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Diddy kong mirrors


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
I think diddy kong mirrors has to be one of the worst kind of matches in this game. When four bananas get out, its just chaos...

What im worried about is if I ever get this matchup in a tournament, anybody ever experience that? Honestly I think even if your a little better than than the other player it can become such a slip fest that you can still lose the match.

Alls you can really do is concentrate on nothing but the bananas, especially when four get out, then it becomes a dash attack spam fast to try to pick them all up :dizzy:

anyone else hate diddy mirrors?


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
ugh, I know how you feel man. lol.
I've never had a diddy mirror match in any TOURNAMENTS, but casually I have a few times.
and you're right, it quickly turns into a fight for control of the platform.
and how does diddy gain this control most effectively? BANANAS.

it IS annoying, but in truth, the match up is usually pretty rare, considering there are many other more popular characters that are often chosen for battle.

my advise is simple: fight your best and give it your all in this matchup..when you're both the same character, skill is the only advantage you will have.


Smash Rookie
Jul 28, 2008
i think he's right, but in my opinion the vast majority of diddy kong players do suck. at least from what i've seen on youtube. which makes me believe the players that are good with diddy kong are elitists which is a completely different matter. i would say intimidate them with an elitist attitude and keep track of bananas. (lol just kidding on the acting like an *** part...no one wants that.)


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Blacksburg, VA
I had a Diddy mirror last week in a tourney match. The match simplifies to who can infinite combo with them better rather than who is the better player. And before someone says it, the person who is better with bananas is definitely not always the better Diddy player...

Oh, and it was completely awful.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
ugh, I know how you feel man. lol.

it IS annoying, but in truth, the match up is usually pretty rare, considering there are many other more popular characters that are often chosen for battle.

Im starting to worry though, it seems more and more players are picking up diddy because of them seeing other good players using him and seeing his potential. I guess the mirror is guaranteed to happen if you play long enough, I think i'll have to learn falco just in case lol/


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
I played Diddypro on AiB. I think he 2 stocked me on FD. then I 2 stocked him on FD. then...he...i can't say...he MK'd me on Rainbow Cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006

well i havent played a diddy ditto ever but here are some thoughts if i ever went against another one:

3) If he uses bananas, you get barrels and peanuts, dont use your bananas yet....
2) Watch his Glide tosses, a good diddy will never avoid NOT doing it...

And the number one in MY list...

1) Catch His bananas...he wont have any more bananas....


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2008
ive never done this but when i read that i just came up with a solution. jump alot and nair or fair. then take controle of all FOUR


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
I did a couple diddy dittos at the Houston tourney. All I can say is, don't dash at all its going to lead to chaos. Just play slow


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I played Diddy dittos last night against pb&j for like 30 mins. It gets easier the more you do it. Don't try to go all out unless you have bananas spaced enough.


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Im starting to worry though, it seems more and more players are picking up diddy because of them seeing other good players using him and seeing his potential. I guess the mirror is guaranteed to happen if you play long enough, I think i'll have to learn falco just in case lol/
yeahh, I can kinda feel it happening too.. lol. O_o

but I guess that COULD be considered a good thing in a way, because if everyone uses him and gets more skilled with him, then it'll eventually get his metagame up and launch him up through the tier list. xDD

but yes. Falco is definitely the guy to turn to in a time of crisis. Atleast against a bunch of noob diddys. xD


Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Berkeley, CA
i have never had a mirror since none of my friends play diddy (not even on the side)...i imagine it to be awful. maybe i'll get to see at BIO this weekend

Advent Lee

Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Sunshine State
Helpful ??

I have Ditto Mirrored and it is the easiest match up for a Diddy player (assuming ur better of course lolz) but yea, I always say that the best match up for any character is just a better player using the same character...

As far as the actual match up goes, to tell you the truth I am too lazy to type it out bu ti will give some tips-

1. Do Not Use Your Own Bananas:
Unless you know you have good control and placement of them then there is a chance that your opponent will take yours and might **** you with them. Dont worry though you have many options without bananas in a mirror match. However a good time to use your own bananas are when you already have control of your opponents bananas, thats when the banana **** begins lolz.

2. Short Hop air-doge or Barrel Charge against banana happy players:
Most Diddy players base about 80% of their gameplay on their bananas so you in return need a way to disable them. SH air dodge against an opponent that loves to throw bananas at you so you can catch their banana and gain control of it. Remember, once you take away the average Diddy's bananas it will cripple their gameplay. And as a side note, if you miss catching the banana with the air dodge the worst that can happen is that you will take less than 5% from the toss, but you will not slip because you cant slip if your in the air.

