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Dino's video thread


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Sorry but I have never heard of you in any tournaments or anything so why are you making a video thread just post your vids on the video thread.


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2008
El paso
Switch FC
Just look at it as a rate my yoshi thread then lilb

these matches are friendlies for the most part


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
*agrees with lilb93 =) there is a video thread already.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Honestly, that should apply to everyone, whether you're a known player or not. Simply being good doesn't give you extra posting priveleges. >_>

edit@lilB: *points at "report" button*

Big Red

Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2008
Just West of Chicago
I would say use your Shield less. I noticed you like to roll and then up-b after your shield comes down. Instead just run away and ETS to throw the egg.

Oh and try and use more pivot grabs as opposed to dash grabs.

Good Yoshi :D


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2008
El paso
Switch FC
I would say use your Shield less. I noticed you like to roll and then up-b after your shield comes down. Instead just run away and ETS to throw the egg.

Oh and try and use more pivot grabs as opposed to dash grabs.

Good Yoshi :D
Well atleast someone was nice enough to answer meh

thanks bro ill keep it in mind

though i dont pivot grab much because it something i didnt implement in my early yoshi days in brawl

now im used to not using it
but i do on some occasions


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
You gotta work on your yoshi.

-Try to combo more. Yoshi can make some sick combos, don't be afraid to get in there. Set him up with a back air and then just go with the flow. You can up tilt to up air. You can short hop sex kick to tech chase. You can back air, land behind your opponent jab jab to combo, or maybe even charge a smash attack and wait till your opponent lets go of their shield to punish. Seriously, let go of the eggs once in a while and do some damage. *Bairs are not the only setup, practically anything yoshi does can start a combo. Grabs, bair, nair, fair, dash attack jabs, tilts.

-Just be faster. Fast fall, keep moving. Even if your opponent is far, keep jumping to keep him guessing. jumping in place is awesome with yoshi. He can di away from attacks (yoshi has great air control) , he can dodge (very important for yoshi), he can space himself for an attack and best of all he can mindgame.

-Don't shield unless you really have to. His shield sucks, due to slow startup. You will most likely get hit trying to shield and you would not be able to counter. If your opponent tries to attack you, jump (you should always be jumping) , dodge and di away....but not too far away, you still have to punish him. When you do end up shielding an attack, you immediately get in a tough position since yoshi cannot do anything out of the shield. You get in a danger zone, no matter what you do next, you can still get punished. What you have to do is try to minimize the risk. Rolling away works, but the best thing to do is dodge and jab attack him before your opponent gets the time to get a move out.

-Don't ever shield grab/grab in place.

-Move when throwing eggs.

-Stop spamming down B and forward B. God it makes me want to rip my eyes out. Save your down b for the kill. Use it only when you spot dodge one of your opponents attack or when you see him running at you. You can also try a down grab to down B, but its very hard to land.

-Double jump nair is amazing for a free hit. More people should use it. its the safest thing you can do with yoshi. If your opponent shields it, you'll be in the air and he would not able to punish you. If you do end up getting hit, you most likely wont get knocked back thanks to your super armor. This is great for spawning kills, low risk high reward.

-Pivot grab more.

-Chase your opponent offstage. Yoshi is great at edge guarding. Be creative. Go under your opponent and up air him, double jump nair in place, forward air to spike him. So many options. He has great air control, if you can di properly you would be able to edge guard almost any character pretty easily.

-Recovering. If yoshi is still alive, he can pretty much come back from any situation. You should be able to di away from attacks directed at you. Dodge them if you have to. If your opponent chases you, try to spike him.... Don't just recover in a straight line and take every hit.


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2008
El paso
Switch FC
You gotta work on your yoshi.

-Try to combo more. Yoshi can make some sick combos, don't be afraid to get in there. Set him up with a back air and then just go with the flow. You can up tilt to up air. You can short hop sex kick to tech chase. You can back air, land behind your opponent jab jab to combo, or maybe even charge a smash attack and wait till your opponent lets go of their shield to punish. Seriously, let go of the eggs once in a while and do some damage. *Bairs are not the only setup, practically anything yoshi does can start a combo. Grabs, bair, nair, fair, dash attack jabs, tilts.

-Just be faster. Fast fall, keep moving. Even if your opponent is far, keep jumping to keep him guessing. jumping in place is awesome with yoshi. He can di away from attacks (yoshi has great air control) , he can dodge (very important for yoshi), he can space himself for an attack and best of all he can mindgame.

-Don't shield unless you really have to. His shield sucks, due to slow startup. You will most likely get hit trying to shield and you would not be able to counter. If your opponent tries to attack you, jump (you should always be jumping) , dodge and di away....but not too far away, you still have to punish him. When you do end up shielding an attack, you immediately get in a tough position since yoshi cannot do anything out of the shield. You get in a danger zone, no matter what you do next, you can still get punished. What you have to do is try to minimize the risk. Rolling away works, but the best thing to do is dodge and jab attack him before your opponent gets the time to get a move out.

-Don't ever shield grab/grab in place.

-Move when throwing eggs.

-Stop spamming down B and forward B. God it makes me want to rip my eyes out. Save your down b for the kill. Use it only when you spot dodge one of your opponents attack or when you see him running at you. You can also try a down grab to down B, but its very hard to land.

-Double jump nair is amazing for a free hit. More people should use it. its the safest thing you can do with yoshi. If your opponent shields it, you'll be in the air and he would not able to punish you. If you do end up getting hit, you most likely wont get knocked back thanks to your super armor. This is great for spawning kills, low risk high reward.

