and Banjo-Kazooie making it in.

I do not know what Sakurai and his team's interpretation of Dixie Kong as a fighter will be (assuming if it ever does happen), but regardless, I have hope that Sakurai will implement her in a way that captures just what is so endearing and charming about Dixie Kong.

Dixie paradoxically is a character that makes the most sense on paper as a Smash Bros. addition, yet is also unlikely to be added in the future even among actual Nintendo characters. It is poetic this unconventional circumstances matches her unconventional appeal.

Sakurai and his team have my gratitude for making Ultimate the way they did (aside from the things I mentioned before, there are even small touches that I am grateful for like giving my favorite F-Zero character Pico, a role in the World of Light) , but like RomanceDawn, I have one more request (and it is the same as his), and that is to the complete the circle. Make Dixie Kong join the fight. Samus, one of Nintendo's AND gaming's biggest and beloved heroines joined the battle at the dawn of the franchise (the very dawn of it, she was even among the four fighters to the demo pitch Sakurai made for the original Smash Bros.). Ultimate in many ways is the apex of the Smash Bros. series. Dixie Kong joining the fight now, while long overdue, would be a moving swansong to what is shaping up to Masahiro Sakurai's magnum opus.

Dixie Kong is a character that epitomizes what Smash Bros. is, then and now. She is important to both Nintendo and gaming.

Dixie is a character that I have been very fond of going back over 20 years ago. My Dixie Kong figurine was one of my favorite toys from my childhood and was consistently near my bedside as I went to sleep every night. Having a physical object to enjoy and play with was something that I wish had extended to Samus, my other favorite gaming hero from childhood. However, I was happy to have just Dixie Kong (and Yoshi) to play with and enjoy, Now 20 years later, I am grateful that Sakurai and his team have added in not just nearly all of my favorite Nintendo characters but also my favorite gaming characters in general. Dixie this time though is the one not part of the toy box.

For many of Dixie's fans and supporters, the love and support for her runs deep. BirthNote, has been courteous enough to chronicle many of these stories into the opening post of this thread. Much like Roy (another character I deeply wanted to see, although to return), much of his appeal was not easily apparent to those who did not experience him, but rather from those who played with him hands-on and thus got appreciate his personality charm and gameplay flair. Dixie is much in the same way, to many people who never or barely played DKC2, DKC3, and Tropical Freeze, Dixie is just "girl Diddy" just like Roy was "fire Marth". However, I think the comparisons are even more unfair because Dixie's differences from Diddy are much readily apparent than Roy and Marth's were.

Thus, even if I were to craft the best prose ever written on the merits of Dixie Kong's value and worth to be a part of Ultimate's roster, it never ever would be enough to grow her fanbase and the passion for her possible inclusion. Words may touch, but actions MOVE. The best way to truly appreciate Dixie is to enjoy her source material. She is one of the two protagonists for both DKC2 and DKC3, with the former regarded as one of the best 2D platformers of all time (and the latter a very underrated game, and I personally believe to be among the best platformers for the SNES even if it is not quite as good as DKC2, it is stronger than the first DKC entry). In Tropical Freeze, she is arguably the most helpful of all the support Kongs and the game itself is argued to be the pinnacle of 2D platformers as well.

I said almost a year ago (back in December), that Dixie Kong was a treasure to the future. She might be the last long running Nintendo character left that is both a main character to their franchise (as in actual main protagonist level) that is still not part of the roster to the Smash Bros. series. Going forward Dixie is a throwback to the possible newcomer pools that Smash Bros. fans who anticipated Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4 had access to. The likes of Wario, Diddy Kong, Ridley, King Dedede, Olimar, Little Mac, Meta Knight, K. Rool, Ganondorf, Zelda, Bowser, Peach, and Bowser Jr. have all been added in now. Dixie Kong (and arguably the Toads) are all that is left from the ages of where characters had to fit "the old criteria" (namely being an integral character to a major Nintendo franchise). In an era where the most wanted characters are retro Nintendo characters, side Nintendo characters, and third-parties, Dixie Kong is a throwback to the very beginning of this legendary game franchise for character requests. She is a character that Smash fans back in 2001 would agree deserves to be in Smash Bros., which is something that I think few other characters left at this point could say (again, aside from Toad), and would be surprised to find out, nearly 20 years later, still did not make it in yet.

Dixie might not have much internet "cool kids" saying she is a great possible addition, or a massive online fanbase, but she is an absolutely legendary character, and I think even if I might not follow a future installment that does end up adding her in down the road, I think that it is something that Nintendo and Smash Bros. fans who were not around for Melee, Brawl, or Smash 4 newcomer support periods should have, an unequivocal Nintendo All-Star to support and champion . Sometimes the shiniest jewel goes unnoticed.

However, my personal hope, my hope beyond hope, is that somehow Sakuai and his team once again make the impossible possible and decide to implement Dixie Kong even though she is not a third-party character or promoting an upcoming Nintendo title. Her addition would not only be unprecedented as DLC newcomers go, but it would fittingly show how Smash Bros. has come full circle. One of its first newcomers being Samus, and if Dixie Kong were added, one of the last, for what is arguably the culmination for the franchise and what it has been building toward. It would be perhaps the last miracle (or one of the last) of Ultimate's many miracles.