3. Edge Guard and Gimp:
Again the average Diddy usually pulls out bananas and tries to set them up when they have an opponent off the stage instead of edge guarding. You want to do the complete opposite. Remember, Diddy's Recovery is easily gimped, especially if you have a projectile............ like the peanut gun. All you have to do is hit Diddy once and that will usually destroy their recovery, but you as a Diddy player probly already know that.

I hope that was useful, sorry about the quickness of it but I'm just a lazy bum lolz. In short, work on controlling your opponents bananas more than setting up your own, edge guard/gimp, and the best advice of all quoted from me "Be a better player."



Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2008
Omg guys I have an idea, 2 teams of 2 Diddy's! He he I can see how this would be annoying thanks for the tips advent.


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Blacksburg, VA
3. Edge Guard and Gimp:
Again the average Diddy usually pulls out bananas and tries to set them up when they have an opponent off the stage instead of edge guarding. You want to do the complete opposite. Remember, Diddy's Recovery is easily gimped, especially if you have a projectile............ like the peanut gun. All you have to do is hit Diddy once and that will usually destroy their recovery, but you as a Diddy player probly already know that.

Diddy's recovery is definitely not easily gimped...especially with the peanut gun. Maybe a banana peel... when they are upb-ing.

But I do agree with you about not using your bananas- definitely use theirs. If you do this, it basically comes down to them losing the time they use to pull bananas out, and you getting their bananas.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY
I find myself only pulling out one banana in Diddy dittos, and pretty rarely actually.

Too many bananas just makes the match way too complicated. If my opponent pulls out two, chances are I won't even pull one out, I'll just try to get my hands on one of theirs. Catching is really quite easy.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
I have Ditto Mirrored and it is the easiest match up for a Diddy player (assuming ur better of course lolz) but yea, I always say that the best match up for any character is just a better player using the same character...
I know what your getting at, if theres two players with the same character the better player will always win. Its true but it doesnt make it "the easiest matchup" I would much rather verse a captain falcon than a diddy, even if the diddy is worse than me.

Diddy mirrors are just plain different than other mirrors because of 4 bannana chaos. You can decide to not pull out your bananas but that just in my opinion puts the other player at an advantage if your letting them pull them out and you are not. That means they are controlling how you play, never a good thing.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
mostly what i think would mess up an easy win for a good player would be diddy's recovery, seeing as theres not much you can do vs it...its too good, not that predictable...so id rather go for that kill instead of making him mess up, ill just gather loads of damage and play it paitently...:O...

for banana play, id wait for the glide toss and catch the banana, cause i know the timing for it...or wait till he leaves one around, hes gotta mess up at some point, diddy's dont just wait, they gotta be pressuring and be all crazy till the other one freaks out and falls into a banana combo...

so recovery is the only problem i would see really big in this situation :O...

Advent Lee

Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Sunshine State
Omg guys I have an idea, 2 teams of 2 Diddy's! He he I can see how this would be annoying thanks for the tips advent.
Any time, always here to help out the fellow chimp players :)

Diddy's recovery is definitely not easily gimped...especially with the peanut gun. Maybe a banana peel... when they are upb-ing.

But I do agree with you about not using your bananas- definitely use theirs. If you do this, it basically comes down to them losing the time they use to pull bananas out, and you getting their bananas.
Diddy's recovery is EASILY gimped with all his projectiles and ariels, trust me on that. Now I know he has a lot of recovery options and can mix it up but at the end of the day all it takes is one touch off the stage to knock him off balance. (Especially if they dont know about the UP-B moment boost glitch thingy) It just takes you knowing how they will recover. Like Chops always says, the key to edge guarding is predicting their jumps. Then again I do play a really fast and gimpy Diddy.

I know what your getting at, if theres two players with the same character the better player will always win. Its true but it doesnt make it "the easiest matchup" I would much rather verse a captain falcon than a diddy, even if the diddy is worse than me.

Diddy mirrors are just plain different than other mirrors because of 4 bannana chaos. You can decide to not pull out your bananas but that just in my opinion puts the other player at an advantage if your letting them pull them out and you are not. That means they are controlling how you play, never a good thing.

True, but at the same time I would rather play a Diddy player that I know im better than, rather than a Captain that could be good, or better than me. But again, maybe thats just me...

-Chimp User 102


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
Assuming that the player is equally good with captain falcon and diddy captain falcon will be the easier matchup. thats what im saying.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Benton Harbor, MI
Don't take out your bananas first. Wait for your opponent to take out their bananas and take theirs. That's usually how I win mirrors.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
This ditto is completely about finding the right time to put our your nanerz and having the best naner control. Alphazealot would probably win them all.
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