-Pivot grab more.

-Chase your opponent offstage. Yoshi is great at edge guarding. Be creative. Go under your opponent and up air him, double jump nair in place, forward air to spike him. So many options. He has great air control, if you can di properly you would be able to edge guard almost any character pretty easily.

-Recovering. If yoshi is still alive, he can pretty much come back from any situation. You should be able to di away from attacks directed at you. Dodge them if you have to. If your opponent chases you, try to spike him.... Don't just recover in a straight line and take every hit.
o well thanks

personally going inside against pit is not very easy
idk if you watched and i did try to
but Pits side smash does the work to get me out quicklly even if i spot dodge or jab
And i wasnt brawling no noobs
haven for example has beaten Renegade best ike
who beat ally

Im a defensive dino for the most part so being agressive is not my game much
unless im brawling offline where i do take risks

but thanks for the feedback XD
i'll look into what you said more to improve

keep it up guys


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
o well thanks

personally going inside against pit is not very easy
idk if you watched and i did try to
but Pits side smash does the work to get me out quicklly even if i spot dodge or jab
And i wasnt brawling no noobs
haven for example has beaten Renegade best ike
who beat ally

Im a defensive dino for the most part so being agressive is not my game much
unless im brawling offline where i do take risks

but thanks for the feedback XD
i'll look into what you said more to improve

keep it up guys
I think all yoshis have to be defensive, but they also need to know how to get some hits in. You have to avoid attacks and strike when you see an opening. When you do, you can get a decent amount of damage in. Rinse and repeat....stalll, run away, throw eggs, wait till they attack and miss... now your turn with a combo. I think that's the only way to play yoshi efficiently.

I haven't posted any videos of my yoshi yet, I'll try to get some as soon as posible.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
-Double jump nair is amazing for a free hit. More people should use it. its the safest thing you can do with yoshi. If your opponent shields it, you'll be in the air and he would not able to punish you. If you do end up getting hit, you most likely wont get knocked back thanks to your super armor. This is great for spawning kills, low risk high reward.
You don't keep heavy armor once you initiate an attack...at least that's what I heard.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
No, he definitely heard right. You lose the double jump HEAVY (it's not freaking super armor >_>) armor as soon as you initiate an attack.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2005
No, he definitely heard right. You lose the double jump HEAVY (it's not freaking super armor >_>) armor as soon as you initiate an attack.
if you get hit in the first few seconds of your double jump you will not get any knockback. try it. your opponent in on the ground, jump towards him, when you get close double jump nair...if you guys exchange hits, he will get knocked back, you will take his damage but you will be jumping instead.


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2008
El paso
Switch FC
You copying mofo...lol =P
XDXD maybeh

Still waiting on mah match bwett XP
I think all yoshis have to be defensive, but they also need to know how to get some hits in. You have to avoid attacks and strike when you see an opening. When you do, you can get a decent amount of damage in. Rinse and repeat....stalll, run away, throw eggs, wait till they attack and miss... now your turn with a combo. I think that's the only way to play yoshi efficiently.

I haven't posted any videos of my yoshi yet, I'll try to get some as soon as posible.
If ya brawl online maybe i can ditto you
possibly learn something


Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
if you get hit in the first few seconds of your double jump you will not get any knockback. try it. your opponent in on the ground, jump towards him, when you get close double jump nair...if you guys exchange hits, he will get knocked back, you will take his damage but you will be jumping instead.
I think you are mistaken here. You were probably hit during your double jump but before you pulled out your n-air, resulting in Yoshi taking damage and still jumping.


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2008
El paso
Switch FC
Yeah yeah i think we agree you lose heavy armor when you attack

i added 2 matches against Thee(DDD)

and 1 against kaze(snake)

dont tell me how bad i did against thee in first match
i had a bad day all around that day against everyone
match 2 i was more calmed and focused

against kaze ill have more matches up shortly

plz do comment on them


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
When you play against snake, you need to pay more attention to what he placed on the stage. You carelessly landed on mines when you should've known that that section of the stage is cut off until you blow it up. Also, don't pivot grab for no reason. Doing it early will get you punished (which is what I saw when you did it the first time). I know there's lag, but you don't have to try to guess opponents from that far ahead. One last thing, that snake is recovering FAR too close to the stage. Just grab him (don't chew), and release him to kill. You missed at least 2 chances to get that. Oh, also use spotdodge -> DownB more.


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2008
El paso
Switch FC
When you play against snake, you need to pay more attention to what he placed on the stage. You carelessly landed on mines when you should've known that that section of the stage is cut off until you blow it up. Also, don't pivot grab for no reason. Doing it early will get you punished (which is what I saw when you did it the first time). I know there's lag, but you don't have to try to guess opponents from that far ahead. One last thing, that snake is recovering FAR too close to the stage. Just grab him (don't chew), and release him to kill. You missed at least 2 chances to get that. Oh, also use spotdodge -> DownB more.
Thanks for the feedback
i understand exactly what you said :)

that is what i want people
not that hard XP


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2008
El paso
Switch FC
Double post FTW!!

yeah i added 2 more matches against kaze

1 more against his diabolical snake in battlefield
and 1 against his Marfffffffff

need feedback dino users


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2008
El paso
Switch FC

triple post *sigh*

i updated with some matches against spoon
a samus user

pllz watch and comment :(
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