I am not going to get my hopes up though. I expect only third-party characters as DLC (Geno still counts as third-party). I have very limited free time, and I think at this point in time, it is a poor usage of my time to write up grandiose and passionate posts about a character whom I can do basically nothing in terms of moving the needle towards their possible inclusion. I have been a fan of Smash Bros. for over 20 years, a member of the online Smash Bros. community for over 18 years, and part of SmashBoards for nearly 13 years (going to be 13 next week). I have gotten nearly everything I ever could have wanted or hoped for in relation to Smash Bros. Ridley being a part of the Smash roster was a childhood dream of mine that I thought was likely never going to be realized after Sakurai's own statements on him back in November 2014. Not just Ridley, but so many other things with Ultimate. I have won the lottery multiple times with this title, and yet I still am asking for more. As I said before, I have been spoiled rotten, and I think the best way I can show gratitude moving forward is through moving on.

If there is any profound news in relation to Dixie's prospects made in the future I will comment on it, but I think what I have said here will be my final profound word in relation to Dixie unless in the event of either a confirmation as a newcomer for Ultimate's DLC or when Ultimate's DLC wraps up and Dixie is not one of them (in that case I will give a short essay pep talk to Dixie fans that are disappointed but plan to support her for the next title).

The Dixie fanbase has a lot of fans with diverse talents. From SeashoreWar's talented artwork, to BirthNote's caretaking of the support topic. While many do appreciate my character support prose and introspective and detailed analyses, I cannot keep doing this forever, nor do I want to. While Dixie Kong being in Smash Bros. is something reminiscent of the dreams I had throughout my childhood and young adulthood (Ridley in Smash Bros., and Roy's return in Smash), it is something I have to relinquish to the rest of you. I feel Ultimate is as beautiful a sendoff for a longtime fan of Smash Bros. such as myself could hope for, and gradually over the course of this year I found myself posting less and less with Ultimate's actual release. I feel with this essay, I can finally pass the baton to the next generation.

It is likely going to be a long and arduous journey Dixie fans. How long that journey ultimately is, or whether it even leads to the destination you are all hoping for (Dixie being a part of the roster for Ultimate or a future installment), only time will tell. I wish you all the best regardless of whether you decide to support Dixie in the months and years ahead, or even if you decide to give up on character support and speculation entirely.

To sum it all up, Dixie Kong is a legendary heroine. She is a character that is only under Samus as far as Nintendo heroines go in terms of legacy and prominence to their own franchise and Nintendo as a whole. She is an exemplary heroine for gaming a whole, a rare heroine whom most of their appeal and charm goes beyond sex appeal or the "waifu factor", and one that also embraces and utilizes her femininity to further enhance her character appeal and endearment. She is a character that has "Mario appeal", able to be appreciated by a diverse array of demographics despite her unconventional design through her personality charm and the fun of her gameplay abilities. This particular resume arguably sets her in a league of her own not just as far as Nintendo characters go, but gaming ones as a whole as well.

Whether Dixie is ever eventually added in or not, Dixie Kong is a Nintendo All-Star. She may be underappreciated, and many not actually know or understand just why she is such an endearing character and worthy addition, but in our hearts she is truly special and the ultimate heroine.

Dixie Kong might very well be The Last Nintendo All-Star, and you know what they say about saving the best for last...


(Credit goes to J. Marme for drawing this incredible piece: https://365timeline.com/m/Byp47gkn54j )

That was an amazing read. Fantastic as always ChronoBound ChronoBound .

The miracles I was talking about where more along the lines of personal desires I had for Smash Bros. that were miraculously fulfilled with Ultimate. K. Rool was definitely a miraculous inclusion, and never would have made it onto the roster without the existence of Fighters Pass.
You mean the Smash Ballot?
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Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2019
Switch FC
Alright eltacoenojado eltacoenojado is now the newest member of the Barrel, and I'd like to say thanks for voicing your support!

I'd also like to give a massive thank you to ChronoBound ChronoBound for his take on Dixie's chances as well as his essay in regards to her. It was an enjoyable read; one that clearly highlighted her merits and even opened my eyes to some of the qualities I didn't quire recognize, like her Mario Appeal. If I could derail for a bit, Dixie kinda reminds me why I loved the Powerpuff Girls from the 90's: she's adorable, small, girly and more than willing and able to beat the s*** out of anyone who causes trouble no matter how big or bad they are. Normally I'd walk right past characters that look like Dixie and the Powerpuffs, but they've got that charm that makes me like them just as much as my male heroes. I also appreciate the positive words in regard to how I run the thread. I recently got reinvigorated in regards to speculation, so this acknowledgement helps. I still have a lot of real life to live but ATM maintaining this thread isn't difficult.

Further, I'm still working on SeashoreWar's Storyboard, but since it started lagging terribly I sketched up a fascinating idea by ZeroJanitor ZeroJanitor in the meantime. Observe:

Honestly I never thought about her creating gusts of wind with her hair but damn it makes sense! Really liked the idea, so I wanted to brainstorm potential poses for the move. It's meant to be a rough sketch so it's not as clean as I'd normally make it, but I think it's still an effective draft that I sketched over the weekend. What's cool about this move is that it could also work for a DKC platformer, which gives it an appeal that transcends Smash. One way to make Dixie stand out is to show what she can potentially do in her home series as well as Smash. Since SSB uses source material as a springboard for creative liberties, this really works for either series. Hope y'all like the poses; the middle's my favorite TBH.


Direct Link in case the image doesn't display:

More ideas are always welcome. I won't draw them all but don't hesitate.
Dixie the Fan? Haha that's just so original and funny. I don't think they would ever do that. But I wouldn't oppose to auto-win the Chrom match-up (For personal vengeful reasons) either.

