first time i've really looked in this topic, i jumped right to the last page. me personally, in the first DKC i loved using Diddy way more than Donkey. he was faster, did a cartwheel, jumped higher, easily accessed more hidden areas...he was just overall better IMO. behind Little Mac, Diddy is the character I most wanna see in smash brawl. i'm sorry if anybody suggested this because like i said, i came straight to the last page, but IF IF IF they put Dixie in the game, i'd say have her team with Diddy ala Ice Climbers. except they each have kinda their own moves. ie. Ice Climbers meet Zelda/Sheik. IMO, Dixie isnt good/cool enough to appear as her own character, so throw her in with Diddy if she's GOTTA be in it.