I don't really know how to draw. Here's the moveset that I have in my head, it's very simple, uses a lot of hair attacks (Yay another sword character /s), because I think Dixie is a very simple character that doesn't need complicated gimmicks, kinda like Banjo and Kazooie (Ignoring wonder-cheese), maybe the fact the she wasn't in DK64 like Diddy cemented that idea in my head:

Jab: Very simple 1, 2, 3 hit with the fists and ends with a hair strike. No flurry attack.
F-Tilt: Very similar to Diddy. Some weak strike with her fists.
Down-Tilt: Crouches and attacks with the hair. Similar do Ivysaur's. Also disjoined.
Up-Tilt: Moves her head to attack upwards with the hair. Kind of similar of how Ridley or Cloud do their up-tilts.
Dash Attack: Obviously the twirl move she always uses.

F-Smash: Moves her head backwards and then goes forward smacking her hair into ground. Has a lot of range. But also a lot of cooldown.
D-Smash: Does a spinning animation and the hair around her is the hitbox. Kinda like Shulk. But only spins once.
Up-Smash: She uses her hair as a support to elevate herself and do a very powerful kick.


Special Mechanic: Hovering with Helicopter Twirl, she can hold the jump button after the double jump to hover in the air like in DKC2 and 3. She is completely vulnerable when she does that unless she airdodges or does an aerial. But she can do it again if she gets hit.

N-Air: The position she is in everytime she bounces of something in DKC2 and 3. When she looks like a car wheel.
F-Air: Same as Diddy, yeah no surprise here.
B-Air: The hair is behind her. So first the hair goes upward, then goes down and dunks the opponent.
D-Air: She spins vertically downwards, when she's totally upside down. The hair (completely stretched) becomes a large hitbox that spikes.

Grab: She uses her hands to grab. Dixie doesn't use her hair to grab because that's reserved for:

F-Throw: Activates Cargo Throw, Dixie grabs the opponent with her hair and puts her in basically the same position as when she was carrying barrels in DKC2 and 3 and will be able to walk with them.
If the opponent's weight is too much for her, she will be unable to complete the hair grab and the opponent will fall in her back, making her slower and the subsequent throws way weaker in knockback.

Cargo U-Throw, F-Throw, D-Throw, B-Throw: She throws with the hair.

Fat opponent U-Throw: She throws upwards the opponent exactly as she does with Kiddy when you need to destroy something in DKC3. Of all the "too fat" throws this one should do the most damage at least.
Fat opponent F-Throw: She throws the opponent exactly as Kiddy, except the opponent doesn't start to roll (Basically they don't go anywhere).
Fat opponent D-Throw: She just drops the opponent.
Fat opponent B-Throw: She just drops the opponent behind her.

Normal U-Throw, D-Throw, B-Throw: She throws with her hands like Diddy.

Neutral: Bubble Gum Pop Gun, Simple projectile that bounces a lot.
Side B: The fan? My original idea is a Barrel Blast. A barrel spawns and she is launched forward at huge speed. A very YOLO move like Flare Blitz. Of course the barrel forming gives enough time to shield it.
Up B: The hovering upward move from Tropical Freeze. No hitbox. Her recovery with the DKC2 and 3 helicopter is good enough already.
Down B: Musical strike, based on Diddy's music attack from DK64 (Because in my head-canon he learned that from Dixie). She plays the guitar briefly and a small area of effect around her with the DK logo appears. High knockback but very unsafe if the opponent blocks.

EDIT: Forgot the taunts.

Up-Taunt: Creates a air-ball of chewing gum. And pops it.
Side-Taunt: Sits down and drinks a soda with her feet.
Down-Taunt: Air Guitar.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Finally found a piece of artwork that incorporates Dixie (and a few others) into the Rare Reunion.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
I like this artist because he/she incorporates more than just the playable characters into Smash fanart, such as Viridi, Krystal and Ashley.
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Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2018
Close to a mailbox, Eddy.
Alright eltacoenojado eltacoenojado is now the newest member of the Barrel, and I'd like to say thanks for voicing your support!

I'd also like to give a massive thank you to ChronoBound ChronoBound for his take on Dixie's chances as well as his essay in regards to her. It was an enjoyable read; one that clearly highlighted her merits and even opened my eyes to some of the qualities I didn't quire recognize, like her Mario Appeal. If I could derail for a bit, Dixie kinda reminds me why I loved the Powerpuff Girls from the 90's: she's adorable, small, girly and more than willing and able to beat the s*** out of anyone who causes trouble no matter how big or bad they are. Normally I'd walk right past characters that look like Dixie and the Powerpuffs, but they've got that charm that makes me like them just as much as my male heroes. I also appreciate the positive words in regard to how I run the thread. I recently got reinvigorated in regards to speculation, so this acknowledgement helps. I still have a lot of real life to live but ATM maintaining this thread isn't difficult.

Further, I'm still working on SeashoreWar's Storyboard, but since it started lagging terribly I sketched up a fascinating idea by ZeroJanitor ZeroJanitor in the meantime. Observe:

Honestly I never thought about her creating gusts of wind with her hair but damn it makes sense! Really liked the idea, so I wanted to brainstorm potential poses for the move. It's meant to be a rough sketch so it's not as clean as I'd normally make it, but I think it's still an effective draft that I sketched over the weekend. What's cool about this move is that it could also work for a DKC platformer, which gives it an appeal that transcends Smash. One way to make Dixie stand out is to show what she can potentially do in her home series as well as Smash. Since SSB uses source material as a springboard for creative liberties, this really works for either series. Hope y'all like the poses; the middle's my favorite TBH.


Direct Link in case the image doesn't display:

More ideas are always welcome. I won't draw them all but don't hesitate.
These are moreso miscellaneous animations than moves, because I don't think I could cook up anything that hasn't been presented on here before. Anything cool, anyways.

Side B: Hair-lift - A command-grab variation of Monkey Flip. Dixie propels at her opponent, grips them, & flies in an upward arc. From there on, she can punt them in whatever direction the player so pleases, but it has to be quick, as she can't just stick to the opponent like Diddy with Monkey Flip.

Down Tilt: Ground Slam - More or less the ponytail slam from Tropical Freeze. By multi-tapping A, Dixie can make a weak shockwave or trip up foes.

Victory Animation: Dixie overdoes it while pirouetting & gets entangled/coiled in her ponytail before plopping to the ground with a mortified look.

Sleeping Animation: Dixie curls up while snuggling her ponytail like some kinda makeshift teddy.

Taunt: Dixie blows a big gum bubble before it pops in her face. I think it'd be funny if it was a :ultluigi:/:ultgreninja:-style taunt that hurt or gimped opponents.

Idle: Dixie strikes a boisterous pose while chuckling to herself & flexing her hair like a big ol' muscle (I wanna keep that whole "hair muscle" thing going)
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
This has already been done a thousand times, but I decided to make my own moveset for Dixie Kong.


Run Speed: 2.006
Air Speed: 0.920
Fall Speed: 1.45
Weight: 90
Wall Jump: Y
Wall Cling: Y
Crawl: N


Neutral Special: Bubble-gum Gun
A slow projectile move that can he charged up like Diddy's. The projectile does very little damage, and doesn't make the opponent flinch. To make up for that, the move lowers the opponents air speed and dash speed for a short period of time. The longer you charge the move, the longer the effect lasts.
The effect can be stacked up to three times, but each time the effectiveness is weaker.

1 Stack: -20%
2 Stack: -30%
3 Stack: -35%

The move is very punishable.

Side Special: Twirl
Dixie does her twirl "roll" from Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3. It would be a one hit, lingering move that launches opponents up, making it useful for starting juggles and potentially combos. It would have moderate start up lag, but lowish end lag. Hitting at the start of the move would be more powerful to make up for not being able to combo because you would have to wait out the rest of the move.

This move, when used, rolls off ledges, and can be jumped out of similar to DKC if you do so. The bonus jump only activates if you start the move on ground, and end the move in the air so you can't just gain a extra jump.

Up Special: Helicopter Hair
Her move in DKC:TF. It lets her fly upwards with her hair. The move can only be used once until you get hit or touch the ground, but it doesn't put you in a fall-state. However, if you use the move again before you touch he ground or get hit, it lets you float similar to Dixie's float in DKC2 and DKC3. The float doesn't have a hitbox, but can be cancelled to do a aerial at any time by pressing Up-B again.

The flying part of this move has a multi-hit hitbox that has decent K.O power.

Down Special: Counter Camera
Dixie uses her camera from DKC3. When the move starts up it creates a hitbox infront of the camera that stuns the opponents caught in it for a short period of time, enough time to make the move un-punishable.

If Dixie takes a picture of the opponent while they're doing a move, Dixie will "study that move".
This means that the next time the opponent hits Dixie with that move, Dixie will evade it. Dixie cannot study grabs.

You can only keep one picture at a time. Using the Down-B again will discard that picture and remove that effect.
If the move misses if is very punishable, but the move has a decent start up.


Jab: A basic one-two-three/rapid ***. Her 123 jab is the same as Diddy Kong's jab. Her Rapid Jab is similar to Diddy's old jab, but instead of a tail, she uses her hair.

Dash Attack: Dixie does a kick infront of her which weakly launches the opponent sideways. Potentially leading them into a tech position. It is similar to Donkey Kong's old Dash Attack.

Side Tilt: Dixie tilts her hair infront of her. A simple "get-away-from-me" move that launches the opponent sideways. Similar to Mario's side tilt. It can be angled.

Down Tilt: Dixie sweeps her hair infront of her across the ground. The move would sends the opponent slightly upward which would lead them into a bad situation and potentially lead into a free aerial. It would come out slow, but be able to hit opponents on the ledge.

Up Tilt: Similar to Diddy Kong's up tilt. She would swing her hand above her head. It would act almost identical to Diddy's Up Tilt.


F-Smash: A standard 3-hit F-Smash. She would swing her hair infront of her which would lead into a punch and into another hair swing which would launch the opponent in a diagonal-up position.

D-Smash: She would pound the ground which would create a ground-box under her. The ground box would have 2 hitboxes, if you're close towards the center it would launch you straight up, but if your at the edge it would trip. Dixie's slam would also have a htibox which would be the most powerful. The move would start up reasonably fast, but it would have moderate endlag for a smash attack.

U-Smash: She would swing both her hands over her head at once. It would act similar to Mario's U-Smash, with less power.

Air Attacks:

F-Air: A two hit move where Dixie does two kicks infront of her. The move is rather quick but does little damage.

N-Air: Similar to Diddy's N-Air. Dixie does a cart-wheel mid-air. Unlike Diddy's N-Air, the move is multi-hit and does more damage than Diddy's. However, the move has a worse start-up compared to Diddy's.

U-Air: Dixie swings her hair above her head. The move is weak, but quick. Rather useful for juggling.

B-Air: Dixie kicks behind her with her foot. The move is semi-powerful and decently quick, but has very little range and a sour-spot.

D-Air: She flips upside down and uses her hair as a drill. The move would be multi-hit and act similar to Bowser Jr's where the final hit sends upward.

Grabs and Throws:

Grab: She would grab her opponent with her hair and keep them held ontop of her. Dixie Kong, like Donkey Kong, would have a cargo throw, but you would be unable to jump or fall off ledges during it. Walking with the grab would be substantially slower than Donkey Kongs, and different weights affect the speed of it.

Pummel: She would punch the opponent.

F-Throw: She would throw her opponent forward similar to the team-up throw/barrel throw in DKC2. It would launch at a slightly downward-forward angle. Leading some characters at some percents into a tech position. As a potential bonus, the opponent being thrown would have a hitbox that would damage other players, leading to some use in doubles.

U-Throw: She would throw her opponent straight up similar to the team-up toss in DKC2 and DKC3. Has low K.O power, but put the opponent in a juggle position.

D-Throw: She puts her opponent infront of her and pops bubble gum in their face. It launches them in a diagonal-upward angle infront of her. The move would have too much endlag to combo or follow-up, but the throw itself is the most damaging and would apply a slight damage-over-time effect.

B-Throw: She would toss her opponent behind her at a diagonal-upward angle. It would be her best K.O Throw. It would have similar power and launch angle to wolf's Back throw.

Final Smash:
I actually have no idea. The best thing I could think of would be a Animal Buddy stampede or something of the sort.

Alternate Costumes:

Pallet is Clothes/Hair/Fur/Skin
Every Odd alt has Arm and Leg Pads.

1. Normal Alt. Pink/Yellow/Brown/Peach
2. Blue/Light Brown/Dark Brown/Peach. Resembles Kiddy Kong
3. Purple/Red/Brown/Peach. Resembles Player 2 from DKC2
4. Yellow/Black/White/Peach. Resembles Swanky Kong from DKC2
6. Green/White/Light Brown/Peach. Resembles Wrinkly Kong from DKC2.
7. Grey/White/Dark Grey/Light Grey. Black and White alt.
8. Maroon/Black/Dark Green/Green. Resembles Kaptain K. Rool from DKC2.

The way I constructed this was built for Dixie to have a good juggle and edge-guard game, but have a poor neutral and ground game.
This is excellent! IDK if you stuck around after posting this, but I gave you a shoutout in the Thread's Title, and now I'm adding this to the OP! Thanks for coming up with this; if you ever wanna make another set or check out the others in the OP for inspiration, feel free.
You are really good with capturing motion and personality. I definitely hope we see this in Smash and DK128. It makes too much sense.
Really appreciate this. Thanks for the feedback and putting it on Twitter!
Dixie the Fan? Haha that's just so original and funny. I don't think they would ever do that. But I wouldn't oppose to auto-win the Chrom match-up (For personal vengeful reasons) either.

I don't really know how to draw. Here's the moveset that I have in my head, it's very simple, uses a lot of hair attacks (Yay another sword character /s), because I think Dixie is a very simple character that doesn't need complicated gimmicks, kinda like Banjo and Kazooie (Ignoring wonder-cheese), maybe the fact the she wasn't in DK64 like Diddy cemented that idea in my head:

Jab: Very simple 1, 2, 3 hit with the fists and ends with a hair strike. No flurry attack.
F-Tilt: Very similar to Diddy. Some weak strike with her fists.
Down-Tilt: Crouches and attacks with the hair. Similar do Ivysaur's. Also disjoined.
Up-Tilt: Moves her head to attacks upward with the hair. Kind of similar of how Ridley or Cloud do their up-tilts.
Dash Attack: Obviously the thwirl move she always uses.

F-Smash: Moves her head backwards and then goes forward smacking her hair into ground. Has a lot of range. But also a lot of cooldown.
D-Smash: Does a spinning animation and the hair around her is the hitbox. Kinda like Shulk. But only spins once.
Up-Smash: She uses her hair as a support to elevate herself and do a very powerful kick.


Special Mechanic: Hovering with Helicopter Twirl, she can hold the jump button after the double jump to hover in the air like in DKC2 and 3. She is completely vulnerable when she does that unless she airdodges or does an aerial. But she can do it again if she gets hit.

N-Air: The position she is in everytime she bounces of something in DKC2 and 3. When she looks like a carthweel.
F-Air: Same as Diddy, yeah no surprise here.
B-Air: The hair is behind her. So first the hair goes upward, then goes down and dunks the opponent.
D-Air: She spins vertically downwards, when she's totally upside down. The hair (completely stretched) becomes a large hitbox that spikes.

Grab: She uses her hands hair to grab. Dixie doesn't use her hair to grab because that's reserved for:

F-Throw: Activates Cargo Throw, Dixie grabs the opponent with her hair and puts her in basically the same position as when she was carrying barrels in DKC2 and 3 and will be able to walk with them.
If the opponent's weight is too much for her, she will be unable to complete the hair grab and the opponent will fall in her back, making her slower and the subsequent throws way weaker in knockback.

Cargo U-Throw, F-Throw, D-Throw, B-Throw: She throws with the hair.

Fat opponent U-Throw: She throws upwards the opponent exactly as she does with Kiddy when you need to destroy something in DKC3. Of all the "too fat" throws this one should do the most damage at least.
Fat opponent F-Throw: She throws the opponent exactly as Kiddy, except the opponent doesn't start to roll (Basically they don't go anywhere).
Fat opponent D-Throw: She just drops the opponent.
Fat opponent B-Throw: She just drops the opponent behind her.

Normal U-Throw, D-Throw, B-Throw: She throws with her hands like Diddy.

Neutral: Bubble Gum Pop Gun, Simple projectile that bounces a lot.
Side B: The fan? My original idea is a Barrel Blast. A barrel spawns and she is launched forwards at huge speed. A very YOLO move like Flare Blitz. Of course the barrel forming gives enough time to shield it.
Up B: The hovering upwards move from Tropical Freeze. No hitbox. Her recovery with the DKC2 and 3 helicopter is good enough already.
Down B: Musical strike, based on Diddy's music attack from DK64 (Because in my head-canon he learned that from Dixie). She plays the guitar briefly and a small area of effect around her with the DK logo appears. High knockback but very unsafe if the opponent blocks.

EDIT: Forgot the taunts.

Up-Taunt: Creates a air-ball of chewing gum. And pops it.
Side-Taunt: Sits down and drinks a soda with her feet.
Down-Taunt: Air Guitar.
Don't sweat it; not drawing shouldn't stop you from a good brainstorming. Thanks for sharing your moveset too; it's also going in the OP, and after a good bit of time I'll give you a shoutout in the thread's title.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2019
Switch FC
Don't sweat it; not drawing shouldn't stop you from a good brainstorming. Thanks for sharing your moveset too; it's also going in the OP, and after a good bit of time I'll give you a shoutout in the thread's title.
Oh thank you. I corrected some spelling mistakes by the way. So you can use the new text instead.

Recently I started to play DK64. I have a long complicated relationship with this game. Renting it as a kid but it didn't come with the expansion pack. Or finally managing to play it but I never could exit the tutorial area because I was a dumb kid that didn't know how to read. And not finding copies anywhere when I really wanted it. So all I did was watch Youtube videos of the game when youtube became a thing.

And with the release of Wii U's VC version. I could finally play it. But I avoided it because I was afraid of being dissapointed after all the stories of how "poorly designed" it is.

But I'm actually having a lot of fun playing it!!

Changing characters and backtracking doesn't annoy me at all and the worlds are really fun to explore. The only thing that annoys me is Tiny being a second Dixie (Chunky is more different from Kiddy design-wise at least).
In fact. I was thinking of 101% it but then.... I reached Frantic Factory's Beaver Bother.



Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2018
Oh thank you. I corrected some spelling mistakes by the way. So you can use the new text instead.

Recently I started to play DK64. I have a long complicated relationship with this game. Renting it as a kid but it didn't come with the expansion pack. Or finally managing to play it but I never could exit the tutorial area because I was a dumb kid that didn't know how to read. And not finding copies anywhere when I really wanted it. So all I did was watch Youtube videos of the game when youtube became a thing.

And with the release of Wii U's VC version. I could finally play it. But I avoided it because I was afraid of being dissapointed after all the stories of how "poorly designed" it is.

But I'm actually having a lot of fun playing it!!

Changing characters and backtracking doesn't annoy me at all and the worlds are really fun to explore. The only thing that annoys me is Tiny being a second Dixie (Chunky is more different from Kiddy design-wise at least).
In fact. I was thinking of 101% it but then.... I reached Frantic Factory's Beaver Bother.

Just started Donkey Kong 64 too this past Monday, Didn't own it as a kid, But I rented back then from Blockbuster and had the same problem where I had to back there with my dad and older sister to get the expansion pak from them and I use to play a lot of the Monkey Smash Multiplayer at a friends house who had a copy of the game, I love all the Kongs, But Chunky Kong (One hell of a guy) was probably my favorite growing up and even more so than DK and Diddy because he was the most hilarious of the group, especially during the DK Rap.

I know DK 64 gets some crap for going overboard on collectibles, some level design and not being as good as Rareware's other 3D platformer in Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, But I still enjoy the game as it's cast of characters are so likeable and has that Rareware charm, Worlds are still solid and Grant Kirkhope's who scored both Banjo-Kazooie games does another great job with Donkey Kong and any fans of Banjo will love the similarites in music and audio style too.

When Donkey Kong gets either a sequel or reboot to DK 64 or returns to 3D I really hope they bring back the DK Crew and make a follow up to the DK Rap.

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Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
Imagine meeting someone in a Dixie Kong suit at Universal Studios -- DK. Someone who doesn't follow videogames and it's their first day on the job. And wearing a full Dixie Kong suit, kneepads included, that person says to you as you go in for the hug, "Hi there! Nice to meetcha. My name's Trixie Kong".

I would vomit on them.


Smash Ace
Sep 6, 2014
Switch FC
to capitalize on the popularity of ssbu the dixie costume at universal is just some guy with a hat and wig


The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
Imagine meeting someone in a Dixie Kong suit at Universal Studios -- DK. Someone who doesn't follow videogames and it's their first day on the job. And wearing a full Dixie Kong suit, kneepads included, that person says to you as you go in for the hug, "Hi there! Nice to meetcha. My name's Trixie Kong".

I would vomit on them.
**** we'll be lucky to even get Dixie or K.Rool costumed people in the park. Im surprised Ellie was in that park concept art (though that could've been that generic elephant from the Returns opening cutscene).

I bet we only get Donkey and Diddy some Tiki Tak Tribe statues and MAYBE Rambi. Thats it. Also I bet the only song that plays on loop in the DK portion of the park is Jungle Hijinx.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
And get banned from the Park for assaulting an employee (along with possible charges)?
No worries. It would be in self-defense, of course.

I'm just kidding around.

**** we'll be lucky to even get Dixie or K.Rool costumed people in the park. Im surprised Ellie was in that park concept art (though that could've been that generic elephant from the Returns opening cutscene).

I bet we only get Donkey and Diddy some Tiki Tak Tribe statues and MAYBE Rambi. Thats it. Also I bet the only song that plays on loop in the DK portion of the park is Jungle Hijinx.
Oh, it's definitely Ellie. It BETTER be, or I'd vomit on that too. Thankfully, the face structure and the eyes match perfectly. The real mystery is if "Ellie" is supposed to be Dixie -- or Kiddy -- or even Dixie and Kiddy just after going into the Ellie transformation barrel. That mystery will haunt DK scholars for years to come.

I definitely think Dixie Kong will show up. Funky's airplane from TF was included! Do you really think they'd include Funky but leave out Dixie?

K. Rool would seem the odd-one out since everything's based on DKCR and DKCTF. But K. Rool's been brought back and I don't see why they wouldn't capitalize on his Smash popularity. I think the Smash redesign is also interesting since it looks like one that was done to "integrate" him into the modern DK aesthetic. I expect him.
to capitalize on the popularity of ssbu the dixie costume at universal is just some guy with a hat and wig
That's going to be some of the merch. So that will be all of us.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
These are moreso miscellaneous animations than moves, because I don't think I could cook up anything that hasn't been presented on here before. Anything cool, anyways.

Side B: Hair-lift - A command-grab variation of Monkey Flip. Dixie propels at her opponent, grips them, & flies in an upward arc. From there on, she can punt them in whatever direction the player so pleases, but it has to be quick, as she can't just stick to the opponent like Diddy with Monkey Flip.

Down Tilt: Ground Slam - More or less the ponytail slam from Tropical Freeze. By multi-tapping A, Dixie can make a weak shockwave or trip up foes.

Victory Animation: Dixie overdoes it while pirouetting & gets entangled/coiled in her ponytail before plopping to the ground with a mortified look.

Sleeping Animation: Dixie curls up while snuggling her ponytail like some kinda makeshift teddy.

Taunt: Dixie blows a big gum bubble before it pops in her face. I think it'd be funny if it was a :ultluigi:/:ultgreninja:-style taunt that hurt or gimped opponents.

Idle: Dixie strikes a boisterous pose while chuckling to herself & flexing her hair like a big ol' muscle (I wanna keep that whole "hair muscle" thing going)
Like these a lot! Give me time and I'll show some new stuff.


The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
So I finally listened to some of the DKC3 GBA soundtrack and while I still dont think its anywhere near David Wise's other works EXCEPT for this track right here:

My god the funky electro beat is amazing.


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Hi Everyone!
Look what just popped up on my Youtube Algorithm!
Tons of comments from the past few days for a video uploaded over a year ago.

If Sans as a Mii Fighter can come with a song then Dixie as a regular Fighter can too!
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Imagine meeting someone in a Dixie Kong suit at Universal Studios -- DK. Someone who doesn't follow videogames and it's their first day on the job. And wearing a full Dixie Kong suit, kneepads included, that person says to you as you go in for the hug, "Hi there! Nice to meetcha. My name's Trixie Kong".

I would vomit on them.
Imagine them saying "Tell me I'm pretty!" like Trixie Tang from Fairly Odd Parents lol!

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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
So I finally listened to some of the DKC3 GBA soundtrack and while I still dont think its anywhere near David Wise's other works EXCEPT for this track right here:

My god the funky electro beat is amazing.
The GBA DKC3 OST is god awful. The SNES DKC3 OST is just as good as David Wise's compositions.


I hope Dixie has the cargo throw mechanic like DK if she is ever playable.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
I like some DKC3 Gba tracks, like Stilt Village and Water World, but there are way too many stinkers for me to call it better than DKC3 SNES. DKC3 is overall more consistent and captures that moodiness from the other games for the most part.
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The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
The GBA DKC3 OST is god awful. The SNES DKC3 OST is just as good as David Wise's compositions.


I hope Dixie has the cargo throw mechanic like DK if she is ever playable.
I just feel neither the GBA or the SNES DKC3 soundtracks are that great. Both have a few songs in each that are great but for the most part I still find both soundtracks lackluster and forgettable. Where as DKC1, DKC2, Diddy Kong Racing, and Tropical Freeze literally every song in each game I consider an absolute banger.

Hell most people give DK64's soundtrack a lot of **** but 85% of the songs in that game I think are downright fantastic.

Jungle Beat and Barrel Blast also have great underrated soundtracks IMO and I'd rather listen to these games OST than the majority of either DKC3's music.


Smash Ace
Sep 6, 2014
Switch FC
there are definitely some great songs in the GBA soundtrack but overall i think its kinda weak by David Wise standards. there are quite a few songs that are repetitive, lack a memorable hook, or they start off with a full minute of environmental sounds (which isnt so bad in-game but its a little annoying if you're listening to it as a playlist).

the SNES soundtrack, while lacking some of the bombasticness of the previous games, delivers a kind of calm yet eerie atmosphere that i really appreciate as an in-game soundtrack.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2019
Switch FC
My main problem with the GBA soundtrack is that it takes forever to even start. Even when I played that version to experience Pacifica (The fact that the minds of Rare at the time, came with the idea of a water level with wind mechanics, is scary and fascinating at the same time) most of the time it felt like the game was mute. Or building up to a good melody. But when it was about to start the climax of the music. I either finished the level or I died. No other game shares this problem. I'm sure is a good OST if you remove all the enviromental build up filler. But there are a few gems like Water World. Which I adore.
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Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
Grant Kirkhope scored a Banjo-Kazooie game. He did not "get" DK in DK64.

I would like to see DK128 composed by David Wise, Eveline Fischer, and Toby Fox.
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Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2018
I just feel neither the GBA or the SNES DKC3 soundtracks are that great. Both have a few songs in each that are great but for the most part I still find both soundtracks lackluster and forgettable. Where as DKC1, DKC2, Diddy Kong Racing, and Tropical Freeze literally every song in each game I consider an absolute banger.

Hell most people give DK64's soundtrack a lot of **** but 85% of the songs in that game I think are downright fantastic.

Jungle Beat and Barrel Blast also have great underrated soundtracks IMO and I'd rather listen to these games OST than the majority of either DKC3's music.
That's surprising, Even though it's mainly downgraded or leftover Banjo-Kazooie music I've seen most people say that Donkey Kong 64 still has a solid soundtrack and I would agree since it is Grant Kirkhope after all.

Especially that DK Isle Overworld theme which is always the first song I think of when I think of DK 64 and always hits me with nostalgia.

Fun Fact: DK Isle theme was the overworld theme in Banjo-Kazooie beta before it got moved to DK 64.

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The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
I always hear "DK64's soundtrack is just another Banjo soundtrack" and while yes they sound similar and some of the songs do feel like leftovers but I didnt grow up with Banjo. DK64 WAS my Banjo-Kazooie. So to ME even though DK64 came out after Banjo. Banjo feels like the rip-off to me hearing it now in Smash.

Monkey Smash, Frantic Factory, Creepy Castle, Army Dillo, Hideout Helm, K.Rool's Escape, Angry Aztec, King Kut Out, DK Isle, Jungle Japes are all fantastic tracks IMO. Also this idea that DK has to have only one type of musical style is laughable considering series like Mario, Zelda, and Sonic always have varied OSTs from game to game. Why cant DK?

Also ChunkySlugger72 ChunkySlugger72 have you played Mario x Rabbids: Kingdom Battle: Donkey Kong Adventure? Kirkhope remixed DK Isle theme but this time fully orchestrated.



Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2018
I always hear "DK64's soundtrack is just another Banjo soundtrack" and while yes they sound similar and some of the songs do feel like leftovers but I didnt grow up with Banjo. DK64 WAS my Banjo-Kazooie. So to ME even though DK64 came out after Banjo. Banjo feels like the rip-off to me hearing it now in Smash.

Monkey Smash, Frantic Factory, Creepy Castle, Army Dillo, Hideout Helm, K.Rool's Escape, Angry Aztec, King Kut Out, DK Isle, Jungle Japes are all fantastic tracks IMO. Also this idea that DK has to have only one type of musical style is laughable considering series like Mario, Zelda, and Sonic always have varied OSTs from game to game. Why cant DK?

Also ChunkySlugger72 ChunkySlugger72 have you played Mario x Rabbids: Kingdom Battle: Donkey Kong Adventure? Kirkhope remixed DK Isle theme but this time fully orchestrated.

Haven't played the game myself because to be honest the "Rabbids" were pretty much a dealbreaker for me as I find them annoying and I'm not too familiar with the genre that they were tackling for this game too, But looks like it could be fun or interesting, It would have been way better if Mario and Donkey Kong teamed up for Kingdom Battle while DK's team was made up of the DK Crew.

Though I have seen some of the trailers and was following some of the "Donkey Kong Adventure" DLC because I love Mario and DK and finding out that Grant Kirkhope was scoring the game had me look up some of the tracks, hearing him do a modern take on DK Isle and Jungle Japes via orchestra was definitely awesome to hear and makes me want him to score a sequel to Donkey Kong 64 maybe even alongside David Wise to bring his atmospheric DKC tunes into 3D or score a Banjo-Kazooie remaster or sequel too.
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Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
Well, I also played the DKC games before DK64. And so my reference point for "what should DKC sound like" is the soundtracks for the original SNES games. I don't think DK64's OST captured the spirit of the SNES games at all, even if some songs were catchy. I think the song that was most "DK" to me in the ost was the island overworld music.

But personally, I think DKC songs should be bathing in earthy moodiness on some level. DK64's OST was bathing in a jacuzzi filled with hot whimsy.

I'd rank the DKC OSTs

DKC Returns and DKC3 GBA are tied

Oh, and unrelated, but isn't Donkey Konga's art style kinda nice?

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Smash Ace
Sep 6, 2014
Switch FC
that pic used to be my wallpaper for a while


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
That's surprising, Even though it's mainly downgraded or leftover Banjo-Kazooie music I've seen most people say that Donkey Kong 64 still has a solid soundtrack and I would agree since it is Grant Kirkhope after all.

Especially that DK Isle Overworld theme which is always the first song I think of when I think of DK 64 and always hits me with nostalgia.

Fun Fact: DK Isle theme was the overworld theme in Banjo-Kazooie beta before it got moved to DK 64.

Another fun fact: Fungi Forest from DK64 was originally suppose to be a level in Banjo-Kazooie and the music is still in the game's files and is almost identical to the DK64 version of the song:

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